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Created March 21, 2022 01:50
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Best attempt to generate all parameters
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'SHELF_EDGE_POS_0'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'If true, the ice sheet mass can evolve with time.'
desc: 'If true, user provided code specifies the ice-shelf movement instead of the dynamic ice model.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG_IS'
desc: 'If true, write verbose debugging messages for the ice shelf.'
desc: 'If true, the ice sheet mass can evolve with time.'
desc: 'If true, user provided code specifies the ice-shelf movement instead of the dynamic ice model.'
desc: 'If true, regularize the floatation condition at the grounding line as in Goldberg Holland Schoof 2009.'
desc: 'The number of sub-partitions of each cell over which to integrate for the interpolated grounding line. Each cell is divided into NxN equally-sized rectangles, over which the basal contribution is integrated by iterative quadrature.'
desc: 'If true, let the floatation condition be determined by ocean column thickness. This means that update_OD_ffrac will be called. GL_REGULARIZE and GL_COUPLE are exclusive.'
desc: 'A factor used to limit timestep as CFL_FACTOR * min (\\Delta x / u). This is only used with an ice-only model.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'avg ocean density used in floatation cond'
desc: 'seconds between ice velocity calcs'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
desc: "nonlinearity exponent in Glen's Law"
desc: "min. strain rate to avoid infinite Glen's law viscosity"
desc: 'Exponent in sliding law \\tau_b = C u^(n_basal_fric)'
desc: 'A typical density of ice.'
desc: 'tolerance in CG solver, relative to initial residual'
desc: 'nonlin tolerance in iterative velocity solve'
desc: 'max iteratiions in CG solver'
desc: 'min ocean thickness to consider ice *floating*; will only be important with use of tides'
desc: 'Choose whether nonlin error in vel solve is based on nonlinear residual (1) or relative change since last iteration (2)'
desc: 'Specify whether to advance shelf front (and calve).'
desc: 'If true, do not allow an ice shelf where prohibited by a mask.'
desc: 'Min thickness rule for the VERY simple calving law'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The file with a mask for where calving might occur.'
desc: 'The variable to use in masking calving.'
desc: 'This specifies how the initial ice profile is specified. Valid values are: CHANNEL, FILE, and USER.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The file from which the bathymetry is read.'
desc: 'position past which shelf sides are stress free.'
desc: 'The name of the thickness variable in ICE_THICKNESS_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the area variable in ICE_THICKNESS_FILE.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'SHELF_EDGE_POS_0'
desc: None
name: 'LENLAT'
desc: None
name: 'LENLON'
desc: None
name: 'WESTLON'
desc: None
name: 'SOUTHLAT'
desc: None
desc: 'inflow ice velocity at upstream boundary'
desc: 'flux thickness at upstream boundary'
desc: 'maximum position of no-flow condition in along-flow direction'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The file from which the velocity is read.'
desc: 'position past which shelf sides are stress free.'
desc: 'The name of the thickness variable in ICE_VELOCITY_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the thickness variable in ICE_VELOCITY_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the thickness variable in ICE_VELOCITY_FILE.'
desc: 'The file from which the bed elevation is read.'
desc: 'The name of the thickness variable in ICE_INPUT_FILE.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The file from which the boundary conditions are read.'
desc: 'The file from which the ice-shelf thickness is read.'
desc: 'The name of the icethickness mask variable in ICE_THICKNESS_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the ice-shelf ubdrymask variable in ICE_SHELF_BC_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the ice-shelf vbdrymask variable in ICE_SHELF_BC_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the ice-shelf ubdrymask variable in ICE_SHELF_BC_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the ice-shelf vbdrymask variable in ICE_SHELF_BC_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the ice-shelf ice_shelf ubdry variable in ICE_SHELF_BC_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the ice-shelf ice_shelf vbdry variable in ICE_SHELF_BC_FILE.'
desc: 'This specifies how the initial basal friction profile is specified. Valid values are: CONSTANT and FILE.'
desc: 'Coefficient in sliding law.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The file from which basal friction coefficients are read.'
desc: 'The variable to use in basal traction.'
desc: 'This specifies how the initial ice-stiffness parameter is specified. Valid values are: CONSTANT and FILE.'
name: 'A_GLEN'
desc: 'Ice-stiffness parameter.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The file from which the ice-stiffness is read.'
desc: 'The variable to use as ice-stiffness.'
desc: 'Enable rotation of the horizontal indices.'
desc: 'If true, use a global lateral indexing convention, so that corresponding points on different processors have the same index. This does not work with static memory.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG_IS'
desc: 'If true, write verbose debugging messages for the ice shelf.'
desc: 'If true, the ice sheet mass can evolve with time.'
desc: 'If true, user provided code specifies the ice-shelf movement instead of the dynamic ice model.'
desc: 'If true, regularize the floatation condition at the grounding line as in Goldberg Holland Schoof 2009.'
desc: 'If true, let the floatation condition be determined by ocean column thickness. This means that update_OD_ffrac will be called. GL_REGULARIZE and GL_COUPLE are exclusive.'
desc: 'If true, use a thermodynamically interactive ice shelf.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
desc: 'If true, use the three equation expression of consistency to calculate the fluxes at the ice-ocean interface.'
desc: 'If true, the ice shelf is a perfect insulatior (no conduction).'
desc: "Depth above which the melt is set to zero (it must be >= 0) Default value won't affect the solution."
desc: 'If true, apply evaporative, heat and salt fluxes in the sponge region. This will avoid a large increase in sea level. This option is needed for some of the ISOMIP+ experiments (Ocean3 and Ocean4). IMPORTANT: it is not currently possible to do prefect restarts using this flag.'
desc: 'The minimum ocean thickness above which the ice shelf is considered to be floating when CONST_SEA_LEVEL = True.'
desc: 'Surface salinity in the restoring region.'
desc: 'Surface temperature in the restoring region.'
desc: 'If true, user specifies a constant nondimensional heat-transfer coefficient (GAMMA_T_3EQ), from which the default salt-transfer coefficient is set as GAMMA_T_3EQ/35. This is used with SHELF_THREE_EQN.'
name: 'SHELF_S_ROOT'
desc: 'If SHELF_S_ROOT = True, salinity at the ice/ocean interface (Sbdry) is computed from a quadratic equation. Otherwise, the previous interactive method to estimate Sbdry is used.'
desc: 'If SHELF_THREE_EQN is false, this the fixed turbulent exchange velocity at the ice-ocean interface.'
desc: 'Nondimensional heat-transfer coefficient.'
desc: 'Nondimensional salt-transfer coefficient.'
desc: 'Read the mass of the ice shelf (every time step) from a file.'
name: 'TFREEZE_S0_P0'
desc: 'this is the freezing potential temperature at S=0, P=0.'
desc: 'this is the derivative of the freezing potential temperature with salinity.'
desc: 'this is the derivative of the freezing potential temperature with pressure.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'C_P'
desc: 'The heat capacity of sea water, approximated as a constant. The default value is from the TEOS-10 definition of conservative temperature.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'C_P_ICE'
desc: 'The heat capacity of ice.'
desc: 'Non-dimensional factor applied to shelf thermodynamic fluxes.'
name: 'KV_ICE'
desc: 'The viscosity of the ice.'
desc: 'The molecular kinimatic viscosity of sea water at the freezing temperature.'
desc: 'The salinity of the ice inside the ice shelf.'
desc: 'The temperature at the center of the ice shelf.'
desc: 'The molecular diffusivity of salt in sea water at the freezing point.'
desc: 'The molecular diffusivity of heat in sea water at the freezing point.'
name: 'DT_FORCING'
desc: 'The time step for changing forcing, coupling with other components, or potentially writing certain diagnostics. The default value is given by DT.'
desc: 'The minimum ocean column thickness where melting is allowed.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (given by TIDEAMP_FILE) containing the tidal amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the spatially varying tidal amplitudes.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'UTIDE'
desc: 'The constant tidal amplitude used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'A typical density of ice.'
desc: 'volume flux at upstream boundary'
desc: 'flux thickness at upstream boundary'
desc: 'A typical density of ice.'
desc: 'Min thickness rule for the very simple calving law'
desc: 'The minimum value of ustar under ice shelves.'
desc: 'CDRAG is the drag coefficient relating the magnitude of the velocity field to the surface stress.'
desc: 'DRAG_BG_VEL is either the assumed bottom velocity (with LINEAR_DRAG) or an unresolved velocity that is combined with the resolved velocity to estimate the velocity magnitude.'
desc: 'If true, use the surface velocities to set the friction velocity under ice shelves instead of using the previous values of the stresses.'
desc: 'The maximum value of ustar under ice shelves, or a negative value for no limit.'
desc: 'If true, save the ice shelf initial conditions.'
desc: 'A string that specifies how the ice shelf is initialized. Valid options include:\\n \\tfile\\t Read from a file.\\n \\tzero\\t Set shelf mass to 0 everywhere.\\n \\tUSER\\t Call USER_initialize_shelf_mass.\\n'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'SHELF_FILE'
desc: 'If DYNAMIC_SHELF_MASS = True, OVERRIDE_SHELF_MOVEMENT = True and ICE_SHELF_MASS_FROM_FILE = True, this is the file from which to read the shelf mass and area.'
desc: 'The variable in SHELF_FILE with the shelf mass.'
desc: 'If true, also read the area covered by ice-shelf from SHELF_FILE.'
desc: 'The variable in SHELF_FILE with the shelf area.'
desc: 'The method for defining the horizontal grid. Valid entries include:\\n\\t file - read the grid from GRID_FILE \\n\\t mosaic - read the grid from a mosaic grid file \\n\\t cartesian - a Cartesian grid \\n\\t spherical - a spherical grid \\n\\t mercator - a Mercator grid'
name: 'AXIS_UNITS'
desc: "The units for the x- and y- axis labels. AXIS_UNITS should be defined as 'k' for km, 'm' for m, or 'd' for degrees of latitude and longitude (the default). Except on a Cartesian grid, only degrees are currently implemented."
name: 'trim(doc_file_param)'
desc: 'A file into which to write a list of all available ice shelf diagnostics that can be included in a diag_table.'
name: 'KV_ICEBERG'
desc: 'The viscosity of the icebergs'
desc: 'A typical density of icebergs.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
desc: 'Fraction of grid cell which iceberg must occupy, so that fluxes below berg are set to zero. Not applied for negative values.'
desc: "An integer power of 2 that is used to rescale the model's internal units of depths and heights. Valid values range from -300 to 300."
desc: "An integer power of 2 that is used to rescale the model's internal units of lateral distances. Valid values range from -300 to 300."
desc: "An integer power of 2 that is used to rescale the model's internal units of time. Valid values range from -300 to 300."
desc: "An integer power of 2 that is used to rescale the model's internal units of density. Valid values range from -300 to 300."
desc: "An integer power of 2 that is used to rescale the model's internal units of heat content. Valid values range from -300 to 300."
desc: 'If true, the domain is zonally reentrant.'
desc: 'If true, the domain is meridionally reentrant.'
name: 'TRIPOLAR_N'
desc: 'Use tripolar connectivity at the northern edge of the domain. With TRIPOLAR_N, NIGLOBAL must be even.'
desc: 'If true, non-blocking halo updates may be used.'
desc: 'If true, optional arguments may be used to specify the width of the halos that are updated with each call.'
name: 'NIGLOBAL'
desc: '"The total number of thickness grid points in the x-direction in the physical "//"domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in "//trim(inc_nm)//" at compile time."'
name: 'NJGLOBAL'
desc: '"The total number of thickness grid points in the y-direction in the physical "//"domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in "//trim(inc_nm)//" at compile time."'
name: 'NIGLOBAL'
desc: '"The total number of thickness grid points in the x-direction in the physical "//"domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in "//trim(inc_nm)//" at compile time."'
name: 'NJGLOBAL'
desc: '"The total number of thickness grid points in the y-direction in the physical "//"domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in "//trim(inc_nm)//" at compile time."'
name: 'trim(nihalo_nm)'
desc: 'The number of halo points on each side in the x-direction. How this is set varies with the calling component and static or dynamic memory configuration.'
name: 'trim(njhalo_nm)'
desc: 'The number of halo points on each side in the y-direction. How this is set varies with the calling component and static or dynamic memory configuration.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'trim(masktable_nm)'
desc: 'A text file to specify n_mask, layout and mask_list. This feature masks out processors that contain only land points. The first line of mask_table is the number of regions to be masked out. The second line is the layout of the model and must be consistent with the actual model layout. The following (n_mask) lines give the logical positions of the processors that are masked out. The mask_table can be created by tools like check_mask. The following example of mask_table masks out 2 processors, (1,2) and (3,6), out of the 24 in a 4x6 layout: \\n 2\\n 4,6\\n 1,2\\n 3,6\\n'
name: 'trim(layout_nm)'
desc: 'The processor layout to be used, or 0, 0 to automatically set the layout based on the number of processors.'
name: 'trim(niproc_nm)'
desc: 'The number of processors in the x-direction.'
name: 'trim(njproc_nm)'
desc: 'The number of processors in the y-direction.'
name: 'trim(io_layout_nm)'
desc: 'The processor layout to be used, or 0,0 to automatically set the io_layout to be the same as the layout.'
name: 'MAXCPU'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'MAXCPU'
desc: 'The maximum amount of cpu time per processor for which MOM should run before saving a restart file and quitting with a return value that indicates that a further run is required to complete the simulation. If automatic restarts are not desired, use a negative value for MAXCPU. MAXCPU has units of wall-clock seconds, so the actual CPU time used is larger by a factor of the number of processors used.'
desc: 'The file into which CPU time is written.'
desc: 'The number of diagnostic vertical coordinates to use. For each coordinate, an entry in DIAG_COORDS must be provided.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, use a grid index coordinate convention for diagnostic axes. '
desc: 'A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to a coordinate definition used for diagnostics. Each string is of the form "MODULE_SUFFIX PARAMETER_SUFFIX COORDINATE_NAME".'
desc: 'A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to a coordinate definition used for diagnostics. Each string is of the form "MODULE_SUFFIX,PARAMETER_SUFFIX,COORDINATE_NAME".'
desc: 'Set the default missing value to use for diagnostics.'
desc: 'Instead of writing diagnostics to the diag manager, write a text file containing the checksum (bitcount) of the array.'
desc: 'A file into which to write a list of all available ocean diagnostics that can be included in a diag_table.'
desc: 'A file into which to write all checksums of the diagnostics listed in the diag_table.'
desc: None
name: 'MAX_FIELDS'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'If true, the IO layout is used to group processors that write to the same restart file or each processor writes its own (numbered) restart file. If false, a single restart file is generated combining output from all PEs.'
desc: 'The name-root of the restart file.'
name: 'MAX_FIELDS'
desc: 'The maximum number of restart fields that can be used.'
desc: 'If true, require the restart checksums to match and error out otherwise. Users may want to avoid this comparison if for example the restarts are made from a run with a different mask_table than the current run, in which case the checksums will not match and cause crash.'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'sample_param_name'
desc: None
name: 'ODA_INCUPD'
desc: 'If true, oda incremental updates will be applied everywhere in the domain.'
desc: 'Number of hours for full update (0=direct insertion).'
desc: 'If True, reinitialize number of updates already done, ncount.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that is actually used will be an integer fraction of the forcing time-step (DT_FORCING in ocean-only mode or the coupling timestep in coupled mode.)'
name: 'DT_THERM'
desc: 'The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT.'
desc: 'use U,V increments.'
desc: 'This sets the reconstruction scheme used for vertical remapping for all variables.'
desc: 'When defined, a proper high-order reconstruction scheme is used within boundary cells rather than PCM. E.g., if PPM is used for remapping, a PPM reconstruction will also be used within boundary cells.'
desc: 'When defined, the incoming oda_incupd data are assumed to be on the model horizontal grid '
desc: 'The name-root of the output file for the increment if using full fields.'
desc: "String which determines the data assimilation method Valid methods are: \\'EAKF\\',\\'OI\\', and \\'NO_ASSIM\\'"
desc: None
desc: 'If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping).\\nIf False, use the layered isopycnal algorithm.'
desc: 'If true, the domain is zonally reentrant.'
desc: 'If true, the domain is meridionally reentrant.'
name: 'TRIPOLAR_N'
desc: 'Use tripolar connectivity at the northern edge of the domain. With TRIPOLAR_N, NIGLOBAL must be even.'
desc: 'If true, add a spatio-temporally varying climatological adjustment to temperature and salinity.'
desc: 'A multiplicative scaling factor for the climatological tracer tendency adjustment '
desc: 'If true, add a basin mask to delineate weakly connected ocean basins for the purpose of data assimilation.'
name: 'NIGLOBAL'
desc: None
name: 'NJGLOBAL'
desc: None
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: '"This sets the reconstruction scheme used "//"for vertical remapping for all variables. "//"It can be one of the following schemes: "//trim(remappingSchemesDoc)'
desc: 'Coordinate mode for vertical regridding.'
name: 'BASIN_FILE'
desc: "A file in which to find the basin masks, in variable 'basin'."
desc: 'The name of the file containing temperature and salinity tendency adjustments'
name: 'TIDES'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.'
name: 'BE'
desc: 'If SPLIT is true, BE determines the relative weighting of a 2nd-order Runga-Kutta baroclinic time stepping scheme (0.5) and a backward Euler scheme (1) that is used for the Coriolis and inertial terms. BE may be from 0.5 to 1, but instability may occur near 0.5. BE is also applicable if SPLIT is false and USE_RK2 is true.'
name: 'BEGW'
desc: 'If SPLIT is true, BEGW is a number from 0 to 1 that controls the extent to which the treatment of gravity waves is forward-backward (0) or simulated backward Euler (1). 0 is almost always used. If SPLIT is false and USE_RK2 is true, BEGW can be between 0 and 0.5 to damp gravity waves.'
desc: 'If true, provide the bottom stress calculated by the vertical viscosity to the barotropic solver.'
desc: 'If true, use the summed layered fluxes plus an adjustment due to the change in the barotropic velocity in the barotropic continuity equation.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
name: 'DEBUG_OBC'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'Integer controlling level of messaging\\n\\t0 = Only FATAL messages\\n\\t2 = Only FATAL, WARNING, NOTE [default]\\n\\t9 = All)'
desc: 'If True, exercises unit tests at model start up.'
name: 'SPLIT'
desc: 'Use the split time stepping if true.'
name: 'USE_RK2'
desc: 'If true, use RK2 instead of RK3 in the unsplit time stepping.'
desc: 'If true, the in-situ density is used to calculate the effective sea level that is returned to the coupler. If false, the Boussinesq parameter RHO_0 is used.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'USE_EOS'
desc: 'If true, density is calculated from temperature and salinity with an equation of state. If USE_EOS is true, ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS must be true as well.'
desc: 'If true, apply diabatic and thermodynamic processes, including buoyancy forcing and mass gain or loss, before stepping the dynamics forward.'
desc: 'If true, the prognostics T&S are the conservative temperature and absolute salinity. Care should be taken to convert them to potential temperature and practical salinity before exchanging them with the coupler and/or reporting T&S diagnostics.'
desc: 'There are no diapycnal mass fluxes if ADIABATIC is true. This assumes that KD = KDML = 0.0 and that there is no buoyancy forcing, but makes the model faster by eliminating subroutine calls.'
desc: 'If False, skips the dynamics calls that update u & v, as well as the gravity wave adjustment to h. This may be a fragile feature, but can be useful during development'
name: 'ADVECT_TS'
desc: 'If True, advect temperature and salinity horizontally If False, T/S are registered for advection. This is intended only to be used in offline tracer mode and is by default false in that case.'
desc: 'If true, barotropic and baroclinic dynamics, thermodynamics are all bypassed with all the fields necessary to integrate the tracer advection and diffusion equation are read in from files stored from a previous integration of the prognostic model. NOTE: This option only used in the ocean_solo_driver.'
name: 'ADVECT_TS'
desc: 'If True, advect temperature and salinity horizontally If False, T/S are registered for advection. This is intended only to be used in offline tracer mode.and is by default false in that case'
desc: 'If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). If False, use the layered isopycnal algorithm.'
desc: 'If true, use a Kraus-Turner-like bulk mixed layer with transitional buffer layers. Layers 1 through NKML+NKBL have variable densities. There must be at least NKML+NKBL+1 layers if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. BULKMIXEDLAYER can not be used with USE_REGRIDDING. The default is influenced by ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS.'
desc: 'If true, interface heights are diffused with a coefficient of KHTH.'
desc: 'If true, do thickness diffusion before dynamics. This is only used if THICKNESSDIFFUSE is true.'
desc: 'If true, there are separate values for the basin depths at velocity points. Otherwise the effects of topography are entirely determined from thickness points.'
name: 'USE_WAVES'
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
desc: 'If true, calculate all diagnostics that are useful for debugging truncations.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that is actually used will be an integer fraction of the forcing time-step (DT_FORCING in ocean-only mode or the coupling timestep in coupled mode.)'
name: 'DT_THERM'
desc: 'The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT.'
desc: 'If true, the MOM will take thermodynamic and tracer timesteps that can be longer than the coupling timestep. The actual thermodynamic timestep that is used in this case is the largest integer multiple of the coupling timestep that is less than or equal to DT_THERM.'
desc: 'If BULKMIXEDLAYER is false, HMIX_SFC_PROP is the depth over which to average to find surface properties like SST and SSS or density (but not surface velocities).'
desc: 'If BULKMIXEDLAYER is false, HMIX_UV_SFC_PROP is the depth over which to average to find surface flow properties, SSU, SSV. A non-positive value indicates no averaging.'
name: 'HFREEZE'
desc: 'If HFREEZE > 0, melt potential will be computed. The actual depth over which melt potential is computed will be min(HFREEZE, OBLD), where OBLD is the boundary layer depth. If HFREEZE <= 0 (default), melt potential will not be computed.'
desc: 'If true, linearly interpolate the surface pressure over the coupling time step, using the specified value at the end of the step.'
name: 'DTBT'
desc: None
desc: 'The period between recalculations of DTBT (if DTBT <= 0). If DTBT_RESET_PERIOD is negative, DTBT is set based only on information available at initialization. If 0, DTBT will be set every dynamics time step. The default is set by DT_THERM. This is only used if SPLIT is true.'
name: 'FRAZIL'
desc: 'If true, water freezes if it gets too cold, and the accumulated heat deficit is returned in the surface state. FRAZIL is only used if ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS is true.'
desc: 'If true, apply geothermal heating.'
desc: 'If true, limit salinity to being positive. (The sea-ice model may ask for more salt than is available and drive the salinity negative otherwise.)'
desc: 'The minimum value of salinity when BOUND_SALINITY=True.'
name: 'C_P'
desc: 'The heat capacity of sea water, approximated as a constant. This is only used if ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS is true. The default value is from the TEOS-10 definition of conservative temperature.'
desc: 'If true, always include the surface pressure contributions in equation of state calculations.'
name: 'NKML'
desc: 'The number of sublayers within the mixed layer if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true.'
name: 'NKBL'
desc: 'The number of layers that are used as variable density buffer layers if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true.'
desc: 'If true, use a global lateral indexing convention, so that corresponding points on different processors have the same index. This does not work with static memory.'
desc: 'An integer that indicates which direction goes first in parts of the code that use directionally split updates, with even numbers (or 0) used for x- first and odd numbers used for y-first.'
desc: 'If true, after every dynamic timestep alternate whether the x- or y- direction updates occur first in directionally split parts of the calculation. If this is true, FIRST_DIRECTION applies at the start of a new run or if the next first direction can not be found in the restart file.'
desc: 'If true, check the surface state for ridiculous values.'
desc: 'The value of SSH above which a bad value message is triggered, if CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true.'
desc: 'The value of SSS above which a bad value message is triggered, if CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true.'
desc: 'The value of SST above which a bad value message is triggered, if CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true.'
desc: 'The value of SST below which a bad value message is triggered, if CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true.'
desc: 'The value of column thickness below which a bad value message is triggered, if CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
name: 'SURFACE_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'If true, use expressions for the surface properties that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use more appropriate expressions that differ at roundoff for non-Boussinesq cases.'
desc: 'If true, uses the wrong calendar time for diabatic processes, as was done in MOM6 versions prior to February 2018. This is not recommended.'
desc: 'If true, write the initial conditions to a file given by IC_OUTPUT_FILE.'
desc: 'The file into which to write the initial conditions.'
name: 'WRITE_GEOM'
desc: 'If =0, never write the geometry and vertical grid files. If =1, write the geometry and vertical grid files only for a new simulation. If =2, always write the geometry and vertical grid files. Other values are invalid.'
name: 'ICE_SHELF'
desc: 'If true, enables the ice shelf model.'
desc: 'If true, use the particles package.'
desc: 'If False, The model is being run in serial mode as a single realization. If True, The current model realization is part of a larger ensemble and at the end of step MOM, we will perform a gather of the ensemble members for statistical evaluation and/or data assimilation.'
desc: 'If True, homogenize the forces and fluxes.'
desc: 'If True, update ustar from homogenized tau when using the HOMOGENIZE_FORCINGS option. Note that this will not work with a non-zero gustiness factor.'
desc: 'Enable rotation of the horizontal indices.'
desc: 'Number of counterclockwise quarter-turn index rotations.'
desc: None
name: 'ICE_SHELF'
desc: None
name: 'BE'
desc: 'If SPLIT is true, BE determines the relative weighting of a 2nd-order Runga-Kutta baroclinic time stepping scheme (0.5) and a backward Euler scheme (1) that is used for the Coriolis and inertial terms. BE may be from 0.5 to 1, but instability may occur near 0.5. BE is also applicable if SPLIT is false and USE_RK2 is true.'
name: 'BEGW'
desc: 'If SPLIT is true, BEGW is a number from 0 to 1 that controls the extent to which the treatment of gravity waves is forward-backward (0) or simulated backward Euler (1). 0 is almost always used. If SPLIT is false and USE_RK2 is true, BEGW can be between 0 and 0.5 to damp gravity waves.'
desc: 'If true, use the correct timestep in the viscous terms applied in the first predictor step with the unsplit time stepping scheme, and in the calculation of the turbulent mixed layer properties for viscosity with unsplit or unsplit_RK2.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
name: 'TIDES'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.'
desc: None
name: 'NIBLOCK'
desc: 'The number of blocks in the x-direction on each processor (for openmp).'
name: 'NJBLOCK'
desc: 'The number of blocks in the y-direction on each processor (for openmp).'
desc: 'A reference value for geometric height fields, such as bathyT.'
name: 'USE_FILE_OBC'
desc: 'If true, use external files for the open boundary.'
desc: 'If true, use the tidal_bay open boundary.'
desc: 'If true, use the Kelvin wave open boundary.'
desc: 'If true, use the shelfwave open boundary.'
desc: 'If true, use the dyed channel open boundary.'
desc: 'A string that sets how the user code is invoked to set open boundary data: \\n DOME - specified inflow on northern boundary\\n dyed_channel - supercritical with dye on the inflow boundary\\n dyed_obcs - circle_obcs with dyes on the open boundaries\\n Kelvin - barotropic Kelvin wave forcing on the western boundary\\n shelfwave - Flather with shelf wave forcing on western boundary\\n supercritical - now only needed here for the allocations\\n tidal_bay - Flather with tidal forcing on eastern boundary\\n USER - user specified'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
desc: 'If true, make the Boussinesq approximation.'
name: 'ANGSTROM'
desc: 'The minimum layer thickness, usually one-Angstrom.'
