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Created December 27, 2012 19:07
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Save martialboniou/4391033 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A better prototype for clean define (here: cc-define) and destroy (here: destroy-it) shen functions for partial applications' case in Shen. Usage of call graph to maintain a list of callers to force recompilation of kl code in a host language which doesn't support curry.
\* This script is aimed to run on Shen 7.1 on any Common Lisp port *\
(package property-vector-utilities- [delete-properties]
(define delete-properties
Ref Properties Vec -> (let Pos (hash Ref (limit Vec))
Content (trap-error (<-vector Vec Pos) (/. (protect E) (error "no vector element to retract")))
DeprecatedEntries (map (/. X [Ref X]) Properties)
NewContent (remove-entries DeprecatedEntries Content)
(do (vector-> Vec Pos NewContent)
(define remove-entries
Entries [] -> []
Entries Table -> (remove-entries-help Entries Table []))
(define remove-entries-help
_ [] Acc -> (reverse Acc)
Entries [[Entry | _] | Others] Acc -> (remove-entries-help Entries Others Acc) where (element? Entry Entries)
Entries [ Entry+Content | Others ] Acc -> (remove-entries-help Entries Others [Entry+Content | Acc])))
(package call-utilities- [filter-functions]
(define extract-rules
[] -> []
Body -> (extract-rules-help (compile shen-<rules> Body) []))
(define extract-rules-help
[] Acc -> Acc
[X | Y] Acc -> (extract-rules-help Y [ (hd (tl X)) | Acc]))
(define prepend-function
[] -> []
[X | Y] -> (append [function] (prepend-function X) (prepend-function Y))
X -> [X])
(define filter-functions \* tricky but fast filtering *\
[] -> []
[Name | Body] -> (let FList (extract-rules Body)
PFList (prepend-function FList)
(remove Name (filter-functions-help PFList []))))
(define filter-functions-help
[] Acc -> Acc
[function function X | Y] Acc -> (let Name (if (= X function) (hd Y) X)
NewAcc (if (element? Name Acc) Acc [Name | Acc])
(filter-functions-help Y NewAcc))
[X | Y] Acc -> (filter-functions-help Y Acc)))
(package call-graph- [update-graph get-callers erase-caller delete-properties]
(define update-graph
Caller Callees -> (let PreviousCallees (get-callees Caller)
CommonCallees (intersection Callees PreviousCallees)
DeprecatedCallees (difference PreviousCallees CommonCallees)
NewCallees (difference Callees CommonCallees)
\*Test (output "~A :: ~A :: ~A~%" PreviousCallees DeprecatedCallees NewCallees)*\
(do (map (/. Callee (remove-caller Callee Caller)) DeprecatedCallees)
(map (/. Callee (add-caller Callee Caller)) NewCallees)
(put-callees Callees Caller)
(define get-callers
Callee -> (property Callee shen-calledby))
(define get-callees
Caller -> (property Caller shen-call))
(define put-callers
Callers Callee -> (put Callee shen-calledby Callers))
(define put-callees
Callees Caller -> (put Caller shen-call Callees))
(define erase-caller
Caller -> (let Callees (get-callees Caller)
PropertyVector (value shen-*property-vector*)
(do (map (/. Callee (remove-caller Callee Caller)) Callees)
(delete-properties Caller [shen-call] PropertyVector))))
(define add-caller
Callee Caller -> (let Callers (get-callers Callee)
(put-callers [Caller | Callers] Callee)))
(define remove-caller
Callee Caller -> (let Callers (get-callers Callee)
(put-callers (remove Caller Callers) Callee)))
(define property
Function Property -> (trap-error (get Function Property) (/. (protect E) []))))
(package compatible-shen-functions- [destroy-it erase-caller delete-properties]
(define destroy-it
X -> (error "~A is defined as a system function~%" X) where (element? X (value shen-*system*))
X -> (let Table (value shen-*property-vector*)
Properties [arity shen-source]
Lists [shen-*tracking* shen-*signedfuncs*]
(trap-error (erase-caller X) (/. (protect E) (output "Unable to erase the call entry in the property vector~%")))
(trap-error (delete-properties X Properties Table) (/. (protect E) (output "One of the following properties ~A were not found~%" Properties)))
(map (/. Z (set Z (remove X (value Z)))) Lists) X))))
(defmacro curry-compatible-define
[cc-define Fn | Body] -> (let (protect PreviousArity) (arity Fn)
(protect Callees) (shen-cons_form (filter-functions [Fn | Body]))
[do [define Fn | Body]
[update-graph Fn (protect Callees)]
[if [= [arity Fn] (protect PreviousArity)]
[let (protect Callers) [get-callers Fn]
[do [map [/. (protect C) [do [eval-kl [get (protect C) shen-source]]]] (protect Callers)] Fn]]]]))
\* tests *\
(cc-define toto X -> (titi X))
(get toto shen-call)
(get titi shen-calledby)
(cc-define titi X Y -> (+ X Y))
((toto 2) 5)
(destroy-it titi)
(cc-define titi X Y Z -> (+ X (- Y Z)))
((toto 2) 5 7)
\* expected results *\
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