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Created November 24, 2019 19:16
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import scala.concurrent.Future
object AdvancedRecap extends App {
// partial functions
val partialFunction: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = {
case 1 => 42
case 2 => 65
case 5 => 999
val pf = (x: Int) => x match {
case 1 => 42
case 2 => 65
case 5 => 999
val function: (Int => Int) = partialFunction
val modifiedList = List(1,2,3,4).map {
case 1 => 42
case _ => 0
} // List(42, 0, 0, 0)
val lifted = partialFunction.lift // total function Int => Option[Int]
lifted(2) // Some(65)
lifted(5000) // None
// orElse
val pfChain = partialFunction.orElse[Int, Int] {
case 60 => 9000
pfChain(5) // 999
pfChain(60) // 9000
// pfChain(457) // throws a MatchError
// type aliases
type ReceivedFunction = PartialFunction[Any, Unit] // alias to an complex type
def received: ReceivedFunction = {
case 1 => println("hello")
case _ => println("confused")
received(1) // hello
// implicits
implicit val timeout = 8000
def setTimeout(f: () => Unit)(implicit timeout: Int) = f()
setTimeout(() => println("timeout")) // extra parameter omitted
// implicit conversions
// 1) implicit defs
case class Person(name: String) {
def greet = s"Hi, my name is $name"
implicit def fromStringToPerson(name: String): Person = Person(name)
"Lucas".greet // fromStringToPerson("Lucas").greet - automatically by the compiler
// 2) implicits classes
implicit class Dog(name: String) {
def bark = println("bark!")
"Lassie".bark // new Dog("Lassie").bark - automatically by the compiler
// organize - scope order:
// local scope
implicit val inverseOrdering: Ordering[Int] = Ordering.fromLessThan(_ > _)
List(1, 2, 3).sorted // List(3, 2, 1) - see implicit at sorted signature
// imported scope
val future = Future {
println("Hello, I'm from future")
// companion objects of the types included in the call
object Person {
implicit val personOrdering: Ordering[Person] = Ordering.fromLessThan((a, b) => < 0)
List(Person("Bob"), Person("Alice")).sorted // List(Person(Alice), Person(Bob))
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