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Last active May 30, 2021 08:02
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Compute and display a Voronoi diagram, only relying on a 3d convex hull routine. The Voronoi cells are guaranted to be consistently oriented.

2d Voronoi diagrams

This code sample demonstrates how to compute a Voronoi diagram in 2d.


It works as following

  • Transform the points (called here lifting the points) from 2d to 3d.
  • Compute the convex hull of the lifted points
  • The lower enveloppe of the convex hull gives us the Delaunay triangulation
  • The Voronoi diagram is the dual of the Delaunay triangulation.

The complexity of this algorithm is O(n log(n)), with most of the heavy lifting done by the convex hull routine.


To run this sample, you will need

import itertools
import numpy
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib import pyplot as plot
# --- Misc. geometry code -----------------------------------------------------
Pick N points uniformly from the unit disc
This sampling algorithm does not use rejection sampling.
def disc_uniform_pick(N):
angle = (2 * numpy.pi) * numpy.random.random(N)
out = numpy.stack([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)], axis = 1)
out *= numpy.sqrt(numpy.random.random(N))[:,None]
return out
def norm2(X):
return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(X ** 2))
def normalized(X):
return X / norm2(X)
def get_circumcenter(A, B, C):
U, V = B - A, C - A
U_norm, V_norm = norm2(U), norm2(V)
U /= U_norm
V /= V_norm
UdV =, V)
D = numpy.array([U_norm - UdV * V_norm, V_norm - UdV * U_norm])
D /= 2. * (1. - UdV ** 2)
center = D[0] * U + D[1] * V
return A + center
# --- Delaunay triangulation --------------------------------------------------
def is_ccw_triangle(A, B, C):
M = numpy.concatenate([numpy.stack([A, B, C]), numpy.ones((3, 1))], axis = 1)
return numpy.linalg.det(M) > 0
def get_delaunay_triangulation(S):
# Special case for 3 points
if S.shape[0] == 3:
if is_ccw_triangle(S[0], S[1], S[2]):
return [[0, 1, 2]]
return [[0, 2, 1]]
# Compute the lifted points
S_norm = numpy.sum(S ** 2, axis = 1)
S_lifted = numpy.concatenate([S, S_norm[:,None]], axis = 1)
# Compute the convex hull of the lifted points
hull = ConvexHull(S_lifted)
# Extract the Delaunay triangulation from the lower hull, all triangles are ccw
return tuple([a, b, c] if is_ccw_triangle(S[a], S[b], S[c]) else [a, c, b] for (a, b, c), eq in zip(hull.simplices, hull.equations) if eq[2] <= 0)
# --- Compute Voronoi cells ---------------------------------------------------
Compute the segments and half-lines that delimits each Voronoi cell
* The segments are oriented so that they are in CCW order
* Each cell is a list of (i, j), (A, U, tmin, tmax) where
* i, j are the indices of two ends of the segment. Segments end points are
the circumcenters. If i or j is set to None, then it's an infinite end
* A is the origin of the segment
* U is the direction of the segment, as a unit vector
* tmin is the parameter for the left end of the segment. Can be None, for minus infinity
* tmax is the parameter for the right end of the segment. Can be None, for infinity
* Therefore, the endpoints are [A + tmin * U, A + tmax * U]
def get_voronoi_cells(S, tri_list):
# Compute the circumcenter of each Delaunay triangle
V = numpy.array([get_circumcenter(*S[tri]) for tri in tri_list])
# Keep track of which edge separate which triangles
edge_map = { }
for i, tri in enumerate(tri_list):
for edge in itertools.combinations(tri, 2):
edge = tuple(sorted(edge))
if edge in edge_map:
edge_map[edge] = [i]
# For each triangle
voronoi_cell_list = [[] for i in range(S.shape[0])]
for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(tri_list):
# For each edge of the triangle
for u, v, w in ((a, b, c), (b, c, a), (c, a, b)):
edge = tuple(sorted((u, v)))
# Finite Voronoi edge
if len(edge_map[edge]) == 2:
j, k = edge_map[edge]
if k == i:
j, k = k, j
# Compute the segment [Vj, Vk] parameters
U = V[k] - V[j]
U_norm = norm2(U)
# Add the segment
voronoi_cell_list[u].append(((j, k), (V[j], U / U_norm, 0, U_norm)))
# Infinite Voronoi edge
# Compute the segment parameters
A, B, C, D = S[u], S[v], S[w], V[i]
U = normalized(B - A)
I = A + - A, U) * U
W = normalized(I - D)
if, I - C) < 0:
W = -W
# Add the segment
voronoi_cell_list[u].append(((edge_map[edge][0], None), (D, W, 0, None)))
voronoi_cell_list[v].append(((None, edge_map[edge][0]), (D, -W, None, 0)))
# Order in-place the segments in ccw order
def order_segment_list(segment_list):
if len(segment_list) > 0:
# Pick the first element
first = min((seg[0][0], i) for i, seg in enumerate(segment_list))[1]
# In-place ordering
segment_list[0], segment_list[first] = segment_list[first], segment_list[0]
for i in range(len(segment_list) - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, len(segment_list)):
if segment_list[i][0][1] == segment_list[j][0][0]:
segment_list[i+1], segment_list[j] = segment_list[j], segment_list[i+1]
# Job done
return segment_list
# Job done
return [order_segment_list(segment_list) for segment_list in voronoi_cell_list]
# --- Plot all the things -----------------------------------------------------
def display(S, tri_list, voronoi_cell_list):
# Setup
fig, ax = plot.subplots()
# Plot the samples
plot.scatter(S[:,0], S[:,1], lw = 0., c = 'k', zorder = 1)
# Plot the Delaunay triangulation
edge_set = frozenset(tuple(sorted(edge)) for tri in tri_list for edge in itertools.combinations(tri, 2))
line_list = LineCollection([(S[i], S[j]) for i, j in edge_set], lw = 1., colors = '.8')
# Plot the Voronoi cells
edge_map = { }
for segment_list in voronoi_cell_list:
for edge, (A, U, tmin, tmax) in segment_list:
edge = tuple(sorted(edge))
if edge not in edge_map:
if tmax is None:
tmax = 10
if tmin is None:
tmin = -10
edge_map[edge] = (A + tmin * U, A + tmax * U)
line_list = LineCollection(edge_map.values(), lw = 1., colors = 'k')
# Job done
# --- Main entry point --------------------------------------------------------
def main():
# Generate samples
S = 10. * disc_uniform_pick(256)
# Compute the Delaunay triangulation of the points
tri_list = get_delaunay_triangulation(S)
# Compute the Voronoi cells
voronoi_cell_list = get_voronoi_cells(S, tri_list)
# Display the result
display(S, tri_list, voronoi_cell_list)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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ghost commented Feb 25, 2019

thank you for the code but when I run it I got:

File "C:/Users/yanivv/", line 144, in order_segment_list
first = min((seg[0][0], 0) for i, seg in enumerate(segment_list))[1]

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'
can you assist?

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