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Forked from subtleGradient/Process
Created July 2, 2009 00:50
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Titanium.Process API proposal


Many ideas were inspired and taken from these documents:

Some major changes:

  • Process instantiation and launch should require 2 separate steps. Separating the lifecycle allows us to avoid timing and race conditions when connecting event listeners. It also allows us to differntiate async vs sync behavior.
  • We should be able to attach a custom environment into each process. The environment functions we have at the top-level should be moved into a per-process API.
  • stdout, stdin, and stderr should all represent 1-way pipes and be instantiable
  • Event listeners for data should be per-pipe
  • The exit event listener will remain on the process object
  • Simple support of synchronous processes using process-as-a-function. Would return the entire process output as a join of stdout and stderr.
  • PID and restart functions should be a part of every process. We need to have a "current process" object.
  • terminate should be moved to a more generic signal sending function, with a convenience "kill" that would send SIGINT to the process
  • Pipes should be more transparently interconnected, using attach, join, and split functions
  • If/when there is an error launching an asynchronous process we currently have no way of communicating this failure to the developer. We need a new "launch error" event
  • Decide on a simple IO duck-type, so we can re-implement for other IO objects such as Files, SocketStreams, etc later.

API proposal:

Titanium.Process (top level API)


  • type => Process.PIPE_IN or Process.PIPE_OUT
  • returns a Pipe object
  • Example
    • var stdin = Process.createPipe(Process.PIPE_OUT);


  • return an object with all 3 standard pipes: stdin, stdout, stderr. stdin will be created with Process.PIPE_OUT, stdout and stderr created with Process.PIPE_IN
  • Example * var pipes = Process.createStandardPipes(); // pipes.stdin, pipes.stdout, pipes.stderr

createProcess(options) createProcess(args, [env, pipes|stdin, stdout, stderr])

  • options (all except args are optional):
    • args => array of arguments or string (including executable, no quoting should be needed, default 0 args)
    • env => object/hash of custom environment (default inherits this environment)
    • stdin => stdin pipe (created automatically otherwise)
    • stdout => stdout pipe (ditto)
    • stderr => stderr pipe (ditto)
  • pipes => a pipes object as returned by createStandardPipes
  • args/env/pipes/stdin/stdout/stderr => same as above, but as inline args to the function instead of options
  • Example
    • var env = {'PATH': '/home/marshall/bin'}; var args = ['/bin/ls', '-l']; var pipes = Process.createStandardPipes(); var process = Process.createProcess(args, env, pipes); // or var process = Process.createProcess({ args: args, env: env, stdin: pipes.stdin, stdout: pipes.stdout, stderr: pipes.stderr });


  • return the currently running process.

Process Object (extends KMethod)


  • not a constructor, but a usage semantic. When calling a process object as a function, the execution should be synchronous
  • Example:
    • var listFiles = Process.createProcess(['ls','-l']); var files = listFiles();


  • return the process ID of this process


  • return an object with stdin, stdout, and stderr pipes


  • pipe => Process.STDIN, Process.STDERR, Process.STDOUT
  • return the designated pipe


  • return this process' environment as an object
  • if name is provided, return only the value of that variable


  • add an event listener to this process
  • listener=> function(event, data) {}
    • event => Process.EXIT, Process.STARTED, Process.ERROR
    • data => event specific data. EXIT => process exit code, ERROR => error message


  • launch this process asynchronously


  • kill the currently running process (if it is running), and restart this process asynchronously
  • this function should clone current pipes and environment, or accept new ones


  • send a signal to this process
  • signal => Process.SIGINT, Process.SIGHUP, Process.SIGTERM (others? many will be OS specific: throw an exception for unsupported signals)


  • send the appropriate terminate signal to the process (posix: SIGTERM, win32: TerminateProcess)

OutputPipe Object


  • returns Process.PIPE_OUT


  • close this pipe


  • returns whether or not this pipe is closed

write(blob, [size])

  • writes a blob to this pipe's stream
  • blob => binary blob to write to this pipe
  • size => number of bytes to write, uses the blob's size by default
  • returns the number of bytes actually written


  • add an event listener to this pipe
  • listener => function(event, data) {}
    • event => Process.PIPE_WRITE_READY, Process.PIPE_CLOSE
    • data => (null?)

InputPipe Object


  • returns Process.PIPE_IN


  • close this pipe


  • returns whether or not this pipe is closed


  • return the number of bytes available for reading (?)


  • read a blob from this Pipe
  • bufsize => maximum number of bytes to read. if set to -1, will read all available bytes
  • returns a Blob
  • throws => Exception if EOF has occured or the pipe is closed


  • joins the output of another pipe with this pipe's output. when a read() or Process.PIPE_READ event occurs from this pipe, it will contain the joined output of the other pipe.
  • inputPipe => another input pipe
  • throws => Exception if inputPipe is closed


  • automatically pipe this pipe's output into ios input. io must simply implement a write(blob,size) method (this would work for an OutputPipe, or in the future a File/Socket)
  • io => an IO type i.e. OutputPipe
  • throws => Exception if IO is closed


  • split this pipe into 2 newly created pipes that will both receive identical data
  • returns an array with 2 InputPipes


  • add an event listener to this pipe
  • listener => function(event, data) {}
    • event => Process.PIPE_READ_READY, Process.PIPE_CLOSE
    • data => (null?)
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