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Created June 7, 2013 17:02
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Save markwu/5730741 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Created by: Mr McManDude
* Date: 2/22/13
* Class GCrypt
class GCrypt
* @var string Algorithm used to hash the key.
private static $keyHashAlgorithm = 'SHA256';
* @var string Algorithm used to generate the Checksum.
private static $checksumHashAlgorithm = 'MD5';
* @var string The prefix to the salt.
private static $saltPrefix = 'GB';
* @var string The key to encrypt with.
private $key;
* @var string The algorithm used.
private $algorithm;
* @var string The mode used.
private $mode;
* @var int Size of the IV based on the algorithm.
private $ivSize;
* @var int Size of the IV once it has been base64 encoded.
private $base64_ivSize;
* @var int Size of the salt.
private $saltSize;
* @var int Size of the salt once it has been base64 encoded.
private $base64_saltSize;
* @var int Size of the checksum.
private $checksumSize;
* @var int Size of the checksum once it has been base64 encoded.
private $base64_checksumSize;
* @param string $key
* @param string $algorithm
* @param string $mode
public function __construct($key, $algorithm = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC)
$tempSalt = $this->generateSalt(); //Used for size calculations.
$tempChecksum = $this->getChecksum(' '); //Used for size calculations.
$this->key = $key;
$this->algorithm = $algorithm;
$this->mode = $mode;
//This is a dumb way of getting lengths, but i can't figure out how else to reliably calculate it...
$this->saltSize = strlen($tempSalt);
$this->base64_saltSize = strlen(base64_encode($tempSalt));
$this->checksumSize = strlen($tempChecksum);
$this->base64_checksumSize = strlen(base64_encode($tempChecksum));
$this->ivSize = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->algorithm, $this->mode);
$this->base64_ivSize = strlen(base64_encode($this->generateIV()));
* Securely encrypts the data, all that needs to be saved is the returned string.
* @param string $data
* @return string
* @throws Exception 1: No data was provided.
public function encrypt($data)
throw new Exception("There is no data set!", 1);
$data = trim($data); //Trim all whitespaces off it.
$salt = $this->generateSalt();
$key = $this->getKey($salt);
$iv = $this->generateIV();
$checksum = $this->getChecksum($data);
$decrypted = $data . $checksum;
$encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt($this->algorithm, $key, $decrypted, $this->mode, $iv);
$iv_base64 = rtrim(base64_encode($iv));
$encrypted_base64 = base64_encode($encrypted);
$salt_base64 = rtrim(base64_encode($salt));
return $iv_base64 . $encrypted_base64 . $salt_base64;
* Securely decrypts the data, will throw an exception if the data does not pass the corruption check.
* @param string $data
* @return string
* @throws Exception 1: No data was provided. 2: Data was corrupt (hash did not match output)
public function decrypt($data)
throw new Exception("There is no data set!", 1);
$data = trim($data); //Trim all whitespaces off it.
list($iv, $encrypted, $salt) = $this->splitEncrypted($data);
$key = $this->getKey($salt);
$data = rtrim(@mcrypt_decrypt($this->algorithm, $key, $encrypted, $this->mode, $iv), "\0\4");
list($decrypted, $hash) = $this->splitHash($data);
$newHash = $this->getChecksum($decrypted);
if($newHash != $hash)
throw new Exception('Data is corrupt!', 2);
return $decrypted;
* Returns the key used in encryption/decryption by combining the $salt and $this->key with $keyHashAlgorithm
* @param string $salt
* @return string
private function getKey($salt)
return hash(self::$keyHashAlgorithm, $this->key . $salt, TRUE);
* Generates an IV used in encryption/decryption.
* @return string
private function generateIV()
return mcrypt_create_iv($this->ivSize, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
* Generates the salt for encryption/decryption.
* @return string
private function generateSalt()
return uniqid(self::$saltPrefix, TRUE);
* Gets the checksum created with $checksumHashAlgorithm when provided with $data.
* @param string $data
* @return string
private function getChecksum($data)
return hash(self::$checksumHashAlgorithm, $data, TRUE);
* Splits the encrypted string ($data) into $IV $Encrypted and $Salt.
