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Last active May 28, 2020 16:28
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Just basic commands I often forget
[[ -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa ]] && echo exists #Test if a file exists
[[ -d ~/.ssh ]] && echo exists #Test if a directory exists
[[ $@ == *"--arg1"* ]] && echo exists #Test if text is present in string
git log --cherry -p HEAD...SOURCE #See how merge will be done
git reset 55b0788 #Move/reset HEAD to that commit
rm -rf src && git checkout 55b0788 #Git revert like
ls -lah #List files with size in MB
du -hcs directory_here #Show directory size in MB
cat *.txt > concatenatedFile.txt #Concatenate
wget -c #Download with continue
ln -sf /from /to #Creates a symlink
any_program 2> error.log #Redirect errors
sleep 10 & echo $! #Echo background PID
echo $? #Echo last exit code
mkfifo /tmp/named_pipe && <command> < <(tail -f /tmp/named_pipe) #Creates a tunnel wich allow us to send inputs to a command
echo "Tell your name" && read nameVar #Allow user to input things into variable
mkfs.exfat /dev/sdX1 #Make sure you have run sudo apt-get install exfat-utils exfat-fuse
cat << EOF > ./file #Compile text then write
My directory is `pwd`
cat << 'EOF' > ./README #Write text as is
echo `pwd`
grep -n "foo" bigFile.log #Search for the word 'foo'
grep -m1 -n "foo" bigFile.log #Stops in the first match (good for streams)
echo "column1 column2" | awk '{ print $2 }' #Print second column
echo '123456' | sed 's/123//g' #Will print 456
perl -0777 -i -pe 's/123456/123/g' filename #Easy file replace (note: could also be 's~123456~123~g')
tail -f file.log #Print file to the console as it gets bigger
tail -n 160 file.log #Print last 20 lines of a file
unzip "*.zip" #Uncompress all .zip files
tar -zxvf files.* #Uncompress tar files
tar -zcvf result.tar file1 file2 file* #Compress file1, file2, file... into result.tar
zip -r directory #Zip directory into
htop #Show cpu usage
fuser -k 8080/tcp #Kill process running on port 8080
lsof -ti tcp:8080 | xargs kill > /dev/null #Kill process running on port 8080 (Works on MAC)
lsof -i :<port> #Is port open
lsof -Pn -i4 | grep LISTEN #Show open ports, -i4 means only show ipv4 address and ports -P and -n fast output
nmap #Show external host ports
lsblk -f #Show info about partitions
while ! nc -z HOST 5432; do echo 'Waiting connection' && sleep 1; done; #Keep testing until port is available
sudo ln -sf /absolute/file /usr/bin/file #Creates a symlink
sudo docker kill $(sudo docker ps -q) #Kill all docker containers
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q) #Delete all stopped containers
sudo docker rmi $(sudo docker images -q) #Remove all images
docker stats $(docker ps --format={{.Names}}) #Show resource usage by container name
cd `docker volume inspect --format "{{.Mountpoint}}" volumeName` #CD into directory data
for name in $(sudo docker ps --format={{.Names}}); do echo "`docker inspect $name | grep Type` $name"; done
ssh root@remote_host #SSH login remote host
ssh -NL 5601:localhost:5601 root@remote_host #SSH tunneling - This command let you connect to remote ports through ssh
ssh -NR 8080:localhost:8080 root@remote_host #SSH tunneling - Tunnel MY port TO remote host
scp -r local_path root@destination_host:destination_folder #Copy files [localhost -> remotehost]
scp -r root@remote_host:remote_path local_destination #Copy files [localhost -> remotehost]
ssh-copy-id root@remote_host #Adds your id on remote host
mount --bind /media/drive_example /to/any/path #Binds a media drive to anywhere on file system
pulseaudio -k #Kills pulseaudio
cat /etc/*-release #Discover linux distribution
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