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Created May 19, 2013 08:50
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import scala.language.implicitConversions
case class State[S,R](f: S => (R,S)) {
def apply(s: S): (R,S) = f(s)
def calculate(s: S): R = f(s)._1
def perform(s: S): S = f(s)._2
def map[Q](g: R => Q): State[S,Q] = State(s => {
val (res,_) = f(s)
def flatMap[Q](g: R => State[S,Q]): State[S,Q] = State(s => {
val (res,state): (R,S) = f(s)
object State {
def pure[S,R](x: R): State[S,R] = State(s => (x,s))
def gets[S,R](f: S => R): State[S,R] = State(s => (f(s),s))
def get[S]: State[S,S] = gets(identity)
def modify[S](f: S => S): State[S,Unit] = State(s => ((),f(s)))
def put[S](x: S): State[S,Unit] = modify(_ => x)
def sequence[S,R](ss: List[State[S,R]]): State[S,List[R]] = State(s => {
val accu: (List[R], S) = (Nil,s)
ss.foldLeft(accu) { case ((results,accuState),stateM) => {
val (res,state): (R,S) = stateM(accuState)
(results :+ res, state)
implicit def function2State[S,R](f: S => (R,S)): State[S,R] = State(f)
implicit def state2Function[S,R](state: State[S,R]): S => (R,S) = state.f
type Stack = List[Int]
def push(i: Int): State[Stack,Unit] = State(s => {
((),i :: s)
def pop: State[Stack,Int] = State(s => {
def manipulate: State[Stack,Int] = for {
_ <- push(5)
_ <- push(6)
v <- pop
} yield v
def pop3: State[Stack,List[Int]] = State.sequence(List(pop,pop,pop))
println(s"Result is: ${pop3.calculate((1 to 20).toList)}")
def push3: State[Stack,List[Unit]] = State.sequence(List(push(3),push(3),push(3)))
println(s"State is: ${push3.perform(List())}")
println(State.pure(5).map(_ * 2)(()))
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