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const std = @import("std");
const Vm = @import("vm.zig").Vm;
const tokenizer = @import("tokenizer.zig");
pub fn lex(src: [:0]const u8, off: usize) tokenizer.Token {
var t = @import("tokenizer.zig").Tokenizer{ .code = src, .idx = off };
// Expr
// <- PrimaryExpr (SuffixOp / FnCallArgs)*
pub fn Expr(src: [:0]const u8, start: usize, vm_opt: ?*Vm) error{Vm}!?usize {
const after_primary = try PrimaryExpr(src, start, vm_opt) orelse return null;
var off = after_primary;
while (true) {
const next_token = lex(src, off);
if (next_token.tag == .eof) return off;
if (true) @panic("todo");
off = next_token.tag.end;
// PrimaryExpr
// <- STRING
fn PrimaryExpr(src: [:0]const u8, start: usize, vm_opt: ?*Vm) error{Vm}!?usize {
const first_token = lex(src, start);
switch (first_token.tag) {
.dollar => {
const id_token = lex(src, first_token.loc.end);
if (id_token.tag != .identifier) return null;
if (vm_opt) |vm| {
try vm.pushID(id_token.loc);
return id_token.loc.end;
else => std.debug.panic("todo: handle token '{s}'", .{@tagName(first_token.tag)}),
// SuffixOp
fn SuffixOp(src: [:0]const u8, start: usize, vm_opt: ?*Vm) error{Vm}!?usize {
_ = src;
_ = start;
_ = vm_opt;
const std = @import("std");
const Vm = @import("vm.zig").Vm;
const interp = @import("interp.zig");
pub fn main() !void {
try testError("$badVariable", "undeclared identifier");
try testExpr("$version", .{ .string = "v0" });
fn testExpr(src: [:0]const u8, expected: Vm.ValueHack) !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){ };
defer switch (gpa.deinit()) { .ok => {}, .leak => @panic("leak!") };
var vm = Vm{
.src = src,
.allocator = gpa.allocator()
defer vm.deinit();
defer vm.blockEnd();
try vm.declareAndAssignStackTop2(.@"const", "version");
if (interp.Expr(src, 0, &vm)) |end| {
if (end != src.len) {
std.log.err("src '{s}' is not an Expr (end={?})", .{src, end});
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), vm.scope_stack.items.len);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), vm.stack.items.len);
const value = vm.stack.items[0].resolve(vm);
switch (value) {
.bool => @panic("todo"),
.number => @panic("todo"),
.string => |actual_str| switch (expected) {
.bool => @panic("todo"),
.number => @panic("todo"),
.string => |expected_str| try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_str, actual_str),
.function => @panic("todo"),
.function => @panic("todo"),
} else |vm_err| switch (vm_err) {
error.Vm => {
const err = vm.err orelse @panic("vm reported error but has none?");
const error_msg = err.getTestMsg();
std.log.err("src '{s}' had unexpected error: {s}", .{src, error_msg});
return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
fn testError(src: [:0]const u8, expected_error: []const u8) !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){ };
defer switch (gpa.deinit()) { .ok => {}, .leak => @panic("leak!") };
var vm = Vm{
.src = src,
.allocator = gpa.allocator()
defer vm.deinit();
if (interp.Expr(src, 0, &vm)) |_| {
std.log.err("src '{s}' unexpectedly didn't have an error", .{src});
return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
} else |vm_err| switch (vm_err) {
error.Vm => {
const err = vm.err orelse @panic("vm reported error but has none?");
const actual_msg = err.getTestMsg();
return std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_error, actual_msg);
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const interp = @import("interp.zig");
const tokenizer = @import("tokenizer.zig");
const Token = tokenizer.Token;
pub fn oom(e: error{OutOfMemory}) noreturn {
const TokenError = enum {
const VmError = struct {
pos: usize,
kind: union(enum) {
token: TokenError,
general: []const u8,
pub fn deinit(self: VmError, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
switch (self.kind) {
.token => {},
.general => |msg|,
