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Last active June 17, 2020 11:59
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  • Save markziemann/7d9a33d64ca934ae060a176311240cf5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save markziemann/7d9a33d64ca934ae060a176311240cf5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
the goal of this script is to determine the fraction of genes in each biotype class that have annotated functions as determined by membership in either GO or REACTOME.
# the goal of this script is to determine the fraction of genes in each
# biotype class that have annotated functions as determined by membership
# in either GO or REACTOME.
zcat Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.100.gtf.gz \
| grep -w gene \
| cut -d '"' -f2,10 \
| sed 's/"/\t/' \
| sort -u > biotypes.tsv
# count numbers in each class
cut -f2 biotypes.tsv | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1nr > biotypes_quant.tsv
# obtained from ensembl biomart
# select gene and GO accession
cut -f-2 mart_export.txt | sort -u > mart_export_fmt.txt
for BIOTYPE in $(cut -f2 biotypes.tsv | sort -u) ; do
NUMGENES=$(grep -w $BIOTYPE biotypes.tsv \
| cut -f1 \
| sort -u \
| wc -l)
NUMGENES_WGO=$(grep -w $BIOTYPE biotypes.tsv\
| cut -f1\
| sort -u\
| grep -wFf - mart_export.txt\
| grep "GO:"\
| cut -f1\
| sort -u\
| wc -l)
done \
| sort -k2gr
# now try reactome in mart_export2.txt from biomart
for BIOTYPE in $(cut -f2 biotypes.tsv | sort -u) ; do
NUMGENES=$(grep -w $BIOTYPE biotypes.tsv \
| cut -f1 \
| sort -u \
| wc -l)
NUMGENES_WGO=$(grep -w $BIOTYPE biotypes.tsv\
| cut -f1\
| sort -u\
| grep -wFf - mart_export2.txt\
| grep "R-HSA-"\
| cut -f1\
| sort -u\
| wc -l)
done \
| sort -k2gr
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