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Last active April 19, 2017 19:28
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mod 2 proficiency

Mastery: student is able to explain and implement the concept independently or with light reference

Functional: student recognizes when to use the concept and can implement it with the support of documentation and/or a collaborator

Familiarity: student can recognize and describe the concept when needed/appropriate, but is not able to implement the technology/technique

Project Management & Professional Skills

Fam - familiarity F - functionality M - mastery

Career Development Curriculum Employ effective communication in order to facilitate collaboration. (Functional) F-M Apply best practices in project management and Git workflow. (Functional) F-M Effectively contribute to group projects (Functional) F Apply good communication practices with pairs, groups, teams etc (Functional) F-M Consistent punctuality to all obligations, meetings, check-ins etc (Mastery) M Wireframe project ideas (Functional) M Write detailed user stories using the Gherkin Model(Mastery) M

**Understanding and interpret errors and error messages **

Where in your code is there error? (Functional) F
What was the code trying to accomplish when it failed? (Functional) F What caused it to fail? (Functional) Fam Using a debugging tool like pry or byebug to sort through the error (Functional) Fam “puts driven development” (Functional) F Diagram and explain the MVC model and and HTTP Request - Response cycle M

HTTP Fundamentals

Request (Functional) F URI/URL (Functional) F Headers (Familiarity) F Body (Familiarity) Fam-F Response (Functional) F Redirect / Render (Mastery) F-M State Transfer (Familiarity) Fam Sessions (Functional) Fam-F Cookies (Functional) Fam Flashes (Mastery) F 7 HTTP Verbs (Mastery) M Describe the HTTP request/response cycle (Mastery) M Explain what happens when a client visits a website (Functional) M


Understand basic html tags/elements/nodes including but not limited to: Forms

(Functional) F Why do we need forms? (Mastery) M The name attribute represents what value comes through to params. (Mastery)
The value attribute represents what the the content of the form field is. (Mastery) The innate verbs associated with specific tags. link: get (Mastery), button: post (Mastery), form: put (Mastery) M Divs
(Mastery) M Paragraphs

(Mastery) M Headers


etc (Mastery) M Lists
    1. (Mastery) M Tables
      , , , (Mastery) M Add classes and ids to html tags/elements/nodes (Mastery) M Send params through url:[nested1]=value-of-nested1&param2[nested2]=nested-value-2 (Mastery) M Target specific HMTL content with css selectors: (Mastery) M .class_name (Mastery) M #name_of_id (Mastery) M div (Mastery) M div p (Mastery) M div.with_this_class_name (Mastery) M tr#with_id_named_this (Mastery) M ul li:nth-child(3) (Functioanl) Fam-F Explain hierarchy/ancestry of HTML (Functional) F

      Model Testing

      Basic RSpec syntax (Mastery) M data preparation/manipulation (Mastery) M validation testing (Mastery) M relationship testing (Mastery) M reading errors (Mastery) F

      **Feature Testing **

      Basic RSpec syntax (Mastery) M Capybara methods (Functional) F within, find, visit, page, current_path, have_content, click_on and more (Mastery) F Target specific HMTL content with css selectors: .class_name (Mastery) M #name_of_id (Mastery) M div (Mastery) M div p (Mastery) F div.with_this_class_name (Mastery) tr#with_id_named_this (Mastery) ul li:nth-child(3) (Functional) Big picture. What needs to be tested here? (Functional) Data preparation. Least necessary data to represent functionality (Functional) Feature Exercise (visiting, clicking around, interacting as a user would interact) (Functional) Expectation syntax/methods (Functional) SQL

      Writing basic sql select statements (Mastery) Writing insertion statements (Functional) Calculation statements (Functional) Joins (Functional) Order (Functional) Group (Familiarity) .schema (Familiarity) Database Planning, Migrations and Relationships

      Design database schemas to represent relationships between objects (Functional) Clearly articulate a relational database structure (Functional) one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many relationships (Mastery) Write an ERD for Teams, Players, Coaches, Games (Functional) What tables and models do we need and what migrations do we need to get the above schema in our db? (Mastery) Rails CLI generator commands (Functional) What methods do we need for relationships. has_many, belongs_to, through (Mastery) What methods do we get when we set up relationships? (Mastery) Presence and Uniqueness Validations (Mastery) Views

      Know enough HTML to create headers, paragraphs, tables, and lists in a view (Mastery) Craft wireframes for view (Functional) How to iterate over a collection of ActiveRecord objects in a view (Mastery) How to use erb tags in a view to display information. (Mastery) Difference between <%= %> and <% %> (Mastery) How to create a form in a view using Rails, including a form using nested resources. (Mastery / Functional) Template a view (Mastery) Make a partial (Functional) Controllers

      Inheritance (Functional) ApplicationController (Functional) helper_method (Mastery) CRUD actions: index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy (Mastery) Custom actions from routes (Functional) Inspect and understand params. Where they come from and what they contain. (Mastery) How to prepare data for your views. (Mastery) How to use strong params. (Mastery) Refactoring best practice for MVC. Fat models, skinny controllers (Mastery) Models ActiveRecord Model vs PORO (Functional) Inheritance (Mastery) Class Methods (Mastery) Scopes (Functional) Instance Methods (Mastery) ActiveRecord Methods (Mastery/Functional) Refactoring best practice for MVC. Fat models, skinny controllers (Mastery) Routes

      7 Restful routes - verb path combinations - for a resource (Mastery) How to create routes using resources (Mastery) How to handwrite a route (Mastery) route_helpers ex. edit_item_path(item) (Mastery) Explain what each column of the rake routes output represents and allows the developer to do. (Mastery) :only :except (Mastery) Route modifiers: :module, :path, :scope (Functional) namespace and nested resources (Highly Functional) ActiveRecord

      ActiveRecord query methods. Differences between find find_by and where (Mastery) Difference between class and instance methods (Mastery) Calculation methods (Functional) Creating associated records with AR. Connecting records with AR relationships & methods (Mastery) Understand how AR create and a new instance + save are related (Mastery) Knowing where and when to write an instance method for an ActiveRecord model (Mastery) What methods do we need for relationships (has_many, belongs_to, through) (Mastery) What methods do we get when we set up relationships (Mastery) Validations - Presence, Uniqueness (Mastery) Use AR relationship methods within ActiveRecord/Model instance methods (Mastery) Use AR relationship methods within ActiveRecord/Model class methods (Mastery) Scopes (Functional) Authentication

      BCrypt (Functional) Hashing Algorithms (Familiarity) has_secure_password (Functional) Authorization

      before_action (Mastery) Roles (Functional) Controller Inheritance (Functional)

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