pub fn getTestMsg(self: VmError) []const u8 {
switch (self.kind) {
.token => |token_error| switch (token_error) {
.undeclared_identifier => return "undeclared identifier",
.redeclaration => return "redeclaration",
.not_lvalue => return "invalid left-hand side to assignment",
.expected_eof => return "expected eof",
.not_implemented => return "not implemented",
.assert_failed => return "assert failed",
.unknown_builtin => return "unknown builtin",
.invalid_string_literal => return "invalid string literal",
.general => |msg| return msg,
pub const Mutability = enum { mutable, @"const" };
const ScopeEntry = struct {
mutability: Mutability,
value: Value,
const Scope = struct {
map: std.StringHashMapUnmanaged(ScopeEntry) = .{},
pub fn deinit(self: *Scope, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
var it =;
while ( |pair| {
pub const Vm = struct {
src: [:0]const u8,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
stack: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(IndirectValue) = .{},
err: ?VmError = null,
current_function: ?Function = null,
scope_stack: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Scope) = .{},
pub const ValueHack = Value;
const Function = struct {
id: ?Token.Loc,
params: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Token.Loc) = .{},
params_done: bool = false,
pub fn deinit(self: *Vm) void {
if (self.err) |err| {
for (self.stack.items) |item| {
if (self.current_function) |*f| {
for (self.scope_stack.items) |*item| {
pub fn tokenError(self: *Vm, token_pos: usize, token_error: TokenError) error{Vm} {
std.debug.assert(self.err == null);
self.err = .{ .pos = token_pos, .kind = .{ .token = token_error } };
return error.Vm;
fn generalError(self: *Vm, pos: usize, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) error{Vm} {
std.debug.assert(self.err == null);
self.err = .{
.pos = pos,
.kind = .{
.general = std.fmt.allocPrint(self.allocator, fmt, args) catch |e| oom(e),
return error.Vm;
pub fn blockStart(self: *Vm) void {
self.scope_stack.append(self.allocator, .{}) catch |e| oom(e);
pub fn blockEnd(self: *Vm) void {
if (self.scope_stack.items.len == 0) @panic("codebug");
var scope = self.scope_stack.pop();
pub fn push_bool(self: *Vm, val: bool) void {
self.stack.append(self.allocator, .{ .direct = .{ .bool = val } }) catch |e| oom(e);
pub fn pushString(self: *Vm, str: []const u8) void {
const copy = self.allocator.dupe(u8, str) catch |e| oom(e);
self.stack.append(self.allocator, .{ .direct = .{ .string = copy } }) catch |e| oom(e);
pub fn push_number_literal(self: *Vm, loc: Token.Loc) error{Vm}!void {
var num = catch |e| oom(e);
errdefer num.deinit();
const literal = self.src[loc.start..loc.end];
const args: struct { base: u8, str: []const u8 } = blk: {
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, literal, "0x"))
break :blk .{ .base = 16, .str = literal[2..] };
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, literal, "0o"))
break :blk .{ .base = 8, .str = literal[2..] };
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, literal, "0b"))
break :blk .{ .base = 2, .str = literal[2..] };
break :blk .{ .base = 10, .str = literal };
num.setString(args.base, args.str) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => |e| oom(e),
error.InvalidBase, error.InvalidCharacter => |e| return self.generalError(
loc.start, "unable to convert integer literal '{s}' to bigint with {s}", .{literal, @errorName(e)}
self.stack.append(self.allocator, .{ .direct = .{
.number = num.toMutable(),
}}) catch |e| oom(e);
pub fn pushCharLiteral(self: *Vm, token: Token) error{Vm}!void {
return self.tokenError(token.loc.start, .not_implemented);
pub fn pushDotIdentifier(self: *Vm, token: Token) error{Vm}!void {
return self.tokenError(token.loc.start, .not_implemented);
const ScopeLookup = struct {
scope_index: usize,
entry: *const ScopeEntry,
