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Last active October 11, 2023 19:01
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Ninelight mediamtx config
# General settings
# Sets the verbosity of the program; available values are "error", "warn", "info", "debug".
logLevel: info
# Destinations of log messages; available values are "stdout", "file" and "syslog".
logDestinations: [stdout]
# If "file" is in logDestinations, this is the file which will receive the logs.
logFile: mediamtx.log
# Timeout of read operations.
readTimeout: 10s
# Timeout of write operations.
writeTimeout: 10s
# Size of the queue of outgoing packets.
# A higher value allows to increase throughput, a lower value allows to save RAM.
writeQueueSize: 512
# Maximum size of outgoing UDP packets.
# This can be decreased to avoid fragmentation on networks with a low UDP MTU.
udpMaxPayloadSize: 1472
# Turning everything else off
rtsp: no
rtmp: no
hls: no
srt: no
# WebRTC settings
# Allow publishing and reading streams with the WebRTC protocol.
webrtc: yes
# Address of the WebRTC listener.
webrtcAddress: :1180
# Address of a ICE UDP listener in format host:port.
# If filled, ICE traffic will pass through a single UDP port,
# allowing the deployment of the server inside a container or behind a NAT.
# Path settings
source: rpiCamera
rpiCameraWidth: 640
rpiCameraHeight: 480
rpiCameraFPS: 90
#Pi Camera Default settings:
#ID of the camera
# rpiCameraCamID: 0
#width of frames
# rpiCameraWidth: 1920
#height of frames
# rpiCameraHeight: 1080
#flip horizontally
# rpiCameraHFlip: false
#flip vertically
# rpiCameraVFlip: false
#brightness [-1, 1]
# rpiCameraBrightness: 0
#contrast [0, 16]
# rpiCameraContrast: 1
#saturation [0, 16]
# rpiCameraSaturation: 1
#sharpness [0, 16]
# rpiCameraSharpness: 1
#exposure mode.
#values: normal, short, long, custom
# rpiCameraExposure: normal
#auto-white-balance mode.
#values: auto, incandescent, tungsten, fluorescent, indoor, daylight, cloudy, custom
# rpiCameraAWB: auto
#denoise operating mode.
#values: off, cdn_off, cdn_fast, cdn_hq
# rpiCameraDenoise: "off"
#fixed shutter speed, in microseconds.
# rpiCameraShutter: 0
#metering mode of the AEC/AGC algorithm.
#values: centre, spot, matrix, custom
# rpiCameraMetering: centre
#fixed gain
# rpiCameraGain: 0
#EV compensation of the image [-10, 10]
# rpiCameraEV: 0
#Region of interest, in format x,y,width,height
# rpiCameraROI:
#whether to enable HDR on Raspberry Camera 3.
# rpiCameraHDR: false
#tuning file
# rpiCameraTuningFile:
#sensor mode, in format [width]:[height]:[bit-depth]:[packing]
#bit-depth and packing are optional.
# rpiCameraMode:
#frames per second
# rpiCameraFPS: 30
#period between IDR frames
# rpiCameraIDRPeriod: 60
# rpiCameraBitrate: 1000000
#H264 profile
# rpiCameraProfile: main
#H264 level
# rpiCameraLevel: '4.1'
#Autofocus mode
#values: auto, manual, continuous
# rpiCameraAfMode: auto
#Autofocus range
#values: normal, macro, full
# rpiCameraAfRange: normal
#Autofocus speed
#values: normal, fast
# rpiCameraAfSpeed: normal
#Lens position (for manual autofocus only), will be set to focus to a specific distance
#calculated by the following formula: d = 1 / value
#Examples: 0 moves the lens to infinity.
# 0.5 moves the lens to focus on objects 2m away.
# 2 moves the lens to focus on objects 50cm away.
# rpiCameraLensPosition: 0.0
#Specifies the autofocus window, in the form x,y,width,height where the coordinates
#are given as a proportion of the entire image.
# rpiCameraAfWindow:
#enables printing text on each frame.
# rpiCameraTextOverlayEnable: false
#text that is printed on each frame.
#format is the one of the strftime() function.
# rpiCameraTextOverlay: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S - MediaMTX'
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marshallmassengill commented Oct 11, 2023

Point browser at http://host_ip:1180/drivercam

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