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Created November 30, 2015 13:25
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(ns repl-test.mud-experiment
(:use [])
(:use [])
(:use mud.core)
(:require [mud.timing :as timing]))
(defn bpm->rate-of-16 [bpm]
(* (/ bpm 60) 4.))
(ctl timing/root-s :rate (bpm->rate-of-16 127))
(defbufs 8 [hat-seq-buf])
(pattern! hat-seq-buf [1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0])
(defsynth hihat [
; Sound shaping
cutoff 8000
resonance 0.3
attack 0.01
decay 0.1
sustain 0.1
release 0.1
gain 0.2
; Audio patching
out-bus 0
; Timing/sequencer realted properties
gate 0
num-steps 8
seq-buf hat-seq-buf
beat-bus (:count timing/main-beat)
beat-trg-bus (:beat timing/main-beat)
gate-time 0.4
(let [
; Beat gates
cnt (mod (in:kr beat-bus) num-steps) ; Index in pattern
beat-trg (in:kr beat-trg-bus) ; Trigger signal
bar-trg (and (buf-rd:kr 1 seq-buf cnt) beat-trg) ; Should this synt play at current beat?
; Sound shaping
snd (white-noise)
env (env-gen (adsr attack decay sustain release) :gate bar-trg)
snd (rhpf (* gain snd env) cutoff resonance)
(out out-bus snd)))
(def the-hihat (hihat))
(scope (:beat timing/main-beat))
(ctl the-hihat :decay 1)
(ctl the-hihat :sustain 0.7)
(ctl the-hihat :release 0.3)
(ctl the-hihat :attack 0)
(ctl the-hihat :cutoff 9000)
(ctl the-hihat :resonance 0.5)
(ctl the-hihat :gate 1)
(ctl the-hihat :gate 0)
(kill the-hihat)
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