desc: "An integer power of 2 that is used to rescale the model's intenal units of thickness. Valid values range from -300 to 300."
name: 'H_TO_KG_M2'
desc: "A constant that translates thicknesses from the model's internal units of thickness to kg m-2."
name: 'H_TO_M'
desc: "A constant that translates the model's internal units of thickness into m."
name: 'NK'
desc: 'The number of model layers.'
desc: None
desc: 'The number of open boundary segments.'
desc: 'A string that sets how the open boundary conditions are configured: \\n'
name: 'NK'
desc: 'The number of model layers'
desc: 'If true, sets relative vorticity to zero on open boundaries.'
desc: 'If true, sets the normal gradient of tangential velocity to zero in the relative vorticity on open boundaries. This cannot be true if another OBC_XXX_VORTICITY option is True.'
desc: 'If true, uses the external values of tangential velocity in the relative vorticity on open boundaries. This cannot be true if another OBC_XXX_VORTICITY option is True.'
desc: 'If true, uses the external values of tangential velocity in the relative vorticity on open boundaries. This cannot be true if another OBC_XXX_VORTICITY option is True.'
desc: 'If true, sets the strain used in the stress tensor to zero on open boundaries.'
desc: 'If true, sets the normal gradient of tangential velocity to zero in the strain use in the stress tensor on open boundaries. This cannot be true if another OBC_XXX_STRAIN option is True.'
desc: 'If true, sets the normal gradient of tangential velocity to zero in the strain use in the stress tensor on open boundaries. This cannot be true if another OBC_XXX_STRAIN option is True.'
desc: 'If true, sets the normal gradient of tangential velocity to zero in the strain use in the stress tensor on open boundaries. This cannot be true if another OBC_XXX_STRAIN option is True.'
desc: 'If true, zeros the Laplacian of flow on open boundaries in the biharmonic viscosity term.'
desc: 'If true, set the areas outside open boundaries to be land.'
name: 'RAMP_OBCS'
desc: 'If true, ramps from zero to the external values over time, witha ramping timescale given by RAMP_TIMESCALE. Ramping SSH only so far'
desc: 'If RAMP_OBCS is true, this sets the ramping timescale.'
desc: 'Number of tidal constituents being added to the open boundary.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG_OBC'
desc: None
desc: 'A silly value of thicknesses used outside of open boundary conditions for debugging.'
desc: 'A silly value of velocities used outside of open boundary conditions for debugging.'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'segment_param_str'
desc: 'Documentation needs to be dynamic?????'
desc: 'The maximum magnitude of the baroclinic radiation velocity (or speed of characteristics), in gridpoints per timestep. This is only used if one of the open boundary segments is using Orlanski.'
name: 'OBC_RAD_VEL_WT'
desc: 'The relative weighting for the baroclinic radiation velocities (or speed of characteristics) at the new time level (1) or the running mean (0) for velocities. Valid values range from 0 to 1. This is only used if one of the open boundary segments is using Orlanski.'
desc: 'An effective length scale for restoring the tracer concentration at the boundaries to externally imposed values when the flow is exiting the domain.'
desc: 'An effective length scale for restoring the tracer concentration at the boundaries to values from the interior when the flow is entering the domain.'
desc: '"This sets the reconstruction scheme used "//"for vertical remapping for all variables. "//"It can be one of the following schemes: \\n"//trim(remappingSchemesDoc)'
desc: 'If true, cell-by-cell reconstructions are checked for consistency and if non-monotonicity or an inconsistency is detected then a FATAL error is issued.'
desc: 'If true, the results of remapping are checked for conservation and new extrema and if an inconsistency is detected then a FATAL error is issued.'
desc: 'If true, read external OBC data on the supergrid.'
desc: 'If true, the values on the intermediate grid used for remapping are forced to be bounded, which might not be the case due to round off.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'segnam'
desc: None
name: 'segnam'
desc: None
desc: 'Names of tidal constituents being added to the open boundaries.'
desc: 'If true, add the equilibrium phase argument to the specified tidal phases.'
desc: 'If true, include 18.6 year nodal modulation in the boundary tidal forcing.'
desc: 'Reference date to use for tidal calculations and equilibrium phase.'
desc: 'Fixed reference date to use for nodal modulation of boundary tides.'
name: '"TIDE_"//trim(OBC%tide_names(c))//"_FREQ"'
desc: '"Frequency of the "//trim(OBC%tide_names(c))//" tidal constituent. "//"This is only used if TIDES and TIDE_"//trim(OBC%tide_names(c))//" are true, or if OBC_TIDE_N_CONSTITUENTS > 0 and "//trim(OBC%tide_names(c))//" is in OBC_TIDE_CONSTITUENTS."'
name: 'segment_param_str(1:43)'
desc: 'Timescales in days for nudging along a segment, for inflow, then outflow. Setting both to zero should behave like SIMPLE obcs for the baroclinic velocities.'
name: 'segment_param_str(1:43)'
desc: 'Timescales in days for nudging along a segment, for inflow, then outflow. Setting both to zero should behave like SIMPLE obcs for the baroclinic velocities.'
name: 'segnam'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
desc: 'If true, CONTINUITY_PPM uses the Colella and Woodward monotonic limiter. The default (false) is to use a simple positive definite limiter.'
desc: 'If true, CONTINUITY_PPM uses a simple 2nd order (arithmetic mean) interpolation of the edge values. This may give better PV conservation properties. While it formally reduces the accuracy of the continuity solver itself in the strongly advective limit, it does not reduce the overall order of accuracy of the dynamic core.'
desc: 'If true, CONTINUITY_PPM becomes a 1st-order upwind continuity solver. This scheme is highly diffusive but may be useful for debugging or in single-column mode where its minimal stencil is useful.'
desc: 'The tolerance for the differences between the barotropic and baroclinic estimates of the sea surface height due to the fluxes through each face. The total tolerance for SSH is 4 times this value. The default is 0.5*NK*ANGSTROM, and this should not be set less than about 10^-15*MAXIMUM_DEPTH.'
desc: 'The tolerance for barotropic velocity discrepancies between the barotropic solution and the sum of the layer thicknesses.'
desc: 'If true, allow the adjusted velocities to have a relative CFL change up to 0.5.'
desc: 'If true, use the ratio of the open face lengths to the tracer cell areas when estimating CFL numbers. The default is set by CONT_PPM_AGGRESS_ADJUST.'
desc: 'The maximum CFL of the adjusted velocities.'
desc: 'If true, stop corrective iterations using a velocity based criterion and only stop if the iteration is better than all predecessors.'
desc: 'If true, use more appropriate limiting bounds for corrections in strongly viscous columns.'
desc: 'If true, use the marginal face areas from the continuity solver for use as the weights in the barotropic solver. Otherwise use the transport averaged areas.'
desc: 'CONTINUITY_SCHEME selects the discretization for the continuity solver. The only valid value currently is: \\n\\t PPM - use a positive-definite (or monotonic) \\n\\t piecewise parabolic reconstruction solver.'
desc: 'If true the pressure gradient forces are calculated with a finite volume form that analytically integrates the equations of state in pressure to avoid any possibility of numerical thermobaric instability, as described in Adcroft et al., O. Mod. (2008).'
desc: 'If true, use the correct timestep in the viscous terms applied in the first predictor step with the unsplit time stepping scheme, and in the calculation of the turbulent mixed layer properties for viscosity with unsplit or unsplit_RK2.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
name: 'TIDES'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'TIDES'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.'
name: 'USE_EOS'
desc: None
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'TIDES'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.'
desc: 'If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). If False, use the layered isopycnal algorithm.'
desc: 'If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations.'
desc: 'If true, use a form of the PGF that uses the reference density in an inaccurate way. This is not recommended.'
desc: 'If True, use vertical reconstruction of T & S within the integrals of the FV pressure gradient calculation. If False, use the constant-by-layer algorithm. The default is set by USE_REGRIDDING.'
desc: 'Order of vertical reconstruction of T/S to use in the integrals within the FV pressure gradient calculation.\\n 0: PCM or no reconstruction.\\n 1: PLM reconstruction.\\n 2: PPM reconstruction.'
desc: 'If true, the reconstruction of T & S for pressure in boundary cells is extrapolated, rather than using PCM in these cells. If true, the same order polynomial is used as is used for the interior cells.'
desc: 'The coefficient correlating SGS temperature variance with the mean temperature gradient in the deterministic part of the Stanley form of the Brankart correction. Negative values disable the scheme.'
name: 'SPLIT'
desc: None
name: 'SPLIT'
desc: 'Use the split time stepping if true.'
desc: 'If true, use a structure with elements that describe effective face areas from the summed continuity solver as a function the barotropic flow in coupling between the barotropic and baroclinic flow. This is only used if SPLIT is true.'
desc: 'If true, use the time-integrated velocity over the barotropic steps to determine the integrated transports used to update the continuity equation. Otherwise the transports are the sum of the transports based on a series of instantaneous velocities and the BT_CONT_TYPE for transports. This is only valid if USE_BT_CONT_TYPE = True.'
desc: 'If true, the corrective pseudo mass-fluxes into the barotropic solver are limited to values that require less than maxCFL_BT_cont to be accommodated.'
desc: 'If true, and BOUND_BT_CORRECTION is true, use the BT_cont_type variables to set limits determined by MAXCFL_BT_CONT on the CFL number of the velocities that are likely to be driven by the corrective mass fluxes.'
desc: 'If true, adjust the curve fit to the BT_cont type that is used by the barotropic solver to match the transport about which the flow is being linearized.'
desc: 'If true, adjust the initial conditions for the barotropic solver to the values from the layered solution over a whole timestep instead of instantly. This is a decent approximation to the inclusion of sum(u dh_dt) while also correcting for truncation errors.'
desc: 'If true, use the viscous remnants when estimating the barotropic velocities that were used to calculate uh0 and vh0. False is probably the better choice.'
desc: 'If true, use wide halos and march in during the barotropic time stepping for efficiency.'
name: 'BTHALO'
desc: 'The minimum halo size for the barotropic solver.'
desc: 'If true, use nonlinear transports in the barotropic continuity equation. This does not apply if USE_BT_CONT_TYPE is true.'
desc: 'If NONLINEAR_BT_CONTINUITY is true, this is the number of barotropic time steps between updates to the face areas, or 0 to update only before the barotropic stepping.'
desc: 'If true, step the barotropic velocity first and project out the velocity tendency by 1+BEBT when calculating the transport. The default (false) is to use a predictor continuity step to find the pressure field, and then to do a corrector continuity step using a weighted average of the old and new velocities, with weights of (1-BEBT) and BEBT.'
desc: 'If true, use the full depth of the ocean at the start of the barotropic step when calculating the surface stress contribution to the barotropic acclerations. Otherwise use the depth based on bathyT.'
desc: 'If true, add a dynamic pressure due to a viscous ice shelf, for instance.'
desc: 'The length scale at which the Rayleigh damping rate due to the ice strength should be the same as if a Laplacian were applied, if DYNAMIC_SURFACE_PRESSURE is true.'
desc: 'The minimum depth to use in limiting the size of the dynamic surface pressure for stability, if DYNAMIC_SURFACE_PRESSURE is true..'
desc: 'The constant that scales the dynamic surface pressure, if DYNAMIC_SURFACE_PRESSURE is true. Stable values are < ~1.0.'
desc: 'A factor by which the barotropic Coriolis anomaly terms are scaled.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use expressions for the barotropic solver that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use more efficient or general expressions.'
name: 'TIDES'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.'
desc: 'If true, the tidal self-attraction and loading anomaly in the barotropic solver has the wrong sign, replicating a long-standing bug with a scalar self-attraction and loading term or the SAL term from a previous simulation.'
name: 'SADOURNY'
desc: 'If true, the Coriolis terms are discretized with the Sadourny (1975) energy conserving scheme, otherwise the Arakawa & Hsu scheme is used. If the internal deformation radius is not resolved, the Sadourny scheme should probably be used.'
desc: 'A string describing the scheme that is used to set the open face areas used for barotropic transport and the relative weights of the accelerations. Valid values are:\\n\\t ARITHMETIC - arithmetic mean layer thicknesses \\n\\t HARMONIC - harmonic mean layer thicknesses \\n\\t HYBRID (the default) - use arithmetic means for \\n\\t layers above the shallowest bottom, the harmonic \\n\\t mean for layers below, and a weighted average for \\n\\t layers that straddle that depth \\n\\t FROM_BT_CONT - use the average thicknesses kept \\n\\t in the h_u and h_v fields of the BT_cont_type'
desc: 'If true, use a stronger estimate of the retarding effects of strong bottom drag, by making it implicit with the barotropic time-step instead of implicit with the baroclinic time-step and dividing by the number of barotropic steps.'
desc: 'If true, apply a linear drag to the barotropic velocities, using rates set by lin_drag_u & _v divided by the depth of the ocean. This was introduced to facilitate tide modeling.'
desc: 'The name of the file with the barotropic linear wave drag piston velocities.'
desc: 'The name of the variable in BT_WAVE_DRAG_FILE with the barotropic linear wave drag piston velocities at h points.'
desc: 'A scaling factor for the barotropic linear wave drag piston velocities.'
desc: 'If true, limit any velocity components that exceed CFL_TRUNCATE. This should only be used as a desperate debugging measure.'
desc: 'The value of the CFL number that will cause velocity components to be truncated; instability can occur past 0.5.'
name: 'MAXVEL'
desc: 'The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity components are truncated.'
desc: 'The maximum permitted CFL number associated with the barotropic accelerations from the summed velocities times the time-derivatives of thicknesses.'
desc: 'A negligibly small velocity magnitude below which velocity components are set to 0. A reasonable value might be 1e-30 m/s, which is less than an Angstrom divided by the age of the universe.'
name: 'DT_BT_FILTER'
desc: 'A time-scale over which the barotropic mode solutions are filtered, in seconds if positive, or as a fraction of DT if negative. When used this can never be taken to be longer than 2*dt. Set this to 0 to apply no filtering.'
name: 'G_BT_EXTRA'
desc: 'A nondimensional factor by which gtot is enhanced.'
name: 'SSH_EXTRA'
desc: 'An estimate of how much higher SSH might get, for use in calculating the safe external wave speed. The default is the minimum of 10 m or 5% of MAXIMUM_DEPTH.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
name: 'DEBUG_BT'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data within the barotropic time-stepping loop. The data volume can be quite large if this is true.'
desc: 'If true use the bottom depth instead of the total water column thickness in the barotropic Coriolis term calculations.'
name: 'BEBT'
desc: 'BEBT determines whether the barotropic time stepping uses the forward-backward time-stepping scheme or a backward Euler scheme. BEBT is valid in the range from 0 (for a forward-backward treatment of nonrotating gravity waves) to 1 (for a backward Euler treatment). In practice, BEBT must be greater than about 0.05.'
name: 'DTBT'
desc: 'The barotropic time step, in s. DTBT is only used with the split explicit time stepping. To set the time step automatically based the maximum stable value use 0, or a negative value gives the fraction of the stable value. Setting DTBT to 0 is the same as setting it to -0.98. The value of DTBT that will actually be used is an integer fraction of DT, rounding down.'
desc: 'If True, use an order of operations that is not bitwise rotationally symmetric in the meridional Coriolis term of the barotropic solver.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, adjust the initial conditions for the barotropic solver to the values from the layered solution over a whole timestep instead of instantly. This is a decent approximation to the inclusion of sum(u dh_dt) while also correcting for truncation errors.'
name: 'NOSLIP'
desc: 'If true, no slip boundary conditions are used; otherwise free slip boundary conditions are assumed. The implementation of the free slip BCs on a C-grid is much cleaner than the no slip BCs. The use of free slip BCs is strongly encouraged, and no slip BCs are not used with the biharmonic viscosity.'
desc: 'If true, two estimates of the thickness fluxes are used to estimate the Coriolis term, and the one that dissipates energy relative to the other one is used.'
desc: 'CORIOLIS_SCHEME selects the discretization for the Coriolis terms. Valid values are: \\n\\t SADOURNY75_ENERGY - Sadourny, 1975; energy cons. \\n\\t ARAKAWA_HSU90 - Arakawa & Hsu, 1990 \\n\\t SADOURNY75_ENSTRO - Sadourny, 1975; enstrophy cons. \\n\\t ARAKAWA_LAMB81 - Arakawa & Lamb, 1981; En. + Enst.\\n\\t ARAKAWA_LAMB_BLEND - A blend of Arakawa & Lamb with \\n\\t Arakawa & Hsu and Sadourny energy'
desc: 'A weighting value for the ratio of inverse thicknesses, beyond which the blending between Sadourny Energy and Arakawa & Hsu goes linearly to 0 when CORIOLIS_SCHEME is ARAWAKA_LAMB_BLEND. This must be between 1 and 1e-16.'
desc: 'The factor by which the maximum effective Coriolis acceleration from any point can be increased when blending different discretizations with the ARAKAWA_LAMB_BLEND Coriolis scheme. This must be greater than 2.0 (the max value for Sadourny energy).'
desc: 'mesg'
name: 'KE_SCHEME'
desc: 'KE_SCHEME selects the discretization for acceleration due to the kinetic energy gradient. Valid values are: \\n\\t KE_ARAKAWA, KE_SIMPLE_GUDONOV, KE_GUDONOV'
desc: 'PV_ADV_SCHEME selects the discretization for PV advection. Valid values are: \\n\\t PV_ADV_CENTERED - centered (aka Sadourny, 75) \\n\\t PV_ADV_UPWIND1 - upwind, first order'
desc: 'If an obsolete diagnostic variable appears in the diag_table, cause a FATAL error rather than issue a WARNING.'
desc: 'X Location of generation site for internal tide'
desc: 'Y Location of generation site for internal tide'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'debugging prints'
desc: None
desc: 'The lower fraction of water column over which N2 is limited as monotonic for the purposes of calculating the equivalent barotropic wave speed.'
desc: 'The depth below which N2 is limited as monotonic for the purposes of calculating the equivalent barotropic wave speed.'
desc: 'The fractional tolerance for finding the wave speeds.'
desc: 'A floor in the first mode speed below which 0 used instead.'
desc: 'If true, use a more robust estimate of the first mode wave speed as the starting point for iterations.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
name: 'SPLIT'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, calculate the available potential energy of the interfaces. Setting this to false reduces the memory footprint of high-PE-count models dramatically.'
desc: 'If true, write the integrated tracer amounts to stdout when the energy files are written.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'The (baroclinic) dynamics time step.'
name: 'MAXTRUNC'
desc: 'The run will be stopped, and the day set to a very large value if the velocity is truncated more than MAXTRUNC times between energy saves. Set MAXTRUNC to 0 to stop if there is any truncation of velocities.'
name: 'MAX_ENERGY'
desc: 'The maximum permitted average energy per unit mass; the model will be stopped if there is more energy than this. If zero or negative, this is set to 10*MAXVEL^2.'
name: 'MAXVEL'
desc: 'The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity components are truncated.'
desc: 'The file to use to write the energies and globally summed diagnostics.'
desc: 'If true, use dates (not times) in messages to stdout'
name: 'TIMEUNIT'
desc: 'The time unit in seconds a number of input fields'
desc: 'Read the depth list from a file if it exists or create that file otherwise.'
desc: 'The minimum increment between the depths of the entries in the depth-list file.'
desc: 'The name of the depth list file.'
desc: 'Require that matching checksums be in when reading the file.'
name: 'TIMEUNIT'
desc: 'The time unit for ENERGYSAVEDAYS.'
desc: 'The interval in units of TIMEUNIT between saves of the energies of the run and other globally summed diagnostics.'
desc: 'The starting interval in units of TIMEUNIT for the first call to save the energies of the run and other globally summed diagnostics. The interval increases by a factor of 2. after each call to write_energy.'
name: 'U_TRUNC_FILE'
desc: 'The absolute path to the file where the accelerations leading to zonal velocity truncations are written. \\nLeave this empty for efficiency if this diagnostic is not needed.'
name: 'V_TRUNC_FILE'
desc: 'The absolute path to the file where the accelerations leading to meridional velocity truncations are written. \\nLeave this empty for efficiency if this diagnostic is not needed.'
desc: 'The maximum number of columns of truncations that any PE will write out during a run.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
desc: 'If true, checksums are performed on arrays in the various vec_chksum routines.'
desc: 'If true, debug redundant data points during calls to the various vec_chksum routines.'
desc: 'Maximum total tidal volume flux.'
desc: 'Minimum layer thickness'
name: 'RGC_TNUDG'
desc: 'Nudging time scale for sponge layers'
name: 'LENLAT'
desc: 'The latitudinal or y-direction length of the domain'
name: 'LENLON'
desc: 'The longitudinal or x-direction length of the domain'
desc: 'The length of the sponge layer (km).'
name: 'SPONGE_UV'
desc: 'Nudge velocities (u and v) towards zero in the sponge layer.'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of the file with temps., salts. and interfaces to \\n damp toward.'
desc: 'The name of the potential temperature variable in \\nSPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the salinity variable in \\nSPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the interface height variable in \\nSPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
name: 'SPONGE_H_VAR'
desc: 'The name of the layer thickness variable in \\nSPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
name: 'ISOMIP_2D'
desc: 'If true, use a 2D setup.'
desc: 'Minimum layer thickness'
desc: None
name: 'ISOMIP_T_SUR'
desc: 'Temperature at the surface (interface)'
name: 'ISOMIP_S_SUR'
desc: 'Salinity at the surface (interface)'
name: 'ISOMIP_T_BOT'
desc: 'Temperature at the bottom (interface)'
name: 'ISOMIP_S_BOT'
desc: 'Salinity at the bottom (interface)'
desc: None
name: 'ISOMIP_T_SUR'
desc: 'Temperature at the surface (interface)'
name: 'ISOMIP_S_SUR'
desc: 'Salinity at the surface (interface)'
name: 'ISOMIP_T_BOT'
desc: 'Temperature at the bottom (interface)'
name: 'ISOMIP_S_BOT'
desc: 'Salinity at the bottom (interface)'
desc: 'If true, accept the prescribed temperature and fit the salinity; otherwise take salinity and fit temperature.'
name: 'DRHO_DS'
desc: 'Partial derivative of density with salinity.'
name: 'DRHO_DT'
desc: 'Partial derivative of density with temperature.'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'A reference temperature used in initialization.'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'A reference salinity used in initialization.'
desc: 'Minimum layer thickness'
desc: None
desc: 'Nudging time scale for sponge layers (days)'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'Reference temperature'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'Reference salinity'
desc: 'Surface salinity in sponge layer.'
desc: 'Bottom salinity in sponge layer.'
desc: 'Surface temperature in sponge layer.'
desc: 'Bottom temperature in sponge layer.'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of the file with temps., salts. and interfaces to damp toward.'
desc: 'The name of the potential temperature variable in SPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the salinity variable in SPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the interface height variable in SPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
name: 'USE_WAVES'
desc: 'If true, enables surface wave modules.'
name: 'USE_LA_LI2016'
desc: None
desc: 'The depth (normalized by BLD) to average Stokes drift over in Langmuir number calculation, where La = sqrt(ust/Stokes).'
desc: 'Flag to use Lagrangian Mixing of momentum'
desc: 'Flag to use Stokes Mixing of momentum'
desc: 'Flag to use Coriolis Stokes acceleration'
desc: 'Choice of wave method, valid options include: \\n TEST_PROFILE - Prescribed from surface Stokes drift \\n and a decay wavelength.\\n SURFACE_BANDS - Computed from multiple surface values \\n and decay wavelengths.\\n DHH85 - Uses Donelan et al. 1985 empirical \\n wave spectrum with prescribed values. \\n LF17 - Infers Stokes drift profile from wind \\n speed following Li and Fox-Kemper 2017.\\n EFACTOR - Applies an enhancement factor to the KPP\\n turbulent velocity scale received \\n directly from WW3 and is based on the \\n surface layer and projected Langmuir \\n number (Li 2016)\\n'
name: 'TP_STKX_SURF'
desc: 'Surface Stokes (x) for test profile'
name: 'TP_STKY_SURF'
desc: 'Surface Stokes (y) for test profile'
name: 'TP_WVL'
desc: 'Wavelength for test profile'
desc: 'Choice of SURFACE_BANDS data mode, valid options include: \\n DATAOVERRIDE - Read from NetCDF using FMS DataOverride. \\n COUPLER - Look for variables from coupler pass \\n INPUT - Testing with fixed values.'
desc: 'Filename of surface Stokes drift input band data.'
desc: 'STK_BAND_COUPLER is the number of Stokes drift bands in the coupler. This has to be consistent with the number of Stokes drift bands in WW3, or the model will fail.'
desc: 'Central wavenumbers for surface Stokes drift bands.'
desc: 'Prescribe number of wavenumber bands for Stokes drift. Make sure this is consistnet w/ WAVENUMBERS, STOKES_X, and STOKES_Y, there are no safety checks in the code.'
desc: 'Central wavenumbers for surface Stokes drift bands.'
desc: 'X-direction surface Stokes drift for bands.'
desc: 'Y-direction surface Stokes drift for bands.'
name: 'DHH85_AGE_FP'
desc: 'Choose true to use waveage in peak frequency.'
name: 'DHH85_AGE'
desc: 'Wave Age for DHH85 spectrum.'
name: 'DHH85_WIND'
desc: 'Wind speed for DHH85 spectrum.'
name: 'STATIC_DHH85'
desc: 'Flag to disable updating DHH85 Stokes drift.'
desc: 'Flag (logical) if using misalignment bt shear and waves in LA'
desc: 'A minimum value for all Langmuir numbers that is not physical, but is likely only encountered when the wind is very small and therefore its effects should be mostly benign.'
desc: 'Mean zonal flow imposed at upstream open boundary.'
desc: 'Sloshing amplitude imposed at upstream open boundary.'
desc: 'Frequency of oscillating zonal flow.'
desc: 'The number of dye tracers in this run. Each tracer should have a separate boundary segment.'
name: 'F_0'
desc: None
name: 'LENLAT'
desc: None
desc: 'Length scale of shelfwave in x-direction.'
desc: 'Length scale of exponential dropoff of topography in the y-direction.'
desc: 'Cross-shore wave mode.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'Fractional widths of all the domain sections for the dense water experiment.\\nAs a 5-element vector:\\n - open ocean, the section at maximum depth\\n - downslope, the downward overflow slope\\n - sill separating downslope from upslope\\n - upslope, the upward slope accumulating dense water\\n - the shelf in the dense formation region.'
desc: 'Depth of the sill separating downslope from upslope, as fraction of basin depth.'
desc: 'Depth of the shelf region accumulating dense water for overflow, as fraction of basin depth.'
desc: 'Depth of unstratified mixed layer as a fraction of the water column.'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'Reference salinity'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'Reference temperature'
name: 'S_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial salinity range'
desc: 'The time scale on the west (outflow) of the domain for restoring. If zero, the sponge is disabled.'
desc: 'The fraction of the domain in which the western (outflow) sponge is active.'
desc: 'The time scale on the east (outflow) of the domain for restoring. If zero, the sponge is disabled.'
desc: 'The fraction of the domain in which the eastern (outflow) sponge is active.'
desc: 'Salt anomaly of the dense water being formed in the overflow region.'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'S_REF'
desc: None
name: 'S_RANGE'
desc: None
name: 'T_REF'
desc: None
desc: 'Non-dimensional height of seamount.'
desc: 'Length scale of seamount in x-direction. Set to zero make topography uniform in the x-direction.'
