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Forked from davemo/app.js
Created August 29, 2011 23:29
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A way to add declarative bindings using jQuery and a simple module pattern.
// Given a simplified module pattern like so:
(function(APP, $, _) {
APP.MyWidget = function(opts) {
var self = {};
var defaults = {
// an array of contexts and declarative event bindings
bindings : [
// selector of the element events will be delegated to, the "context"
'#my-widget' : {
// declarative event bindings hash with a pattern of 'event selector' : 'callback' (similar to backbone)
'click #view-chart' : 'viewChart',
'click #view-table' : 'viewTable',
'click #view-related-articles' : 'viewRelatedArticles',
'change #metrics' : 'handleMetricChange',
'focusout #search-chart' : 'queueResultsTimeout',
'click #addremove' : 'toggleAddRemoveEntities'
// a second context in which to bind events that exists in the same widget
'.add-remove-controls' : {
'click .close' : 'toggleAddRemoveEntities',
'click .result' : 'addEntity',
'click .remove' : 'removeEntity'
// mixin the user defined options to the defaults and assign to self.opts
self.opts = $.extend(true, defaults, opts || {});
// the functions that will be called when events happen
self.viewChart = function() {};
self.viewTable = function() {};
self.viewRelatedArticles = function() {};
// ... etc
// an initializer, immediately invoked
self.init = (function() {
APP.Util.bindEvents(self, self.opts.bindings);
return self;
})(APP, jQuery, _);
// And a util lib that has a bind function
(function(APP, $, _) {
APP.Util = {
bindEvents : function(obj, bindings) {
_.each(bindings, function(binding) {
var context = _.keys(binding)[0];
_.each(binding[context], function(callback, eventAndSelector) {
var parts = eventAndSelector.split(" ");
var event = parts[0];
var selector = parts[1];
APP.Util.delegateEventsInContext(context, selector, event, obj[callback]);
delegateEventsInContext : function(context, selector, event, callback) {
$(context).delegate(selector, event, callback);
})(APP, jQuery, _);
<!-- Leads to binding for a given context automatically, providing an easy interface for event delegation. -->
<div id="my-widget">
<a href="#" id="view-chart">View the Chart</a> <!-- I have a click event bound to call the function 'viewChart' -->
<a href="#" id="view-table">View the Table</a> <!-- I have a click event bound to call the function 'viewTable' -->
<ul class="add-remove-controls">
<li><a href="#" class="result">Canada</a></li> <!-- All these results have a click event bound to call 'handleResultClick' -->
<li><a href="#" class="result">Russia</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="result">England</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="result">United States</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="result">Africa</a></li>
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