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Created July 29, 2016 01:12
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Create a React app & deploy to Heroku
## Global install of the app generator
npm install -g create-react-app
## Setup the app (first-time only)
create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
git init
# Create the Heroku app; requires free account at
heroku create -b
# Set the web root to the build/ directory
echo '{ "root": "build/" }' > static.json
# Allow JS bundle to be committed (removes `build` from ignores)
sed '/build/d' .gitignore > && mv .gitignore
## Build, commit, & deploy
npm run build
git add .
git commit -m "react-create-app on Heroku"
git push heroku master
## Visit the live React app in your browser
heroku open
# Develop your app locally using `npm start`
# Then build, commit, & deploy ♻️
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HemaW commented Jul 27, 2017

anyone has a reply to this?^^

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heroku says deployed successfully, but i get 404 error when i open the url

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mars commented Dec 16, 2017

@kimmiekim @HemaW @guanw Use create-react-app-buildpack instead of this script. (This was an early experiment that lead to the creation of that buildpack for Heroku.)

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