desc: 'Length scale of seamount in y-direction. Set to zero make topography uniform in the y-direction.'
desc: 'Minimum thickness for layer'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'S_REF'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'The granularity of initial interface height values per meter, to avoid sensivity to order-of-arithmetic changes.'
desc: None
desc: 'Initial profile shape. Valid values are "linear", "parabolic" and "exponential".'
desc: 'Initial surface salinity'
desc: 'Initial surface temperature'
desc: 'Initial salinity range (bottom - surface)'
desc: 'Initial temperature range (bottom - surface)'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'S_REF'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'BBUILDER_N'
desc: 'Number of pieces of topography to use.'
name: 'pname1'
desc: '"The basin builder function to apply with parameters "//trim(pname2)//". Choices are: NS_COAST, EW_COAST, "//"CIRC_CONIC_RIDGE, NS_CONIC_RIDGE, CIRC_SCURVE_RIDGE, "//"NS_SCURVE_RIDGE."'
name: 'pname2'
desc: 'NS_COAST parameters: longitude, starting latitude, ending latitude, footprint radius, shelf depth.'
name: 'pname2'
desc: 'NS_CONIC_RIDGE parameters: longitude, starting latitude, ending latitude, footprint radius, ridge height.'
name: 'pname2'
desc: 'NS_SCURVE_RIDGE parameters: longitude, starting latitude, ending latitude, footprint radius, ridge height.'
name: 'pname2'
desc: 'ANGLED_COAST parameters: longitude intersection with Equator, latitude intersection with Prime Meridian, footprint radius, shelf depth.'
name: 'pname2'
desc: 'EW_COAST parameters: latitude, starting longitude, ending longitude, footprint radius, shelf depth.'
name: 'pname2'
desc: 'CIRC_CONIC_RIDGE parameters: center longitude, center latitude, ring radius, footprint radius, ridge height.'
name: 'pname2'
desc: 'CIRC_SCURVe_RIDGE parameters: center longitude, center latitude, ring radius, footprint radius, ridge height.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
desc: 'Amplitude of SLP forcing in reservoirs.'
desc: 'Periodicity of SLP forcing in reservoirs.'
desc: 'Logical for rotation of dumbbell domain.'
desc: 'Initial surface salinity'
desc: 'Initial salinity range (bottom - surface)'
desc: 'If true, the buoyancy fluxes drive the model back toward some specified surface state with a rate given by FLUXCONST.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'Minimum layer thickness'
desc: None
name: 'T_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial temperature range'
name: 'DRHO_DT'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'Reference salinity'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'Reference temperature'
name: 'T_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial temperature range'
desc: None
name: 'T_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial temperature range'
name: 'DRHO_DT'
desc: None
desc: 'The number of dye tracers in this run. Each tracer should have a separate boundary segment.'
desc: 'The vertical displacement of interfaces across the front. A value larger in magnitude that MAX_DEPTH is truncated,'
desc: 'The thickness of the thermocline in the lock exchange experiment. A value of zero creates a two layer system with vanished layers in between the two inflated layers.'
desc: 'The radius of the initially elevated disk in the circle_obcs test case.'
desc: 'The x-offset of the initially elevated disk in the circle_obcs test case.'
desc: 'Initial amplitude of interface height displacements in the circle_obcs test case.'
name: 'DRHO_DT'
desc: 'Rate of change of density with temperature.'
name: 'SST_S'
desc: 'SST at the suothern edge of the domain.'
name: 'T_BOT'
desc: 'Bottom Temp'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
name: 'SOUTHLAT'
desc: 'The southern latitude of the domain.'
name: 'LENLAT'
desc: 'The latitudinal length of the domain.'
name: 'WESTLON'
desc: 'The western longitude of the domain.'
name: 'LENLON'
desc: 'The longitudinal length of the domain.'
name: 'SCM_TEMP_MLD'
desc: 'Initial temp mixed layer depth'
name: 'SCM_SALT_MLD'
desc: 'Initial salt mixed layer depth'
name: 'SCM_L1_SALT'
desc: 'Layer 2 surface salinity'
name: 'SCM_L1_TEMP'
desc: 'Layer 1 surface temperature'
name: 'SCM_L2_SALT'
desc: 'Layer 2 surface salinity'
name: 'SCM_L2_TEMP'
desc: 'Layer 2 surface temperature'
name: 'SCM_L2_DTDZ'
desc: 'Initial temperature stratification in layer 2'
name: 'SCM_L2_DSDZ'
desc: 'Initial salinity stratification in layer 2'
name: 'SCM_L2_MINTEMP'
desc: 'Layer 2 minimum temperature'
desc: 'Wind Stress switch used in the SCM CVMix surface forcing.'
desc: 'Heat flux switch used in the SCM CVMix test surface forcing.'
desc: 'Evaporation switch used in the SCM CVMix test surface forcing.'
desc: 'Diurnal sw radation switch used in the SCM CVMix test surface forcing.'
name: 'SCM_TAU_X'
desc: 'Constant X-dir wind stress used in the SCM CVMix test surface forcing.'
name: 'SCM_TAU_Y'
desc: 'Constant y-dir wind stress used in the SCM CVMix test surface forcing.'
desc: 'Constant surface heat flux used in the SCM CVMix test surface forcing.'
desc: 'Constant surface evaporation used in the SCM CVMix test surface forcing.'
desc: 'Maximum diurnal sw radiation used in the SCM CVMix test surface forcing.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
desc: 'Amplitude of wavy signal in bathymetry.'
desc: 'Scale factor for topography - 0.0 for no continents.'
desc: 'Profile of initial layer thicknesses.'
desc: 'Amplitude of finite scale perturbations as fraction of depth.'
desc: 'Amplitude of noise to scale layer by.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'LFR_SLAT'
desc: 'Southern latitude where the linear forcing ramp begins.'
name: 'LFR_NLAT'
desc: 'Northern latitude where the linear forcing ramp ends.'
name: 'SST_S'
desc: 'SST at the southern edge of the linear forcing ramp.'
name: 'SST_N'
desc: 'SST at the northern edge of the linear forcing ramp.'
name: 'DRHO_DT'
desc: 'The rate of change of density with temperature.'
desc: 'If true, the buoyancy fluxes drive the model back toward some specified surface state with a rate given by FLUXCONST.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
name: 'USER_KD_ADD'
desc: 'A user-specified additional diffusivity over a range of latitude and density.'
desc: 'Four successive values that define a range of latitudes over which the user-specified extra diffusivity is applied. The four values specify the latitudes at which the extra diffusivity starts to increase from 0, hits its full value, starts to decrease again, and is back to 0.'
desc: 'Four successive values that define a range of potential densities over which the user-given extra diffusivity is applied. The four values specify the density at which the extra diffusivity starts to increase from 0, hits its full value, starts to decrease again, and is back to 0.'
desc: 'If true, use the absolute value of latitude when checking whether a point fits into range of latitudes.'
desc: 'Vertical Kelvin wave mode imposed at upstream open boundary.'
name: 'F_0'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'The distance along the southern and northern boundaries at which the coasts angle in.'
desc: 'The distance from the southern and northern boundaries at which the coasts angle in.'
desc: 'The angle of the southern bondary beyond X=ROTATED_COAST_OFFSET.'
desc: None
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'The integrated rate at which heat flux anomalies are accumulated.'
desc: 'The integrated rate at which precipitation anomalies are accumulated.'
desc: 'The integrated rate at which cyclical heat flux anomalies are accumulated.'
desc: 'The integrated rate at which cyclical precipitation anomalies are accumulated.'
desc: 'The length scales over which controlled forcing anomalies are smoothed.'
desc: 'A constant of proportionality between SST anomalies and controlling heat fluxes'
desc: 'A constant of proportionality between SSS anomalies (normalised by mean SSS) and controlling precipitation.'
desc: 'A constant of proportionality between SST anomalies and cyclical controlling heat fluxes'
desc: 'A constant of proportionality between SSS anomalies (normalised by mean SSS) and cyclical controlling precipitation.'
desc: 'The fractional depth where the stratification is centered.'
name: 'JET_WIDTH'
desc: 'The width of the zonal-mean jet.'
name: 'JET_HEIGHT'
desc: 'The interface height scale associated with the zonal-mean jet.'
desc: None
desc: 'The magnitude of the initial velocity perturbation.'
name: 'JET_WIDTH'
desc: 'The width of the zonal-mean jet.'
name: 'JET_HEIGHT'
desc: 'The interface height scale associated with the zonal-mean jet.'
desc: None
desc: 'The fractional depth where the stratificaiton is centered.'
desc: 'The rate at which the zonal-mean sponges damp.'
name: 'JET_WIDTH'
desc: 'The width of the zonal-mean jet.'
name: 'JET_HEIGHT'
desc: 'The interface height scale associated with the zonal-mean jet.'
desc: None
desc: 'The maximum height of the topography.'
desc: 'Width of shelf, as fraction of domain, in 2d DOME configuration.'
desc: 'Width of deep ocean basin, as fraction of domain, in 2d DOME configuration.'
desc: 'Depth of shelf, as fraction of basin depth, in 2d DOME configuration.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'Reference salinity'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'Reference temperature'
name: 'S_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial salinity range'
name: 'T_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial temperature range'
desc: 'The time-scale on the west edge of the domain for restoring T/S in the sponge. If zero, the western sponge is disabled'
desc: 'The time-scale on the east edge of the domain for restoring T/S in the sponge. If zero, the eastern sponge is disabled'
desc: 'The fraction of the domain in which the western sponge for restoring T/S is active.'
desc: 'The fraction of the domain in which the eastern sponge for restoring T/S is active.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'S_REF'
desc: None
name: 'T_REF'
desc: None
name: 'S_RANGE'
desc: None
name: 'T_RANGE'
desc: None
desc: 'Air density used to compute the idealized hurricane wind profile.'
desc: 'Ambient pressure used in the idealized hurricane wind profile.'
desc: 'Central pressure used in the idealized hurricane wind profile.'
desc: 'Radius of maximum winds used in the idealized hurricane wind profile.'
desc: 'Maximum wind speed used in the idealized hurricanewind profile.'
desc: 'Translation speed of hurricane used in the idealized hurricane wind profile.'
desc: 'Translation direction (towards) of hurricane used in the idealized hurricane wind profile.'
name: 'IDL_HURR_X0'
desc: 'Idealized Hurricane initial X position'
name: 'IDL_HURR_Y0'
desc: 'Idealized Hurricane initial Y position'
desc: 'Current relative stress switch used in the idealized hurricane wind profile.'
desc: 'Single column mode benchmark case switch, which is invoking a modification (bug) in the wind profile meant to reproduce a previous implementation.'
name: 'IDL_HURR_SCM'
desc: 'Single Column mode switch used in the SCM idealized hurricane wind profile.'
desc: 'Y distance of station used in the SCM idealized hurricane wind profile.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
name: 'IDL_HURR_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'If true, use expressions driving the idealized hurricane test case that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise use expressions that are rescalable and respect rotational symmetry.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'GUST_CONST'
desc: 'The background gustiness in the winds.'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'Reference salinity'
desc: 'Minimum layer thickness'
desc: None
desc: 'Width of frontal zone'
desc: 'Top-to-bottom salinity difference of stratification'
desc: 'Salinity difference across front'
desc: 'Amplitude of trans-frontal wave perturbation'
desc: 'Wave-length of trans-frontal wave perturbation'
desc: 'Amplitude of frontal asymmetric perturbation'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'Reference salinity'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'Reference temperature'
name: 'S_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial salinity range'
name: 'T_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial temperature range'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'Initial amplitude of sloshing internal interface height displacements it the sloshing test case.'
desc: 'If true, use code with a bug to set the sloshing initial conditions.'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'Reference value for salinity'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'Reference value for temperature'
name: 'S_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial salinity range.'
name: 'T_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial temperature range'
desc: 'The vertical displacement of the SSH anomaly. '
desc: 'The lateral width of the SSH anomaly. '
desc: 'Constant zonal flow imposed at upstream open boundary.'
desc: 'Lateral Length scale for dumbbell.'
desc: 'Meridional fraction for narrow part of dumbbell.'
desc: 'Logical for rotation of dumbbell domain.'
desc: 'Minimum thickness for layer'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'S_REF'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'The granularity of initial interface height values per meter, to avoid sensivity to order-of-arithmetic changes.'
desc: None
desc: 'Initial profile shape. Valid values are "linear", "parabolic" and "exponential".'
desc: 'DUMBBELL salinity range (right-left)'
desc: 'Lateral Length scale for dumbbell '
desc: 'Logical for rotation of dumbbell domain.'
desc: 'Lateral Length scale for dumbbell '
desc: 'Logical for rotation of dumbbell domain.'
desc: 'The time scale in the reservoir for restoring. If zero, the sponge is disabled.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'Minimum thickness for layer'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'Reference salinity'
name: 'DSDZ'
desc: 'Salinity stratification'
name: 'DELTA_S'
desc: 'Salinity difference across baroclinic zone'
name: 'DSDX'
desc: 'Meridional salinity difference'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'Reference temperature'
name: 'DTDZ'
desc: 'Temperature stratification'
name: 'DELTA_T'
desc: 'Temperature difference across baroclinic zone'
name: 'DTDX'
desc: 'Meridional temperature difference'
name: 'L_ZONE'
desc: 'Width of baroclinic zone'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
desc: 'Initial mixed layer depth in the benchmark test case.'
desc: 'Initial thermocline depth scale in the benchmark test case.'
name: 'EQN_OF_STATE'
desc: 'EQN_OF_STATE determines which ocean equation of state should be used. Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "UNESCO", "WRIGHT", "NEMO" and "TEOS10". This is only used if USE_EOS is true.'
name: 'RHO_T0_S0'
desc: '"When EQN_OF_STATE="//trim(EOS_LINEAR_STRING)//", "//"this is the density at T=0, S=0."'
name: 'DRHO_DT'
desc: '"When EQN_OF_STATE="//trim(EOS_LINEAR_STRING)//", "//"this is the partial derivative of density with "//"temperature."'
name: 'DRHO_DS'
desc: '"When EQN_OF_STATE="//trim(EOS_LINEAR_STRING)//", "//"this is the partial derivative of density with "//"salinity."'
desc: 'If true, always use the generic (quadrature) code code for the integrals of density.'
desc: 'TFREEZE_FORM determines which expression should be used for the freezing point. Currently, the valid choices are "LINEAR", "MILLERO_78", "TEOS10"'
name: 'TFREEZE_S0_P0'
desc: '"When TFREEZE_FORM="//trim(TFREEZE_LINEAR_STRING)//", "//"this is the freezing potential temperature at "//"S=0, P=0."'
desc: '"When TFREEZE_FORM="//trim(TFREEZE_LINEAR_STRING)//", "//"this is the derivative of the freezing potential "//"temperature with salinity."'
desc: '"When TFREEZE_FORM="//trim(TFREEZE_LINEAR_STRING)//", "//"this is the derivative of the freezing potential "//"temperature with pressure."'
desc: 'If True, then horizontally homogenize the interpolated initial conditions.'
desc: 'If True, then remap straight to model coordinate from file.'
desc: 'The remapping scheme to use if using Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING is True.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic for horizonal regridding that recovers the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use rotationally symmetric forms of the same expressions.'
desc: None
name: 'TRIPOLAR_N'
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG_OBC'
desc: None
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: 'The directory in which input files are found.'
desc: 'If true and a time_in value is provided to MOM_initialize_state, verify that the time read from a restart file is the same as time_in, and issue a fatal error if it is not. Otherwise, simply set the time to time_in if present.'
desc: 'If true, initialize the layer thicknesses, temperatures, and salinities from a Z-space file on a latitude-longitude grid.'
desc: 'A string that determines how the initial layer thicknesses are specified for a new run: \\n \\t file - read interface heights from the file specified \\n \\t thickness_file - read thicknesses from the file specified \\n \\t\\t by (THICKNESS_FILE).\\n \\t coord - determined by ALE coordinate.\\n \\t uniform - uniform thickness layers evenly distributed \\n \\t\\t between the surface and MAXIMUM_DEPTH. \\n \\t list - read a list of positive interface depths. \\n \\t DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the \\n \\t\\t DOME sill-overflow test case. \\n \\t ISOMIP - use a configuration for the \\n \\t\\t ISOMIP test case. \\n \\t benchmark - use the benchmark test case thicknesses. \\n \\t Neverworld - use the Neverworld test case thicknesses. \\n \\t search - search a density profile for the interface \\n \\t\\t densities. This is not yet implemented. \\n \\t circle_obcs - the circle_obcs test case is used. \\n \\t DOME2D - 2D version of DOME initialization. \\n \\t adjustment2d - 2D lock exchange thickness ICs. \\n \\t sloshing - sloshing gravity thickness ICs. \\n \\t seamount - no motion test with seamount ICs. \\n \\t dumbbell - sloshing channel ICs. \\n \\t soliton - Equatorial Rossby soliton. \\n \\t rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance.\\n \\t USER - call a user modified routine.'
name: 'TS_CONFIG'
desc: 'A string that determines how the initial tempertures and salinities are specified for a new run: \\n \\t file - read velocities from the file specified \\n \\t\\t by (TS_FILE). \\n \\t fit - find the temperatures that are consistent with \\n \\t\\t the layer densities and salinity S_REF. \\n \\t TS_profile - use temperature and salinity profiles \\n \\t\\t (read from TS_FILE) to set layer densities. \\n \\t benchmark - use the benchmark test case T & S. \\n \\t linear - linear in logical layer space. \\n \\t DOME2D - 2D DOME initialization. \\n \\t ISOMIP - ISOMIP initialization. \\n \\t adjustment2d - 2d lock exchange T/S ICs. \\n \\t sloshing - sloshing mode T/S ICs. \\n \\t seamount - no motion test with seamount ICs. \\n \\t dumbbell - sloshing channel ICs. \\n \\t rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance.\\n \\t SCM_CVMix_tests - used in the SCM CVMix tests.\\n \\t USER - call a user modified routine.'
desc: 'If true, depress the initial surface to avoid huge tsunamis when a large surface pressure is applied.'
desc: 'If true, cuts way the top of the column for initial conditions at the depth where the hydrostatic pressure matches the imposed surface pressure which is read from file.'
desc: 'A string that determines how the initial velocities are specified for a new run: \\n \\t file - read velocities from the file specified \\n \\t\\t by (VELOCITY_FILE). \\n \\t zero - the fluid is initially at rest. \\n \\t uniform - the flow is uniform (determined by\\n \\t\\t parameters INITIAL_U_CONST and INITIAL_V_CONST).\\n \\t rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance.\\n \\t soliton - Equatorial Rossby soliton.\\n \\t USER - call a user modified routine.'
desc: 'If true, convert the thickness initial conditions from units of m to kg m-2 or vice versa, depending on whether BOUSSINESQ is defined. This does not apply if a restart file is read.'
desc: 'If true, runs REGRID_ACCELERATE_ITERATIONS iterations of the regridding algorithm to push the initial grid to be consistent with the initial condition. Useful only for state-based and iterative coordinates.'
desc: 'The number of regridding iterations to perform to generate an initial grid that is consistent with the initial conditions.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'Timestep'
name: 'ODA_INCUPD'
desc: 'If true, oda incremental updates will be applied everywhere in the domain.'
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified via SPONGE_CONFIG.'
desc: 'A string that sets how the sponges are configured: \\n \\t file - read sponge properties from the file \\n \\t\\t specified by (SPONGE_FILE).\\n \\t ISOMIP - apply ale sponge in the ISOMIP case \\n \\t RGC - apply sponge in the rotating_gravity_current case \\n \\t DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the \\n \\t\\t DOME sill-overflow test case. \\n \\t BFB - Sponge at the southern boundary of the domain\\n \\t\\t for buoyancy-forced basin case.\\n \\t USER - call a user modified routine.'
desc: 'A string that sets how the user code is invoked to set open boundary data: \\n DOME - specified inflow on northern boundary\\n dyed_channel - supercritical with dye on the inflow boundary\\n dyed_obcs - circle_obcs with dyes on the open boundaries\\n Kelvin - barotropic Kelvin wave forcing on the western boundary\\n shelfwave - Flather with shelf wave forcing on western boundary\\n supercritical - now only needed here for the allocations\\n tidal_bay - Flather with tidal forcing on eastern boundary\\n USER - user specified'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of the thickness file.'
desc: 'If true, all mass below the bottom removed if the topography is shallower than the thickness input file would indicate.'
desc: 'A parameter that controls the tolerance when adjusting the thickness to fit the bathymetry. Used when ADJUST_THICKNESS=True.'
desc: 'The file from which horizontal mean initial conditions for interface depths can be read.'
desc: 'The variable name for horizontal mean initial conditions for interface depths relative to mean sea level.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The initial condition file for the surface height.'
desc: 'The initial condition variable for the surface height.'
desc: 'A scaling factor to convert SURFACE_HEIGHT_IC_VAR into units of m'
desc: 'The initial condition file for the surface pressure exerted by ice.'
desc: 'The initial condition variable for the surface pressure exerted by ice.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'A scaling factor to convert SURFACE_PRESSURE_VAR from file SURFACE_PRESSURE_FILE into a surface pressure.'
desc: 'Minimum layer thickness'
desc: 'When trimming the column, also remap T and S.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'A initialization tolerance for the calculation of the static ice shelf displacement (m) using initial temperature and salinity profile.'
desc: 'The name of the velocity initial condition file.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'A initial uniform value for the zonal flow.'
desc: 'A initial uniform value for the meridional flow.'
desc: 'The amplitude of zonal flow from which to scale the circular stream function [m s-1].'
name: 'TS_FILE'
desc: 'The initial condition file for temperature.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'TEMP_IC_VAR'
desc: 'The initial condition variable for potential temperature.'
name: 'SALT_IC_VAR'
desc: 'The initial condition variable for salinity.'
name: 'SALT_FILE'
desc: 'The initial condition file for salinity.'
name: 'TS_FILE'
desc: 'The file with the reference profiles for temperature and salinity.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'A reference temperature used in initialization.'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'A reference salinity used in initialization.'
desc: 'If true, accept the prescribed temperature and fit the salinity; otherwise take salinity and fit temperature.'
name: 'T_TOP'
desc: 'Initial temperature of the top surface.'
name: 'T_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial temperature difference (top-bottom).'
name: 'S_TOP'
desc: 'Initial salinity of the top surface.'
name: 'S_RANGE'
desc: 'Initial salinity difference (top-bottom).'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of the file with the sponge damping rates.'
desc: 'The name of the file with the state to damp toward.'
desc: 'The name of the potential temperature variable in SPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the salinity variable in SPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
name: 'SPONGE_UV'
desc: 'Apply sponges in u and v, in addition to tracers.'
desc: 'The name of the file with the state to damp UV toward.'
name: 'SPONGE_U_VAR'
desc: 'The name of the zonal velocity variable in SPONGE_UV_STATE_FILE.'
name: 'SPONGE_V_VAR'
desc: 'The name of the vertical velocity variable in SPONGE_UV_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the interface height variable in SPONGE_STATE_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the inverse damping rate variable in SPONGE_DAMPING_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the file with sponge damping rates for the velocity variables.'
name: 'SPONGE_IDAMP_U_var'
desc: 'The name of the inverse damping rate variable in SPONGE_UV_DAMPING_FILE for the velocities.'
name: 'SPONGE_IDAMP_V_var'
desc: 'The name of the inverse damping rate variable in SPONGE_UV_DAMPING_FILE for the velocities.'
desc: None
desc: 'Set True if using the newer sponging code which performs on-the-fly regridding in lat-lon-time.'
desc: 'Set True if using the newer sponging code which performs on-the-fly regridding in lat-lon-time.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of the file with the T,S,h increments.'
desc: 'INCUPD files are increments and not full fields.'
desc: 'If true, save the increments when using full fields.'
desc: 'If True, reinitialize number of updates already done, ncount.'
desc: 'The name of the potential temperature inc. variable in ODA_INCUPD_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the salinity inc. variable in ODA_INCUPD_FILE.'
name: 'ODA_THK_VAR'
desc: 'The name of the layer thickness variable in ODA_INCUPD_FILE.'
desc: 'use U,V increments.'
desc: 'The name of the file with the U,V increments.'
name: 'ODA_UINC_VAR'
desc: 'The name of the zonal vel. inc. variable in ODA_INCUPD_FILE.'
name: 'ODA_VINC_VAR'
desc: 'The name of the meridional vel. inc. variable in ODA_INCUPD_FILE.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'TRIPOLAR_N'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of the z-space input file used to initialize temperatures (T) and salinities (S). If T and S are not in the same file, TEMP_Z_INIT_FILE and SALT_Z_INIT_FILE must be set.'
desc: 'The name of the z-space input file used to initialize temperatures, only.'
desc: 'The name of the z-space input file used to initialize temperatures, only.'
desc: 'The name of the potential temperature variable in TEMP_Z_INIT_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the salinity variable in SALT_Z_INIT_FILE.'
desc: 'If True, then horizontally homogenize the interpolated initial conditions.'
desc: 'If True, then remap straight to model coordinate from file.'
desc: 'The remapping scheme to use if using Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING is True.'
desc: 'If false, only initializes to z* coordinates. If true, allows initialization directly to general coordinates.'
desc: 'If false, only reconstructs profiles for valid data points. If true, inserts vanished layers below the valid data.'
desc: 'If false, uses the preferred remapping algorithm for initialization. If true, use an older, less robust algorithm for remapping.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, initial conditions are on the model horizontal grid. Extrapolation over missing ocean values is done using an ICE-9 procedure with vertical ALE remapping .'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic for horizonal regridding that recovers the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use rotationally symmetric forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, all mass below the bottom removed if the topography is shallower than the thickness input file would indicate.'
desc: 'A parameter that controls the tolerance when adjusting the thickness to fit the bathymetry. Used when ADJUST_THICKNESS=True.'
desc: 'If true, all the interior layers are adjusted to their target densities using mostly temperature This approach can be problematic, particularly in the high latitudes.'
desc: 'If true, distribute the topmost Z_INIT_HMIX_DEPTH of water over NKML layers, and do not correct the density of the topmost NKML+NKBL layers. Otherwise all layers are initialized based on the depths of their target densities.'
desc: None
desc: 'The mixed layer depth in the initial conditions when Z_INIT_SEPARATE_MIXED_LAYER is set to true.'
desc: 'If true use an expression with a vertical indexing bug for extrapolating the densities at the bottom of unstable profiles from data when finding the initial interface locations in layered mode from a dataset of T and S.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'This specifies how layers are to be defined: \\n \\t ALE or none - used to avoid defining layers in ALE mode \\n \\t file - read coordinate information from the file \\n \\t\\t specified by (COORD_FILE).\\n \\t BFB - Custom coords for buoyancy-forced basin case \\n \\t\\t based on SST_S, T_BOT and DRHO_DT.\\n \\t linear - linear based on interfaces not layers \\n \\t layer_ref - linear based on layer densities \\n \\t ts_ref - use reference temperature and salinity \\n \\t ts_range - use range of temperature and salinity \\n \\t\\t (T_REF and S_REF) to determine surface density \\n \\t\\t and GINT calculate internal densities. \\n \\t gprime - use reference density (RHO_0) for surface \\n \\t\\t density and GINT calculate internal densities. \\n \\t ts_profile - use temperature and salinity profiles \\n \\t\\t (read from COORD_FILE) to set layer densities. \\n \\t USER - call a user modified routine.'
name: 'GFS'
desc: 'The reduced gravity at the free surface.'
name: 'GINT'
desc: 'The reduced gravity across internal interfaces.'
name: 'GFS'
desc: 'The reduced gravity at the free surface.'
desc: 'The reference potential density used for layer 1.'
desc: 'The range of reference potential densities in the layers.'
