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Last active October 28, 2017 16:33
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Prison population in Catalonia
license: mit

A bubble map of the prison population in Catalonia. For the UPF Hacklab dataviz lab, an idea of @mpreki.

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.html(function(d) {
return (
"<strong>" +
d.nom +
"</strong>" +
"<p>" +
d.municipi +
"</p>" +
"<p>Ocupació: " +
d.ocupacio +
" persones</p>"
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d3.min(data, function(d) {
return d.ocupacio;
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return d.ocupacio;
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return projection([d.lon,])[1];
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var value = d.ocupacio;
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return color(value);
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return "#ccc";
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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nom ocupacio capacitat any de construccio lat lon municipi provincia
Centre Penitenciari Brians 2 1540 2007 41.501344114050376 1.823149199999989 Sant Esteve Sesrovires Barcelona
Centre Penitenciari Brians 1 1292 1500 1991 41.501344114050376 1.823149199999989 Sant Esteve Sesrovires Barcelona
Centre Penitenciari d’Homes de Barcelona (La Model) 1080 1904 41.38342541399222 2.1453861999999617 Barcelona Barcelona
Centre Penitenciari de Dones de Barcelona (Wad-Ras) 523 1983 41.392611213996716 2.1956118000000515 Barcelona Barcelona
Centre Penitenciari Obert de Girona 101 173 2014 - 2015 42.006305414301856 2.8236473499999875 Girona Girona
Centre Penitenciari Obert 1 de Barcelona 147 1991 41.38342541399222 2.1453861999999617 Barcelona Barcelona
Centre Penitenciari Obert 2 de Barcelona 259 1984 41.453509214026774 2.1914338999999927 Barcelona Barcelona
Centre Penitenciari de Tarragona 294 1950 41.20004801390217 1.60719789999996 Tarragona Tarragona
Centre Penitenciari Lledoners 759 750 2008 41.755551607289654 1.7227161499999966 Sant Joan de Vilatorrada Barcelona
Centre Penitenciari de Ponent 739 1984 41.624010414111105 0.6077336500000001 Lleida Lleida
Centre Penitenciari Obert de Lleida 168 2008 41.624010414111105 0.6077336500000001 Lleida Lleida
Centre Penitenciari Puig de les Basses 691 1018 2014 42.29435180124225 2.9370703374054363 Figueres Girona
Centre Penitenciari Quatre Camins 1380 1989 41.593126064095784 2.285750699999994 Roca del Vallès Barcelona
Centre Penitenciari de Joves 261 450 2008 41.593126064095784 2.285750699999994 La Roca del Vallès Barcelona
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