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Created April 12, 2013 13:30
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Background Stretcher jQuery Plugin
© 2011
For any questions please visit
or email us at
Version: 2.0.1
/* Variables */
var container = null;
var allLIs = '', containerStr = '';
var element = this;
var _bgStretcherPause = false;
var _bgStretcherAction = false;
var _bgStretcherTm = null;
var random_line = new Array();
var random_temp = new Array();
var r_image = 0;
var swf_mode = false;
var img_options = new Array();
$.fn.bgStretcher = function(settings){
if ($('.bgstretcher-page').length || $('.bgstretcher-area').length) {
if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) console.log('More than one bgStretcher');
return false;
settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.bgStretcher.defaults, settings);
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings = settings;
function _build(body_content){
if(!settings.images.length){ return; }
containerStr = '#' + settings.imageContainer;
container = $(containerStr);
allLIs = '#' + settings.imageContainer + ' LI';
$(allLIs).hide().css({'z-index': 1, overflow: 'hidden'});
if(!container.length){ return; }
var stratElement = 0;
/* Rebuild images for simpleSlide */
if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) {
console.log('Effect \'simpleSlide\' don\'t be to use with mode random.');
console.log('Mode was automaticly set in normal.');
$(allLIs).css({'float': 'left', position: 'static'});
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'NW' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'NE') {
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection = 'N';
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'SW' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'SE') {
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection = 'S';
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'S' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
settings.sequenceMode = 'back';
$(allLIs).eq($(allLIs).length - $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex - 1).addClass('bgs-current');
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
t = 0;
} else { // S
t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = 0;
$(containerStr+' UL').css({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'});
} else {
settings.sequenceMode = 'normal';
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex != 0) {
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'N') {
t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = 0;
} else { // W
l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
t = 0;
$(containerStr+' UL').css({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'});
if ($(settings.buttonNext).length || $(settings.buttonPrev).length || $(settings.pagination).length){
if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) {
console.log('Don\'t use random mode width prev-button, next-button and pagination.');
} else {
/* Prev and Next Buttons init */
if ($(settings.buttonPrev).length){
$(settings.buttonPrev).addClass('bgStretcherNav bgStretcherNavPrev');
if ($(settings.buttonNext).length){
$(settings.buttonNext).addClass('bgStretcherNav bgStretcherNavNext');
/* Pagination */
if ($(settings.pagination).length) {
/* Random mode init */
if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
var i = Math.floor(Math.random()*$(allLIs).length);
if (settings.transitionEffect != 'simpleSlide') {
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex = i;
stratElement = i;
} else {
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex > ($(allLIs).length - 1)) $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex = 0;
stratElement = $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex;
if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'S' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
stratElement = $(allLIs).length - 1 - $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex;
/* Go slideshow */
if(settings.slideShow && $(allLIs).length > 1){
_bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(\''+jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode+'\', -1)', settings.nextSlideDelay);
function _resize(body_content){
var winW = 0;
var winH = 0;
var contH = 0;
var contW = 0;
if ($('BODY').hasClass('bgStretcher-container')) {
winW = $(window).width();
winH = $(window).height();
if (($.browser.msie) && (parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) == 6)) {
$('#'+settings.imageContainer).css('top', $(window).scrollTop());
} else {
$('.bgstretcher').css('position', 'absolute').css('top', '0px');
winW = body_content.width();
winH = body_content.height();
var imgW = 0, imgH = 0;
var leftSpace = 0;
// Max image size
if(settings.maxWidth != 'auto'){
if (winW > settings.maxWidth){
leftSpace = (winW - settings.maxWidth)/2;
contW = settings.maxWidth;
} else contW = winW;
} else contW = winW;
if(settings.maxHeight != 'auto'){
if (winH > settings.maxHeight){
contH = settings.maxHeight;
} else contH = winH;
} else contH = winH;
// Update container's size
// Non-proportional resize
imgW = contH;
imgH = contH;
} else {
var initW = settings.imageWidth, initH = settings.imageHeight;
var ratio = initH / initW;
imgW = contW;
imgH = Math.round(contW * ratio);
if(imgH < contH){
imgH = contH;