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'The initial temperature of the lightest layer.'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'The initial salinities.'
name: 'GFS'
desc: 'The reduced gravity at the free surface.'
name: 'GINT'
desc: 'The reduced gravity across internal interfaces.'
name: 'GFS'
desc: 'The reduced gravity at the free surface.'
name: 'COORD_FILE'
desc: 'The file from which the coordinate temperatures and salinities are read.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'T_REF'
desc: 'The default initial temperatures.'
desc: 'The initial temperature of the lightest layer when COORD_CONFIG is set to ts_range.'
desc: 'The initial temperature of the densest layer when COORD_CONFIG is set to ts_range.'
name: 'S_REF'
desc: 'The default initial salinities.'
desc: 'The initial lightest salinities when COORD_CONFIG is set to ts_range.'
desc: 'The initial densest salinities when COORD_CONFIG is set to ts_range.'
desc: 'The ratio of density space resolution in the densest part of the range to that in the lightest part of the range when COORD_CONFIG is set to ts_range. Values greater than 1 increase the resolution of the denser water.'
name: 'GFS'
desc: 'The reduced gravity at the free surface.'
name: 'GFS'
desc: 'The reduced gravity at the free surface.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'COORD_FILE'
desc: 'The file from which the coordinate densities are read.'
name: 'COORD_VAR'
desc: 'The variable in COORD_FILE that is to be used for the coordinate densities.'
desc: 'The reference potential density used for the surface interface.'
desc: 'The range of reference potential densities across all interfaces.'
name: 'GFS'
desc: 'The reduced gravity at the free surface.'
name: 'GFS'
desc: 'The reduced gravity at the free surface.'
desc: 'A character string that determines the method for defining the horizontal grid. Current options are: \\n \\t mosaic - read the grid from a mosaic (supergrid) \\n \\t file set by GRID_FILE.\\n \\t cartesian - use a (flat) Cartesian grid.\\n \\t spherical - use a simple spherical grid.\\n \\t mercator - use a Mercator spherical grid.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
name: 'GRID_FILE'
desc: 'Name of the file from which to read horizontal grid data.'
desc: 'If true, use older code that incorrectly sets the longitude in some points along the tripolar fold to be off by 360 degrees.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'AXIS_UNITS'
desc: 'The units for the Cartesian axes. Valid entries are: \\n \\t degrees - degrees of latitude and longitude \\n \\t m - meters \\n \\t k - kilometers'
name: 'SOUTHLAT'
desc: 'The southern latitude of the domain or the equivalent starting value for the y-axis.'
name: 'LENLAT'
desc: 'The latitudinal or y-direction length of the domain.'
name: 'WESTLON'
desc: 'The western longitude of the domain or the equivalent starting value for the x-axis.'
name: 'LENLON'
desc: 'The longitudinal or x-direction length of the domain.'
name: 'RAD_EARTH'
desc: 'The radius of the Earth.'
name: 'SOUTHLAT'
desc: 'The southern latitude of the domain.'
name: 'LENLAT'
desc: 'The latitudinal length of the domain.'
name: 'WESTLON'
desc: 'The western longitude of the domain.'
name: 'LENLON'
desc: 'The longitudinal length of the domain.'
name: 'RAD_EARTH'
desc: 'The radius of the Earth.'
name: 'SOUTHLAT'
desc: 'The southern latitude of the domain.'
name: 'LENLAT'
desc: 'The latitudinal length of the domain.'
name: 'WESTLON'
desc: 'The western longitude of the domain.'
name: 'LENLON'
desc: 'The longitudinal length of the domain.'
name: 'RAD_EARTH'
desc: 'The radius of the Earth.'
desc: 'If true, an isotropic grid on a sphere (also known as a Mercator grid) is used. With an isotropic grid, the meridional extent of the domain (LENLAT), the zonal extent (LENLON), and the number of grid points in each direction are _not_ independent. In MOM the meridional extent is determined to fit the zonal extent and the number of grid points, while grid is perfectly isotropic.'
desc: 'If true, the grid is defined to have the equator at the nearest q- or h- grid point to (-LOWLAT*NJGLOBAL/LENLAT).'
desc: 'The amount by which the meridional resolution is enhanced within LAT_EQ_ENHANCE of the equator.'
desc: 'The latitude range to the north and south of the equator over which the resolution is enhanced.'
desc: 'If MASKING_DEPTH is unspecified, then anything shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH is assumed to be land and all fluxes are masked out. If MASKING_DEPTH is specified, then all depths shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH but deeper than MASKING_DEPTH are rounded to MINIMUM_DEPTH.'
desc: 'The depth below which to mask points as land points, for which all fluxes are zeroed out. MASKING_DEPTH is ignored if it has the special default value.'
name: 'ROTATION'
desc: 'This specifies how the Coriolis parameter is specified: \\n \\t 2omegasinlat - Use twice the planetary rotation rate \\n \\t\\t times the sine of latitude.\\n \\t betaplane - Use a beta-plane or f-plane.\\n \\t USER - call a user modified routine.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'TOPO_FILE'
desc: 'The file from which the bathymetry is read.'
desc: 'The name of the bathymetry variable in TOPO_FILE.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The file from which to read a list of i,j,z topography overrides.'
desc: 'If true, allow topography overrides to change land mask.'
desc: 'If MASKING_DEPTH is unspecified, then anything shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH is assumed to be land and all fluxes are masked out. If MASKING_DEPTH is specified, then all depths shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH but deeper than MASKING_DEPTH are rounded to MINIMUM_DEPTH.'
desc: 'The depth below which to mask points as land points, for which all fluxes are zeroed out. MASKING_DEPTH is ignored if it has the special default value.'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
name: 'EDGE_DEPTH'
desc: 'The depth at the edge of one of the named topographies.'
desc: 'The exponential decay scale used in defining some of the named topographies.'
desc: 'If MASKING_DEPTH is unspecified, then anything shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH is assumed to be land and all fluxes are masked out. If MASKING_DEPTH is specified, then all depths shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH but deeper than MASKING_DEPTH are rounded to MINIMUM_DEPTH.'
desc: 'The depth below which to mask points as land points, for which all fluxes are zeroed out. MASKING_DEPTH is ignored if it has the special default value.'
name: 'OMEGA'
desc: 'The rotation rate of the earth.'
name: 'F_0'
desc: 'The reference value of the Coriolis parameter with the betaplane option.'
name: 'BETA'
desc: 'The northward gradient of the Coriolis parameter with the betaplane option.'
name: 'AXIS_UNITS'
desc: None
name: 'RAD_EARTH'
desc: 'The radius of the Earth.'
name: 'BETA_LAT_REF'
desc: 'The reference latitude (origin) of the beta-plane'
desc: 'If true, use an older algorithm to calculate the sine and cosines needed rotate between grid-oriented directions and true north and east. Differences arise at the tripolar fold.'
desc: 'The file from which the list of narrowed channels is read.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The file from which the list of narrowed channels is read.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, the channel configuration list works for any longitudes in the range of -360 to 360.'
desc: 'If true, trigger a fatal error if there are any channel widths in CHANNEL_LIST_FILE that do not cause any open face widths to change.'
desc: 'If true, the IO layout is used to group processors that write to the same restart file or each processor writes its own (numbered) restart file. If false, a single restart file is generated combining output from all PEs.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: 'The directory in which input files are found.'
desc: 'A parameter that determines which set of channels are \\nrestricted to specific widths. Options are:\\n \\t none - All channels have the grid width.\\n \\t global_1deg - Sets 16 specific channels appropriate \\n \\t\\t for a 1-degree model, as used in CM2G.\\n \\t list - Read the channel locations and widths from a \\n \\t\\t text file, like MOM_channel_list in the MOM_SIS \\n \\t\\t test case.\\n \\t file - Read open face widths everywhere from a \\n \\t\\t NetCDF file on the model grid.'
desc: "A string that determines how the topography is set at velocity points. This may be 'min' or 'max'."
desc: "This specifies how bathymetry is specified: \\n \\t file - read bathymetric information from the file \\n \\t\\t specified by (TOPO_FILE).\\n \\t flat - flat bottom set to MAXIMUM_DEPTH. \\n \\t bowl - an analytically specified bowl-shaped basin \\n \\t\\t ranging between MAXIMUM_DEPTH and MINIMUM_DEPTH. \\n \\t spoon - a similar shape to 'bowl', but with an vertical \\n \\t\\t wall at the southern face. \\n \\t halfpipe - a zonally uniform channel with a half-sine \\n \\t\\t profile in the meridional direction. \\n \\t bbuilder - build topography from list of functions. \\n \\t benchmark - use the benchmark test case topography. \\n \\t Neverworld - use the Neverworld test case topography. \\n \\t DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the \\n \\t\\t DOME sill-overflow test case. \\n \\t ISOMIP - use a slope and channel configuration for the \\n \\t\\t ISOMIP test case. \\n \\t DOME2D - use a shelf and slope configuration for the \\n \\t\\t DOME2D gravity current/overflow test case. \\n \\t Kelvin - flat but with rotated land mask.\\n \\t seamount - Gaussian bump for spontaneous motion test case.\\n \\t dumbbell - Sloshing channel with reservoirs on both ends.\\n \\t shelfwave - exponential slope for shelfwave test case.\\n \\t Phillips - ACC-like idealized topography used in the Phillips config.\\n \\t dense - Denmark Strait-like dense water formation and overflow.\\n \\t USER - call a user modified routine."
name: 'KHTR'
desc: 'The background along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity.'
desc: 'The scaling coefficient for along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity using a shear-based (Visbeck-like) parameterization. A non-zero value enables this param.'
name: 'KHTR_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity.'
name: 'KHTR_MAX'
desc: 'The maximum along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity.'
desc: 'The coefficient that scales deformation radius over grid-spacing in passivity, where passivity is the ratio between along isopycnal mixing of tracers to thickness mixing. A non-zero value enables this parameterization.'
desc: 'The minimum passivity which is the ratio between along isopycnal mixing of tracers to thickness mixing.'
desc: 'If true, enable epipycnal mixing between the surface boundary layer and the interior.'
desc: 'If true, use enough iterations the diffusion to ensure that the diffusive equivalent of the CFL limit is not violated. If false, always use the greater of 1 or MAX_TR_DIFFUSION_CFL iteration.'
desc: 'If positive, locally limit the along-isopycnal tracer diffusivity to keep the diffusive CFL locally at or below this value. The number of diffusive iterations is often this value or the next greater integer.'
desc: 'If true, then recalculate the neutral surfaces if the \\ndiffusive CFL is exceeded. If false, assume that the \\npositions of the surfaces do not change \\n'
desc: 'With Diffuse_ML_interior, the ratio of the truly horizontal diffusivity in the mixed layer to the epipycnal diffusivity. The valid range is 0 to 1.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of a file from which to read the initial conditions for the DOME tracers, or blank to initialize them internally.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified from MOM_initialization.F90.'
desc: 'Length of time for the boundary tracer to be injected into the mixed layer. After this time has elapsed, the surface becomes a sink for the boundary impulse tracer.'
desc: 'If true, tracers may go through the initialization code if they are not found in the restart files. Otherwise it is a fatal error if the tracers are not found in the restart files of a restarted run.'
name: 'CFC_IC_FILE'
desc: 'The file in which the CFC initial values can be found, or an empty string for internal initialization.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'CFC_IC_FILE_IS_Z'
desc: 'If true, CFC_IC_FILE is in depth space, not layer space'
desc: 'If true, tracers may go through the initialization code if they are not found in the restart files. Otherwise it is a fatal error if tracers are not found in the restart files of a restarted run.'
name: 'CFC11_A1'
desc: 'A coefficient in the Schmidt number of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_A2'
desc: 'A coefficient in the Schmidt number of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_A3'
desc: 'A coefficient in the Schmidt number of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_A4'
desc: 'A coefficient in the Schmidt number of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC12_A1'
desc: 'A coefficient in the Schmidt number of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_A2'
desc: 'A coefficient in the Schmidt number of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_A3'
desc: 'A coefficient in the Schmidt number of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_A4'
desc: 'A coefficient in the Schmidt number of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC11_D1'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_D2'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_D3'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_D4'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_E1'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_E2'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC11_E3'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC11.'
name: 'CFC12_D1'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_D2'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_D3'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_D4'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_E1'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_E2'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC12.'
name: 'CFC12_E3'
desc: 'A coefficient in the solubility of CFC12.'
desc: 'The name of a file from which to read the initial conditions for the ISOMIP tracers, or blank to initialize them internally.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified from MOM_initialization.F90.'
name: 'OIL_IC_FILE'
desc: 'The file in which the oil tracer initial values can be found, or an empty string for internal initialization.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'OIL_IC_FILE_IS_Z'
desc: 'If true, OIL_IC_FILE is in depth space, not layer space'
desc: 'If true, oil tracers may go through the initialization code if they are not found in the restart files. Otherwise it is a fatal error if the oil tracers are not found in the restart files of a restarted run.'
desc: 'The geographic longitude of the oil source.'
desc: 'The geographic latitude of the oil source.'
desc: 'The layer into which the oil is introduced, or a negative number for a vertically uniform source, or 0 not to use this tracer.'
desc: 'The rate of oil injection.'
desc: 'The decay timescale in days (if positive), or no decay if 0, or use the temperature dependent decay rate of Adcroft et al. (GRL, 2010) if negative.'
desc: 'The time at which the oil source starts'
desc: 'The time at which the oil source ends'
name: 'USE_OCMIP2_CFC'
desc: None
name: 'USE_generic_tracer'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, use the USER_tracer_example tracer package.'
desc: 'If true, use the DOME_tracer tracer package.'
desc: 'If true, use the ISOMIP_tracer tracer package.'
desc: 'If true, use the RGC_tracer tracer package.'
desc: 'If true, use the ideal_age_example tracer package.'
desc: 'If true, use the regional_dyes tracer package.'
desc: 'If true, use the oil_tracer tracer package.'
desc: 'If true, use the advection_test_tracer tracer package.'
name: 'USE_OCMIP2_CFC'
desc: 'If true, use the MOM_OCMIP2_CFC tracer package.'
name: 'USE_CFC_CAP'
desc: 'If true, use the MOM_CFC_cap tracer package.'
name: 'USE_generic_tracer'
desc: 'If true and _USE_GENERIC_TRACER is defined as a preprocessor macro, use the MOM_generic_tracer packages.'
desc: 'If true, use the pseudo salt tracer, typically run as a diagnostic.'
desc: 'If true, use the boundary impulse tracer.'
desc: 'If true, use the dyed_obc_tracer tracer package.'
desc: 'If true, use the NeverWorld2 tracers.'
desc: 'The number of tracer groups where a group is of three tracers initialized and restored to sin(x), y and z, respectively. Each group is restored with an independent restoration rate.'
desc: 'A list of timescales, one for each tracer group.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'desc="The (baroclinic) dynamics time step."'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'desc="The horizontal transport scheme for tracers:\\n"//" PLM - Piecewise Linear Method\\n"//" PPM:H3 - Piecewise Parabolic Method (Huyhn 3rd order)\\n"//" PPM - Piecewise Parabolic Method (Colella-Woodward)"'
name: 'DO_IDEAL_AGE'
desc: 'If true, use an ideal age tracer that is set to 0 age in the mixed layer and ages at unit rate in the interior.'
desc: 'If true, use an ideal vintage tracer that is set to an exponentially increasing value in the mixed layer and is conserved thereafter.'
desc: 'If true, use an ideal age tracer that is everywhere 0 before IDEAL_AGE_DATED_START_YEAR, but the behaves like the standard ideal age tracer - i.e. is set to 0 age in the mixed layer and ages at unit rate in the interior.'
name: 'AGE_IC_FILE'
desc: 'The file in which the age-tracer initial values can be found, or an empty string for internal initialization.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'AGE_IC_FILE_IS_Z'
desc: 'If true, AGE_IC_FILE is in depth space, not layer space'
desc: 'If true, tracers may go through the initialization code if they are not found in the restart files. Otherwise it is a fatal error if the tracers are not found in the restart files of a restarted run.'
desc: 'The date at which the ideal vintage tracer starts.'
desc: 'The date at which the dated ideal age tracer starts.'
desc: 'The number of dye tracers in this run. Each tracer should have a separate region.'
desc: 'This is the starting longitude at which we start injecting dyes.'
desc: 'This is the ending longitude at which we finish injecting dyes.'
desc: 'This is the starting latitude at which we start injecting dyes.'
desc: 'This is the ending latitude at which we finish injecting dyes.'
desc: 'This is the minimum depth at which we inject dyes.'
desc: 'This is the maximum depth at which we inject dyes.'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, enables the neutral diffusion module.'
desc: 'If true, uses a continuous reconstruction of T and S when finding neutral surfaces along which diffusion will happen. If false, a PPM discontinuous reconstruction of T and S is done which results in a higher order routine but exacts a higher computational cost.'
desc: 'The reference pressure (Pa) used for the derivatives of the equation of state. If negative (default), local pressure is used.'
desc: 'If true, only applies neutral diffusion in the ocean interior.That is, the algorithm will exclude the surface and bottomboundary layers.'
desc: 'If true, use an older form for the accumulation of neutral-diffusion transports that were unmasked, as used prior to Jan 2018. This is not recommended.'
desc: 'Extrapolate at the top and bottommost cells, otherwise \\nassume boundaries are piecewise constant'
desc: '"This sets the reconstruction scheme used "//"for vertical remapping for all variables. "//"It can be one of the following schemes: "//trim(remappingSchemesDoc)'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: "Method used to find the neutral position \\n1. Delta_rho varies linearly, find 0 crossing \\n2. Alpha and beta vary linearly from top to bottom, \\n Newton's method for neutral position \\n3. Full nonlinear equation of state, use regula falsi \\n for neutral position"
desc: 'Determine how the difference in density is calculated \\n full : Difference of in-situ densities \\n no_pressure: Calculated from dRdT, dRdS, but no \\n pressure dependence'
desc: 'Sets the convergence criterion for finding the neutral\\nposition within a layer in kg m-3.'
name: 'NDIFF_X_TOL'
desc: 'Sets the convergence criterion for a change in nondim\\nposition within a layer.'
desc: 'The maximum number of iterations to be done before \\nexiting the iterative loop to find the neutral surface'
desc: 'Turns on verbose output for discontinuous neutral diffusion routines.'
desc: 'Bring down the model if a problem with heff is detected'
desc: 'The name of a file from which to read the initial \\nconditions for the RGC tracers, or blank to initialize \\nthem internally.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. \\nThe exact location and properties of those sponges are \\nspecified from MOM_initialization.F90.'
name: 'LENLAT'
desc: 'The latitudinal or y-direction length of the domain'
name: 'LENLON'
desc: 'The longitudinal or x-direction length of the domain'
desc: 'The length of the continental shelf (x dir, km).'
desc: 'The length of the sponge layer (km).'
desc: None
desc: "If true, enables the lateral boundary tracer's diffusion module."
desc: 'If True, apply a linear transition at the base/top of the boundary. \\nThe flux will be fully applied at k=k_min and zero at k=k_max.'
desc: 'If True, apply a flux limiter in the native grid.'
desc: 'If True, apply a flux limiter in the remapped grid.'
desc: 'Use boundary extrapolation in LBD code'
desc: '"This sets the reconstruction scheme used "//"for vertical remapping for all variables. "//"It can be one of the following schemes: "//trim(remappingSchemesDoc)'
name: 'LBD_DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data in the LBD module.'
desc: 'The x-coordinate of the center of the test-functions.'
desc: 'The y-coordinate of the center of the test-functions.'
desc: 'The x-width of the test-functions.'
desc: 'The y-width of the test-functions.'
desc: 'The name of a file from which to read the initial conditions for the tracers, or blank to initialize them internally.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified from MOM_initialization.F90.'
desc: 'If true, tracers may go through the initialization code if they are not found in the restart files. Otherwise it is a fatal error if the tracers are not found in the restart files of a restarted run.'
name: 'CFC_IC_FILE'
desc: 'The file in which the CFC initial values can be found, or an empty string for internal initialization.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'CFC_IC_FILE_IS_Z'
desc: 'If true, CFC_IC_FILE is in depth space, not layer space'
desc: 'If true, tracers may go through the initialization code if they are not found in the restart files. Otherwise it is a fatal error if tracers are not found in the restart files of a restarted run.'
name: 'CFC11_IC_VAL'
desc: 'Value that CFC_11 is set to when it is not read from a file.'
name: 'CFC12_IC_VAL'
desc: 'Value that CFC_12 is set to when it is not read from a file.'
name: 'CFC_BC_FILE'
desc: 'The file in which the CFC-11 and CFC-12 atm concentrations can be found (units must be parts per trillion), or an empty string for internal BC generation (TODO).'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'CFC11_VARIABLE'
desc: 'The name of the variable representing CFC-11 in CFC_BC_FILE.'
name: 'CFC12_VARIABLE'
desc: 'The name of the variable representing CFC-12 in CFC_BC_FILE.'
desc: 'Input directory where the offline fields can be found'
name: 'OFF_SUM_FILE'
desc: 'Filename where the accumulated fields can be found'
desc: 'Filename where snapshot fields can be found'
desc: 'Filename where averaged fields can be found'
desc: 'Filename where averaged fields can be found'
name: 'NUMTIME'
desc: 'Number of timelevels in offline input files'
name: 'NK_INPUT'
desc: 'Number of vertical levels in offline input files'
name: 'DT_OFFLINE'
desc: 'Length of time between reading in of input fields'
desc: 'Length of the offline timestep for tracer column sources/sinks This should be set to the length of the coupling timestep for tracers which need shortwave fluxes'
desc: 'Which time index to start from'
desc: 'True if the time-averaged fields and snapshot fields are offset by one time level'
desc: "Redistributes any remaining horizontal fluxes throughout the rest of water column. Options are 'barotropic' which evenly distributes flux throughout the entire water column, 'upwards' which adds the maximum of the remaining flux in each layer above, both which first applies upwards and then barotropic, and 'none' which does no redistribution"
name: 'NUM_OFF_ITER'
desc: 'Number of iterations to subdivide the offline tracer advection and diffusion'
name: 'OFF_ALE_MOD'
desc: 'Sets how many horizontal advection steps are taken before an ALE remapping step is done. 1 would be x->y->ALE, 2 would be x->y->x->y->ALE'
desc: 'Print diagnostic output every advection subiteration'
desc: 'Do not do horizontal diffusion'
name: 'READ_SW'
desc: 'Read in shortwave radiation field instead of using values from the coupler when in offline tracer mode'
name: 'READ_MLD'
desc: 'Read in mixed layer depths for tracers which exchange with the atmosphere when in offline tracer mode'
name: 'MLD_VAR_NAME'
desc: 'Name of the variable containing the depth of active mixing'
desc: 'Adds a synthetic diurnal cycle in the same way that the ice model would have when time-averaged fields of shortwave radiation are read in'
name: 'KD_MAX'
desc: 'The maximum permitted increment for the diapycnal diffusivity from TKE-based parameterizations, or a negative value for no limit.'
desc: 'How much remaining transport before the main offline advection is exited. The default value corresponds to about 1 meter of difference in a grid cell'
desc: 'Reads all time levels of a subset of the fields necessary to run the model offline. This can require a large amount of memory and will make initialization very slow. However, for offline runs spanning more than a year this can reduce total I/O overhead'
desc: 'The file in which the generic trcer initial values can be found, or an empty string for internal initialization.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, GENERIC_TRACER_IC_FILE is in depth space, not layer space.'
desc: 'If true, tracers may go through the initialization code if they are not found in the restart files. Otherwise it is a fatal error if tracers are not found in the restart files of a restarted run.'
desc: 'The number of dye tracers in this run. Each tracer should have a separate boundary segment.'
name: 'dyed_obc_TRACER_IC_FILE'
desc: 'The name of a file from which to read the initial conditions for the dyed_obc tracers, or blank to initialize them internally.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of a file from which to read the initial conditions for the DOME tracers, or blank to initialize them internally.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified from MOM_initialization.F90.'
desc: 'If true, uses the old remapping-via-a-delta-z method for remapping u and v. If false, uses the new method that remaps between grids described by an old and new thickness.'
desc: '"This sets the reconstruction scheme used "//"for vertical remapping for all variables. "//"It can be one of the following schemes: "//trim(remappingSchemesDoc)'
desc: 'If true, cell-by-cell reconstructions are checked for consistency and if non-monotonicity or an inconsistency is detected then a FATAL error is issued.'
desc: 'If true, the results of remapping are checked for conservation and new extrema and if an inconsistency is detected then a FATAL error is issued.'
desc: 'If true, the values on the intermediate grid used for remapping are forced to be bounded, which might not be the case due to round off.'
desc: 'If true, values at the interfaces of boundary cells are extrapolated instead of piecewise constant'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, applies regridding and remapping immediately after initialization so that the state is ALE consistent. This is a legacy step and should not be needed if the initialization is consistent with the coordinate mode.'
desc: 'The time-scale used in blending between the current (old) grid and the target (new) grid. A short time-scale favors the target grid (0. or anything less than DT_THERM) has no memory of the old grid. A very long time-scale makes the model more Lagrangian.'
desc: 'The depth above which no time-filtering is applied. Above this depth final grid exactly matches the target (new) grid.'
desc: 'The depth below which full time-filtering is applied with time-scale REGRID_TIME_SCALE. Between depths REGRID_FILTER_SHALLOW_DEPTH and REGRID_FILTER_SHALLOW_DEPTH the filter weights adopt a cubic profile.'
desc: 'If true, the regridding ntegrates upwards from the bottom for interface positions, much as the main model does. If false regridding integrates downward, consistant with the remapping code.'
desc: '"Coordinate mode for vertical regridding. "//"Choose among the following possibilities: "//trim(regriddingCoordinateModeDoc)'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'Units of the regridding coordinate.'
desc: '"This sets the interpolation scheme to use to "//"determine the new grid. These parameters are "//"only relevant when REGRIDDING_COORDINATE_MODE is "//"set to a function of state. Otherwise, it is not "//"used. It can be one of the following schemes: "//trim(regriddingInterpSchemeDoc)'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'When defined, a proper high-order reconstruction scheme is used within boundary cells rather than PCM. E.g., if PPM is used for remapping, a PPM reconstruction will also be used within boundary cells.'
name: 'param_name'
desc: '"Determines how to specify the coordinate "//"resolution. Valid options are:\\n"//" PARAM - use the vector-parameter "//trim(coord_res_param)//"\\n"//" UNIFORM[:N] - uniformly distributed\\n"//" FILE:string - read from a file. The string specifies\\n"//" the filename and variable name, separated\\n"//" by a comma or space, e.g.,dz\\n"//" or,interfaces=zw\\n"//" WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately)\\n"//" FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision\\n"//" HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies\\n"//" the filename and two variable names, separated\\n"//" by a comma or space, for sigma-2 and dz. e.g.\\n"//",sigma2,dz"'
name: 'coord_res_param'
desc: 'trim(message)'
name: 'P_REF'
desc: 'The pressure that is used for calculating the coordinate density. (1 Pa = 1e4 dbar, so 2e7 is commonly used.) This is only used if USE_EOS and ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS are true.'