* @param string $data
* @return string[]
private function splitEncrypted($data)
$iv_base64 = substr($data, 0, $this->base64_ivSize);
$encrypted_base64 = substr($data, $this->base64_ivSize, -($this->base64_saltSize));
$salt_base64 = substr($data, -($this->base64_saltSize));
$iv = base64_decode($iv_base64);
$encrypted = base64_decode($encrypted_base64);
$salt = base64_decode($salt_base64);
return array($iv, $encrypted, $salt);
* Splits the decrypted data into $decrypted and $hash
* @param string $data
* @return string[]
private function splitHash($data)
$decrypted = substr($data, 0, -($this->checksumSize));
$hash = substr($data, -($this->checksumSize));
return array($decrypted, $hash);
* Class GHash
class GHash
* @var int The random data source location
private static $randomConstant = MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM;
* @var int The difficulty integer used in hashing
* @var string The encryption algorithm
private $difficulty, $algorithm;
* @var string Format of the hash
* @var int Length of the salt itself
* @var int Maximum length of the resulting salt (all things included)
private $hashFormat, $saltLength, $saltMaxLength;
* @param int $difficulty The difficulty level (differs for each algorithm)
* @param string $algorithm The CRYPT constant that represents the algorithm you want to use (in string form)
* @throws Exception 1: Crypt is not available. 2: Algorithm is not supported. 3: Invalid Difficulty. 4: Invalid Algorithm.
public function __construct($difficulty = 10, $algorithm = 'CRYPT_BLOWFISH')
$this->difficulty = $difficulty;
$this->algorithm = $algorithm;
throw new Exception('Crypt must be loaded for ' . __CLASS__ . '.', 1);
} elseif(constant($this->algorithm) != 1){
throw new Exception('Algorithm (' . $this->algorithm . ') Not Supported!', 2);
$this->hashFormat = '';
$this->saltLength = 2;
$this->saltMaxLength = 2;
if(($this->difficulty < 1) || ($this->difficulty > 16777215))
throw new Exception('Invalid Difficulty! Acceptable range is between 1 and 16,777,215', 3);
$encodedIterations = $this->base64_int_encode($this->difficulty);
$this->hashFormat = '_' . $encodedIterations;
$this->saltLength = 4;
$this->saltMaxLength = 9;
case 'CRYPT_MD5':
$this->hashFormat = '$1$';
$this->saltLength = 10;
$this->saltMaxLength = 12;
if(($this->difficulty < 4) || ($this->difficulty > 31))
throw new Exception('Invalid Difficulty! Acceptable range is between 4 and 31.', 3);
$this->hashFormat = sprintf("$2y$%02d$", $this->difficulty);
$this->saltLength = 22;
$this->saltMaxLength = 30;
case 'CRYPT_SHA256':
case 'CRYPT_SHA512':
if(($this->difficulty < 1000) || ($this->difficulty > 999999999))
throw new Exception('Invalid Difficulty! Acceptable range is between 1000 and 999,999,999.', 3);
$hashNumber = ($this->algorithm == 'CRYPT_SHA256' ? 5 : 6);
$this->hashFormat = '$' . $hashNumber . '$rounds=' . (string)$this->difficulty . '$';
$this->saltLength = 16;
$this->saltMaxLength = 16 + strlen($this->hashFormat);
throw new Exception('Invalid Algorithm!', 4);
* Provide the password, and save the string, nothing else is needed.
* @param string $password The password you want to safely hash.
* @return string The full string you should store of the hashed password.
* @throws Exception 1: $password was blank.
public function hash($password)
throw new Exception('$password must be set!', 1);
$rawSalt = mcrypt_create_iv($this->saltLength, self::$randomConstant);
$longSalt = $this->hashFormat . str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode($rawSalt)) . '$';
$salt = substr($longSalt, 0, $this->saltMaxLength);
return crypt($password, $salt);
* Run this to verify if a give password matches a given hash.
* TODO: add a rehash-if-needed bool and stuff...
* @param string $password The password you want to check against.
* @param string $hash The hash you want to check against.
* @return bool TRUE if it matches, FALSE otherwise.