imgW = Math.round(imgH / ratio);
// Anchoring
var mar_left = 0;
var mar_top = 0;
var anchor_arr;
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoring != 'left top') {
anchor_arr = ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoring).split(' ');
if (anchor_arr[0] == 'right') {
mar_left = (winW - contW);
} else {
if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') mar_left = Math.round((winW - contW)/2);
if (anchor_arr[1] == 'bottom') {
mar_top = (winH - contH);
} else {
if (anchor_arr[1] == 'center') {
mar_top = Math.round((winH - contH)/2);
container.css('marginLeft', mar_left+'px').css('marginTop', mar_top+'px');
mar_left = 0;
mar_top = 0;
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoringImg != 'left top') {
anchor_arr = ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoringImg).split(' ');
if (anchor_arr[0] == 'right') {
mar_left = (contW - imgW);
} else {
if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') mar_left = Math.round((contW - imgW)/2);
if (anchor_arr[1] == 'bottom') {
mar_top = (contH - imgH);
} else {
if (anchor_arr[1] == 'center') {
mar_top = Math.round((contH - imgH)/2);
img_options['mar_left'] = mar_left;
img_options['mar_top'] = mar_top;
// Apply new size for images
if (container.find('LI:first').hasClass('swf-mode')) {
var path_swf = container.find('LI:first').html();
container.find('LI:first').html('<div id="bgstretcher-flash">&nbsp;</div>');
var header = new SWFObject('flash/stars.swf', 'flash-obj', contW, contH, '9');
header.addParam('wmode', 'transparent');
img_options['imgW'] = imgW;
img_options['imgH'] = imgH;
container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').css({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'});
container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').css({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'});
} else {
container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').animate({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'}, 'normal');
container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').animate({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'}, 'normal');
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'W' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
container.children('UL').width(container.width() * $(allLIs).length).height(container.height());
if ( $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) != -1 ){
l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * container.width()*(-1);
container.children('UL').css({left: l+'px'});
} else {
container.children('UL').height(container.height() * $(allLIs).length).width(container.width());
if ( $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) != -1 ){
t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
container.children('UL').css({top: t+'px'});
function _genHtml(body_content){
var code = '';
var cur_bgstretcher;
$(this).wrapInner('<div class="bgstretcher-page" />').wrapInner('<div class="bgstretcher-area" />');
code = '<div id="' + settings.imageContainer + '" class="bgstretcher"><ul>';
// if swf
if (settings.images.length) {
var ext = settings.images[0].split('.');
ext = ext[ext.length-1];
if (ext != 'swf') {
var ind = 0;
for(i = 0; i < settings.images.length; i++){
if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide' && settings.sequenceMode == 'back')
ind = settings.images.length-1-i;
else ind = i;
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.preloadImg) {
code += '<li><span class="image-path">' + settings.images[ind] + '</span></li>';
} else {
code += '<li class="img-loaded"><img src="' + settings.images[ind] + '" alt="" /></li>';
} else {
code += '<li class="swf-mode">' + settings.images[0] + '</li>';
code += '</ul></div>';
cur_bgstretcher = $(this).children('.bgstretcher-area');
cur_bgstretcher.css({position: 'relative'});
cur_bgstretcher.children('.bgstretcher-page').css({'position': 'relative', 'z-index': 3});
/* Start bgStretcher */
$.fn.bgStretcher.loadImg = function(obj){
if (obj.hasClass('img-loaded')) return true;
var imgsrc = $(this).html();
var imgalt = '';
var parent = $(this).parent();
var img = new Image();
$(img).load(function () {
}).error(function () {
}).attr('src', imgsrc).attr('alt', imgalt);
$(img).css({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'});
$(img).css({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'});
return true;
$ = function(){
_bgStretcherPause = false;
$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode, -1);
$.fn.bgStretcher._clearTimeout = function(){
if(_bgStretcherTm != null){
_bgStretcherTm = null;
$.fn.bgStretcher.pause = function(){
_bgStretcherPause = true;
$.fn.bgStretcher.sliderDestroy = function(){
var cont = $('.bgstretcher-page').html();
_bgStretcherPause = false;
/* Slideshow */
$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow = function(sequence_mode, index_next){
_bgStretcherAction = true;
if ($(allLIs).length < 2) return true;
var current = $(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current');
var next;
$(current).stop(true, true);
if (index_next == -1) {
switch (sequence_mode){
case 'back':
next = current.prev();
if(!next.length){ next = $(containerStr + ' LI:last'); }
case 'random':
if (r_image == $(containerStr + ' LI').length) {
$.fn.bgStretcher.buildRandom(random_line[$(containerStr + ' LI').length-1]);