desc: 'When interpolating potential density profiles we can add some artificial compressibility solely to make homogeneous regions appear stratified.'
desc: 'When regridding, this is the minimum layer thickness allowed.'
desc: 'The nominal thickness of fixed thickness near-surface layers with the SLight coordinate.'
desc: 'The number of fixed-depth surface layers with the SLight coordinate.'
desc: 'The thickness of the surface region over which to average when calculating the density to use to define the interior with the SLight coordinate.'
desc: 'The number of layers to offset the surface density when defining where the interior ocean starts with SLight.'
desc: 'If true, identify regions above the reference pressure where the reference pressure systematically underestimates the stratification and use this in the definition of the interior with the SLight coordinate.'
desc: 'A length scale over which to smooth the temperature and salinity before identifying erroneously unstable haloclines.'
desc: 'A tolerance for the ratio of the stratification of the apparent coordinate stratification to the actual value that is used to identify erroneously unstable haloclines. This ratio is 1 when they are equal, and sensible values are between 0 and 0.5.'
desc: 'Ratio of ALE timestep to grid timescale.'
desc: 'Depth of near-surface zooming region.'
desc: 'Coefficient of near-surface zooming diffusivity.'
desc: 'Coefficient of buoyancy diffusivity.'
desc: 'Scaling on optimization tendency.'
desc: 'If true, make a HyCOM-like mixed layer by preventing interfaces from being shallower than the depths specified by the regridding coordinate.'
name: 'ADAPT_DRHO0'
desc: 'Reference density difference for stratification-dependent diffusion.'
desc: 'Determines how to specify the maximum interface depths.\\nValid options are:\\n NONE - there are no maximum interface depths\\n PARAM - use the vector-parameter MAXIMUM_INTERFACE_DEPTHS\\n FILE:string - read from a file. The string specifies\\n the filename and variable name, separated\\n by a comma or space, e.g.,Z\\n FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision'
desc: 'trim(message)'
desc: 'Determines how to specify the maximum layer thicknesses.\\nValid options are:\\n NONE - there are no maximum layer thicknesses\\n PARAM - use the vector-parameter MAX_LAYER_THICKNESS\\n FILE:string - read from a file. The string specifies\\n the filename and variable name, separated\\n by a comma or space, e.g.,Z\\n FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision'
desc: 'trim(message)'
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified from MOM_initialization.F90.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'FLUX_RI_MAX'
desc: 'The flux Richardson number where the stratification is large enough that N2 > omega2. The full expression for the Flux Richardson number is usually FLUX_RI_MAX*N2/(N2+OMEGA2).'
name: 'OMEGA'
desc: 'The rotation rate of the earth.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
name: 'SET_DIFF_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, allow a fraction of TKE available from wind work to penetrate below the base of the mixed layer with a vertical decay scale determined by the minimum of: (1) The depth of the mixed layer, (2) an Ekman length scale.'
desc: 'A coefficient that is used to scale the penetration depth for turbulence below the base of the mixed layer. This is only used if ML_RADIATION is true.'
name: 'ML_RAD_BUG'
desc: 'If true use code with a bug that reduces the energy available in the transition layer by a factor of the inverse of the energy deposition lenthscale (in m).'
name: 'ML_RAD_KD_MAX'
desc: 'The maximum diapycnal diffusivity due to turbulence radiated from the base of the mixed layer. This is only used if ML_RADIATION is true.'
name: 'ML_RAD_COEFF'
desc: 'The coefficient which scales MSTAR*USTAR^3 to obtain the energy available for mixing below the base of the mixed layer. This is only used if ML_RADIATION is true.'
desc: 'If true, apply the same exponential decay to ML_rad as is applied to the other surface sources of TKE in the mixed layer code. This is only used if ML_RADIATION is true.'
name: 'MSTAR'
desc: 'The ratio of the friction velocity cubed to the TKE input to the mixed layer.'
name: 'TKE_DECAY'
desc: 'The ratio of the natural Ekman depth to the TKE decay scale.'
name: 'ML_USE_OMEGA'
desc: 'If true, use the absolute rotation rate instead of the vertical component of rotation when setting the decay scale for turbulence.'
desc: 'When setting the decay scale for turbulence, use this fraction of the absolute rotation rate blended with the local value of f, as sqrt((1-of)*f^2 + of*4*omega^2).'
desc: 'If true, the bottom stress is calculated with a drag law of the form c_drag*|u|*u. The velocity magnitude may be an assumed value or it may be based on the actual velocity in the bottommost HBBL, depending on LINEAR_DRAG.'
name: 'CDRAG'
desc: 'The drag coefficient relating the magnitude of the velocity field to the bottom stress. CDRAG is only used if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is true.'
name: 'BBL_EFFIC'
desc: 'The efficiency with which the energy extracted by bottom drag drives BBL diffusion. This is only used if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is true.'
desc: 'The maximum decay scale for the BBL diffusion, or 0 to allow the mixing to penetrate as far as stratification and rotation permit. The default for now is 200 m. This is only used if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is true.'
desc: 'If true, take the maximum of the diffusivity from the BBL mixing and the other diffusivities. Otherwise, diffusivity from the BBL_mixing is simply added.'
desc: 'If true, uses a simple, imprecise but non-coordinate dependent, model of BBL mixing diffusivity based on Law of the Wall. Otherwise, uses the original BBL scheme.'
desc: 'If true, use the maximum of Omega and N for the TKE to diffusion calculation. Otherwise, N is N.'
desc: 'If true, uses a simple estimate of Kd/TKE that will work for arbitrary vertical coordinates. If false, calculates Kd/TKE and bounds based on exact energetics for an isopycnal layer-formulation.'
name: 'KV'
desc: 'The background kinematic viscosity in the interior. The molecular value, ~1e-6 m2 s-1, may be used.'
name: 'KD'
desc: 'The background diapycnal diffusivity of density in the interior. Zero or the molecular value, ~1e-7 m2 s-1, may be used.'
name: 'KD_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum diapycnal diffusivity.'
name: 'KD_MAX'
desc: 'The maximum permitted increment for the diapycnal diffusivity from TKE-based parameterizations, or a negative value for no limit.'
desc: None
name: 'KD_ADD'
desc: 'A uniform diapycnal diffusivity that is added everywhere without any filtering or scaling.'
name: 'KD_SMOOTH'
desc: 'A diapycnal diffusivity that is used to interpolate more sensible values of T & S into thin layers.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
desc: 'If true, call user-defined code to change the diffusivity.'
desc: 'The minimum dissipation by which to determine a lower bound of Kd (a floor).'
desc: 'The intercept when N=0 of the N-dependent expression used to set a minimum dissipation by which to determine a lower bound of Kd (a floor): A in eps_min = A + B*N.'
desc: 'The coefficient multiplying N, following Gargett, used to set a minimum dissipation by which to determine a lower bound of Kd (a floor): B in eps_min = A + B*N'
desc: 'The minimum vertical diffusivity applied as a floor.'
desc: 'If true, increase diffusivites for temperature or salinity based on the double-diffusive parameterization described in Large et al. (1994).'
desc: 'Maximum density ratio for salt fingering regime.'
desc: 'Maximum salt diffusivity for salt fingering regime.'
desc: 'Molecular viscosity for calculation of fluxes under double-diffusive convection.'
desc: 'If true, use a Bryan & Lewis (JGR 1979) like tanh profile of background diapycnal diffusivity with depth. This is done via CVMix.'
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified via calls to initialize_sponge and possibly set_up_sponge_field.'
desc: 'If true, use an implied energetics planetary boundary layer scheme to determine the diffusivity and viscosity in the surface boundary layer.'
name: 'USE_KPP'
desc: 'If true, turns on the [CVMix] KPP scheme of Large et al., 1994, to calculate diffusivities and non-local transport in the OBL.'
desc: 'If true, use a legacy version of the diabatic subroutine. This is temporary and is needed to avoid change in answers.'
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified via calls to initialize_sponge and possibly set_up_sponge_field.'
name: 'ODA_INCUPD'
desc: 'If true, oda incremental updates will be applied everywhere in the domain.'
desc: 'If true, temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
desc: 'If true, use an implied energetics planetary boundary layer scheme to determine the diffusivity and viscosity in the surface boundary layer.'
desc: 'If true, the diffusivity from ePBL is added to all other diffusivities. Otherwise, the larger of kappa-shear and ePBL diffusivities are used.'
desc: 'The Prandtl number used by ePBL to convert vertical diffusivities into viscosities.'
name: 'USE_KPP'
desc: 'If true, turns on the [CVMix] KPP scheme of Large et al., 1994, to calculate diffusivities and non-local transport in the OBL.'
name: 'ML_MIX_FIRST'
desc: 'The fraction of the mixed layer mixing that is applied before interior diapycnal mixing. 0 by default.'
name: 'NKBL'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, apply geothermal heating.'
desc: 'If true, use the code that advances a separate set of equations for the internal tide energy density.'
desc: 'The number of distinct internal tide modes that will be calculated.'
desc: 'If positive, a uniform group velocity of internal tide for test case'
desc: 'If true, the temperature and salinity of massless layers are kept consistent with their target densities. Otherwise the properties of massless layers evolve diffusively to match massive neighboring layers.'
desc: 'If true, the net incoming and outgoing fresh water fluxes are combined and applied as either incoming or outgoing depending on the sign of the net. If false, the net incoming fresh water flux is added to the model and thereafter the net outgoing is removed from the topmost non-vanished layers of the updated state.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
desc: 'If true, monitor conservation and extrema.'
desc: 'If true, debug the energy requirements.'
desc: 'If true, mix the passive tracers in massless layers at the bottom into the interior as though a diffusivity of KD_MIN_TR were operating.'
desc: 'If true and in ALE mode, mix the passive tracers in massless layers at the bottom into the interior as though a diffusivity of KD_MIN_TR were operating.'
name: 'KD'
desc: None
name: 'KD_MIN_TR'
desc: 'A minimal diffusivity that should always be applied to tracers, especially in massless layers near the bottom. The default is 0.1*KD.'
name: 'KD_BBL_TR'
desc: 'A bottom boundary layer tracer diffusivity that will allow for explicitly specified bottom fluxes. The entrainment at the bottom is at least sqrt(Kd_BBL_tr*dt) over the same distance.'
desc: 'If true, use the passive tracer tridiagonal solver for T and S'
desc: 'The smallest depth over which forcing can be applied. This only takes effect when near-surface layers become thin relative to this scale, in which case the forcing tendencies scaled down by distributing the forcing over this depth scale.'
desc: 'The largest fraction of a layer than can be lost to forcing (e.g. evaporation, sea-ice formation) in one time-step. The unused mass loss is passed down through the column.'
name: 'MLD_EN_VALS'
desc: 'The energy values used to compute MLDs. If not set (or all set to 0.), the default will overwrite to 25., 2500., 250000.'
desc: 'The density difference used to determine a diagnostic mixed layer depth, MLD_user, following the definition of Levitus 1982. The MLD is the depth at which the density is larger than the surface density by the specified amount.'
desc: 'The distance over which to calculate a diagnostic of the stratification at the base of the mixed layer.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'If defined, vertically restructure the near-surface layers when they have too much lateral variations to allow for sensible lateral barotropic transports.'
desc: 'If true, allow the buffer layers to detrain into the interior as a part of the restructuring when REGULARIZE_SURFACE_LAYERS is true.'
desc: 'A relative tolerance for how well the densities must match with the target densities during detrainment when regularizing the near-surface layers. The default of 0.6 gives 20% overlaps in density'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
name: 'HMIX_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum mixed layer depth if the mixed layer depth is determined dynamically.'
desc: 'The value of the relative thickness deficit at which to start modifying the layer structure when REGULARIZE_SURFACE_LAYERS is true.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'If true, turns on double diffusive processes via CVMix. Note that double diffusive processes on viscosity are ignored in CVMix, see for justification.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'The maximum value for the double dissusion stratification parameter'
desc: 'Leading coefficient in formula for salt-fingering regime for salinity diffusion.'
name: 'DDIFF_EXP1'
desc: 'Interior exponent in salt-fingering regime formula.'
name: 'DDIFF_EXP2'
desc: 'Exterior exponent in salt-fingering regime formula.'
desc: 'Exterior coefficient in diffusive convection regime.'
desc: 'Middle coefficient in diffusive convection regime.'
desc: 'Interior coefficient in diffusive convection regime.'
name: 'MOL_DIFF'
desc: 'Molecular diffusivity used in CVMix double diffusion.'
desc: 'type of diffusive convection to use. Options are Marmorino \\nand Caldwell 1976 (MC76) and Kelley 1988, 1990 (K90).'
desc: None
name: 'USE_CVMix_TIDAL'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'USE_CVMix_TIDAL'
desc: 'If true, turns on tidal mixing via CVMix'
desc: 'If true, use an internal tidal dissipation scheme to drive diapycnal mixing, along the lines of St. Laurent et al. (2002) and Simmons et al. (2004).'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'CVMIX_TIDAL_SCHEME selects the CVMix tidal mixing scheme with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. Valid values are:\\n\\t SIMMONS - Use the Simmons et al (2004) tidal \\n\\t mixing scheme.\\n\\t SCHMITTNER - Use the Schmittner et al (2014) tidal \\n\\t mixing scheme.'
desc: 'INT_TIDE_PROFILE selects the vertical profile of energy dissipation with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. Valid values are:\\n\\t STLAURENT_02 - Use the St. Laurent et al exponential \\n\\t decay profile.\\n\\t POLZIN_09 - Use the Polzin WKB-stretched algebraic \\n\\t decay profile.'
desc: 'If true, use an lee wave driven dissipation scheme to drive diapycnal mixing, along the lines of Nikurashin (2010) and using the St. Laurent et al. (2002) and Simmons et al. (2004) vertical profile'
desc: 'LEE_WAVE_PROFILE selects the vertical profile of energy dissipation with LEE_WAVE_DISSIPATION. Valid values are:\\n\\t STLAURENT_02 - Use the St. Laurent et al exponential \\n\\t decay profile.\\n\\t POLZIN_09 - Use the Polzin WKB-stretched algebraic \\n\\t decay profile.'
desc: 'If true, consider mixing due to breaking low modes that have been remotely generated; as with itidal drag on the barotropic tide, use an internal tidal dissipation scheme to drive diapycnal mixing, along the lines of St. Laurent et al. (2002) and Simmons et al. (2004).'
name: 'NU_POLZIN'
desc: 'When the Polzin decay profile is used, this is a non-dimensional constant in the expression for the vertical scale of decay for the tidal energy dissipation.'
desc: 'When the Polzin decay profile is used, this is the reference value of the buoyancy frequency at the ocean bottom in the Polzin formulation for the vertical scale of decay for the tidal energy dissipation.'
desc: 'When the Polzin decay profile is used, this is a scale factor for the vertical scale of decay of the tidal energy dissipation.'
desc: 'When the Polzin decay profile is used, this is a factor to limit the vertical scale of decay of the tidal energy dissipation to POLZIN_DECAY_SCALE_MAX_FACTOR times the depth of the ocean.'
desc: 'When the Polzin decay profile is used, this is the minimum vertical decay scale for the vertical profile\\nof internal tide dissipation with the Polzin (2009) formulation'
desc: 'The decay scale away from the bottom for tidal TKE with the new coding when INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION is used.'
name: 'MU_ITIDES'
desc: 'A dimensionless turbulent mixing efficiency used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION, often 0.2.'
desc: 'The fraction of the internal tidal energy that is dissipated locally with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. THIS NAME COULD BE BETTER.'
desc: 'Turn off internal tidal dissipation when the total ocean depth is less than this value.'
desc: 'A topographic wavenumber used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. The default is 2pi/10 km, as in St.Laurent et al. 2002.'
name: 'UTIDE'
desc: 'The constant tidal amplitude used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'A scaling factor for the roughness amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The maximum internal tide energy source available to mix above the bottom boundary layer with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (given by TIDEAMP_FILE) containing the tidal amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the spatially varying tidal amplitudes with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'H2_FILE'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the sub-grid-scale topographic roughness amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The maximum topographic roughness amplitude as a fraction of the mean depth, or a negative value for no limitations on roughness.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the TKE input from lee wave driven mixing. Used with LEE_WAVE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'A non-dimensional factor by which to scale the lee-wave driven TKE input. Used with LEE_WAVE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The fraction of the lee wave energy that is dissipated locally with LEE_WAVE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'Scaling for the vertical decay scaleof the local dissipation of lee waves dissipation.'
desc: 'largest acceptable value for tidal diffusivity'
desc: 'Min allowable depth for dissipation for tidal-energy-constituent data. No dissipation contribution is applied above TIDAL_DISS_LIM_TC.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing tidal energy dissipation. Used with CVMix tidal mixing schemes.'
desc: None
desc: 'Prandtl number used by CVMix tidal mixing schemes to convert vertical diffusivities into viscosities.'
desc: 'The type of input tidal energy flux dataset. Valid values are\\t Jayne\\n\\t ER03 \\n'
name: 'MSTAR'
desc: 'The ratio of the friction velocity cubed to the TKE input to the mixed layer.'
name: 'NSTAR'
desc: 'The portion of the buoyant potential energy imparted by surface fluxes that is available to drive entrainment at the base of mixed layer when that energy is positive.'
name: 'BULK_RI_ML'
desc: 'The efficiency with which mean kinetic energy released by mechanically forced entrainment of the mixed layer is converted to turbulent kinetic energy.'
desc: 'If true, all shortwave radiation is absorbed by the ocean, instead of passing through to the bottom mud.'
name: 'TKE_DECAY'
desc: 'TKE_DECAY relates the vertical rate of decay of the TKE available for mechanical entrainment to the natural Ekman depth.'
name: 'NSTAR2'
desc: 'The portion of any potential energy released by convective adjustment that is available to drive entrainment at the base of mixed layer. By default NSTAR2=NSTAR.'
desc: 'The efficiency with which convectively released mean kinetic energy is converted to turbulent kinetic energy. By default BULK_RI_CONVECTIVE=BULK_RI_ML.'
name: 'HMIX_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum mixed layer depth if the mixed layer depth is determined dynamically.'
desc: 'If true, limit the detrainment from the buffer layers to not be too different from the neighbors.'
desc: 'The amount by which temperature is allowed to exceed previous values during detrainment.'
desc: 'The amount by which salinity is allowed to exceed previous values during detrainment.'
desc: 'When forced to extrapolate T & S to match the layer densities, this factor (in deg C / PSU) is combined with the derivatives of density with T & S to determine what direction is orthogonal to density contours. It should be a typical value of (dR/dS) / (dR/dT) in oceanic profiles.'
desc: 'A limit on the density range over which extrapolation can occur when detraining from the buffer layers, relative to the density range within the mixed and buffer layers, when the detrainment is going into the lightest interior layer, nondimensional, or a negative value not to apply this limit.'
desc: 'The minimum buffer layer thickness when the mixed layer is very thick.'
desc: 'The minimum buffer layer thickness relative to the combined mixed land buffer ayer thicknesses when they are thin.'
desc: 'A timescale that characterizes buffer layer detrainment events.'
desc: 'The fractional tolerance for matching layer target densities when splitting layers to deal with massive interior layers that are lighter than one of the mixed or buffer layers.'
desc: 'The surface fluxes are scaled away when the total ocean depth is less than DEPTH_LIMIT_FLUXES.'
name: 'OMEGA'
desc: 'The rotation rate of the earth.'
name: 'ML_USE_OMEGA'
desc: 'If true, use the absolute rotation rate instead of the vertical component of rotation when setting the decay scale for turbulence.'
desc: 'When setting the decay scale for turbulence, use this fraction of the absolute rotation rate blended with the local value of f, as sqrt((1-of)*f^2 + of*4*omega^2).'
name: 'ML_RESORT'
desc: 'If true, resort the topmost layers by potential density before the mixed layer calculations.'
desc: 'The minimum value of ustar that should be used by the bulk mixed layer model in setting vertical TKE decay scales. This must be greater than 0.'
desc: 'If true, the NKML>1 layers in the mixed layer are chosen to optimally represent the impact of the Ekman transport on the mixed layer TKE budget. Otherwise, the sublayers are distributed uniformly through the mixed layer.'
desc: 'If true, the average depth at which penetrating shortwave radiation is absorbed is adjusted to match the average heating depth of an exponential profile by moving some of the heating upward in the water column.'
desc: 'If true, apply additional mixing wherever there is runoff, so that it is mixed down to RIVERMIX_DEPTH, if the ocean is that deep.'
desc: 'If true, use the fluxes%runoff_Hflx field to set the heat carried by runoff, instead of using SST*CP*liq_runoff.'
desc: 'If true, use the fluxes%calving_Hflx field to set the heat carried by runoff, instead of using SST*CP*froz_runoff.'
desc: 'If true, use code with a bug that causes a loss of momentum conservation during mixedlayer convection.'
desc: 'The fractional limit in the change between grid points of the surface region (mixed & buffer layer) thickness.'
desc: 'The fraction of the total depth by which the thickness of the surface region (mixed & buffer layer) is allowed to change between grid points.'
desc: 'If true, temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
desc: None
name: 'OMEGA'
desc: 'The rotation rate of the earth.'
name: 'ML_USE_OMEGA'
desc: 'If true, use the absolute rotation rate instead of the vertical component of rotation when setting the decay scale for turbulence.'
desc: 'When setting the decay scale for turbulence, use this fraction of the absolute rotation rate blended with the local value of f, as sqrt((1-of)*f^2 + of*4*omega^2).'
desc: 'A nondimensional scaling factor controlling the inhibition of the diffusive length scale by rotation. Making this larger decreases the PBL diffusivity.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
name: 'EPBL_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, the ePBL code uses the original form of the potential energy change code. Otherwise, the newer version that can work with successive increments to the diffusivity in upward or downward passes is used.'
desc: 'The efficiency with which mean kinetic energy released by mechanically forced entrainment of the mixed layer is converted to turbulent kinetic energy.'
name: 'TKE_DECAY'
desc: 'TKE_DECAY relates the vertical rate of decay of the TKE available for mechanical entrainment to the natural Ekman depth.'
desc: 'EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME selects the method for setting mstar. Valid values are: \\n\\t CONSTANT - Use a fixed mstar given by MSTAR \\n\\t OM4 - Use L_Ekman/L_Obukhov in the sabilizing limit, as in OM4 \\n\\t REICHL_H18 - Use the scheme documented in Reichl & Hallberg, 2018.'
name: 'MSTAR_MODE'
desc: None
name: 'MSTAR'
desc: 'The ratio of the friction velocity cubed to the TKE input to the mixed layer. This option is used if EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = CONSTANT.'
name: 'MSTAR_CAP'
desc: 'If this value is positive, it sets the maximum value of mstar allowed in ePBL. (This is not used if EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = CONSTANT).'
name: 'MSTAR2_COEF1'
desc: 'Coefficient in computing mstar when rotation and stabilizing effects are both important (used if EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = OM4).'
name: 'MSTAR2_COEF2'
desc: 'Coefficient in computing mstar when only rotation limits the total mixing (used if EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = OM4)'
name: 'RH18_MSTAR_CN1'
desc: 'MSTAR_N coefficient 1 (outter-most coefficient for fit). The value of 0.275 is given in RH18. Increasing this coefficient increases MSTAR for all values of Hf/ust, but more effectively at low values (weakly developed OSBLs).'
name: 'RH18_MSTAR_CN2'
desc: 'MSTAR_N coefficient 2 (coefficient outside of exponential decay). The value of 8.0 is given in RH18. Increasing this coefficient increases MSTAR for all values of HF/ust, with a much more even effect across a wide range of Hf/ust than CN1.'
name: 'RH18_MSTAR_CN3'
desc: 'MSTAR_N coefficient 3 (exponential decay coefficient). The value of -5.0 is given in RH18. Increasing this increases how quickly the value of MSTAR decreases as Hf/ust increases.'
name: 'RH18_MSTAR_CS1'
desc: 'MSTAR_S coefficient for RH18 in stabilizing limit. The value of 0.2 is given in RH18 and increasing it increases MSTAR in the presence of a stabilizing surface buoyancy flux.'
name: 'RH18_MSTAR_CS2'
desc: 'MSTAR_S exponent for RH18 in stabilizing limit. The value of 0.4 is given in RH18 and increasing it increases MSTAR exponentially in the presence of a stabilizing surface buoyancy flux.'
name: 'NSTAR'
desc: 'The portion of the buoyant potential energy imparted by surface fluxes that is available to drive entrainment at the base of mixed layer when that energy is positive.'
desc: 'Coefficient used for reducing mstar during convection due to reduction of stable density gradient.'
desc: 'A logical that specifies whether or not to use the distance to the bottom of the actively turbulent boundary layer to help set the EPBL length scale.'
desc: 'A scale for the mixing length in the transition layer at the edge of the boundary layer as a fraction of the boundary layer thickness.'
desc: 'If true, use the previous timestep MLD as a first guess in the MLD iteration, otherwise use half the ocean depth as the first guess of the boundary layer depth. The default is false to facilitate reproducibility.'
desc: 'The tolerance for the iteratively determined mixed layer depth. This is only used with USE_MLD_ITERATION.'
desc: 'If true, use bisection with the iterative determination of the self-consistent mixed layer depth. Otherwise use the false position after a maximum and minimum bound have been evaluated and the returned value or bisection before this.'
desc: 'The maximum number of iterations that can be used to find a self-consistent mixed layer depth. If EPBL_MLD_BISECTION is true, the maximum number iteractions needed is set by Depth/2^MAX_ITS < EPBL_MLD_TOLERANCE.'
desc: 'The minimum mixing length scale that will be used by ePBL. The default (0) does not set a minimum.'
desc: 'The exponent applied to the ratio of the distance to the MLD and the MLD depth which determines the shape of the mixing length. This is only used if USE_MLD_ITERATION is True.'
desc: 'Selects the method for translating TKE into turbulent velocities. Valid values are: \\n\\t CUBE_ROOT_TKE - A constant times the cube root of remaining TKE. \\n\\t REICHL_H18 - Use the scheme based on a combination of w* and v* as \\n\\t documented in Reichl & Hallberg, 2018.'
desc: None
desc: 'A ratio relating the efficiency with which convectively released energy is converted to a turbulent velocity, relative to mechanically forced TKE. Making this larger increases the BL diffusivity'
desc: 'An overall nondimensional scaling factor for wT. Making this larger increases the PBL diffusivity.'
desc: 'The proportionality times ustar to set vstar at the surface.'
name: 'USE_LA_LI2016'
desc: 'A logical to use the Li et al. 2016 (submitted) formula to determine the Langmuir number.'
name: 'EPBL_LT'
desc: 'A logical to use a LT parameterization.'
desc: 'EPBL_LANGMUIR_SCHEME selects the method for including Langmuir turbulence. Valid values are: \\n\\t NONE - Do not do any extra mixing due to Langmuir turbulence \\n\\t RESCALE - Use a multiplicative rescaling of mstar to account for Langmuir turbulence \\n\\t ADDITIVE - Add a Langmuir turblence contribution to mstar to other contributions'
name: 'LT_ENHANCE'
desc: None
desc: 'Coefficient for Langmuir enhancement of mstar'
desc: 'Exponent for Langmuir enhancementt of mstar'
name: 'LT_MOD_LAC1'
desc: 'Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to MLD approaching Ekman depth.'
name: 'LT_MOD_LAC2'
desc: 'Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to MLD approaching stable Obukhov depth.'
