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Last active May 8, 2023 00:53
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View IPython notebooks in GitLab

Viewing IPython notebooks in GitLab

GitLab is open source software to collaborate on code (a GitHub clone to run on your own server). Clicking a blob (a file in a repository) in GitLab shows a nice rendering if GitLab supports the file type (e.g., images, Markdown documents), or its content as plain text otherwise. The patch described here adds support to GitLab for rendering IPython notebooks (.ipynb files).

Obligatory warning

This is a Quick Hack (tm):

  • It is slow
  • It probably has some security issue

If you run this on a public production server, your cat might get electrocuted. Other than that, it should be fine (not the cat).


On the GitLab server:


Note: The following instructions are for GitLab 8.10. Whenever a new version comes out, I'll try to have a branch ready for that version so you can just substitute the current version for 8-10-stable below.

New GitLab installation

Install GitLab as you normally would with the following changes:

Existing GitLab installation

If you already have a GitLab installation running, follow the usual update guide with the following commands instead of the Get latest code step:

cd /home/git/gitlab
sudo -u git -H git remote add martijnvermaat
sudo -u git -H git fetch martijnvermaat
sudo -u git -H git checkout 8-10-stable-blob-ipython-notebook

For developers and Aerosmith

Alternatively, if you know what you're doing or like living on the edge, use branch blob-ipython-notebook, which is based on master. You probably want to rebase on upstream master in that case too.


If needed, all can be disabled by setting ipython_notebook.render to false in config/gitlab.yml.

In the same file, you can specify a custom command for converting notebook files with ipython_notebook.nbconvert. This command should accept an IPython notebook file as its first argument and write an HTML representation to standard output.


The obvious implementation would be to link to or embed the IPython Notebook Viewer. However, GitLab is often used for private repositories where we obviously cannot share the content with a public service.

So this is an alternate implementation, where the notebook file is converted to HTML on the fly by the IPython nbconvert tool. The rendered notebook is returned verbatim to the browser and subject to the regular GitLab authentication rules. Rendered notebooks are not cached.

A previous implementation embedded the rendered notebook in the GitLab page as an IFrame using a data URI. Since this approach had some technical limitations and exposed some browser bugs with more complex notebooks, the current implementation renders the notebook outside the GitLab interface. The IFrame approach can still be found in branch blob-ipython-notebook-iframe (based on master shortly after the release of GitLab 7.3.2).

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Did you create this plugin because Gitlab does not natively render images/graphs in Jupyter notebooks?

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