r_image = 0;
next = $(containerStr + ' LI').eq(random_line[r_image]);
next =;
if(!next.length){ next = $(containerStr + ' LI:first'); }
} else {
next = $(containerStr + ' LI').eq(index_next);
$(containerStr + ' LI').removeClass('bgs-current');
switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.transitionEffect){
case 'fade':
$.fn.bgStretcher.effectFade(current, next);
case 'simpleSlide':
case 'superSlide':
$.fn.bgStretcher.superSlide(current, next, sequence_mode);
default :
$.fn.bgStretcher.effectNone(current, next);
if ($($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('LI').length) {
$($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('LI').eq($(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current'))).addClass('showPage');
// callback
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.callbackfunction) {
if(typeof $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.callbackfunction == 'function')
_bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(\''+jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode+'\', -1)', jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.nextSlideDelay);
/* Others effects */
$.fn.bgStretcher.effectNone = function(current, next){;
_bgStretcherAction = false;
$.fn.bgStretcher.effectFade = function(current, next){
next.fadeIn( $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed );
current.fadeOut( $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
_bgStretcherAction = false;
} );
$.fn.bgStretcher.simpleSlide = function(){
var t, l;
switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection) {
case 'N':
case 'S':
t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = 0;
l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
t = 0;
$(containerStr+' UL').animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
_bgStretcherAction = false;
$.fn.bgStretcher.superSlide = function(current, next, sequence_mode){
var t, l;
switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection) {
case 'S':
t = $(containerStr).height();
l = 0;
case 'E':
t = 0;
l = $(containerStr).width();
case 'W':
t = 0;
l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
case 'NW':
t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
case 'NE':
t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = $(containerStr).width();
case 'SW':
t = $(containerStr).height();
l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
case 'SE':
t = $(containerStr).height();
l = $(containerStr).width();
t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
l = 0;
if (sequence_mode == 'back') {
next.css({'z-index': 2, top: t+'px', left: l+'px'});;
next.animate({left: '0px', top: '0px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
$(this).css({'z-index': 1});
_bgStretcherAction = false;
} else {
current.css('z-index', 2);;
current.animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
$(this).hide().css({'z-index': 1, top: '0px', left: '0px'});
_bgStretcherAction = false;
/* Build line random images */
$.fn.bgStretcher.buildRandom = function(el_not){
var l = $(allLIs).length;
var i, j, rt;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
random_line[i] = i;
random_temp[i] = Math.random()*l;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
for (j = 0; j < (l-i-1); j++) {
if (random_temp[j] > random_temp[j+1]) {
rt = random_temp[j];
random_temp[j] = random_temp[j+1];
random_temp[j+1] = rt;
rt = random_line[j];
random_line[j] = random_line[j+1];
random_line[j+1] = rt;
if (random_line[0] == el_not) {
rt = random_line[0];
random_line[0] = random_line[l-1];
random_line[l-1] = rt;
/* Prev and Next buttons */
$.fn.bgStretcher.buttonSlide = function(button_point){
if (_bgStretcherAction || ($(allLIs).length < 2)) return false;
var mode = '';
if (button_point == 'prev') {
mode = 'back';
if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode == 'back') mode = 'normal';
} else {
mode = $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode;
$(allLIs).stop(true, true);
$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(mode, -1);
return false;
/* Pagination */
$.fn.bgStretcher.pagination = function(){
var l = $(allLIs).length;
var output = ''; var i = 0;
if (l > 0) {
output += '<ul>';
for (i = 0; i < l; i++){
output += '<li><a href="javascript:;">'+(i+1)+'</a></li>';
output += '</ul>';
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('showPage')) return false;
$(allLIs).stop(true, true);
$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode, $($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('A').index($(this)));
return false;
return false;
/* Default Settings */
$.fn.bgStretcher.defaults = {
imageContainer: 'bgstretcher',
resizeProportionally: true,
resizeAnimate: false,
images: [],
imageWidth: 1024,
imageHeight: 768,
maxWidth: 'auto',
maxHeight: 'auto',
nextSlideDelay: 3000,
slideShowSpeed: 'normal',
slideShow: true,
transitionEffect: 'fade', // none, fade, simpleSlide, superSlide
slideDirection: 'N', // N, S, W, E, (if superSlide - NW, NE, SW, SE)
sequenceMode: 'normal', // back, random
buttonPrev: '',
buttonNext: '',
pagination: '',
anchoring: 'left top', // right bottom center
anchoringImg: 'left top', // right bottom center
preloadImg: false,
startElementIndex: 0,
callbackfunction: null
$.fn.bgStretcher.settings = {};
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