name: 'LT_MOD_LAC3'
desc: 'Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to MLD approaching unstable Obukhov depth.'
name: 'LT_MOD_LAC4'
desc: 'Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to ratio of Ekman to stable Obukhov depth.'
name: 'LT_MOD_LAC5'
desc: 'Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to ratio of Ekman to unstable Obukhov depth.'
desc: 'If true, temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
desc: 'A scaling factor for the diapycnal diffusivity used in testing the energy requirements.'
desc: 'A scaling factor for the column height change correction used in testing the energy requirements.'
desc: 'If true, use the internal test diffusivity profile in place of any that might be passed in as an argument.'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, use the Jackson-Hallberg-Legg (JPO 2008) shear mixing parameterization.'
desc: 'If true, do the calculations of the shear-driven mixing at the cell vertices (i.e., the vorticity points).'
name: 'RINO_CRIT'
desc: 'The critical Richardson number for shear mixing.'
desc: 'A nondimensional rate scale for shear-driven entrainment. Jackson et al find values in the range of 0.085-0.089.'
name: 'MAX_RINO_IT'
desc: 'The maximum number of iterations that may be used to estimate the Richardson number driven mixing.'
name: 'KD'
desc: None
name: 'KD_KAPPA_SHEAR_0'
desc: 'The background diffusivity that is used to smooth the density and shear profiles before solving for the diffusivities. The default is the greater of KD and 1e-7 m2 s-1.'
desc: 'The value of shear-driven diffusivity that is considered negligible and is rounded down to 0. The default is 1% of KD_KAPPA_SHEAR_0.'
desc: 'The nondimensional curvature of the function of the Richardson number in the kappa source term in the Jackson et al. scheme.'
desc: 'The coefficient for the decay of TKE due to stratification (i.e. proportional to N*tke). The values found by Jackson et al. are 0.24-0.28.'
desc: 'The coefficient for the decay of TKE due to shear (i.e. proportional to |S|*tke). The values found by Jackson et al. are 0.14-0.12.'
desc: 'The coefficient for the buoyancy length scale in the kappa equation. The values found by Jackson et al. are in the range of 0.81-0.86.'
desc: 'The square of the ratio of the coefficients of the buoyancy and shear scales in the diffusivity equation, Set this to 0 (the default) to eliminate the shear scale. This is only used if USE_JACKSON_PARAM is true.'
desc: 'The fractional error in kappa that is tolerated. Iteration stops when changes between subsequent iterations are smaller than this everywhere in a column. The peak diffusivities usually converge most rapidly, and have much smaller errors than this.'
desc: 'A background level of TKE used in the first iteration of the kappa equation. TKE_BACKGROUND could be 0.'
desc: 'If true, massless layers are merged with neighboring massive layers in this calculation. The default is true and I can think of no good reason why it should be false. This is only used if USE_JACKSON_PARAM is true.'
desc: 'The maximum number of iterations that may be used to estimate the time-averaged diffusivity.'
desc: 'The turbulent Prandtl number applied to shear instability.'
desc: 'A negligibly small velocity magnitude below which velocity components are set to 0. A reasonable value might be 1e-30 m/s, which is less than an Angstrom divided by the age of the universe.'
desc: 'The maximum permitted increase in the kappa source within an iteration relative to the local source; this must be greater than 1. The lower limit for the permitted fractional decrease is (1 - 0.5/kappa_src_max_chg). These limits could perhaps be made dynamic with an improved iterative solver.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
desc: 'If true, write debugging data for the kappa-shear code.'
desc: 'If true, do a simple average of the cell surface pressures to get a pressure at the corner if VERTEX_SHEAR=True. Otherwise mask out any land points in the average.'
desc: "If true, use an older, dimensionally inconsistent estimate of the derivative of diffusivity with energy in the Newton's method iteration. The bug causes undercorrections when dz > 1 m."
desc: 'If true, report back the latest estimate of TKE instead of the time average TKE when there is mass in all layers. Otherwise always report the time averaged TKE, as is currently done when there are some massless layers.'
desc: 'If true, uses the more restrictive tolerance check to determine if a timestep is acceptable for the KS_it outer iteration loop. False uses the original less restrictive check.'
desc: 'If true, combine the mixed layers together before solving the kappa-shear equations.'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use expressions that do not use an arbitrary hard-coded maximum viscous coupling coefficient between layers.'
desc: 'If true, the bottom stress is calculated with a drag law of the form c_drag*|u|*u. The velocity magnitude may be an assumed value or it may be based on the actual velocity in the bottommost HBBL, depending on LINEAR_DRAG.'
desc: 'If true, the bottom drag is exerted directly on each layer proportional to the fraction of the bottom it overlies.'
desc: 'If true, the wind stress is distributed over the topmost HMIX_STRESS of fluid (like in HYCOM), and KVML may be set to a very small value.'
desc: 'If true, use a bulk Richardson number criterion to determine the mixed layer thickness for viscosity.'
name: 'U_TRUNC_FILE'
desc: 'The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to zonal velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this diagnostic is not needed.'
name: 'V_TRUNC_FILE'
desc: 'The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to meridional velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this diagnostic is not needed.'
desc: 'If true, use the harmonic mean thicknesses for calculating the vertical viscosity.'
desc: 'A scale to determine when water is in the boundary layers based solely on harmonic mean thicknesses for the purpose of determining the extent to which the thicknesses used in the viscosities are upwinded.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'The depth over which the wind stress is applied if DIRECT_STRESS is true.'
desc: 'The depth over which the wind stress is applied if DIRECT_STRESS is true.'
name: 'KV'
desc: 'The background kinematic viscosity in the interior. The molecular value, ~1e-6 m2 s-1, may be used.'
name: 'HBBL'
desc: 'The thickness of a bottom boundary layer with a viscosity of KVBBL if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is not defined, or the thickness over which near-bottom velocities are averaged for the drag law if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is defined but LINEAR_DRAG is not.'
name: 'MAXVEL'
desc: 'The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity components are truncated.'
desc: 'If true, base truncations on the CFL number, and not an absolute speed.'
desc: 'The value of the CFL number that will cause velocity components to be truncated; instability can occur past 0.5.'
name: 'CFL_REPORT'
desc: 'The value of the CFL number that causes accelerations to be reported; the default is CFL_TRUNCATE.'
desc: 'The time over which the CFL truncation value is ramped up at the beginning of the run.'
desc: 'The start value of the truncation CFL number used when ramping up CFL_TRUNC.'
desc: 'Flag to use Stokes drift Mixing via the Lagrangian current (Eulerian plus Stokes drift). Still needs work and testing, so not recommended for use.'
desc: 'A negligibly small velocity magnitude below which velocity components are set to 0. A reasonable value might be 1e-30 m/s, which is less than an Angstrom divided by the age of the universe.'
desc: 'The constant geothermal heat flux, a rescaling factor for the heat flux read from GEOTHERMAL_FILE, or 0 to disable the geothermal heating.'
desc: 'The file from which the geothermal heating is to be read, or blank to use a constant heating rate.'
desc: 'The thickness over which to apply geothermal heating.'
desc: 'The value of drho_dT above which geothermal heating simply heats water in place instead of moving it between isopycnal layers. This must be negative.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The name of the geothermal heating variable in GEOTHERMAL_FILE.'
desc: 'If true, temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
desc: 'If true, try to use any frazil heat deficit to cool any overlying layers down to the freezing point, thereby avoiding the creation of thin ice when the SST is above the freezing point.'
desc: 'If true, use a pressure dependent freezing temperature when making frazil. The default is false, which will be faster but is inappropriate with ice-shelf cavities.'
desc: 'If true, the model does not check if fluxes are being applied over land points. This is needed when the ocean is coupled with ice shelves and sea ice, since the sea ice mask needs to be different than the ocean mask to avoid sea ice formation under ice shelves. This flag only works when use_ePBL = True.'
desc: 'If true, apply additional mixing wherever there is runoff, so that it is mixed down to RIVERMIX_DEPTH if the ocean is that deep.'
desc: 'If true, use the fluxes%runoff_Hflx field to set the heat carried by runoff, instead of using SST*CP*liq_runoff.'
desc: 'If true, use the fluxes%calving_Hflx field to set the heat carried by runoff, instead of using SST*CP*froz_runoff.'
name: 'VAR_PEN_SW'
desc: 'If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes specified by OPACITY_SCHEME to determine the e-folding depth of incoming short wave radiation.'
desc: 'If true, chl_a is read from a file.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'CHL_FILE'
desc: 'CHL_FILE is the file containing chl_a concentrations in the variable CHL_A. It is used when VAR_PEN_SW and CHL_FROM_FILE are true.'
desc: 'Name of CHL_A variable in CHL_FILE.'
name: 'KD'
desc: 'The background diapycnal diffusivity of density in the interior. Zero or the molecular value, ~1e-7 m2 s-1, may be used.'
name: 'KV'
desc: 'The background kinematic viscosity in the interior. The molecular value, ~1e-6 m2 s-1, may be used.'
name: 'KD_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum diapycnal diffusivity.'
name: 'KDML'
desc: None
name: 'KDML'
desc: 'If BULKMIXEDLAYER is false, KDML is the elevated diapycnal diffusivity in the topmost HMIX of fluid. KDML is only used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is false.'
name: 'HMIX_FIXED'
desc: 'The prescribed depth over which the near-surface viscosity and diffusivity are elevated when the bulk mixed layer is not used.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, use a Bryan & Lewis (JGR 1979) like tanh profile of background diapycnal diffusivity with depth. This is done via CVMix.'
name: 'BRYAN_LEWIS_C1'
desc: 'The vertical diffusivity values for Bryan-Lewis profile at |z|=D.'
name: 'BRYAN_LEWIS_C2'
desc: 'The amplitude of variation in diffusivity for the Bryan-Lewis profile'
name: 'BRYAN_LEWIS_C3'
desc: 'The inverse length scale for transition region in the Bryan-Lewis profile'
name: 'BRYAN_LEWIS_C4'
desc: 'The depth where diffusivity is BRYAN_LEWIS_C1 in the Bryan-Lewis profile'
desc: 'If true, apply vertically uniform, latitude-dependent background diffusivity, as described in Danabasoglu et al., 2012'
name: 'BCKGRND_VDC1'
desc: 'Background diffusivity (Ledwell) when HORIZ_VARYING_BACKGROUND=True'
desc: 'Equatorial diffusivity (Gregg) when HORIZ_VARYING_BACKGROUND=True'
desc: 'Max. PSI induced diffusivity (MacKinnon) when HORIZ_VARYING_BACKGROUND=True'
desc: 'Banda Sea diffusivity (Gordon) when HORIZ_VARYING_BACKGROUND=True'
desc: 'Turbulent Prandtl number used to convert vertical background diffusivities into viscosities.'
desc: 'If true, use a latitude-dependent scaling for the near surface background diffusivity, as described in Harrison & Hallberg, JPO 2008.'
desc: 'If true, use a better latitude-dependent scaling for the background diffusivity, as described in Harrison & Hallberg, JPO 2008.'
name: 'HENYEY_N0_2OMEGA'
desc: "The ratio of the typical Buoyancy frequency to twice the Earth's rotation period, used with the Henyey scaling from the mixing."
name: 'OMEGA'
desc: 'The rotation rate of the earth.'
name: 'KD_TANH_LAT_FN'
desc: 'If true, use a tanh dependence of Kd_sfc on latitude, like CM2.1/CM2M. There is no physical justification for this form, and it can not be used with HENYEY_IGW_BACKGROUND.'
desc: 'If true and KDML /= KD and several other conditions apply, the background diffusivity is set incorrectly using a bug that was introduced in March, 2018.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'If true, turns on the enhanced mixing due to convection via CVMix. This scheme increases diapycnal diffs./viscs. at statically unstable interfaces. Relevant parameters are contained in the CVMix_CONVECTION% parameter block.'
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'The turbulent Prandtl number applied to convective instabilities (i.e., used to convert KD_CONV into KV_CONV)'
name: 'KD_CONV'
desc: 'Diffusivity used in convective regime. Corresponding viscosity (KV_CONV) will be set to KD_CONV * PRANDTL_CONV.'
name: 'BV_SQR_CONV'
desc: 'Threshold for squared buoyancy frequency needed to trigger Brunt-Vaisala parameterization.'
desc: None
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'Turn off internal tidal dissipation when the total ocean depth is less than this value.'
name: 'KD_SMOOTH'
desc: 'A diapycnal diffusivity that is used to interpolate more sensible values of T & S into thin layers.'
name: 'UTIDE'
desc: 'The constant tidal amplitude used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'A topographic wavenumber used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. The default is 2pi/10 km, as in St.Laurent et al. 2002.'
desc: 'A scaling factor for the roughness amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The maximum internal tide energy source available to mix above the bottom boundary layer with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (given by TIDEAMP_FILE) containing the tidal amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the spatially varying tidal amplitudes with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'H2_FILE'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the sub-grid-scale topographic roughness amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The maximum topographic roughness amplitude as a fraction of the mean depth, or a negative value for no limitations on roughness.'
desc: 'If true, apply an arbitrary generation site for internal tide testing'
desc: 'Use global IJ for interal tide generation source test'
desc: 'X Location of generation site for internal tide'
desc: 'Y Location of generation site for internal tide'
desc: 'I Location of generation site for internal tide'
desc: 'J Location of generation site for internal tide'
desc: 'Time interval from start of experiment for adding wave source'
name: 'USE_KPP'
desc: None
name: 'USE_KPP'
desc: 'If true, turns on the [CVMix] KPP scheme of Large et al., 1994, to calculate diffusivities and non-local transport in the OBL.'
name: 'PASSIVE'
desc: 'If True, puts KPP into a passive-diagnostic mode.'
desc: 'If True, applies the non-local transport to heat and scalars. If False, calculates the non-local transport and tendencies but purely for diagnostic purposes.'
name: 'N_SMOOTH'
desc: 'The number of times the 1-1-4-1-1 Laplacian filter is applied on OBL depth.'
desc: 'If true, apply OBLdepth smoothing at a cell only if the OBLdepth gets deeper via smoothing.'
name: 'RI_CRIT'
desc: 'Critical bulk Richardson number used to define depth of the surface Ocean Boundary Layer (OBL).'
name: 'VON_KARMAN'
desc: 'von Karman constant.'
desc: 'If True, adds enhanced diffusion at the based of the boundary layer.'
desc: 'Type of interpolation to determine the OBL depth.\\nAllowed types are: linear, quadratic, cubic.'
name: 'INTERP_TYPE2'
desc: 'Type of interpolation to compute diff and visc at OBL_depth.\\nAllowed types are: linear, quadratic, cubic or LMD94.'
desc: 'If True, limit OBL depth to be no deeper than Ekman depth.'
desc: 'If True, limit the OBL depth to be no deeper than Monin-Obukhov depth.'
name: 'CS'
desc: 'Parameter for computing velocity scale function.'
name: 'CS2'
desc: 'Parameter for computing non-local term.'
desc: 'If non-zero, the distance above the bottom to which the OBL is clipped if it would otherwise reach the bottom. The smaller of this and 0.1D is used.'
desc: 'If True, fix the OBL depth to FIXED_OBLDEPTH_VALUE rather than using the OBL depth from CVMix. This option is just for testing purposes.'
desc: 'Value for the fixed OBL depth when fixedOBLdepth==True. This parameter is for just for testing purposes. It will over-ride the OBLdepth computed from CVMix.'
desc: 'Fraction of OBL depth considered in the surface layer.'
desc: 'If non-zero, a minimum depth to use for KPP OBL depth. Independent of this parameter, the OBL depth is always at least as deep as the first layer.'
name: 'MINIMUM_VT2'
desc: 'Min of the unresolved velocity Vt2 used in Rib CVMix calculation.\\nScaling: MINIMUM_VT2 = const1*d*N*ws, with d=1m, N=1e-5/s, ws=1e-6 m/s.'
desc: 'If true, applies a correction step to the averaging of surface layer properties. This option is obsolete.'
desc: 'The first guess at the depth of the surface layer used for averaging the surface layer properties. If =0, the top model level properties will be used for the surface layer. If CORRECT_SURFACE_LAYER_AVERAGE=True, a subsequent correction is applied. This parameter is obsolete'
name: 'NLT_SHAPE'
desc: 'MOM6 method to set nonlocal transport profile. Over-rides the result from CVMix. Allowed values are: \\n\\t CVMix - Uses the profiles from CVMix specified by MATCH_TECHNIQUE\\n\\t LINEAR - A linear profile, 1-sigma\\n\\t PARABOLIC - A parablic profile, (1-sigma)^2\\n\\t CUBIC - A cubic profile, (1-sigma)^2(1+2*sigma)\\n\\t CUBIC_LMD - The original KPP profile'
desc: 'CVMix method to set profile function for diffusivity and NLT, as well as matching across OBL base. Allowed values are: \\n\\t SimpleShapes = sigma*(1-sigma)^2 for both diffusivity and NLT\\n\\t MatchGradient = sigma*(1-sigma)^2 for NLT; diffusivity profile from matching\\n\\t MatchBoth = match gradient for both diffusivity and NLT\\n\\t ParabolicNonLocal = sigma*(1-sigma)^2 for diffusivity; (1-sigma)^2 for NLT'
desc: 'If True, zeroes the KPP diffusivity and viscosity; for testing purpose.'
desc: 'If true, adds KPP diffusivity to diffusivity from other schemes.\\nIf false, KPP is the only diffusivity wherever KPP is non-zero.'
desc: 'Determines contribution of shortwave radiation to KPP surface buoyancy flux. Options include:\\n ALL_SW: use total shortwave radiation\\n MXL_SW: use shortwave radiation absorbed by mixing layer\\n LV1_SW: use shortwave radiation absorbed by top model layer'
desc: 'A minimum thickness used to avoid division by small numbers in the vicinity of vanished layers. This is independent of MIN_THICKNESS used in other parts of MOM.'
name: 'USE_KPP_LT_K'
desc: 'Flag for Langmuir turbulence enhancement of turbulentmixing coefficient.'
desc: 'Flag for Langmuir turbulence enhancement of turbulentmixing coefficient.'
name: 'KPP_LT_K_SHAPE'
desc: 'Vertical dependence of LT enhancement of mixing. Valid options are: \\n\\t CONSTANT = Constant value for full OBL\\n\\t SCALED = Varies based on normalized shape function.'
desc: 'Method to enhance mixing coefficient in KPP. Valid options are: \\n\\t CONSTANT = Constant value (KPP_K_ENH_FAC) \\n\\t VR12 = Function of Langmuir number based on VR12\\n\\t (Van Roekel et al. 2012)\\n\\t (Li et al. 2016, OM) \\n\\t RW16 = Function of Langmuir number based on RW16\\n\\t (Reichl et al., 2016, JPO)'
name: 'KPP_K_ENH_FAC'
desc: 'Constant value to enhance mixing coefficient in KPP.'
name: 'USE_KPP_LT_VT2'
desc: 'Flag for Langmuir turbulence enhancement of Vt2in Bulk Richardson Number.'
desc: 'Method to enhance Vt2 in KPP. Valid options are: \\n\\t CONSTANT = Constant value (KPP_VT2_ENH_FAC) \\n\\t VR12 = Function of Langmuir number based on VR12\\n\\t (Van Roekel et al., 2012) \\n\\t (Li et al. 2016, OM) \\n\\t RW16 = Function of Langmuir number based on RW16\\n\\t (Reichl et al., 2016, JPO) \\n\\t LF17 = Function of Langmuir number based on LF17\\n\\t (Li and Fox-Kemper, 2017, JPO)'
name: 'KPP_VT2_ENH_FAC'
desc: 'Constant value to enhance VT2 in KPP.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
name: 'USE_LMD94'
desc: None
name: 'USE_PP81'
desc: None
name: 'USE_LMD94'
desc: 'If true, use the Large-McWilliams-Doney (JGR 1994) shear mixing parameterization.'
name: 'USE_PP81'
desc: 'If true, use the Pacanowski and Philander (JPO 1981) shear mixing parameterization.'
name: 'NU_ZERO'
desc: 'Leading coefficient in KPP shear mixing.'
name: 'RI_ZERO'
desc: 'Critical Richardson for KPP shear mixing, NOTE this the internal mixing and this is not for setting the boundary layer depth.'
name: 'KPP_EXP'
desc: 'Exponent of unitless factor of diffusivities, for KPP internal shear mixing scheme.'
name: 'SMOOTH_RI'
desc: 'If true, vertically smooth the Richardson number by applying a 1-2-1 filter once.'
name: 'USE_LMD94'
desc: None
name: 'Use_PP81'
desc: None
name: 'VAR_PEN_SW'
desc: 'If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes specified by OPACITY_SCHEME to determine the e-folding depth of incoming short wave radiation.'
desc: 'This character string specifies how chlorophyll concentrations are translated into opacities. Currently valid options include:\\n \\t\\t MANIZZA_05 - Use Manizza et al., GRL, 2005. \\n \\t\\t MOREL_88 - Use Morel, JGR, 1988.'
name: 'BLUE_FRAC_SW'
desc: 'The fraction of the penetrating shortwave radiation that is in the blue band.'
desc: 'This character string specifies which exponential opacity scheme to utilize. Currently valid options include:\\n \\t\\t SINGLE_EXP - Single Exponent decay. \\n \\t\\t DOUBLE_EXP - Double Exponent decay.'
name: 'PEN_SW_SCALE'
desc: 'The vertical absorption e-folding depth of the penetrating shortwave radiation.'
name: 'PEN_SW_SCALE_2ND'
desc: 'The (2nd) vertical absorption e-folding depth of the penetrating shortwave radiation (use if SW_EXP_MODE==double.)'
name: 'SW_1ST_EXP_RATIO'
desc: 'The fraction of 1st vertical absorption e-folding depth penetrating shortwave radiation if SW_EXP_MODE==double.'
name: 'PEN_SW_FRAC'
desc: 'The fraction of the shortwave radiation that penetrates below the surface.'
desc: 'The number of bands of penetrating shortwave radiation.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
name: 'OPTICS_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated expressions for handling the absorption of small remaining shortwave fluxes.'
desc: 'A minimum remaining shortwave heating rate that will be simply absorbed in the next sufficiently thick layers for computational efficiency, instead of continuing to penetrate. The default, 2.5e-11 degC m s-1, is about 1e-4 W m-2 or 0.08 degC m century-1, but 0 is also a valid value.'
desc: 'A thickness that is used to absorb the remaining penetrating shortwave heat flux when it drops below PEN_SW_FLUX_ABSORB.'
desc: 'The value to use for opacity over land. The default is 10 m-1 - a value for muddy water.'
desc: None
name: 'USE_KPP'
desc: 'If true, turns on the [CVMix] KPP scheme of Large et al., 1994, to calculate diffusivities and non-local transport in the OBL.'
desc: 'If true, use an implied energetics planetary boundary layer scheme to determine the diffusivity and viscosity in the surface boundary layer.'
desc: None
name: 'HFREEZE'
desc: None
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
name: 'SET_VISC_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, the bottom stress is calculated with a drag law of the form c_drag*|u|*u. The velocity magnitude may be an assumed value or it may be based on the actual velocity in the bottommost HBBL, depending on LINEAR_DRAG.'
desc: 'If true, the bottom drag is exerted directly on each layer proportional to the fraction of the bottom it overlies.'
desc: 'If LINEAR_DRAG and BOTTOMDRAGLAW are defined the drag law is cdrag*DRAG_BG_VEL*u.'
desc: None
desc: 'The turbulent Prandtl number applied to shear instability.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, use a bulk Richardson number criterion to determine the mixed layer thickness for viscosity.'
name: 'BULK_RI_ML'
desc: None
desc: 'The efficiency with which mean kinetic energy released by mechanically forced entrainment of the mixed layer is converted to turbulent kinetic energy. By default, BULK_RI_ML_VISC = BULK_RI_ML or 0.'
name: 'TKE_DECAY'
desc: None
desc: 'TKE_DECAY_VISC relates the vertical rate of decay of the TKE available for mechanical entrainment to the natural Ekman depth for use in calculating the dynamic mixed layer viscosity. By default, TKE_DECAY_VISC = TKE_DECAY or 0.'
name: 'ML_USE_OMEGA'
desc: 'If true, use the absolute rotation rate instead of the vertical component of rotation when setting the decay scale for turbulence.'
desc: 'When setting the decay scale for turbulence, use this fraction of the absolute rotation rate blended with the local value of f, as sqrt((1-of)*f^2 + of*4*omega^2).'
name: 'OMEGA'
desc: 'The rotation rate of the earth.'
name: 'OMEGA'
desc: 'The rotation rate of the earth.'
name: 'HBBL'
desc: 'The thickness of a bottom boundary layer with a viscosity of KVBBL if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is not defined, or the thickness over which near-bottom velocities are averaged for the drag law if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is defined but LINEAR_DRAG is not.'
name: 'CDRAG'
desc: 'CDRAG is the drag coefficient relating the magnitude of the velocity field to the bottom stress. CDRAG is only used if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is defined.'
desc: 'Flag to use the tidal RMS amplitude in place of constant background velocity for computing u* in the BBL. This flag is only used when BOTTOMDRAGLAW is true and LINEAR_DRAG is false.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the spatially varying tidal amplitudes with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'DRAG_BG_VEL'
desc: 'DRAG_BG_VEL is either the assumed bottom velocity (with LINEAR_DRAG) or an unresolved velocity that is combined with the resolved velocity to estimate the velocity magnitude. DRAG_BG_VEL is only used when BOTTOMDRAGLAW is defined.'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'USE_EOS'
desc: None
name: 'BBL_USE_EOS'
desc: 'If true, use the equation of state in determining the properties of the bottom boundary layer. Otherwise use the layer target potential densities. The default of this parameter is the value of USE_EOS.'
desc: 'The minimum bottom boundary layer thickness that can be used with BOTTOMDRAGLAW. This might be Kv/(cdrag*drag_bg_vel) to give Kv as the minimum near-bottom viscosity.'
desc: 'The minimum top boundary layer thickness that can be used with BOTTOMDRAGLAW. This might be Kv/(cdrag*drag_bg_vel) to give Kv as the minimum near-top viscosity.'
name: 'HTBL_SHELF'
desc: 'The thickness over which near-surface velocities are averaged for the drag law under an ice shelf. By default this is the same as HBBL'
name: 'KV'
desc: 'The background kinematic viscosity in the interior. The molecular value, ~1e-6 m2 s-1, may be used.'
name: 'USE_KPP'
desc: 'If true, turns on the [CVMix] KPP scheme of Large et al., 1994, to calculate diffusivities and non-local transport in the OBL.'
name: 'KV_BBL_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum viscosities in the bottom boundary layer.'
name: 'KV_TBL_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum viscosities in the top boundary layer.'
desc: 'If true, uses the correct bounds on the BBL thickness and viscosity so that the bottom layer feels the intended drag.'
desc: None
desc: 'The nondimensional Laplacian Smagorinsky constant used in calculating the channel drag if it is enabled. The default is to use the same value as SMAG_LAP_CONST if it is defined, or 0.15 if it is not. The value used is also 0.15 if the specified value is negative.'
desc: None
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified from MOM_initialization.F90.'
name: 'SPONGE_UV'
desc: 'Apply sponges in u and v, in addition to tracers.'
desc: 'This sets the reconstruction scheme used for vertical remapping for all variables.'