fn scopeLookup(self: *Vm, slice: []const u8) ?ScopeLookup {
var i: usize = self.scope_stack.items.len;
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
const scope = &self.scope_stack.items[i];
if ( |*value_ptr|
return .{ .scope_index = i, .entry = value_ptr };
return null;
pub fn getStackTopLValue(self: *Vm, token_pos: usize) error{Vm}!ScopeRef {
if (self.stack.items.len == 0) @panic("codebug");
const top = self.stack.pop();
return switch (top) {
.direct => self.tokenError(token_pos, .not_lvalue),
.scope_ref => |s| s,
pub fn assignStackTop(self: *Vm, op_pos: usize, op: AssignOp, l_value: ScopeRef) error{Vm}!void {
const entry = l_value.getEntry(self.*);
var rhs_indirect = self.stack.popOrNull() orelse @panic("codebug");
errdefer rhs_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
switch (op) {
.normal => rhs_indirect.moveInto(self.allocator, &entry.value) catch return self.generalError(
"expected type '{s}', found '{s}'",
.{ entry.value.error_desc(), rhs_indirect.resolve(self.*).error_desc() },
pub fn declareAndAssignStackTop(self: *Vm, mutability: Mutability, id_loc: Token.Loc) error{Vm}!void {
const slice = self.src[id_loc.start .. id_loc.end];
if (self.scopeLookup(slice)) |_| return self.tokenError(id_loc.start, .redeclaration);
return self.declareAndAssignStackTop2(mutability, slice);
pub fn declareAndAssignStackTop2(self: *Vm, mutability: Mutability, slice: []const u8) error{Vm}!void {
if (self.scopeLookup(slice)) |_| @panic("todo");
if (self.scope_stack.items.len == 0) @panic("todo: assign var in global scope");
const scope = &self.scope_stack.items[self.scope_stack.items.len-1];
const value = (self.stack.popOrNull() orelse @panic("codebug")).resolve(self.*);, slice, .{
.mutability = mutability,
.value = value,
}) catch |e| oom(e);
pub fn pushID(self: *Vm, loc: Token.Loc) error{Vm}!void {
const slice = self.src[loc.start..loc.end];
const lookup = self.scopeLookup(slice) orelse return self.tokenError(loc.start, .undeclared_identifier);
self.stack.append(self.allocator, .{ .scope_ref = .{
.scope_index = lookup.scope_index,
.id = loc,
}}) catch |e| oom(e);
pub fn functionProtoStart(self: *Vm, id: ?Token.Loc) void {
if (self.current_function) |_|
@panic("function proto inside function proto not implemented");
self.current_function = .{ .id = id };
pub fn functionProtoEndParams(self: *Vm) void {
const f = &(self.current_function orelse @panic("codebug"));
if (f.params_done) @panic("codebug");
f.params_done = true;
pub fn functionProtoParam(self: *Vm, id: Token.Loc) void {
const f = &(self.current_function orelse @panic("codebug"));
if (f.params_done) @panic("codebug");
f.params.append(self.allocator, id) catch |e| oom(e);
pub fn functionProtoNoBody(self: *Vm) void {
const f = &(self.current_function orelse @panic("codebug"));
if (!f.params_done) @panic("codebug");
self.stack.append(self.allocator, .{ .direct = .{ .function = .{
.id =,
.params = f.params.toOwnedSlice(self.allocator) catch |e| oom(e),
.body = false,
}}}) catch |e| oom(e);
self.current_function = null;
pub fn functionProtoBodyStart(self: *Vm) void {
const f = &(self.current_function orelse @panic("codebug"));
if (!f.params_done) @panic("codebug");
self.stack.append(self.allocator, .{ .direct = .{ .function = .{
.id =,
.params = f.params.toOwnedSlice(self.allocator) catch |e| oom(e),
.body = true,
}}}) catch |e| oom(e);
self.current_function = null;
pub fn functionProtoBodyFailedParse(self: *Vm) void {
if (self.stack.items.len == 0) @panic("codebug");
const f = self.stack.pop().resolve(self.*);
std.debug.assert(f == .function);
pub fn functionProtoBodyEnd(self: *Vm) void {
// TODO: set the last block parsed to the function
_ = self;
fn enforceArgCount(self: *Vm, loc: usize, count: usize) error{Vm}!void {
if (self.stack.items.len != count) return self.generalError(
"expected {} argument(s), found {}",
