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Created October 1, 2014 09:38
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from readMap import *
from heapq import *
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, walkable=None):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.walkable = walkable if walkable else True
self.opened = False
self.closed = False
self.g = None
self.h = None
self.parent = None
self.startNode = "Hei"
self.goalNode = None
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.f() < other.f()
def f(self):
return self.g + self.h
def __str__(self):
return str(self.x) + ":" + str(self.y)
class Grid(object):
def __init__(self, width, height, matrix):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.startNode = None
self.goalNode = None
self.nodes = self._buildNodes(matrix)
def _buildNodes(self, matrix):
nodes = [[Node(i, j) for j in range(self.width)] for i in range(self.height)]
for i, row in enumerate(nodes):
for j, node in enumerate(row):
# Walls are not walkable
node.walkable = False if matrix[i][j] == "#" else True
# Set start and goal node
if matrix[i][j] == "A":
self.startNode = node
self.startNode.g = 0
print("Start: " + str(self.startNode))
if matrix[i][j] == "B":
self.goalNode = node
self.startNode.h = self.h(self.startNode, self.goalNode)
return nodes
def getNodeAt(self, x, y):
return self.nodes[x][y]
def isWalkableAt(self, x, y):
return self.isInside(x, y) and self.nodes[x][y].walkable
def isInside(self, x, y):
return 0 <= x < self.height and 0 <= y < self.width
def getNeightbors(self, node):
x = node.x
y = node.y
neightbors = []
if self.isWalkableAt(x, y-1):
if self.isWalkableAt(x, y+1):
if self.isWalkableAt(x-1, y):
if self.isWalkableAt(x+1, y):
return neightbors
def h(self, node, goalNode):
dx = abs(node.x - goalNode.x)
dy = abs(node.y - goalNode.y)
return dx + dy
def findPath(grid):
openList = []
startNode = grid.startNode
goalNode = grid.goalNode
heappush(openList, startNode)
startNode.opened = True
node = heappop(openList)
node.closed = True
if (node == grid.goalNode):
return getBacktrace(node)
neightbors = grid.getNeightbors(node)
for neighbor in neightbors:
if neighbor.closed == True:
x = neighbor.x
y = neighbor.y
ng = node.g + 1
if (not neighbor.opened) or (neighbor.g and ng < neighbor.g):
neighbor.g = ng
neighbor.h = grid.h(neighbor, goalNode)
neighbor.parent = node
if not neighbor.opened:
neighbor.opened = True
heappush(openList, neighbor)
def getBacktrace(node):
nodes = []
while node.parent:
node = node.parent
return nodes
map_matrix = readMap('boards/board-1-2.txt')
grid = Grid(20, 7, map_matrix)
bestPath = findPath(grid)
for node in bestPath[1:]:
map_matrix[node.x][node.y] = u"\u25A1"
# print(node)
for row in map_matrix:
def print_map():
for row in grid.nodes:
for node in row:
print(str(node.x) + ":" + str(node.y) + ("x" if not node.walkable else " "), end=" ")
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