desc: 'When defined, a proper high-order reconstruction scheme is used within boundary cells rather than PCM. E.g., if PPM is used for remapping, a PPM reconstruction will also be used within boundary cells.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic for horizontal regridding that recovers the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use rotationally symmetric forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, the domain is zonally reentrant.'
name: 'TRIPOLAR_N'
desc: 'Use tripolar connectivity at the northern edge of the domain. With TRIPOLAR_N, NIGLOBAL must be even.'
name: 'SPONGE'
desc: 'If true, sponges may be applied anywhere in the domain. The exact location and properties of those sponges are specified from MOM_initialization.F90.'
name: 'SPONGE_UV'
desc: 'Apply sponges in u and v, in addition to tracers.'
desc: 'This sets the reconstruction scheme used for vertical remapping for all variables.'
desc: 'When defined, a proper high-order reconstruction scheme is used within boundary cells rather than PCM. E.g., if PPM is used for remapping, a PPM reconstruction will also be used within boundary cells.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic for horizontal regridding that recovers the answers from the end of 2018 and retain a bug in the 3-dimensional mask returned in certain cases. Otherwise, use rotationally symmetric forms of the same expressions and initialize the mask properly.'
desc: 'When defined, the incoming sponge data are assumed to be on the model grid '
desc: 'If true, the domain is zonally reentrant.'
name: 'TRIPOLAR_N'
desc: 'Use tripolar connectivity at the northern edge of the domain. With TRIPOLAR_N, NIGLOBAL must be even.'
name: 'MAX_ENT_IT'
desc: 'The maximum number of iterations that may be used to calculate the interior diapycnal entrainment.'
name: 'KD'
desc: None
name: 'DT'
desc: 'The (baroclinic) dynamics time step.'
desc: 'The tolerance with which to solve for entrainment values.'
name: 'DO_SPPT'
desc: 'If true, then stochastically perturb the thermodynamic tendemcies of T,S, amd h. Amplitude and correlations are controlled by the nam_stoch namelist in the UFS model only.'
name: 'PERT_EPBL'
desc: 'If true, then stochastically perturb the kinetic energy production and dissipation terms. Amplitude and correlations are controlled by the nam_stoch namelist in the UFS model only.'
desc: 'If true, interface heights are diffused with a coefficient of KHTH.'
name: 'KHTH'
desc: 'The background horizontal thickness diffusivity.'
desc: 'The nondimensional coefficient in the Visbeck formula for the interface depth diffusivity'
name: 'KHTH_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum horizontal thickness diffusivity.'
name: 'KHTH_MAX'
desc: 'The maximum horizontal thickness diffusivity.'
name: 'KHTH_MAX_CFL'
desc: 'The maximum value of the local diffusive CFL ratio that is permitted for the thickness diffusivity. 1.0 is the marginally unstable value in a pure layered model, but much smaller numbers (e.g. 0.1) seem to work better for ALE-based models.'
desc: 'If defined add 3-d structured enhanced interface height diffusivities to horizontally smooth jagged layers.'
desc: 'A slope beyond which the calculated isopycnal slope is not reliable and is scaled away.'
name: 'KD_SMOOTH'
desc: 'A diapycnal diffusivity that is used to interpolate more sensible values of T & S into thin layers.'
desc: 'If true, use the streamfunction formulation of Ferrari et al., 2010, which effectively emphasizes graver vertical modes by smoothing in the vertical.'
desc: 'A coefficient scaling the vertical smoothing term in the Ferrari et al., 2010, streamfunction formulation.'
name: 'FGNV_C_MIN'
desc: 'A minium wave speed used in the Ferrari et al., 2010, streamfunction formulation.'
desc: 'A floor for Brunt-Vasaila frequency in the Ferrari et al., 2010, streamfunction formulation, expressed as a fraction of planetary rotation, OMEGA. This should be tiny but non-zero to avoid degeneracy.'
desc: 'The coefficient correlating SGS temperature variance with the mean temperature gradient in the deterministic part of the Stanley parameterization. Negative values disable the scheme.'
name: 'OMEGA'
desc: 'The rotation rate of the earth.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
desc: 'If true, use the GM energy conversion form S^2*N^2*kappa rather than the streamfunction for the GM source term.'
desc: 'If true, uses the GM coefficient formulation from the GEOMETRIC framework (Marshall et al., 2012).'
desc: 'Minimum Eady growth rate used in the calculation of GEOMETRIC thickness diffusivity.'
desc: 'The nondimensional coefficient governing the efficiency of the GEOMETRIC thickness diffusion.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use expressions in the MEKE_GEOMETRIC calculation that recover the answers from the original implementation. Otherwise, use expressions that satisfy rotational symmetry.'
name: 'USE_KH_IN_MEKE'
desc: 'If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE.'
name: 'USE_GME'
desc: 'If true, use the GM+E backscatter scheme in association with the Gent and McWilliams parameterization.'
desc: 'If true, compute the top-layer work tendency on the u-grid with the incorrect sign, for legacy reproducibility.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
name: 'HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity.'
name: 'KH'
desc: 'The background Laplacian horizontal viscosity.'
name: 'KH_BG_MIN'
desc: 'The minimum value allowed for Laplacian horizontal viscosity, KH.'
name: 'KH_VEL_SCALE'
desc: 'The velocity scale which is multiplied by the grid spacing to calculate the Laplacian viscosity. The final viscosity is the largest of this scaled viscosity, the Smagorinsky and Leith viscosities, and KH.'
name: 'KH_SIN_LAT'
desc: 'The amplitude of a latitudinally-dependent background viscosity of the form KH_SIN_LAT*(SIN(LAT)**KH_PWR_OF_SINE).'
name: 'KH_PWR_OF_SINE'
desc: 'The power used to raise SIN(LAT) when using a latitudinally dependent background viscosity.'
desc: 'If true, use a Smagorinsky nonlinear eddy viscosity.'
desc: 'The nondimensional Laplacian Smagorinsky constant, often 0.15.'
name: 'LEITH_KH'
desc: 'If true, use a Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity.'
desc: 'The nondimensional Laplacian Leith constant, often set to 1.0'
name: 'USE_MEKE'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, the viscosity contribution from MEKE is scaled by the resolution function.'
name: 'BOUND_KH'
desc: 'If true, the Laplacian coefficient is locally limited to be stable.'
desc: 'If true, the Laplacian coefficient is locally limited to be stable with a better bounding than just BOUND_KH.'
desc: 'If true, allow anistropic viscosity in the Laplacian horizontal viscosity.'
desc: 'If true, adds the viscosity from Smagorinsky and Leith to the background viscosity instead of taking the maximum.'
name: 'KH_ANISO'
desc: 'The background Laplacian anisotropic horizontal viscosity.'
desc: 'Selects the mode for setting the direction of anistropy.\\n\\t 0 - Points along the grid i-direction.\\n\\t 1 - Points towards East.\\n\\t 2 - Points along the flow direction, U/|U|.'
desc: 'The vector pointing in the direction of anistropy for horizontal viscosity. n1,n2 are the i,j components relative to the grid.'
desc: 'The vector pointing in the direction of anistropy for horizontal viscosity. n1,n2 are the i,j components relative to the spherical coordinates.'
desc: 'The vector pointing in the direction of anistropy for horizontal viscosity.'
desc: 'If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with LAPLACIAN.'
name: 'AH'
desc: 'The background biharmonic horizontal viscosity.'
name: 'AH_VEL_SCALE'
desc: 'The velocity scale which is multiplied by the cube of the grid spacing to calculate the biharmonic viscosity. The final viscosity is the largest of this scaled viscosity, the Smagorinsky and Leith viscosities, and AH.'
desc: "A time scale whose inverse is multiplied by the fourth power of the grid spacing to calculate biharmonic viscosity. The final viscosity is the largest of all viscosity formulations in use. 0.0 means that it's not used."
desc: 'If true, use a biharmonic Smagorinsky nonlinear eddy viscosity.'
name: 'LEITH_AH'
desc: 'If true, use a biharmonic Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity.'
name: 'BOUND_AH'
desc: 'If true, the biharmonic coefficient is locally limited to be stable.'
desc: 'If true, the biharmonic coefficient is locally limited to be stable with a better bounding than just BOUND_AH.'
name: 'RE_AH'
desc: 'If nonzero, the biharmonic coefficient is scaled so that the biharmonic Reynolds number is equal to this.'
desc: 'The nondimensional biharmonic Smagorinsky constant, typically 0.015 - 0.06.'
desc: 'If true, include the beta term in the Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity.'
desc: 'If true, add a term to Leith viscosity which is proportional to the gradient of divergence.'
desc: 'If true, use QG Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity.'
desc: None
desc: 'If true use a viscosity that increases with the square of the velocity shears, so that the resulting viscous drag is of comparable magnitude to the Coriolis terms when the velocity differences between adjacent grid points is 0.5*BOUND_CORIOLIS_VEL. The default is the value of BOUND_CORIOLIS (or false).'
name: 'MAXVEL'
desc: None
desc: 'The velocity scale at which BOUND_CORIOLIS_BIHARM causes the biharmonic drag to have comparable magnitude to the Coriolis acceleration. The default is set by MAXVEL.'
desc: 'The nondimensional biharmonic Leith constant, typical values are thus far undetermined.'
desc: 'If true, use the land mask for the computation of thicknesses at velocity locations. This eliminates the dependence on arbitrary values over land or outside of the domain.'
desc: 'The nondimensional coefficient of the ratio of the viscosity bounds to the theoretical maximum for stability without considering other terms.'
name: 'NOSLIP'
desc: 'If true, no slip boundary conditions are used; otherwise free slip boundary conditions are assumed. The implementation of the free slip BCs on a C-grid is much cleaner than the no slip BCs. The use of free slip BCs is strongly encouraged, and no slip BCs are not used with the biharmonic viscosity.'
name: 'USE_KH_BG_2D'
desc: 'If true, read a file containing 2-d background harmonic viscosities. The final viscosity is the maximum of the other terms and this background value.'
name: 'KH_BG_2D_BUG'
desc: 'If true, retain an answer-changing horizontal indexing bug in setting the corner-point viscosities when USE_KH_BG_2D=True. This isnot recommended.'
name: 'USE_GME'
desc: 'If true, use the GM+E backscatter scheme in association \\nwith the Gent and McWilliams parameterization.'
name: 'SPLIT'
desc: 'Use the split time stepping if true.'
desc: 'Number of smoothing passes for the GME fluxes.'
name: 'GME_H0'
desc: 'The strength of GME tapers quadratically to zero when the bathymetric depth is shallower than GME_H0.'
desc: 'The nondimensional prefactor multiplying the GME coefficient.'
desc: 'The absolute maximum value the GME coefficient is allowed to take.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'The (baroclinic) dynamics time step.'
desc: 'The filename containing a 2d map of "Kh".'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: 'If true, a density-gradient dependent re-stratifying flow is imposed in the mixed layer. Can be used in ALE mode without restriction but in layer mode can only be used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'A nondimensional coefficient that is proportional to the ratio of the deformation radius to the dominant lengthscale of the submesoscale mixed layer instabilities, times the minimum of the ratio of the mesoscale eddy kinetic energy to the large-scale geostrophic kinetic energy or 1 plus the square of the grid spacing over the deformation radius, as detailed by Fox-Kemper et al. (2010)'
desc: 'As for FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF but used in a second application of the MLE restratification parameterization.'
desc: 'If non-zero, is the frontal-length scale used to calculate the upscaling of buoyancy gradients that is otherwise represented by the parameter FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF. If MLE_FRONT_LENGTH is non-zero, it is recommended to set FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF=1.0.'
desc: 'If true, the MLE parameterization will use the mixed-layer depth provided by the active PBL parameterization. If false, MLE will estimate a MLD based on a density difference with the surface using the parameter MLE_DENSITY_DIFF.'
desc: 'The time-scale for a running-mean filter applied to the mixed-layer depth used in the MLE restratification parameterization. When the MLD deepens below the current running-mean the running-mean is instantaneously set to the current MLD.'
desc: 'The time-scale for a running-mean filter applied to the filtered mixed-layer depth used in a second MLE restratification parameterization. When the MLD deepens below the current running-mean the running-mean is instantaneously set to the current MLD.'
desc: 'Density difference used to detect the mixed-layer depth used for the mixed-layer eddy parameterization by Fox-Kemper et al. (2010)'
name: 'MLE_TAIL_DH'
desc: 'Fraction by which to extend the mixed-layer restratification depth used for a smoother stream function at the base of the mixed-layer.'
desc: 'A scaling coefficient for stretching/shrinking the MLD used in the MLE scheme. This simply multiplies MLD wherever used.'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'TIDES'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing.'
name: 'TIDE_M2'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the M2 frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_S2'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the S2 frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_N2'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the N2 frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_K2'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the K2 frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_K1'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the K1 frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_O1'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the O1 frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_P1'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the P1 frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_Q1'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the Q1 frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_MF'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the MF frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
name: 'TIDE_MM'
desc: 'If true, apply tidal momentum forcing at the MM frequency. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
desc: 'If true, read the tidal self-attraction and loading from input files, specified by TIDAL_INPUT_FILE. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
desc: 'If true, use the SAL from the previous iteration of the tides to facilitate convergent iteration. This is only used if TIDES is true.'
desc: 'If true and TIDES is true, use the scalar approximation when calculating self-attraction and loading.'
desc: 'A list of input files for tidal information.'
desc: 'Year,month,day to use as reference date for tidal forcing. If not specified, defaults to 0.'
desc: 'Correct phases by calculating equilibrium phase arguments for TIDE_REF_DATE. '
name: '"TIDE_"//trim(CS%const_name(c))//"_FREQ"'
desc: '"Frequency of the "//trim(CS%const_name(c))//" tidal constituent. "//"This is only used if TIDES and TIDE_"//trim(CS%const_name(c))//" are true, or if OBC_TIDE_N_CONSTITUENTS > 0 and "//trim(CS%const_name(c))//" is in OBC_TIDE_CONSTITUENTS."'
name: '"TIDE_"//trim(CS%const_name(c))//"_AMP"'
desc: '"Amplitude of the "//trim(CS%const_name(c))//" tidal constituent. "//"This is only used if TIDES and TIDE_"//trim(CS%const_name(c))//" are true."'
name: '"TIDE_"//trim(CS%const_name(c))//"_PHASE_T0"'
desc: '"Phase of the "//trim(CS%const_name(c))//" tidal constituent at time 0. "//"This is only used if TIDES and TIDE_"//trim(CS%const_name(c))//" are true."'
name: 'USE_MEKE'
desc: None
name: 'USE_MEKE'
desc: 'If true, turns on the MEKE scheme which calculates a sub-grid mesoscale eddy kinetic energy budget.'
desc: 'The local depth-independent MEKE dissipation rate.'
desc: 'The ratio of the bottom eddy velocity to the column mean eddy velocity, i.e. sqrt(2*MEKE). This should be less than 1 to account for the surface intensification of MEKE.'
name: 'MEKE_CB'
desc: 'A coefficient in the expression for the ratio of bottom projected eddy energy and mean column energy (see Jansen et al. 2015).'
desc: 'The minimum allowed value of gamma_b^2.'
name: 'MEKE_CT'
desc: 'A coefficient in the expression for the ratio of barotropic eddy energy and mean column energy (see Jansen et al. 2015).'
desc: 'The efficiency of the conversion of potential energy into MEKE by the thickness mixing parameterization. If MEKE_GMCOEFF is negative, this conversion is not used or calculated.'
desc: 'If MEKE_GEOMETRIC is true, uses the GM coefficient formulation from the GEOMETRIC framework (Marshall et al., 2012).'
desc: 'The nondimensional coefficient governing the efficiency of the GEOMETRIC \\nthickness diffusion.'
desc: 'If true, use an alternative formula for computing the (equilibrium)initial value of MEKE.'
desc: 'If true, restore MEKE back to its equilibrium value, which is calculated at each time step.'
desc: 'The timescale used to nudge MEKE toward its equilibrium value.'
desc: 'The efficiency of the conversion of mean energy into MEKE. If MEKE_FRCOEFF is negative, this conversion is not used or calculated.'
desc: 'The efficiency of the conversion of MEKE into mean energy by GME. If MEKE_GMECOEFF is negative, this conversion is not used or calculated.'
name: 'MEKE_BGSRC'
desc: 'A background energy source for MEKE.'
name: 'MEKE_KH'
desc: 'A background lateral diffusivity of MEKE. Use a negative value to not apply lateral diffusion to MEKE.'
name: 'MEKE_K4'
desc: 'A lateral bi-harmonic diffusivity of MEKE. Use a negative value to not apply bi-harmonic diffusion to MEKE.'
desc: 'A scaling factor to accelerate the time evolution of MEKE.'
desc: 'A scaling factor in the expression for eddy diffusivity which is otherwise proportional to the MEKE velocity- scale times an eddy mixing-length. This factor must be >0 for MEKE to contribute to the thickness/ and tracer diffusivity in the rest of the model.'
desc: 'The background velocity that is combined with MEKE to calculate the bottom drag.'
desc: 'If true, use the GM energy conversion form S^2*N^2*kappa rather than the streamfunction for the MEKE GM source term.'
desc: 'If true, use the vertvisc_type to calculate the bottom drag acting on MEKE.'
desc: 'A factor that maps MEKE%Kh to KhTh.'
desc: 'A factor that maps MEKE%Kh to KhTr.'
desc: 'A factor that maps MEKE%Kh to Kh for MEKE itself.'
desc: 'If true, use the old formula for length scale which is a function of grid spacing and deformation radius.'
desc: 'If true, use a strict minimum of provided length scales rather than harmonic mean.'
desc: 'If true, the length scale used by MEKE is the minimum of the deformation radius or grid-spacing. Only used if MEKE_OLD_LSCALE=True'
desc: 'If non-zero, is the scaling coefficient in the expression forviscosity used to parameterize harmonic lateral momentum mixing byunresolved eddies represented by MEKE. Can be negative torepresent backscatter from the unresolved eddies.'
desc: 'If non-zero, is the scaling coefficient in the expression forviscosity used to parameterize biharmonic lateral momentum mixing byunresolved eddies represented by MEKE. Can be negative torepresent backscatter from the unresolved eddies.'
desc: 'If positive, is a fixed length contribution to the expression for mixing length used in MEKE-derived diffusivity.'
desc: 'If true, use the nominal bathymetric depth as the estimate of the time-varying ocean depth. Otherwise base the depth on the total ocean massper unit area.'
desc: 'If positive, is a coefficient weighting the deformation scale in the expression for mixing length used in MEKE-derived diffusivity.'
desc: 'If positive, is a coefficient weighting the Rhines scale in the expression for mixing length used in MEKE-derived diffusivity.'
desc: 'If positive, is a coefficient weighting the Eady length scale in the expression for mixing length used in MEKE-derived diffusivity.'
desc: 'If positive, is a coefficient weighting the frictional arrest scale in the expression for mixing length used in MEKE-derived diffusivity.'
desc: 'If positive, is a coefficient weighting the grid-spacing as a scale in the expression for mixing length used in MEKE-derived diffusivity.'
desc: 'If true, initialize EKE to zero. Otherwise a local equilibrium solution is used as an initial condition for EKE.'
desc: 'The coefficient in the Rossby number function for scaling the biharmonic frictional energy source. Setting to non-zero enables the Rossby number function.'
desc: 'The power in the Rossby number function for scaling the biharmonic frictional energy source.'
desc: 'A scale factor in front of advection of eddy energy. Zero turns advection off. Using unity would be normal but other values could accommodate a mismatch between the advecting barotropic flow and the vertical structure of MEKE.'
desc: 'If true, recover a bug in the calculation of the barotropic transport for the advection of MEKE. With the bug, only the transports in the deepest layer are used.'
desc: "A scale factor to determine how much topographic beta is weighed in computing beta in the expression of Rhines scale. Use 1 if full topographic beta effect is considered; use 0 if it's completely ignored."
name: 'CDRAG'
desc: 'CDRAG is the drag coefficient relating the magnitude of the velocity field to the bottom stress.'
name: 'MEKE_CDRAG'
desc: 'Drag coefficient relating the magnitude of the velocity field to the bottom stress in MEKE.'
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'The period of the first mode for internal tides'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'The number of distinct internal tide frequency bands that will be calculated.'
desc: 'The number of distinct internal tide modes that will be calculated.'
desc: 'The number of angular resolution bands for the internal tide calculations.'
desc: 'The rate at which internal tide energy is lost to the interior ocean internal wave field.'
desc: 'If true, use the ratio of the open face lengths to the tracer cell areas when estimating CFL numbers in the internal tide code.'
desc: 'If true, internal tide ray-tracing advection uses a corner-advection scheme rather than PPM.'
desc: 'If true, CONTINUITY_PPM uses a simple 2nd order (arithmetic mean) interpolation of the edge values. This may give better PV conservation properties. While it formally reduces the accuracy of the continuity solver itself in the strongly advective limit, it does not reduce the overall order of accuracy of the dynamic core.'
desc: 'If true, the internal tide ray-tracing advection uses 1st-order upwind advection. This scheme is highly continuity solver. This scheme is highly diffusive but may be useful for debugging.'
desc: 'If true, the internal tide ray-tracing advection uses a background drag term as a sink.'
desc: 'If true, the internal tide ray-tracing advection uses a quadratic bottom drag term as a sink.'
desc: 'If true, apply scattering due to small-scale roughness as a sink.'
desc: 'The minimum total ocean thickness that will be used in the denominator of the quadratic drag terms for internal tides.'
desc: 'If true, apply wave breaking as a sink.'
name: 'CDRAG'
desc: 'CDRAG is the drag coefficient relating the magnitude of the velocity field to the bottom stress.'
desc: 'If positive, only one angular band of the internal tides gets all of the energy. (This is for debugging.)'
desc: 'If true, use PPM for advection of energy in angular space.'
desc: 'The fraction of the internal tidal energy that is dissipated locally with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. THIS NAME COULD BE BETTER.'
desc: 'A topographic wavenumber used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. The default is 2pi/10 km, as in St.Laurent et al. 2002.'
desc: 'A scaling factor for the roughness amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'H2_FILE'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the sub-grid-scale topographic roughness amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The maximum RMS topographic roughness as a fraction of the nominal ocean depth, or a negative value for no limit.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the local angle of the coastline/ridge/shelf with respect to the equator.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the reflection coefficients.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the double-reflective ridge tags.'
desc: 'If true, the variable mixing code will be called. This allows diagnostics to be created even if the scheme is not used. If KHTR_SLOPE_CFF>0 or KhTh_Slope_Cff>0, this is set to true regardless of what is in the parameter file.'
desc: 'If true, use the Visbeck et al. (1997) formulation for \\nthickness diffusivity.'
desc: 'If true, the Laplacian lateral viscosity is scaled away when the first baroclinic deformation radius is well resolved.'
desc: 'If true, KHTH is scaled away when the depth is shallowerthan a reference depth: KHTH = MIN(1,H/H0)**N * KHTH, where H0 is a reference depth, controlled via DEPTH_SCALED_KHTH_H0, and the exponent (N) is controlled via DEPTH_SCALED_KHTH_EXP.'
desc: 'If true, the interface depth diffusivity is scaled away when the first baroclinic deformation radius is well resolved.'
desc: 'If true, the epipycnal tracer diffusivity is scaled away when the first baroclinic deformation radius is well resolved.'
name: 'USE_MEKE'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, the viscosity contribution from MEKE is scaled by the resolution function.'
desc: 'If true, uses the equivalent barotropic wave speed instead of first baroclinic wave for calculating the resolution fn.'
desc: 'If true, uses the equivalent barotropic structure as the vertical structure of thickness diffusivity.'
desc: 'The nondimensional coefficient in the Visbeck formula for the interface depth diffusivity'
desc: 'The nondimensional coefficient in the Visbeck formula for the epipycnal tracer diffusivity'
desc: 'If true, the isopycnal slopes are calculated once and stored for re-use. This uses more memory but avoids calling the equation of state more times than should be necessary.'
desc: 'A miniscule frequency that is used to avoid division by 0. The default value is roughly (pi / (the age of the universe)).'
desc: None
desc: None
desc: None
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: None
desc: 'The depth below which N2 is monotonized to avoid stratification artifacts from altering the equivalent barotropic mode structure.'
desc: 'If non-zero, is an upper bound on slopes used in the Visbeck formula for diffusivity. This does not affect the isopycnal slope calculation used within thickness diffusion.'
name: 'KD_SMOOTH'
desc: 'A diapycnal diffusivity that is used to interpolate more sensible values of T & S into thin layers.'
desc: 'If true, use a simpler method to calculate the Eady growth rate that avoids division by layer thickness. Recommended.'
desc: 'The depth from surface over which to average SN when calculating a 2D Eady growth rate. Zero mean use full depth.'
desc: 'Distance from surface or bottom to filter out outcropped or incropped interfaces for the Eady growth rate calc. Negative values disables cropping.'
desc: 'The layer number at which to start vertical integration of S*N for purposes of finding the Eady growth rate.'
desc: 'The fixed length scale in the Visbeck formula.'
desc: 'A coefficient that determines how KhTh is scaled away if RESOLN_SCALED_... is true, as F = 1 / (1 + (KH_RES_SCALE_COEF*Rd/dx)^KH_RES_FN_POWER).'
desc: 'The power of dx/Ld in the Kh resolution function. Any positive integer may be used, although even integers are more efficient to calculate. Setting this greater than 100 results in a step-function being used.'
desc: 'A coefficient that determines how Kh is scaled away if RESOLN_SCALED_... is true, as F = 1 / (1 + (KH_RES_SCALE_COEF*Rd/dx)^KH_RES_FN_POWER). This function affects lateral viscosity, Kh, and not KhTh.'
desc: 'The power of dx/Ld in the Kh resolution function. Any positive integer may be used, although even integers are more efficient to calculate. Setting this greater than 100 results in a step-function being used. This function affects lateral viscosity, Kh, and not KhTh.'
desc: 'If true, interpolate the resolution function to the velocity points from the thickness points; otherwise interpolate the wave speed and calculate the resolution function independently at each point.'
desc: "If true, uses Gill's definition of the baroclinic equatorial deformation radius, otherwise, if false, use Pedlosky's definition. These definitions differ by a factor of 2 in front of the beta term in the denominator. Gill's is the more appropriate definition."
desc: 'The depth above which KHTH is scaled away.'
desc: 'The exponent used in the depth dependent scaling function for KHTH.'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use updated and more robust forms of the same expressions.'
desc: 'The fractional tolerance for finding the wave speeds.'
desc: 'A floor in the first mode speed below which 0 used instead.'
desc: 'If true, use a more robust estimate of the first mode wave speed as the starting point for iterations.'
desc: 'If true, use the QG Leith viscosity as the GM coefficient.'
desc: 'The nondimensional Laplacian Leith constant, \\noften set to 1.0'
desc: 'If true, include the beta term in the Leith nonlinear eddy viscosity.'
desc: 'Name of the ascii file that contains the path and filename of the latest restart file.'
name: 'SW_DECOMP'
desc: 'If True, read coeffs c1, c2, c3 and c4 and decomposethe net shortwave radiation (SW) into four components:\\nvisible, direct shortwave = c1 * SW \\nvisible, diffuse shortwave = c2 * SW \\nnear-IR, direct shortwave = c3 * SW \\nnear-IR, diffuse shortwave = c4 * SW'
name: 'SW_c1'
desc: 'Coeff. used to convert net shortwave rad. into visible, direct shortwave.'
name: 'SW_c2'
desc: 'Coeff. used to convert net shortwave rad. into visible, diffuse shortwave.'
