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Last active May 18, 2021 17:08
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Authenticate on feathers-socketio connection with header

Authenticate on connection with feathers-socketio

This gist is an example of how you can coordinate between the socket client, socket server, and the feathers-authentication plugin to authenticate the connection using a request header. This saves you from having to call app.authenticate() in order to authenticate the socket. Instead, the socket connection will be ready to make authenticated requests, assuming the stored JWT accessToken is still valid.

const socketio = require('feathers-socketio')
const authOnSocketConnect = require('./authenticate-on-socket-connect')
// ... Setup your Feathers app code or use the generator then replace the socketio registration with this
// When you register the feathers-socketio plugin, use the utility
app.configure(socketio(function (io) {
// Get headers
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
authOnSocketConnect({ app, socket })
}, { timeout: app.get('socketTimeout') }))
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
module.exports = function ({ app, socket, userService = 'users' }) {
const accessToken = socket.handshake.headers.authorization
if (accessToken) {
// Verify the JWT that was passed in
jwt.verify(accessToken, app.get('authentication').secret, function (err, payload) {
if (err) {
console.log('invalid token', err)
// The JWT was valid, so request the user object
.then(user => {
// This makes the user available at hook.params.user
socket.feathers.user = user
// Now create a new JWT
return app.service('authentication').create({strategy: 'jwt', accessToken}, socket.feathers)
.then(response => {
// And finally initiate a socket message to the client with response of `{accessToken}`
socket.emit('authentication created', response)
// Yeah, yeah. This only handles the happy path. I said it was a hack. ;)
.catch(error => {
const feathers = require('feathers/client')
const io = require('')
const axios = require('axios')
const socketio = require('feathers-socketio/client')
const auth = require('feathers-authentication-client')
const hooks = require('feathers-hooks')
const host = 'http://localhost:3030'
var socket = io(host, {
transports: ['websocket'],
// Send the authorization header in the initial connection request
extraHeaders: {
Authorization: window.localStorage.getItem('feathers-jwt')
const feathersClient = feathers()
.configure(socketio(socket, { timeout: 60000 }))
// Listen to authentication events and set the new token on the feathersClient
feathersClient.service('authentication').on('created', response => {
return feathersClient
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gupta82anish commented Jul 18, 2018

Found the issue!
It actually goes like this:

      polling: {
        extraHeaders: {
          'Authorization': window.localStorage.getItem('access_token')

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