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Last active June 4, 2016 05:02
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\* Build Lisp CxRS *\
\* CC Part *\
(defcc <expr> X <expr> := [X | <expr>]; <e> := [];)
(defcc <a-d-to-head-tail>
"a" <a-d-to-head-tail> := [head <a-d-to-head-tail>];
"d" <a-d-to-head-tail> := [tail <a-d-to-head-tail>];
"r" <expr> := <expr>;)
(defcc <cxr?>
"c" "a" <a-d-to-head-tail> := [head <a-d-to-head-tail>];
"c" "d" <a-d-to-head-tail> := [tail <a-d-to-head-tail>];)
(define cxr?
Sym Expr <- (compile (function <cxr?>) (append (explode (str Sym))
_ _ -> (fail))
\* global solution:
(defmacro mymacro
[X Y] <- (cxr? X Y))
\* Prolog Part *\
(defprolog delete
X [X|Tail] Tail <--;
X [H|Tail] [H|NT] <-- (delete X Tail NT);)
(defprolog variations
0 _ [] <--;
N L [H | Var] <-- (when (> N 0)) (is N1 (- N 1)) (delete H L _) (variations N1 L Var);)
(define cxr-variations
N -> (prolog? (findall X [variations N [d a] X] Y)
(return Y)))
\* Functional Part *\
(define foldl
{(A --> B --> A) --> A --> (list B) --> A}
Fn A [B] -> (Fn A B)
Fn A [B|BS] -> (foldl Fn (Fn A B) BS))
(define separate-aux
{(A --> boolean) --> (list A) --> (list A) --> (list A)
--> ((list A) * (list A))}
Test [] A1 A2 -> (@p A1 A2)
Test [A | Rest] A1 A2 -> (separate-aux Test Rest [A | A1] A2) where (Test A)
Test [A | Rest] A1 A2 -> (separate-aux Test Rest A1 [A | A2]))
(define separate
\* separate a list into those that do and don't satisfy a boolean function *\
{(A --> boolean) --> (list A) --> ((list A) * (list A))}
Test L -> (separate-aux Test L [] []))
\* Helper Part *\
(define symlist-string
[] -> ""
[X] -> (str X)
[X|Xs] -> (str (foldl concat X Xs)))
(define build-cxr-symbol
{ (list symbol) --> symbol }
[] -> (error "malformed x to build cxr")
L -> (intern (@s "c" (symlist-string L) "r")))
(define build-cxr-symbols
{ (list (list symbol)) --> (list symbol) }
[] -> (error "empty list")
L -> (map (function build-cxr-symbol) L))
(define build-fun-template
{ number --> ((list (list symbol)) * (list (list symbol))) }
Level -> (build-fun-template- Level [] []))
(define build-fun-template-
{ number --> (list (list symbol)) --> (list (list symbol))
--> ((list (list symbol)) * (list (list symbol))) }
0 Cars Cdrs -> (@p Cars Cdrs)
N Cars Cdrs -> (let Vars (separate
(/. X (= (head X) a))
(cxr-variations N))
VCars (build-cxr-symbols (fst Vars))
VCdrs (build-cxr-symbols (snd Vars))
(- N 1) (append VCars Cars) (append VCdrs Cdrs))))
\*(build-fun-template 2)
=> (@p [car cadr caar] [cdr cddr cdar]) *\
\* Core Part *\
(define build-cxrs
N -> (let Funs (build-fun-template N)
Cars (fst Funs)
Cdrs (snd Funs)
\* create functions *\
(map (/. Z
(eval [define Z X -> (cxr? Z X)]))
(append Cars Cdrs))
\* declare datatypes *\
(map (/. X (declare X [[list A] --> A])) Cars)
(map (/. X (declare X [[list A] --> [list A]])) Cdrs))))
\* Example *\
(0-) (load "build-cxrs.shen")
(1-) (build-cxrs 4)
(2-) (tc+)
(3-) (cddddr [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])
[5 6 7] : (list number)
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