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Last active February 7, 2022 09:06
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The IPython Notebook on an SGE cluster

IPython Notebook on an SGE cluster

This guide documents how we set up an easy workflow for using the IPython Notebook on our compute cluster managed with Sun Grid Engine (SGE).

Summary: We provide a script to the cluster users that runs qrsh to schedule an ipython notebook job using SSL and password protection.

Installing IPython

Of course IPython has to be installed on the login and compute nodes. We use IPython 1.0 and installed it on the shared filesystem using pip.

Installing the launcher script

Copy the following shell script as notebook to a directory in every user's $PATH. We used /usr/local/bin which is on a shared filesystem.


qrsh -cwd -V -N notebook \
  ipython notebook \
    --no-browser \
    --ip=\$\(hostname --fqdn\)

Using a dedicated SGE queue

Only a few nodes in our cluster are accessible from our desktop machines. We made a dedicated SGE queue (notebook.q) that includes only these nodes.


qrsh -cwd -V -N notebook -q $QUEUE \
  ipython notebook \
    --no-browser \
    --ip=\$\(hostname --fqdn\)

Protecting the IPython Notebook with a password

It is highly recommended to password-protect the IPython Notebook user. If you don't do this, anyone can connect to any session and run arbitrary Python and shell commands on the cluster.

We store the password hash in .notebook.password in the user's home directory. With the following update, the launcher will create it for the user on the first run:


if [ ! -f $PASSWORD_FILE ]; then
    python -c 'from IPython.lib import passwd; print passwd()' | tail -1 > $PASSWORD_FILE

qrsh -cwd -V -N notebook -q $QUEUE \
  ipython notebook \
    --no-browser \
    --ip=\$\(hostname --fqdn\) \

Using a self-signed certificate

Although our cluster is only reachable from the institute's internal network, it is still a good idea to communicate with the notebook server over a secure connection. For this, we created a self-signed certificate that is valid for all nodes on which we intend to run the IPython Notebook (using Subject Alternative Names), roughly following this guide.

First create a modified OpenSSL configuration:

cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf .
emacs openssl.cnf

Where you make sure the following content is present:

distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req

[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 = node1.cluster.intern
DNS.2 = node2.cluster.intern
DNS.3 = node3.cluster.intern

Of course substituting your own names for the cluster nodes.

Generate a private key, a certificate signing request, and a certificate:

openssl genrsa -out notebook.key 2048
openssl req -new -out notebook.csr -key notebook.key -config openssl.cnf
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in notebook.csr -signkey notebook.key -out notebook.crt -extensions v3_req -extfile openssl.cnf

When asked for Common Name, enter your first cluster node name.

Copy notebook.key and notebook.crt somewhere on the cluster filesystem and update the launcher script to use them:


if [ ! -f $PASSWORD_FILE ]; then
    python -c 'from IPython.lib import passwd; print passwd()' | tail -1 > $PASSWORD_FILE

qrsh -cwd -V -N notebook -q $QUEUE \
  ipython notebook \
    --no-browser \
    --ip=\$\(hostname --fqdn\) \
    --NotebookApp.password=$PASSWORD \
    --NotebookApp.certfile=$CERT_FILE \

This can be improved since every cluster user has access to the private key. However, we don't want every user to have to create a certificate. This is a trade-off.

Starting the IPython Notebook

Any user can now start a session by typing


and opening the link that is printed in a local browser. The session is ended by pressing Ctrl-C.

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