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Last active December 22, 2015 18:39
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Boarding manager classes to work with the boarding APIs
Number::truncate = (decimal_places) ->
factor = Math.pow(10, decimal_places)
Number(Math.ceil(this * factor) / factor).toFixed decimal_places
String::sanitize = ->
@replace /[A-Za-z$-,]/g, ""
class Boarding.Helpers.BoardingManager extends Backbone.Events
token: null
permissions: null
triggerable: null
constructor: ->
@configurator = new Boarding.Helpers.Configurator()
authenticateNewUser: (email, password) =>
@configurator.makeAuthenticationRequest email, password, "login"
getUserMaster: (userMasterId) =>
@configurator.makeGetRequest "user_master/" + userMasterId
getUserData: =>
@configurator.makeGetRequest "token/detail"
getCompanyData: (companyId) =>
@configurator.makeGetRequest "company/" + companyId
updateCompanyData: (company) =>
@configurator.makePutRequest "company/" + company.company_id, company
updateLocationData: (location) =>
@configurator.makePutRequest "location/" + location.location_id, location
updateUserMasterData: (user_master) =>
@configurator.makePutRequest "user_master/" + user_master.user_master_id, user_master
createBankAccount: (bankAccount) =>
@configurator.makePostRequest "bank_account", bankAccount
createAccount: (userAccount) =>
@configurator.makePostRequest "create_account", userAccount
createBoardingApplication: (boardingRequest) =>
@configurator.makePostRequest "boarding/create_application", boardingRequest
submitBoardingAnswers: (boardingVerificationQuestions) =>
@configurator.makePostRequest("boarding/submit_answers", boardingVerificationQuestions)
saveReaderPreference: (readerTypeCloudObject) =>
@createCloudObject readerTypeCloudObject
createCloudObject: (cloudObject) =>
@configurator.makePostRequest "cloud_object", cloudObject
purchaseUsbReader: (simplePayment) =>
@configurator.makePostRequest "webstore/purchase_usb_reader", simplePayment
purchaseAudioReader: (simplePayment) =>
@configurator.makePostRequest "webstore/purchase_audio_reader", simplePayment
getCompany: =>
@configurator.makeGetRequest "company"
class Boarding.Helpers.Configurator
token: null
# API_URL: "<%= APP_CONFIG['cube_api_url'] %>"
API_URL: "/api/"
dataType: "json"
"content-type": "application/json"
'x-cube-application' : 'boarding'
'x-cube-uri' : window.location.href
global: true
timeout: 1000000
constructor: ->
@jQuery = jQuery
@jQuery.ajaxSetup @ajaxSettings = true
getjQuery: =>
setLocalStorageObj: (key, value) =>
if localStorage then localStorage.setItem key, value
getLocalStorageObj: (key) =>
if localStorage then localStorage.getItem key
setTokenFromLocalStorage: =>
token = @getLocalStorageObj('cubebright_token')
return @getToken()
setToken: (token) =>
@token = token
@setLocalStorageObj "cubebright_token", @token
settings =
processData: false
contentType: "application/json"
"x-cube-token": @token
@jQuery.ajaxSetup settings
getToken: =>
makeAuthenticationRequest: (email, password, url_suffix) =>
_this = this
settings =
url: @API_URL + url_suffix
"x-cube-email": email
"x-cube-password": password
request = @jQuery.ajax(settings).success((response) =>
makeGetRequest: (url_suffix) =>
request = @jQuery.ajax(@API_URL + url_suffix)
makePostRequest: (url_suffix, data) =>
settings =
type: "POST"
url: @API_URL + url_suffix
data: JSON.stringify(data)
request = @jQuery.ajax(settings)
makePutRequest: (url_suffix, data) =>
settings =
type: "PUT"
url: @API_URL + url_suffix
data: JSON.stringify(data)
request = @jQuery.ajax(settings)
makeDeleteRequest: (url_suffix) =>
settings =
type: "DELETE"
url: @API_URL + url_suffix
request = @jQuery.ajax(settings)
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