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Last active March 1, 2019 12:58
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import {Module} from '@nestjs/common';
import {Tesla, Wheel} from '../../generated/graphql-types';
import shortid = require('shortid');
class IResolvers {
providers: [],
exports: []
export class TeslaModule {
static tesla: Tesla = {
id: shortid.generate(),
edition: 'Long range performance',
model: 'Model 3',
kwh: 74,
range: 470
static wheel: Wheel = {
id: shortid.generate(),
inch: 42,
name: 'Nitrogen cold gas thruster'
static get resolvers(): IResolvers {
return {
Query: {
Tesla: async (_, {model}, {headers, auth}, info) => this.tesla
Mutation: {
pimpMyWheels: async (_, {model}, {headers, auth}, info) => this.tesla
Tesla: {
wheels: (tesla: Tesla) => this.wheel
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