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Last active June 29, 2019 00:54
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Show file listing as tree

Show file listing as tree structure

This is a very small and simple bash script to show a file listing as a tree structure:

$ tree /etc/apache2
+- extra
|  +- httpd-autoindex.conf
|  +- httpd-dav.conf
|  +- httpd-default.conf
|  +- httpd-info.conf
|  +- httpd-languages.conf
|  +- httpd-manual.conf
|  +- httpd-mpm.conf
|  +- httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf
|  +- httpd-ssl.conf
|  +- httpd-userdir.conf
|  +- httpd-vhosts.conf
+- httpd.conf
+- magic
+- mime.types
+- original
|  +- extra
|  |  +- httpd-autoindex.conf
|  |  +- httpd-dav.conf
|  |  +- httpd-default.conf
|  |  +- httpd-info.conf
|  |  +- httpd-languages.conf
|  |  +- httpd-manual.conf
|  |  +- httpd-mpm.conf
|  |  +- httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf
|  |  +- httpd-ssl.conf
|  |  +- httpd-userdir.conf
|  |  +- httpd-vhosts.conf
|  +- httpd.conf
+- other
|  +- php5.conf
+- users

Sometimes a tree just gives better overview than a simple find . -type f.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Show files in a tree structure
# @param 1 - root directory
# @param 2 - level
tree() {
local F N=0 L='|' D=${1:-.}
for F in "$D"/*
[ -r "$F" ] && (( ++N ))
for F in "$D"/*
[ -r "$F" ] || continue
(( --N == 0 )) && L=' '
echo "${2}+- ${F##*/}"
[ -d "$F" ] && tree "$F" "$2$L "
return 0
if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]
tree "$@"
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