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Created July 1, 2019 22:22
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# Random ID Generator
resource "random_id" "this" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" || lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
byte_length = "8"
keepers = {
target_scope = "${lower(var.target_scope)}"
# Regional
## OWASP Top 10 A1
### Mitigate SQL Injection Attacks
### Matches attempted SQLi patterns in the URI, QUERY_STRING, BODY, COOKIES
resource "aws_wafregional_sql_injection_match_set" "owasp_01_sql_injection_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-01-detect-sql-injection-${random_id.this.hex}"
sql_injection_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
sql_injection_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
sql_injection_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
sql_injection_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
sql_injection_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
sql_injection_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
sql_injection_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "Authorization"
sql_injection_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "Authorization"
resource "aws_wafregional_rule" "owasp_01_sql_injection_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_wafregional_sql_injection_match_set.owasp_01_sql_injection_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-01-mitigate-sql-injection-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP01MitigateSQLInjection${random_id.this.hex}"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "SqlInjectionMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A2
### Blacklist bad/hijacked JWT tokens or session IDs
### Matches the specific values in the cookie or Authorization header for JWT it is sufficient to check the signature
resource "aws_wafregional_byte_match_set" "owasp_02_auth_token_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-02-match-auth-token-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "example-session-id"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "cookie"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = ".TJVA95OrM7E2cBab30RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "authorization"
resource "aws_wafregional_rule" "owasp_02_auth_token_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_wafregional_byte_match_set.owasp_02_auth_token_string_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-02-detect-bad-auth-token-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP02BadAuthToken${random_id.this.hex}"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A3
### Mitigate Cross Site Scripting Attacks
### Matches attempted XSS patterns in the URI, QUERY_STRING, BODY, COOKIES
resource "aws_wafregional_xss_match_set" "owasp_03_xss_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-03-detect-xss-${random_id.this.hex}"
xss_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
xss_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
xss_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
xss_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
xss_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
xss_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
xss_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "cookie"
xss_match_tuple {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "cookie"
resource "aws_wafregional_rule" "owasp_03_xss_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_wafregional_xss_match_set.owasp_03_xss_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-03-mitigate-xss-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP03MitigateXSS${random_id.this.hex}"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "XssMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A4
### Path Traversal, LFI, RFI
### Matches request patterns designed to traverse filesystem paths, and include local or remote files
resource "aws_wafregional_byte_match_set" "owasp_04_paths_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-04-match-rfi-lfi-traversal-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "../"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
target_string = "../"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "../"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
target_string = "../"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "://"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
target_string = "://"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "://"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
target_string = "://"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
resource "aws_wafregional_rule" "owasp_04_paths_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_wafregional_byte_match_set.owasp_04_paths_string_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-04-detect-rfi-lfi-traversal-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP04DetectRFILFITraversal${random_id.this.hex}"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A4
## Privileged Module Access Restrictions
## Restrict access to the admin interface to known source IPs only
## Matches the URI prefix, when the remote IP isn't in the whitelist
## OWASP Top 10 A5
## PHP Specific Security Misconfigurations
## Matches request patterns designed to exploit insecure PHP/CGI configuration
resource "aws_wafregional_byte_match_set" "owasp_06_php_insecure_qs_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-06-match-php-insecure-var-refs-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "_SERVER["
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "_ENV["
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "auto_prepend_file="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "auto_append_file="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "allow_url_include="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "disable_functions="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "open_basedir="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "safe_mode="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
resource "aws_wafregional_byte_match_set" "owasp_06_php_insecure_uri_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-06-match-php-insecure-uri-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "php"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "/"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
resource "aws_wafregional_rule" "owasp_06_php_insecure_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_wafregional_byte_match_set.owasp_06_php_insecure_qs_string_set", "aws_wafregional_byte_match_set.owasp_06_php_insecure_uri_string_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-06-detect-php-insecure-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP06DetectPHPInsecure${random_id.this.hex}"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A7
### Mitigate abnormal requests via size restrictions
### Enforce consistent request hygene, limit size of key elements
resource "aws_wafregional_size_constraint_set" "owasp_07_size_restriction_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-07-size-restrictions-${random_id.this.hex}"
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "GT"
size = "${var.max_expected_uri_size}"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "GT"
size = "${var.max_expected_query_string_size}"
field_to_match {
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "GT"