* @throws Exception 1: $password empty. 2: $hash empty.
public function verify($password, $hash)
throw new Exception('$password must be set!', 1);
} elseif(!isset($hash)){
throw new Exception('$hash must be set!', 2);
$check = crypt($password, $hash);
if($check == $hash)
$verified = TRUE;
$verified = FALSE;
return $verified;
* Run this function to get a TRUE/FALSE on if the password is hashed with the correct algorithm and level of difficulty.
* @param string $hash The hash to check
* @return bool TRUE if it needs rehash, FALSE otherwise.
public function needsRehash($hash)
$hashAlgorithm = self::getAlgorithm($hash);
$hashDifficulty = self::getDifficulty($hash);
if($hashAlgorithm != $this->algorithm){
$rehash = TRUE;
} elseif(($hashDifficulty != FALSE) && ($hashDifficulty < $this->difficulty)){
$rehash = TRUE;
} else{
$rehash = FALSE;
return $rehash;
* Returns the algorithm used to hash the password (as a string of the constant)
* @param string $hash The hash to check
* @return string The string of the constant of the algorithm used.
public static function getAlgorithm($hash)
$id = self::getIdString($hash);
case FALSE;
$algorithm = 'CRYPT_STD_DES';
case '_';
$algorithm = 'CRYPT_EXT_DES';
case '$1$':
$algorithm = 'CRYPT_MD5';
case '$2a$':
case '$2x$':
case '$2y$':
$algorithm = 'CRYPT_BLOWFISH';
case '$5$':
$algorithm = 'CRYPT_SHA256';
case '$6$':
$algorithm = 'CRYPT_SHA512';
return $algorithm;
* Retrieve the salt from the hash.
* @param string $hash The hash to retrieve the salt from.
* @return string The salt
public static function getSalt($hash)
$algorithm = self::getAlgorithm($hash);
$strLength = 2;
$strLength = 9;
case 'CRYPT_MD5':
$strLength = 12;
$strLength = 30;
case 'CRYPT_SHA256':
case 'CRYPT_SHA512':
$strLength = strrpos($hash, '$');
$hash = substr($hash, 0, $strLength);
return $hash;
* Returns the integer of the difficulty used to hash the password (returns false if no difficulty can be used in that algorithm)
* @param string $hash The hash to get the difficulty from.
* @return bool|int The difficulty (FALSE if no difficulty can be used in that algorithm)
public static function getDifficulty($hash)
$algorithm = self::getAlgorithm($hash);
case 'CRYPT_MD5':
$difficulty = FALSE;
$salt = self::getSalt($hash);
$difficulty = (int)substr($salt, 4, 2);
case 'CRYPT_SHA256':
case 'CRYPT_SHA512':
$salt = self::getSalt($hash);
$roundsPos = strpos($salt, 'rounds=');
$SPos = strpos($salt, '$', $roundsPos);
$difficulty = (int)substr($salt, ($roundsPos + 7), $SPos);
return $difficulty;
* Returns the ID string of the salt of the hash of the password. EX: "$2y$" for CRYPT_BLOWFISH
* @param string $hash The hash to get the IdString from
* @return bool|string False if there is none (CRYPT_STD_DES) or the IdString otherwise.
public static function getIdString($hash)
$firstPos = strpos($hash, '$');
if($firstPos !== FALSE){
$secondPos = strpos($hash, '$', $firstPos + 1) + 1;
$idLength = $secondPos - $firstPos;
$id = substr($hash, $firstPos, $idLength);
} elseif(substr($hash, 0, 1) == '_'){
$id = '_';
} else{
$id = FALSE;
return $id;
* Base64 encode an integer for use in the CRYPT_EXT_DES iterations. Takes an integer and returns a 4 character string.
* @param int $num The number to convert
* @return string The base64'd string (4 characters)
private function base64_int_encode($num)
$alphabet_raw = "./0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
$alphabet = str_split($alphabet_raw);
$arr = array();
$base = sizeof($alphabet);
$rem = $num % $base;
$num = (int)($num / $base);
$arr[] = $alphabet[$rem];
$arr = array_reverse($arr);
$string = implode($arr);
return str_pad($string, 4, '.', STR_PAD_LEFT);
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