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Created July 13, 2011 15:35
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Save markusl/1080544 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fast F# API for IpToCountry.csv - Class for mapping IP addresses to countries in FSharp using GPL'd CSV database from
module IpToCountry
open System
open System.IO
type CountryCode = { code : string }
type IpAddressMapping = { cc : CountryCode; startAddress : uint32; }
/// Class to store the IP-addresses in 255 different buckets
/// countryIpList = The list of IP address mappings to store in this intance
type IpAddressStore(countryIpList) =
let mutable arr = Array.create<IpAddressMapping list> 256 []
do // Build the list in the constructor
for item in countryIpList do
let index = (int)(item.startAddress >>> (3*8))
let prevList = arr.[index]
arr.[index] <- (item :: prevList);
/// Check if the given IP address mapping matches the given integral ip
let entryContainsTheIp integerIp ipMapping =
ipMapping.startAddress <= integerIp
/// Find the IP address mapping for the given integral ip or raise IndexOutOfRangeException
member this.FindMapping(integerIp) =
let index = (int)(integerIp >>> (3*8))
let rec tryFindWithCurrentIndex index =
match arr.[index] |> List.tryFind (entryContainsTheIp integerIp) with
| Some(mapping) -> mapping
| None -> tryFindWithCurrentIndex (index-1)
tryFindWithCurrentIndex index
/// Construct new class for mapping ip addresses to countries using
/// database from
type IpToCountry(?fileName) =
let fileName = defaultArg fileName "IpToCountry.csv"
// Read all non-comment lines
let ipToCountryLines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName) |> Seq.filter (fun line -> not(line.StartsWith("#")))
// File format:
// "1464729600","1464860671","ripencc","1117497600","DE","DEU","Germany"
let parseSingleLine (line : string) =
let lineSplit = line.Replace("\"", "").Split(',')
let ipStart = Convert.ToUInt32(lineSplit.[0])
let ipEnd = Convert.ToUInt32(lineSplit.[1])
{ cc = { code = lineSplit.[6] }; startAddress = ipStart }
// map to format useful for further processing
let countryIpList = ipToCountryLines |> parseSingleLine
let store = IpAddressStore(countryIpList)
/// Convert a human-readable ipv4 address to integer
let ipToInteger (ip : string) =
let ipParts = ip.Split('.') |> (fun byte -> Byte.Parse(byte))
let ipNumbers = ipParts |> Array.mapi (fun i part -> ((uint32)part <<< ((3-i)*8)))
ipNumbers |> Array.sum
/// Map an ipv4 address to country or throw KeyNotFoundException or
/// IndexOutOfRangeException in case of an error
member this.getCountry (ip) =
let integerIp = ipToInteger ip
// Example of processing large amount of data using parallel LINQ queries
open System
open System.Linq
open System.IO
open IpToCountry
let measureFunc f s =
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let count = (f |> List.ofSeq).Length
printfn "%s completed for %d items in %fs" s count sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
let ips = File.ReadAllLines(@"ip_addresses.txt") |> Seq.take 10000 |> Array.ofSeq
let ipToCountryFast =
let ipToCountry = IpToCountry()
ips.AsParallel().Select(fun f -> (ipToCountry.getCountry f))
let ipToCountrySlow =
let ipToCountry = IpToCountrySlow()
ips.AsParallel().Select(fun f -> (ipToCountry.getCountry f))
measureFunc ipToCountryFast "IpToCountryFast"
measureFunc ipToCountrySlow "IpToCountrySlow"
// IpToCountryFast completed for 10000 items in 0.124317s
// IpToCountrySlow completed for 10000 items in 51.995045s
open System
open IpToCountry
// Basic example usage
let testIps = [""; ""; ""; ""; ""; ""]
let ipToCountry = IpToCountrySlow()
testIps |> ipToCountry.getCountry |> List.iter (printfn "%s")
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markusl commented Jul 13, 2011

IpToCountrySlow can be found at

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