size = "${var.max_expected_body_size}"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "GT"
size = "${var.max_expected_cookie_size}"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "cookie"
resource "aws_wafregional_rule" "owasp_07_size_restriction_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_wafregional_size_constraint_set.owasp_07_size_restriction_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-07-restrict-sizes-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP07RestrictSizes${random_id.this.hex}"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "SizeConstraint"
## OWASP Top 10 A8
### CSRF token enforcement example
### Enforce the presence of CSRF token in request header
resource "aws_wafregional_byte_match_set" "owasp_08_csrf_method_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-08-match-csrf-method-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = "post"
positional_constraint = "EXACTLY"
field_to_match {
type = "METHOD"
resource "aws_wafregional_size_constraint_set" "owasp_08_csrf_token_size_constrain_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-08-csrf-token-size-${random_id.this.hex}"
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "EQ"
size = "${var.csrf_expected_size}"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "${var.csrf_expected_header}"
resource "aws_wafregional_rule" "owasp_08_csrf_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_wafregional_byte_match_set.owasp_08_csrf_method_string_set", "aws_wafregional_size_constraint_set.owasp_08_csrf_token_size_constrain_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-08-enforce-csrf-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP08EnforceCSRF${random_id.this.hex}"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "SizeConstraint"
## OWASP Top 10 A9
### Server-side includes & libraries in webroot
### Matches request patterns for webroot objects that shouldn't be directly accessible
resource "aws_wafregional_byte_match_set" "owasp_09_server_side_include_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-09-match-ssi-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".cfg"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".conf"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".config"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".ini"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".log"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".bak"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".backup"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
resource "aws_wafregional_rule" "owasp_09_server_side_include_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_wafregional_byte_match_set.owasp_09_server_side_include_string_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-09-detect-ssi-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP09DetectSSI${random_id.this.hex}"
predicate {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
## 10. ## Generic
### IP Blacklist
### Matches IP addresses that should not be allowed to access content
## RuleGroup
resource "aws_wafregional_rule_group" "owasp_top_10" {
depends_on = [
count = "${lower(var.create_rule_group) && lower(var.target_scope) == "regional" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${format("%s-owasp-top-10-%s", lower(var.service_name), random_id.this.hex)}"
metric_name = "${format("%sOWASPTop10%s", lower(var.service_name), random_id.this.hex)}"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "1"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "2"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "3"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "4"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "5"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "6"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "7"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "8"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
# Global
## OWASP Top 10 A1
### Mitigate SQL Injection Attacks
### Matches attempted SQLi patterns in the URI, QUERY_STRING, BODY, COOKIES
resource "aws_waf_sql_injection_match_set" "owasp_01_sql_injection_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-01-detect-sql-injection-${random_id.this.hex}"
sql_injection_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
sql_injection_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
sql_injection_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
sql_injection_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
sql_injection_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
sql_injection_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
sql_injection_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "Authorization"
sql_injection_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "Authorization"
resource "aws_waf_rule" "owasp_01_sql_injection_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_waf_sql_injection_match_set.owasp_01_sql_injection_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-01-mitigate-sql-injection-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP01MitigateSQLInjection${random_id.this.hex}"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "SqlInjectionMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A2
### Blacklist bad/hijacked JWT tokens or session IDs
### Matches the specific values in the cookie or Authorization header for JWT it is sufficient to check the signature
resource "aws_waf_byte_match_set" "owasp_02_auth_token_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-02-match-auth-token-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "example-session-id"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "cookie"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = ".TJVA95OrM7E2cBab30RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "authorization"
resource "aws_waf_rule" "owasp_02_auth_token_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_waf_byte_match_set.owasp_02_auth_token_string_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-02-detect-bad-auth-token-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP02BadAuthToken${random_id.this.hex}"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A3
### Mitigate Cross Site Scripting Attacks
### Matches attempted XSS patterns in the URI, QUERY_STRING, BODY, COOKIES
resource "aws_waf_xss_match_set" "owasp_03_xss_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-03-detect-xss-${random_id.this.hex}"
xss_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
xss_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
xss_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
xss_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
xss_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
xss_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
xss_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "cookie"
xss_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "cookie"
resource "aws_waf_rule" "owasp_03_xss_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_waf_xss_match_set.owasp_03_xss_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-03-mitigate-xss-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP03MitigateXSS${random_id.this.hex}"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "XssMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A4
### Path Traversal, LFI, RFI
### Matches request patterns designed to traverse filesystem paths, and include local or remote files
resource "aws_waf_byte_match_set" "owasp_04_paths_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-04-match-rfi-lfi-traversal-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "../"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
