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Created October 23, 2018 20:46
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This is a simple python script to measure network interface traffic in bytes per second.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import click
import psutil
import pickle
import datetime
import os.path
CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])
TEMP_FILE_PATH = "/tmp/network_traffic_last_state"
BYTES_IN_MEGABYTE = 1000 * 1000
BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE = 1000 * 1000 * 1000
def _round(bytes_per_sec: float):
Rounds a given value to be as short as possible
import math
decimal_places = 1
unit = " B/s"
unit_factor = 1
if bytes_per_sec >= BYTES_IN_KILOBYTE / 10:
decimal_places = 1
unit_factor = 1 / BYTES_IN_KILOBYTE
unit = "KB/s"
if bytes_per_sec >= BYTES_IN_MEGABYTE:
decimal_places = 1
unit_factor = 1 / BYTES_IN_MEGABYTE
unit = "MB/s"
if bytes_per_sec >= BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE:
decimal_places = 1
unit_factor = 1 / BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE
unit = "GB/s"
# round values appropriately
if decimal_places > 0:
rounding_factor = (10 * decimal_places)
rounding_factor = 1
bytes_per_sec = bytes_per_sec * rounding_factor
bytes_per_sec = math.floor(bytes_per_sec)
bytes_per_sec = bytes_per_sec / rounding_factor
value = bytes_per_sec * unit_factor
if value >= 100:
prefix = ""
elif 10 <= value < 100:
prefix = " "
prefix = " "
return ("%s{0:.%sf}%s" % (prefix, decimal_places, unit)).format(value)
def _get_stats(last_state: dict, current_state: dict, interface: str or None, field: str):
Compares two states and calculates the bytes/sec rate for a given interface and statistics field.
:param last_state: the last network statistics state
:param current_state: the current network statistics state
:param interface: the interface to measure, if left empty all existing interfaces will be combined
:param field: the field to measured, f.ex. "bytes_recv"
value_diff = 0
if interface is None:
for interface, stats in last_state.items():
if interface == "timestamp":
# ignore our own artificial timestamp interface
if interface not in current_state:
# ignore this interface
# as we don't have any data to compate it with
if field not in stats._fields:
# ignore this interface as it doesn't have the field
# we are looking for
# sum up all diffs for the specified field
value_diff += getattr(current_state[interface], field) - getattr(stats, field)
value_diff = getattr(current_state[interface], field) - getattr(last_state[interface], field)
time_diff = current_state["timestamp"] - last_state["timestamp"]
time_diff_in_seconds = time_diff.total_seconds()
# normalize to bytes/second
value_per_seconds = value_diff / time_diff_in_seconds
return value_per_seconds
def _state_contains_interface(state: dict, interface: str):
return interface in state.keys()
def _state_contains_field(state: dict, field: str, interface: str or None = None) -> bool:
for current_interface, stats in state.items():
if current_interface == "timestamp":
if interface is not None and current_interface != interface:
if field in stats._fields:
return True
return False
def _replace_placeholders(last_state: dict, current_state: dict, interface: str or None, string_with_placeholders: str) -> str:
import re
# prepare result
result = string_with_placeholders
# find out what placeholders need to be replaced
placeholders_to_replace = re.findall("%[\\w]+%", string_with_placeholders)
for p in placeholders_to_replace:
# strip away percentage symbols
field_name = p[1:-1]
if not _state_contains_field(last_state, field_name, interface) or not _state_contains_field(current_state, field_name, interface):
# the specified value could not be found in the
# statistics data, so we just ignore it
replacement_value = _get_stats(last_state, current_state, interface, field_name)
replacement_value = _round(replacement_value)
result = result.replace(p, str(replacement_value))
return result
@click.option('-f', '--format', required=False, type=str, default="Up: %bytes_sent% Down: %bytes_recv%", help='The output format of the result including placeholders.')
@click.option('-i', '--interface', required=False, type=str, help='The interface to query.')
def network_traffic(format: str, interface: str):
Outputs the current network traffic rate for a specific network interface (or all if None is specified)
# retrieve last value from some kinda persistent place (memory?)
last_state = None
if os.path.exists(TEMP_FILE_PATH) and os.path.isfile(TEMP_FILE_PATH):
with open(TEMP_FILE_PATH, "rb") as file:
last_state = pickle.load(file)
# get current value
current_state = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
# add a timestamp to the measured values
current_state["timestamp"] =
# if there was is a previous value, calculate difference for result
if last_state is not None:
if interface is not None and not _state_contains_interface(current_state, interface):
click.secho("Interface '%s' not found" % interface, err=True, fg='red')
result = _replace_placeholders(last_state, current_state, interface, format)
click.echo("%s" % (result))
click.echo("Waiting for data...")
# save it for later use
with open(TEMP_FILE_PATH, "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(current_state, file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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To use this in Polybar write something like:

type = custom/script
exec = python3 ~/.config/polybar/scripts/ -f "%bytes_sent% %bytes_recv%"
interval = 2
format-underline = ${colors/material.red_a700}

Note that there are some variables in there that are not defined by default (like colors/material.red_a700)

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