name: 'SW_c3'
desc: 'Coeff. used to convert net shortwave rad. into near-IR, direct shortwave.'
name: 'SW_c4'
desc: 'Coeff. used to convert net shortwave rad. into near-IR, diffuse shortwave.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: 'The directory in which all input files are found.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
name: 'MAX_P_SURF'
desc: 'The maximum surface pressure that can be exerted by the atmosphere and floating sea-ice or ice shelves. This is needed because the FMS coupling structure does not limit the water that can be frozen out of the ocean and the ice-ocean heat fluxes are treated explicitly. No limit is applied if a negative value is used.'
desc: 'If true, adjusts the salinity restoring seen to zero whether restoring is via a salt flux or virtual precip.'
desc: 'If true, adjustments to salt restoring to achieve zero net are made by scaling values without moving the zero contour.'
desc: 'If true, adjusts the net fresh-water forcing seen by the ocean (including restoring) to zero.'
desc: 'If true, adjustments to net fresh water to achieve zero net are made by scaling values without moving the zero contour.'
desc: 'The assumed sea-ice salinity needed to reverse engineer the melt flux (or ice-ocean fresh-water flux).'
desc: 'If true, return the sea surface height with the correction for the atmospheric (and sea-ice) pressure limited by max_p_surf instead of the full atmospheric pressure.'
desc: "A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'."
desc: 'A factor multiplying the wind-stress given to the ocean by the coupler. This is used for testing and should be =1.0 for any production runs.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'A file in which to find the surface salinity to use for restoring.'
desc: 'The name of the surface salinity variable to read from SALT_RESTORE_FILE for restoring salinity.'
desc: 'If true, the restoring of salinity is applied as a salt flux instead of as a freshwater flux.'
desc: 'The maximum salinity difference used in restoring terms.'
desc: 'If true, disables SSS restoring under sea-ice based on a frazil criteria (SST<=Tf). Only used when RESTORE_SALINITY is True.'
desc: 'If true, disable SSS restoring in marginal seas. Only used when RESTORE_SALINITY is True.'
name: 'BASIN_FILE'
desc: "A file in which to find the basin masks, in variable 'basin'."
desc: 'If true, read a file (salt_restore_mask) containing a mask for SSS restoring.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'A file in which to find the surface temperature to use for restoring.'
desc: 'The name of the surface temperature variable to read from SST_RESTORE_FILE for restoring sst.'
desc: 'The maximum sst difference used in restoring terms.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (temp_restore_mask) containing a mask for SST restoring.'
name: 'CD_TIDES'
desc: 'The drag coefficient that applies to the tides.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (given by TIDEAMP_FILE) containing the tidal amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the spatially varying tidal amplitudes with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'UTIDE'
desc: 'The constant tidal amplitude used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'READ_GUST_2D'
desc: 'If true, use a 2-dimensional gustiness supplied from an input file'
name: 'GUST_CONST'
desc: 'The background gustiness in the winds.'
name: 'GUST_2D_FILE'
desc: None
desc: 'If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction velocity'
desc: 'If true, sea-ice is rigid enough to exert a nonhydrostatic pressure that resist vertical motion.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
desc: 'A typical density of sea ice, used with the kinematic viscosity, when USE_RIGID_SEA_ICE is true.'
desc: 'The kinematic viscosity of sufficiently thick sea ice for use in calculating the rigidity of sea ice.'
desc: 'The mass of sea-ice per unit area at which the sea-ice starts to exhibit rigidity'
desc: 'If true, makes available diagnostics of fluxes from icebergs as seen by MOM6.'
desc: "If true, allows flux adjustments to specified via the data_table using the component name 'OCN'."
desc: 'If true, advance the state of MOM with a single step including both dynamics and thermodynamics. If false, the two phases are advanced with separate calls.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that is actually used will be an integer fraction of the forcing time-step.'
name: 'DT_THERM'
desc: 'The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT.'
desc: 'If true, the MOM will take thermodynamic and tracer timesteps that can be longer than the coupling timestep. The actual thermodynamic timestep that is used in this case is the largest integer multiple of the coupling timestep that is less than or equal to DT_THERM.'
desc: 'If true, apply diabatic and thermodynamic processes, including buoyancy forcing and mass gain or loss, before stepping the dynamics forward.'
desc: 'An integer whose bits encode which restart files are written. Add 2 (bit 1) for a time-stamped file, and odd (bit 0) for a non-time-stamped file. A restart file will be saved at the end of the run segment for any non-negative value.'
desc: "A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', 'B', or 'C'."
desc: 'If true, the coupled driver will add a globally-balanced fresh-water flux that drives sea-surface salinity toward specified values.'
desc: 'If true, the coupled driver will add a heat flux that drives sea-surface temperature toward specified values.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'ICE_SHELF'
desc: 'If true, enables the ice shelf model.'
desc: 'If true, allows icebergs to change boundary condition felt by ocean'
name: 'HFREEZE'
desc: 'If HFREEZE > 0, melt potential will be computed. The actual depth over which melt potential is computed will be min(HFREEZE, OBLD), where OBLD is the boundary layer depth. If HFREEZE <= 0 (default), melt potential will not be computed.'
name: 'USE_WAVES'
desc: 'If true, enables surface wave modules.'
desc: 'If true, advance the state of MOM with a single step including both dynamics and thermodynamics. If false, the two phases are advanced with separate calls.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that is actually used will be an integer fraction of the forcing time-step.'
name: 'DT_THERM'
desc: 'The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT.'
desc: 'If true, the MOM will take thermodynamic and tracer timesteps that can be longer than the coupling timestep. The actual thermodynamic timestep that is used in this case is the largest integer multiple of the coupling timestep that is less than or equal to DT_THERM.'
desc: 'If true, apply diabatic and thermodynamic processes, including buoyancy forcing and mass gain or loss, before stepping the dynamics forward.'
desc: 'An integer whose bits encode which restart files are written. Add 2 (bit 1) for a time-stamped file, and odd (bit 0) for a non-time-stamped file. A restart file will be saved at the end of the run segment for any non-negative value.'
desc: "A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', 'B', or 'C'."
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'ICE_SHELF'
desc: 'If true, enables the ice shelf model.'
desc: 'If true, allows icebergs to change boundary condition felt by ocean'
name: 'HFREEZE'
desc: 'If HFREEZE > 0, melt potential will be computed. The actual depth over which melt potential is computed will be min(HFREEZE, OBLD), where OBLD is the boundary layer depth. If HFREEZE <= 0 (default), melt potential will not be computed.'
name: 'USE_WAVES'
desc: 'If true, enables surface wave modules.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: 'The directory in which all input files are found.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
name: 'MAX_P_SURF'
desc: 'The maximum surface pressure that can be exerted by the atmosphere and floating sea-ice or ice shelves. This is needed because the FMS coupling structure does not limit the water that can be frozen out of the ocean and the ice-ocean heat fluxes are treated explicitly. No limit is applied if a negative value is used.'
desc: 'If true, the coupled driver will add a globally-balanced fresh-water flux that drives sea-surface salinity toward specified values.'
desc: 'If true, the coupled driver will add a heat flux that drives sea-surface temperature toward specified values.'
desc: 'If true, adjusts the salinity restoring seen to zero whether restoring is via a salt flux or virtual precip.'
desc: 'If true, adjustments to salt restoring to achieve zero net are made by scaling values without moving the zero contour.'
desc: 'If true, adjusts the net fresh-water forcing seen by the ocean (including restoring) to zero.'
desc: 'If true, adjustments to net fresh water to achieve zero net are made by scaling values without moving the zero contour.'
desc: 'The assumed sea-ice salinity needed to reverse engineer the melt flux (or ice-ocean fresh-water flux).'
desc: 'If true, return the sea surface height with the correction for the atmospheric (and sea-ice) pressure limited by max_p_surf instead of the full atmospheric pressure.'
desc: 'If true, use the net mass sources from the ice-ocean boundary type without any further adjustments to drive the ocean dynamics. The actual net mass source may differ due to internal corrections.'
desc: "A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'."
desc: 'A factor multiplying the wind-stress given to the ocean by the coupler. This is used for testing and should be =1.0 for any production runs.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface salt fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'A file in which to find the surface salinity to use for restoring.'
desc: 'The name of the surface salinity variable to read from SALT_RESTORE_FILE for restoring salinity.'
desc: 'If true, the restoring of salinity is applied as a salt flux instead of as a freshwater flux.'
desc: 'The maximum salinity difference used in restoring terms.'
desc: 'If true, disables SSS restoring under sea-ice based on a frazil criteria (SST<=Tf). Only used when RESTORE_SALINITY is True.'
desc: 'If true, disable SSS restoring in marginal seas. Only used when RESTORE_SALINITY is True.'
name: 'BASIN_FILE'
desc: "A file in which to find the basin masks, in variable 'basin'."
desc: 'If true, read a file (salt_restore_mask) containing a mask for SSS restoring.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface temperature fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'A file in which to find the surface temperature to use for restoring.'
desc: 'The name of the surface temperature variable to read from SST_RESTORE_FILE for restoring sst.'
desc: 'The maximum sst difference used in restoring terms.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (temp_restore_mask) containing a mask for SST restoring.'
desc: 'If true, modify SST restoring field using SSS state. This only modifies the restoring data that is within 0.0001degC of -1.8degC.'
desc: 'The derivative of the freezing temperature with salinity.'
name: 'CD_TIDES'
desc: 'The drag coefficient that applies to the tides.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (given by TIDEAMP_FILE) containing the tidal amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the spatially varying tidal amplitudes with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'UTIDE'
desc: 'The constant tidal amplitude used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'READ_GUST_2D'
desc: 'If true, use a 2-dimensional gustiness supplied from an input file'
name: 'GUST_CONST'
desc: 'The background gustiness in the winds.'
name: 'GUST_2D_FILE'
desc: None
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use a simpler expression to calculate gustiness.'
desc: 'If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction velocity'
desc: 'If true, sea-ice is rigid enough to exert a nonhydrostatic pressure that resist vertical motion.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
desc: 'A typical density of sea ice, used with the kinematic viscosity, when USE_RIGID_SEA_ICE is true.'
desc: 'The kinematic viscosity of sufficiently thick sea ice for use in calculating the rigidity of sea ice.'
desc: 'The mass of sea-ice per unit area at which the sea-ice starts to exhibit rigidity'
desc: 'If true, makes available diagnostics of fluxes from icebergs as seen by MOM6.'
desc: "If true, allows flux adjustments to specified via the data_table using the component name 'OCN'."
desc: 'If true, checks that values from IOB fluxes are zero above land points (i.e. G%mask2dT = 0).'
desc: 'If true, advance the state of MOM with a single step including both dynamics and thermodynamics. If false, the two phases are advanced with separate calls.'
name: 'DT'
desc: 'The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that is actually used will be an integer fraction of the forcing time-step.'
name: 'DT_THERM'
desc: 'The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT.'
desc: 'If true, the MOM will take thermodynamic and tracer timesteps that can be longer than the coupling timestep. The actual thermodynamic timestep that is used in this case is the largest integer multiple of the coupling timestep that is less than or equal to DT_THERM.'
desc: 'If true, apply diabatic and thermodynamic processes, including buoyancy forcing and mass gain or loss, before stepping the dynamics forward.'
desc: 'An integer whose bits encode which restart files are written. Add 2 (bit 1) for a time-stamped file, and odd (bit 0) for a non-time-stamped file. A restart file will be saved at the end of the run segment for any non-negative value.'
desc: "A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the surface velocity field that is returned to the coupler. Valid values include 'A', 'B', or 'C'."
name: 'EPS_OMESH'
desc: 'Maximum allowable difference between ESMF mesh and MOM6 domain coordinates in nuopc cap.'
desc: 'If true, the coupled driver will add a globally-balanced fresh-water flux that drives sea-surface salinity toward specified values.'
desc: 'If true, the coupled driver will add a heat flux that drives sea-surface temperature toward specified values.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'ICE_SHELF'
desc: 'If true, enables the ice shelf model.'
desc: 'If true, allows icebergs to change boundary condition felt by ocean'
name: 'HFREEZE'
desc: 'If HFREEZE > 0, melt potential will be computed. The actual depth over which melt potential is computed will be min(HFREEZE, OBLD), where OBLD is the boundary layer depth. If HFREEZE <= 0 (default), melt potential will not be computed.'
name: 'USE_CFC_CAP'
desc: None
name: 'USE_WAVES'
desc: 'If true, enables surface wave modules.'
desc: None
name: 'DO_SPPT'
desc: 'If true, then stochastically perturb the thermodynamic tendencies of T,S, and h. Amplitude and correlations are controlled by the nam_stoch namelist in the UFS model only.'
name: 'PERT_EPBL'
desc: 'If true, then stochastically perturb the kinetic energy production and dissipation terms. Amplitude and correlations are controlled by the nam_stoch namelist in the UFS model only.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: 'The directory in which all input files are found.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
name: 'MAX_P_SURF'
desc: 'The maximum surface pressure that can be exerted by the atmosphere and floating sea-ice or ice shelves. This is needed because the FMS coupling structure does not limit the water that can be frozen out of the ocean and the ice-ocean heat fluxes are treated explicitly. No limit is applied if a negative value is used.'
desc: 'If true, adjusts the salinity restoring seen to zero whether restoring is via a salt flux or virtual precip.'
desc: 'If true, adjustments to salt restoring to achieve zero net are made by scaling values without moving the zero contour.'
desc: 'If true, adjusts the net fresh-water forcing seen by the ocean (including restoring) to zero.'
desc: 'If true, adjustments to net fresh water to achieve zero net are made by scaling values without moving the zero contour.'
desc: 'The assumed sea-ice salinity needed to reverse engineer the melt flux (or ice-ocean fresh-water flux).'
desc: 'If true, return the sea surface height with the correction for the atmospheric (and sea-ice) pressure limited by max_p_surf instead of the full atmospheric pressure.'
desc: "A case-insensitive character string to indicate the staggering of the input wind stress field. Valid values are 'A', 'B', or 'C'."
desc: 'A factor multiplying the wind-stress given to the ocean by the coupler. This is used for testing and should be =1.0 for any production runs.'
name: 'USE_CFC_CAP'
desc: None
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'A file in which to find the surface salinity to use for restoring.'
desc: 'The name of the surface salinity variable to read from SALT_RESTORE_FILE for restoring salinity.'
desc: 'If true, the restoring of salinity is applied as a salt flux instead of as a freshwater flux.'
desc: 'The maximum salinity difference used in restoring terms.'
desc: 'If true, disables SSS restoring under sea-ice based on a frazil criteria (SST<=Tf). Only used when RESTORE_SALINITY is True.'
desc: 'If true, disable SSS restoring in marginal seas. Only used when RESTORE_SALINITY is True.'
name: 'BASIN_FILE'
desc: "A file in which to find the basin masks, in variable 'basin'."
desc: 'If true, read a file (salt_restore_mask) containing a mask for SSS restoring.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'A file in which to find the surface temperature to use for restoring.'
desc: 'The name of the surface temperature variable to read from SST_RESTORE_FILE for restoring sst.'
desc: 'The maximum sst difference used in restoring terms.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (temp_restore_mask) containing a mask for SST restoring.'
name: 'CD_TIDES'
desc: 'The drag coefficient that applies to the tides.'
desc: 'If true, read a file (given by TIDEAMP_FILE) containing the tidal amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
desc: 'The path to the file containing the spatially varying tidal amplitudes with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'UTIDE'
desc: 'The constant tidal amplitude used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION.'
name: 'READ_GUST_2D'
desc: 'If true, use a 2-dimensional gustiness supplied from an input file'
name: 'GUST_CONST'
desc: 'The background gustiness in the winds.'
name: 'GUST_2D_FILE'
desc: None
desc: 'If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction velocity'
desc: 'If true, sea-ice is rigid enough to exert a nonhydrostatic pressure that resist vertical motion.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
desc: 'A typical density of sea ice, used with the kinematic viscosity, when USE_RIGID_SEA_ICE is true.'
desc: 'The kinematic viscosity of sufficiently thick sea ice for use in calculating the rigidity of sea ice.'
desc: 'The mass of sea-ice per unit area at which the sea-ice starts to exhibit rigidity'
desc: 'If true, makes available diagnostics of fluxes from icebergs as seen by MOM6.'
desc: "If true, allows flux adjustments to specified via the data_table using the component name 'OCN'."
desc: "If true, allows liquid river runoff to be specified via the data_table using the component name 'OCN'."
name: 'CFC_BC_FILE'
desc: 'The file in which the CFC-11 and CFC-12 atm concentrations can be found (units must be parts per trillion), or an empty string for internal BC generation (TODO).'
name: 'CFC11_VARIABLE'
desc: 'The name of the variable representing CFC-11 in CFC_BC_FILE.'
name: 'CFC12_VARIABLE'
desc: 'The name of the variable representing CFC-12 in CFC_BC_FILE.'
name: 'ICE_SHELF'
desc: 'If true, call the code to apply an ice shelf model over some of the domain.'
desc: 'The time step for changing forcing, coupling with other components, or potentially writing certain diagnostics.'
name: 'TIMEUNIT'
desc: 'The time unit for DAYMAX and RESTINT.'
name: 'DAYMAX'
desc: 'The final time of the whole simulation, in units of TIMEUNIT seconds. This also sets the potential end time of the present run segment if the end time is not set (as it was here) via ocean_solo_nml in input.nml.'
name: 'DAYMAX'
desc: 'The final time of the whole simulation, in units of TIMEUNIT seconds. This also sets the potential end time of the present run segment if the end time is not set via ocean_solo_nml in input.nml.'
desc: 'An integer whose bits encode which restart files are written. Add 2 (bit 1) for a time-stamped file, and odd (bit 0) for a non-time-stamped file. A non-time-stamped restart file is saved at the end of the run segment for any non-negative value.'
name: 'RESTINT'
desc: 'The interval between saves of the restart file in units of TIMEUNIT. Use 0 (the default) to not save incremental restart files at all.'
desc: 'The number of coupled timesteps between writing the cpu time. If this is not positive, do not check cpu time, and the segment run-length can not be set via an elapsed CPU time.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'GUST_CONST'
desc: 'The background gustiness in the winds.'
desc: 'If true, the buoyancy fluxes drive the model back toward some specified surface state with a rate given by FLUXCONST.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
name: 'USE_WAVES'
desc: 'If true, enables surface wave modules.'
name: 'DT'
desc: None
name: 'DT_FORCING'
desc: 'The time step for changing forcing, coupling with other components, or potentially writing certain diagnostics. The default value is given by DT.'
name: 'DT_OFFLINE'
desc: 'Length of time between reading in of input fields'
name: 'TIMEUNIT'
desc: 'The time unit for DAYMAX, ENERGYSAVEDAYS, and RESTINT.'
name: 'DAYMAX'
desc: None
name: 'DAYMAX'
desc: 'The final time of the whole simulation, in units of TIMEUNIT seconds. This also sets the potential end time of the present run segment if the end time is not set via ocean_solo_nml in input.nml.'
desc: 'If true, advance the state of MOM with a single step including both dynamics and thermodynamics. If false the two phases are advanced with separate calls.'
name: 'DT_THERM'
desc: 'The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT.'
desc: 'If true, apply diabatic and thermodynamic processes, including buoyancy forcing and mass gain or loss, before stepping the dynamics forward.'
desc: 'An integer whose bits encode which restart files are written. Add 2 (bit 1) for a time-stamped file, and odd (bit 0) for a non-time-stamped file. A non-time-stamped restart file is saved at the end of the run segment for any non-negative value.'
name: 'RESTINT'
desc: 'The interval between saves of the restart file in units of TIMEUNIT. Use 0 (the default) to not save incremental restart files at all.'
desc: 'The number of coupled timesteps between writing the cpu time. If this is not positive, do not check cpu time, and the segment run-length can not be set via an elapsed CPU time.'
name: 'DEBUG'
desc: 'If true, write out verbose debugging data.'
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
name: 'GUST_CONST'
desc: 'The background gustiness in the winds.'
desc: 'If true, the buoyancy fluxes drive the model back toward some specified surface state with a rate given by FLUXCONST.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'The file with the SST toward which to restore in variable TEMP.'
desc: 'The file with the surface salinity toward which to restore in variable SALT.'
desc: 'The file with the non-shortwave heat flux in variable Heat.'
desc: 'The file with the net precipiation minus evaporation in variable PmE.'
desc: 'The file with the shortwave heat flux in variable NET_SOL.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: None
desc: 'If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state variables.'
name: 'INPUTDIR'
desc: 'The directory in which all input files are found.'
desc: 'There are no diapycnal mass fluxes if ADIABATIC is true. This assumes that KD = KDML = 0.0 and that there is no buoyancy forcing, but makes the model faster by eliminating subroutine calls.'
desc: 'If true, the winds vary in time after the initialization.'
desc: 'If true, the buoyancy forcing varies in time after the initialization of the model.'
desc: 'The character string that indicates how buoyancy forcing is specified. Valid options include (file), (data_override), (zero), (const), (linear), (MESO), (SCM_CVmix_tests), (BFB), (dumbbell), (USER) and (NONE).'
desc: 'If true, use the forcing variable decomposition from the old German OMIP prescription that predated CORE. If false, use the variable groupings available from MOM output diagnostics of forcing variables.'
desc: 'The file with the downward longwave heat flux, in variable lwdn_sfc.'
desc: 'The file with the upward longwave heat flux, in variable lwup_sfc.'
desc: 'The file with the evaporative moisture flux, in variable evap.'
desc: 'The file with the sensible heat flux, in variable shflx.'
desc: 'The file with the upward shortwave heat flux.'
desc: 'The file with the downward shortwave heat flux.'
name: 'SNOW_FILE'
desc: 'The file with the downward frozen precip flux, in variable snow.'
desc: 'The file with the downward total precip flux, in variable precip.'
desc: 'The file with the fresh and frozen runoff/calving fluxes, invariables disch_w and disch_s.'
desc: 'The file with the longwave heat flux, in the variable given by LONGWAVE_FORCING_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the longwave forcing field.'
desc: 'The file with the shortwave heat flux, in the variable given by SHORTWAVE_FORCING_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the shortwave forcing field.'
desc: 'The file with the evaporative moisture flux, in the variable given by EVAP_FORCING_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the evaporative moisture flux.'
desc: 'The file with the latent heat flux, in the variable given by LATENT_FORCING_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the latent heat flux.'
desc: 'The file with the sensible heat flux, in the variable given by SENSIBLE_FORCING_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the sensible heat flux.'
name: 'RAIN_FILE'
desc: 'The file with the liquid precipitation flux, in the variable given by RAIN_FORCING_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the liquid precipitation flux.'
name: 'SNOW_FILE'
desc: 'The file with the frozen precipitation flux, in the variable given by SNOW_FORCING_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the frozen precipitation flux.'
desc: 'The file with the fresh and frozen runoff/calving fluxes, in variables given by LIQ_RUNOFF_FORCING_VAR and FROZ_RUNOFF_FORCING_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the liquid runoff flux.'
desc: 'The variable with the frozen runoff flux.'
desc: 'The file with the SST toward which to restore in the variable given by SST_RESTORE_VAR.'
desc: 'The file with the surface salinity toward which to restore in the variable given by SSS_RESTORE_VAR.'
desc: 'The variable with the SST toward which to restore.'
desc: 'The variable with the SSS toward which to restore.'
desc: 'A constant heat forcing (positive into ocean) applied through the sensible heat flux field. '
desc: 'The character string that indicates how wind forcing is specified. Valid options include (file), (data_override), (2gyre), (1gyre), (gyres), (zero), (const), (Neverworld), (scurves), (ideal_hurr), (SCM_ideal_hurr), (SCM_CVmix_tests) and (USER).'
name: 'WIND_FILE'
desc: 'The file in which the wind stresses are found in variables STRESS_X and STRESS_Y.'
desc: 'The name of the x-wind stress variable in WIND_FILE.'
desc: 'The name of the y-wind stress variable in WIND_FILE.'
desc: 'A character indicating how the wind stress components are staggered in WIND_FILE. This may be A or C for now.'
desc: 'A value by which the wind stresses in WIND_FILE are rescaled.'
desc: 'The name of the friction velocity variable in WIND_FILE or blank to get ustar from the wind stresses plus the gustiness.'
name: 'TAUX_CONST'
desc: 'With the gyres wind_config, the constant offset in the zonal wind stress profile: A in taux = A + B*sin(n*pi*y/L) + C*cos(n*pi*y/L).'
name: 'TAUX_SIN_AMP'
desc: 'With the gyres wind_config, the sine amplitude in the zonal wind stress profile: B in taux = A + B*sin(n*pi*y/L) + C*cos(n*pi*y/L).'
name: 'TAUX_COS_AMP'
desc: 'With the gyres wind_config, the cosine amplitude in the zonal wind stress profile: C in taux = A + B*sin(n*pi*y/L) + C*cos(n*pi*y/L).'
name: 'TAUX_N_PIS'
desc: 'With the gyres wind_config, the number of gyres in the zonal wind stress profile: n in taux = A + B*sin(n*pi*y/L) + C*cos(n*pi*y/L).'
name: 'DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS'
desc: 'This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters.'
desc: 'If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers from the end of 2018. Otherwise, use expressions for the gyre friction velocities that are rotationally invariant and more likely to be the same between compilers.'
desc: 'A list of latitudes defining a piecewise scurve profile for zonal wind stress.'
desc: 'A list of zonal wind stress values at latitudes WIND_SCURVES_LATS defining a piecewise scurve profile.'
name: 'RHO_0'
desc: 'The mean ocean density used with BOUSSINESQ true to calculate accelerations and the mass for conservation properties, or with BOUSSINSEQ false to convert some parameters from vertical units of m to kg m-2.'
desc: 'If true, the buoyancy fluxes drive the model back toward some specified surface state with a rate given by FLUXCONST.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
desc: 'The latent heat of fusion.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface temperature flux to the relative surface anomaly (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
desc: 'The constant that relates the restoring surface salinity flux to the relative surface anomaly (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units.'
name: 'SST_NORTH'
desc: 'With buoy_config linear, the sea surface temperature at the northern end of the domain toward which to to restore.'
name: 'SST_SOUTH'
desc: 'With buoy_config linear, the sea surface temperature at the southern end of the domain toward which to to restore.'
name: 'SSS_NORTH'
desc: 'With buoy_config linear, the sea surface salinity at the northern end of the domain toward which to to restore.'
name: 'SSS_SOUTH'
desc: 'With buoy_config linear, the sea surface salinity at the southern end of the domain toward which to to restore.'
name: 'G_EARTH'
desc: 'The gravitational acceleration of the Earth.'
name: 'GUST_CONST'
desc: 'The background gustiness in the winds.'
desc: 'If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction velocity'
name: 'READ_GUST_2D'
desc: 'If true, use a 2-dimensional gustiness supplied from an input file'
name: 'GUST_2D_FILE'
desc: 'The file in which the wind gustiness is found in variable gustiness.'
desc: 'With wind_config const, this is the constant zonal wind-stress'
desc: 'With wind_config const, this is the constant meridional wind-stress'
desc: 'Integer controlling level of messaging\\n\\t0 = Only FATAL messages\\n\\t2 = Only FATAL, WARNING, NOTE [default]\\n\\t9 = All)'
desc: 'The number of times to do the global sums.'
desc: 'The maximum depth of the ocean.'
desc: 'The minimum depth of the ocean.'
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