target_string = "../"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "../"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
target_string = "../"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "://"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
target_string = "://"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "://"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "HTML_ENTITY_DECODE"
target_string = "://"
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
resource "aws_waf_rule" "owasp_04_paths_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_waf_byte_match_set.owasp_04_paths_string_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-04-detect-rfi-lfi-traversal-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP04DetectRFILFITraversal${random_id.this.hex}"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A4
## Privileged Module Access Restrictions
## Restrict access to the admin interface to known source IPs only
## Matches the URI prefix, when the remote IP isn't in the whitelist
## OWASP Top 10 A5
## PHP Specific Security Misconfigurations
## Matches request patterns designed to exploit insecure PHP/CGI configuration
resource "aws_waf_byte_match_set" "owasp_06_php_insecure_qs_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-06-match-php-insecure-var-refs-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "_SERVER["
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "_ENV["
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "auto_prepend_file="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "auto_append_file="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "allow_url_include="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "disable_functions="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "open_basedir="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "safe_mode="
positional_constraint = "CONTAINS"
field_to_match {
resource "aws_waf_byte_match_set" "owasp_06_php_insecure_uri_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-06-match-php-insecure-uri-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "php"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "URL_DECODE"
target_string = "/"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
resource "aws_waf_rule" "owasp_06_php_insecure_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_waf_byte_match_set.owasp_06_php_insecure_qs_string_set", "aws_waf_byte_match_set.owasp_06_php_insecure_uri_string_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-06-detect-php-insecure-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP06DetectPHPInsecure${random_id.this.hex}"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
## OWASP Top 10 A7
### Mitigate abnormal requests via size restrictions
### Enforce consistent request hygene, limit size of key elements
resource "aws_waf_size_constraint_set" "owasp_07_size_restriction_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-07-size-restrictions-${random_id.this.hex}"
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "GT"
size = "${var.max_expected_uri_size}"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "GT"
size = "${var.max_expected_query_string_size}"
field_to_match {
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "GT"
size = "${var.max_expected_body_size}"
field_to_match {
type = "BODY"
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "GT"
size = "${var.max_expected_cookie_size}"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "cookie"
resource "aws_waf_rule" "owasp_07_size_restriction_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_waf_size_constraint_set.owasp_07_size_restriction_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-07-restrict-sizes-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP07RestrictSizes${random_id.this.hex}"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "SizeConstraint"
## OWASP Top 10 A8
### CSRF token enforcement example
### Enforce the presence of CSRF token in request header
resource "aws_waf_byte_match_set" "owasp_08_csrf_method_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-08-match-csrf-method-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = "post"
positional_constraint = "EXACTLY"
field_to_match {
type = "METHOD"
resource "aws_waf_size_constraint_set" "owasp_08_csrf_token_size_constrain_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-08-csrf-token-size-${random_id.this.hex}"
size_constraints {
text_transformation = "NONE"
comparison_operator = "EQ"
size = "${var.csrf_expected_size}"
field_to_match {
type = "HEADER"
data = "${var.csrf_expected_header}"
resource "aws_waf_rule" "owasp_08_csrf_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_waf_byte_match_set.owasp_08_csrf_method_string_set", "aws_waf_size_constraint_set.owasp_08_csrf_token_size_constrain_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-08-enforce-csrf-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP08EnforceCSRF${random_id.this.hex}"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "SizeConstraint"
## OWASP Top 10 A9
### Server-side includes & libraries in webroot
### Matches request patterns for webroot objects that shouldn't be directly accessible
resource "aws_waf_byte_match_set" "owasp_09_server_side_include_string_set" {
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-09-match-ssi-${random_id.this.hex}"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".cfg"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".conf"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".config"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".ini"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".log"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".bak"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
byte_match_tuples {
text_transformation = "LOWERCASE"
target_string = ".backup"
positional_constraint = "ENDS_WITH"
field_to_match {
type = "URI"
resource "aws_waf_rule" "owasp_09_server_side_include_rule" {
depends_on = ["aws_waf_byte_match_set.owasp_09_server_side_include_string_set"]
count = "${lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${lower(var.service_name)}-owasp-09-detect-ssi-${random_id.this.hex}"
metric_name = "${lower(var.service_name)}OWASP09DetectSSI${random_id.this.hex}"
predicates {
data_id = "${}"
negated = "false"
type = "ByteMatch"
## 10. ## Generic
### IP Blacklist
### Matches IP addresses that should not be allowed to access content
## RuleGroup
resource "aws_waf_rule_group" "owasp_top_10" {
depends_on = [
count = "${lower(var.create_rule_group) && lower(var.target_scope) == "global" ? "1" : "0"}"
name = "${format("%s-owasp-top-10-%s", lower(var.service_name), random_id.this.hex)}"
metric_name = "${format("%sOWASPTop10%s", lower(var.service_name), random_id.this.hex)}"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "1"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "2"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "3"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "4"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "5"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "6"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "7"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
activated_rule {
action {
type = "BLOCK"
priority = "8"
rule_id = "${}"
type = "REGULAR"
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