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Created October 6, 2012 17:39
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import Data.Set(Set, fromDistinctAscList, member)
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Tree
oneStep :: String -> [String]
oneStep = filter isValidWord . generateCandidates
generateCandidates :: String -> [String]
generateCandidates [] = []
generateCandidates (c:cs) = [ x : cs | x <- ['a'..'z'], x /= c ]
++ [ c : xs | xs <- generateCandidates cs ]
loadDictionary :: FilePath -> Set String
loadDictionary = fromDistinctAscList . lines . unsafePerformIO . readFile
dict :: Set String
dict = loadDictionary "wordlist.txt"
isValidWord :: String -> Bool
isValidWord w = member w dict
stateTree :: (s -> [s]) -> s -> Tree s
stateTree childrenOf state =
Node state [ stateTree childrenOf s | s <- childrenOf state ]
prune :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
prune d (Node x cs)
| d <= 0 = Node x []
| otherwise = Node x [ prune (d - 1) c | c <- cs ]
bft :: Tree a -> [a]
bft t = bft' [t]
bft' :: [Tree a] -> [a]
bft' trees = [ x | Node x _ <- trees ] ++ bft' (concatMap subForest trees)
breadthFirstSearch :: (s -> Bool) -> (s -> [s]) -> s -> [s]
breadthFirstSearch p getChildren = filter p . bft . stateTree getChildren
type Path = [String]
goalPath :: String -> Path -> Bool
goalPath target ws = target == head ws
childPaths :: Path -> [Path]
childPaths [] = [[]]
childPaths (w:ws) = [ s : w : ws | s <- oneStep w, s `notElem` ws ]
initPath :: String -> Path
initPath w = [w]
wordChainPath :: String -> String -> [Path]
wordChainPath a b = breadthFirstSearch (goalPath b) childPaths (initPath a)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
when (length args /= 2) $ do
putStrLn "Syntax: wordchain from to"
print . reverse . head $ wordChainPath (head args) (args !! 1)
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