.{count, self.stack.items.len},
fn enforceType(self: *Vm, comptime expected_type: ValueType, loc: usize, value: Value) error{Vm}!expected_type.T() {
if (value != expected_type) return self.generalError(
"expected type '{s}', found '{s}'",
.{ expected_type.error_desc(), value.error_desc() },
return switch (expected_type) {
.bool => value.bool,
.number => value.number,
.string => value.string,
.function => value.function,
pub fn callBuiltin(self: *Vm, loc: Token.Loc) error{Vm}!void {
const name = self.src[loc.start..loc.end];
if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "@out")) {
try self.enforceArgCount(loc.start, 1);
const msg_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer msg_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const msg = try self.enforceType(.string, loc.start, msg_indirect.resolve(self.*));
catch |err| std.debug.panic("@out failed with {s}", .{@errorName(err)});
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, "@assert")) {
try self.enforceArgCount(loc.start, 1);
const val_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer val_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const val = try self.enforceType(.bool, loc.start, val_indirect.resolve(self.*));
if (!val)
return self.tokenError(loc.start, .assert_failed);
} else {
return self.tokenError(loc.start, .unknown_builtin);
const BinaryBoolOp = enum {
pub fn binaryBoolOp(self: *Vm, op: BinaryBoolOp, op_loc: usize) error{Vm}!void {
std.debug.assert(self.stack.items.len >= 2); // should be guaranteed
const first_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer first_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const second_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer second_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const first = try self.enforceType(.bool, op_loc, first_indirect.resolve(self.*));
const second = try self.enforceType(.bool, op_loc, second_indirect.resolve(self.*));
// we know we have capacity because we just popped off the old values
self.stack.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .direct = .{
.bool = switch (op) {
.@"or" => first or second,
.@"and" => first and second,
pub fn binaryCompareOp(self: *Vm, op: std.math.CompareOperator, op_loc: usize) error{Vm}!void {
std.debug.assert(self.stack.items.len >= 2); // should be guaranteed
const rhs_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer rhs_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const lhs_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer lhs_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const rhs = rhs_indirect.resolve(self.*);
const lhs = lhs_indirect.resolve(self.*);
if (lhs == .string or rhs == .string)
return self.generalError(op_loc, "cannot compare strings with {s}", .{compareOpStr(op)});
// we know we have capacity because we just popped off the old values
self.stack.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .direct = .{
.bool = switch (lhs) {
.bool => |v| try self.compareBool(op, op_loc, v, rhs),
.number => |v| try self.compareNumber(op, op_loc, v, rhs),
.string => unreachable,
.function => @panic("todo"),
pub fn compareBool(self: *Vm, op: std.math.CompareOperator, op_loc: usize, lhs: bool, rhs_val: Value) error{Vm}!bool {
const rhs = switch (rhs_val) {
.bool => |rhs| rhs,
.string => unreachable,
else => |rhs_type| return self.generalError(
op_loc, "incompatible types: 'bool' and '{s}'", .{rhs_type.error_desc()},
return switch (op) {
.eq => lhs == rhs,
.neq => lhs != rhs,
else => self.generalError(
op_loc, "operator {s} not allowed for type 'bool'", .{compareOpStr(op)},
pub fn compareNumber(self: *Vm, op: std.math.CompareOperator, op_loc: usize, lhs:, rhs_val: Value) error{Vm}!bool {
const rhs = switch (rhs_val) {
.number => |rhs| rhs,
.string => unreachable,
else => |rhs_type| return self.generalError(
