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Created July 12, 2019 09:50
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data CPUState waitCycles
= Idle
| Waiting (Index waitCycles)
deriving (Generic, NFData, Show)
:: forall waitCycles
. (CPUState, Int)
-- ^ State
-> Maybe (Instruction waitCycles)
-- ^ Input
-> ((CPUState, Int), (Maybe Int, Ready))
-- (New state, output)
-- state input new state output
cpu (Idle, _) Nothing = ((Idle, 0), (Nothing, Ready))
cpu (Idle, _) (Just instr) = ((Waiting 0, doInstr instr), (Nothing, Busy))
cpu (Waiting 0, r) _ = ((Idle, 0), (Just r, Ready))
cpu (Waiting n, r) _ = ((Waiting (pred n), r), (Nothing, Busy))
cpuWaiting5Cycles = cpu @5 (Idle, 0)
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