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Last active March 19, 2022 18:17
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Save marns/94d2f2452afb484a575bcfa35378e8ff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. World's thinnest Terraform wrapper
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# World's thinnest Terraform wrapper
# Usage:
# 1. Create an alias to for your shell of choice (optional), e.g.:
# > echo "alias tf='./'" >> ~/.zshrc
# > source ~/.zshrc
# 2. Run Terraform commands as usual, subbing in `tf` and set your workspace:
# > ENV=dev tf plan
# 3. Add your own commands as needed.
# Apologies to TensorFlow
# Author: Martin Smith
# License: MIT
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import platform
from pathlib import Path
class tf():
# Config
plans_dir = ".plans"
terraform_version = "0.14.8"
# Utility
def print_cmd(args):
display_cmd = args
if isinstance(display_cmd, list):
display_cmd = ' '.join(args)
print('> ' + display_cmd)
def run(args, shell=False):
return, shell=shell).returncode
def run_capture_output(args):
return, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout.strip("\n")
def check_platform():
os = platform.system()
if os == "Darwin":
md5 = tf.run_capture_output("md5 -q `which terraform`")
required_md5 = "f0c6df2c7ce9778a5cbaf3540cf45bfc"
elif os == "Linux":
# I don't actually know the Linux hash, if you get here you should set this value
md5 = tf.run_capture_output("md5sum - < `which terraform` | tr -d ' -'")
required_md5 = "f91834c3ac0f78c77914498765d3e0b7"
return False
print("System %s not supported. You can add it!" % os)
return False
if md5 != required_md5:
print("Inconsistent Terraform version. Make sure you're running %s on a known OS" % tf.terraform_version)
return False
return True
def check_env(self):
env = os.environ.get('ENV')
if not env: print("ENV must be set.")
return env
def select_workspace(self, env):
# Check current workspace. Perhaps not as thorough, but `terraform workspace select` can be very slow.
current_workspace = tf.run_capture_output("terraform workspace show")
if current_workspace == env:
print("Terraform workspace '%s' already selected" % env)
return True
return"terraform workspace select %s" % env, shell=True)
# Terraform command handlers
def plan(self, env, args):
Path(self.plans_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
args = [ "terraform", "plan", "-var-file=env/%s.tfvars" % env, "-out", "%s/%s.plan" % (self.plans_dir, env), *args ]
def apply(self, env, args):
plan_filename = "%s/%s.plan" % (self.plans_dir, env)
args = [ "terraform", "apply", plan_filename, *args ]
return_code =
if return_code: return return_code
print('Removed ' + plan_filename)
def do_cmd(self, env):
l = len(sys.argv)
if l < 2: return False
# Get function name to intercept from the first parameter.
# If it's a member of this class, hand off to it.
cmd_name = sys.argv[1]
cmd_func = getattr(self, cmd_name, None)
if cmd_func:
args = sys.argv[2:]
print(">> tf", cmd_name, ' '.join(args))
if cmd_func(env, args):
# Returned something other than None, return code 0, etc
print("Command completed with errors.")
return True
# Not handling this command
return False
def main(self):
# Verify / get environment var
env = self.check_env()
if not env: return env
# Validate against the expected Terraform version
if not tf.check_platform(): return False
# Select Terraform workspace
if not self.select_workspace(env): return False
# Check for command handlers
result = self.do_cmd(env)
if result: return result
# No special commands, hand off to Terraform with args
args = ["terraform", *sys.argv[1:]]
os.execvp("terraform", args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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