op_loc, "incompatible types: 'number' and '{s}'", .{rhs_type.error_desc()},
// workaround bug in treating positive/negative 0 as different
switch (op) {
.lt, .gt, .neq => {},
.lte, .gte, .eq => {
if (lhs.eqlZero() and rhs.eqlZero()) return true;
return lhs.toConst().order(rhs.toConst()).compare(op);
pub fn additionOp(self: *Vm, op: AdditionOp, op_loc: usize) error{Vm}!void {
std.debug.assert(self.stack.items.len >= 2); // should be guaranteed
const rhs_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer rhs_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const lhs_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer lhs_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const rhs = rhs_indirect.resolve(self.*);
const lhs = lhs_indirect.resolve(self.*);
if (op == .concat) {
if (lhs != .string)
return self.generalError(op_loc, "expected indexable; found '{s}'", .{lhs.error_desc()});
if (rhs != .string)
return self.generalError(op_loc, "expected indexable; found '{s}'", .{rhs.error_desc()});
self.stack.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .direct = .{
.string = std.mem.concat(self.allocator, u8, &.{ lhs.string, rhs.string }) catch |e| oom(e),
switch (lhs) {
.bool => {},
.number => |lhs_num| switch (rhs) {
.bool => {},
.number => |rhs_num| {
var result = catch |e| oom(e);
errdefer result.deinit();
switch (op) {
.concat => unreachable,
.add => {
result.ensureAddCapacity(lhs_num.toConst(), rhs_num.toConst()) catch |e| oom(e);
var m = result.toMutable();
m.add(lhs_num.toConst(), rhs_num.toConst());
result.setMetadata(m.positive, m.len);
.sub => {
result.ensureCapacity(@max(lhs_num.len, rhs_num.len) + 1) catch |e| oom(e);
var m = result.toMutable();
m.sub(lhs_num.toConst(), rhs_num.toConst());
result.setMetadata(m.positive, m.len);
.add_wrap, .sub_wrap,
.add_sat, .sub_sat,
=> return self.generalError(
"zigscript doesn't support the {s} operator",
.{ op.str() },
self.stack.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .direct = .{ .number = result.toMutable() } });
.string => {},
.function => {},
.string => {},
.function => {},
return self.generalError(
"invalid operands to binary expression '{s}' and '{s}'",
.{ lhs.error_desc(), rhs.error_desc() }
pub fn multiplyOp(self: *Vm, op: MultiplyOp, op_loc: usize) error{Vm}!void {
std.debug.assert(self.stack.items.len >= 2); // should be guaranteed
const rhs_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer rhs_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const lhs_indirect = self.stack.pop();
defer lhs_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
const rhs = rhs_indirect.resolve(self.*);
const lhs = lhs_indirect.resolve(self.*);
switch (op) {
.double_pipe => return self.tokenError(op_loc, .not_implemented),
.mul => {
if (lhs != .number or rhs != .number) return self.generalError(
"incompatible types: '{s}' and '{s}'",
.{lhs.error_desc(), rhs.error_desc()},
var result = catch |e| oom(e);
errdefer result.deinit();
result.ensureMulCapacity(lhs.number.toConst(), rhs.number.toConst()) catch |e| oom(e);
var m = result.toMutable();
m.mulNoAlias(lhs.number.toConst(), rhs.number.toConst(), self.allocator);
result.setMetadata(m.positive, m.len);
self.stack.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .direct = .{ .number = result.toMutable() } });
pub fn applyPrefixOp(self: *Vm, op: PrefixOp, op_loc: usize) error{Vm}!void {
std.debug.assert(self.stack.items.len >= 1); // should be guaranteed
var value_indirect = self.stack.pop();
var deinit_value = true;
defer if (deinit_value) value_indirect.deinit(self.allocator);
var value = value_indirect.resolve(self.*);
switch (op) {
.not => {
if (value != .bool) return self.generalError(
op_loc, "expected type 'bool' found '{s}'", .{@tagName(value)}
self.stack.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .direct = .{ .bool = !value.bool } });
