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Created February 11, 2012 15:32
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Branch and Bound Knapsack Solution
// Branch and bound knapsack problem
import collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
/** This class represents a thing we can put in the napsack.
class Thing(wIn:Int, vIn:Int) extends Ordered[Thing] {
val w = wIn
val v = vIn
def v_w = v / w
override def toString = "w=%d, v=%d, v/w=%d".format(w, v, v_w)
override def compare(that:Thing) = {
v_w compare that.v_w
/** This is a node in the state-space tree
class Node(wIn:Int, vIn:Int, ubIn:Int, levelIn:Int) extends Ordered[Node] {
val w = wIn
val v = vIn
val ub = ubIn
val level = levelIn
var left:Node = null
var right:Node = null
var use = false
override def compare(that:Node) = {
ub compare that.ub
override def toString = {
w, v, ub, level,
use match {
case true => "true"
case false => "false"
/** This class finds the optimal solution to the given napsack
* problem using branch and bound.
* items: the array of things that we can put in the napsack.
* size: the size of the knapsack.
class Knapsack(itemsIn:Array[Thing], size:Int) {
// Sort all the lists by v/w and put everything into a new object.
val items = itemsIn.sorted.reverse
/** This function gives the upper bound on an item, i
def upperBound(w:Int, v:Int, v_w:Int) = {
//println("%d + (%d - %d)(%d)".format(v, size, w, items(i).v_w))
v + ((size - w) * v_w)
/** Finds the optimal items to put in the knapsack. Returns
* a list of the indeces of the items to use in the list.
def findOptimal:List[Int] = {
var result:List[Int] = Nil
// the main part - build the state-space tree
var foundOptimal = false;
// A priority queue to keep track of the leaves so we know which node
// to work on next
var leaves = new PriorityQueue[Node]
val root = new Node(0, 0, upperBound(0, 0, 0), 0)
leaves += root
while (!foundOptimal) {
// Find out which parent node to work from
val parent = leaves.dequeue
val level = parent.level
// Find the v_w value
val v_w = if (level + 1 < items.length) {
items(level + 1).v_w
} else 0
// If we're using this node then add it to the result
if (parent.use) {
result ::= level - 1
// Terminating case
if (level + 1 > items.length) {
foundOptimal = true
// Otherwise find the children nodes.
} else {
// Add the left node
val l_w = parent.w + items(level).w
// If this node is feasable and we haven't yet reached the
// end of the nodes
if (l_w <= size && !foundOptimal) {
val l_v = parent.v + items(level).v
val l_ub = upperBound(l_w, l_v, v_w)
parent.left = new Node(l_w, l_v, l_ub, level + 1)
parent.left.use = true
leaves += parent.left
// Add the right node
val r_w = parent.w
// If this node is feasable
if (r_w <= size) {
val r_v = parent.v
val r_ub = upperBound(r_w, r_v, v_w)
parent.right = new Node(r_w, r_v, r_ub, level + 1)
leaves += parent.right
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
// This is the sample problem defined in the Levitin book.
val things = Array(
new Thing(7, 42),
new Thing(5, 25),
new Thing(3, 12)
//new Thing(4, 40)
val k = new Knapsack(things, 10)
val optimal = k.findOptimal
// val things = Array(
// new Thing(2, 40),
// new Thing(1, 1)
// )
// val k = new Knapsack(things, 4)
// val optimal = k.findOptimal
optimal.foreach(x =>
println("Take item: " + things(x)).toString
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I love Scala so much...

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@markwatson glad that you like Scala but algorithm works wrong. Fails on the following use case:

    val things = Array(
      new Thing(7, 42),
      new Thing(5, 1),
      new Thing(3, 12),
      new Thing(3, 12)
    val k = new Knapsack(things, 10)

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