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Created October 1, 2015 18:56
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Meteor - linking parent / child ( posts / comments ) collections
{{> posts}}
<template name="posts">
{{#each posts}}
<li>{{title}} - [{{author}}]
<ul class="comments">
{{#each comments}}
{{> commentItem}}
<template name="commentItem">
<span class="author">{{author}}</span>
<span class="date">on {{submittedText}}</span>
this is lifted from 'Discovering Meteor' but lacks much of the
functionality of this example of 'adding comments'
is't just enough to demonstrate the listing of a series of
posts and for each post, a sub list of comments
this achieves a kind of 'join' of one collection to another where the
comments are 'linked' to the posts collection by the use of the '_id'
field from posts - attaching the 'child' comments to 'parent' posts
the trick is in the creation of the 'comments' collection which has the '_id'
field of the parent post within each collection item, like a key field in the
row of a table
// declare collections on both client and server
Comments = new Mongo.Collection('comments');
Posts = new Mongo.Collection('posts');
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// within the 'posts' template, create helpers to return data from the two
// collections 'Posts' and 'Comments'
// - !! note the use of 'this._id' in the 'comments helper - this works
// in the context that this is used in, from within an 'each' block
// that iterates over the entries found in the 'Posts' collection
// thus 'inheriting' the '_id' of the current post - using this as
// a key in the 'comments' collection to pull out just the comments
// attached this 'this' post
'posts': function(){
return Posts.find();
comments: function() {
return Comments.find({postId: this._id});
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
populate an empty set of mongo db collections
with test data
for this to work a default meteor app needs user
authentication packages installed -
# meteor add accounts-base
# meteor add accounts-password
if we need to force the re-creation of this 'fixture' data, we can stop
meteor and 'reset' ( clear down ) the meteor db :
# meteor reset
if (Posts.find().count() === 0) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
// create two users
var tomId = Meteor.users.insert({
profile: { name: 'Tom Coleman' }
var tom = Meteor.users.findOne(tomId);
var sachaId = Meteor.users.insert({
profile: { name: 'Sacha Greif' }
var sacha = Meteor.users.findOne(sachaId);
var telescopeId = Posts.insert({
title: 'Introducing Telescope',
userId: sacha._id,
url: '',
submitted: new Date(now - 7 * 3600 * 1000)
postId: telescopeId,
userId: tom._id,
submitted: new Date(now - 5 * 3600 * 1000),
body: 'Interesting project Sacha, can I get involved?'
postId: telescopeId,
userId: sacha._id,
submitted: new Date(now - 3 * 3600 * 1000),
body: 'You sure can Tom!'
title: 'Meteor',
userId: tom._id,
url: '',
submitted: new Date(now - 10 * 3600 * 1000)
title: 'The Meteor Book',
userId: tom._id,
url: '',
submitted: new Date(now - 12 * 3600 * 1000)
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