.negate => {
if (value != .number) return self.generalError(
op_loc, "negation of type '{s}'", .{@tagName(value)}
deinit_value = false;
self.stack.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .direct = .{ .number = value.number } });
pub fn applyOptional(self: *Vm, op_loc: usize) error{Vm}!void {
return self.tokenError(op_loc, .not_implemented);
pub fn applyPtrType(self: *Vm, op_loc: usize) error{Vm}!void {
_ = self;
_ = op_loc;
pub fn applyErrorUnion(self: *Vm, op_loc: usize) error{Vm}!void {
return self.tokenError(op_loc, .not_implemented);
pub const ScopeRef = struct {
scope_index: usize,
id: Token.Loc,
pub fn deinit(self: ScopeRef, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
_ = self;
_ = allocator;
pub fn getEntry(self: ScopeRef, vm: Vm) *ScopeEntry {
std.debug.assert(self.scope_index < vm.scope_stack.items.len);
const slice = vm.src[ ..];
const scope = &vm.scope_stack.items[self.scope_index];
return orelse @panic("codebug");
const IndirectValue = union(enum) {
direct: Value,
scope_ref: ScopeRef,
pub fn deinit(self: IndirectValue, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
switch (self) {
.direct => |d| d.deinit(allocator),
.scope_ref => |s| s.deinit(allocator),
pub fn resolve(self: IndirectValue, vm: Vm) Value {
return switch (self) {
.direct => |d| d,
.scope_ref => |s| s.getEntry(vm).value,
pub fn moveInto(self: *IndirectValue, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, dst: *Value) error{TypeMismatch}!void {
switch (self.*) {
.direct => |*d| try dst.move(allocator, d),
.scope_ref => {
const ValueType = enum {
pub fn T(comptime self: ValueType) type {
return switch (self) {
.bool => bool,
.number =>,
.string => []const u8,
.function => Value.Function,
pub fn error_desc(self: ValueType) []const u8 {
return switch (self) {
.bool => "bool",
.number => "number",
.string => "string",
.function => "function",
const Value = union(ValueType) {
bool: bool,
string: []const u8,
function: Function,
pub fn deinitAndInvalidate(self: *Value) void {
self.* = undefined;
pub fn deinit(self: Value, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {
switch (self) {
.bool => {},
.number => |n|,
.string => |s|,
.function => |f| f.deinit(allocator),
pub fn error_desc(self: Value) []const u8 {
return @as(ValueType, self).error_desc();
pub fn move(self: *Value, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, from: *Value) error{TypeMismatch}!void {
switch (self.*) {
.bool => {
const from_bool = switch (from.*) {
.bool => |b2| b2,
else => return error.TypeMismatch,
self.* = .{ .bool = from_bool };
.number => |n| {
const from_num = switch (from.*) {
.number => |n2| n2,
else => return error.TypeMismatch,
self.* = .{ .number = from_num };
.string => |s| {
const from_str = switch (from.*) {
.string => |s2| s2,
else => return error.TypeMismatch,
self.* = .{ .string = from_str };
.function => @panic("todo"),
from.* = undefined;
const Function = struct {
id: ?Token.Loc,
params: []Token.Loc,
body: bool,
pub fn deinit(self: Function, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void {;
fn ErrorOr(comptime T: type) type {
return union(enum) {
ok: T,
err: []u8,
pub const AssignOp = enum {
fn compareOpStr(op: std.math.CompareOperator) []const u8 {
return switch (op) {
.lt => "<",
.lte => "<=",
.eq => "==",
.gte => ">=",
.gt => ">",
.neq => "!=",
pub const AdditionOp = enum {
// TODO: start out not supporting these operations in zigscript
pub fn str(self: AdditionOp) []const u8 {
return switch (self) {
.concat => "++",
.add => "+",
.sub => "-",
.add_wrap => "+%",
.sub_wrap => "-%",
.add_sat => "+|",
.sub_sat => "-|",
pub const MultiplyOp = enum {
/// merges error sets or performs boolean OR
pub fn str(self: MultiplyOp) []const u8 {
return switch (self) {
pub const PrefixOp = enum {
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