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Storybook mocking and Supertest with tRPC v10
import { t } from "./trpcRouter";
import { inferRouterInputs, inferRouterOutputs } from "@trpc/server";
export const appRouter = t.router({
account: accountRoutes,
post: postRoutes,
// export type definition of API
export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
export type RouterInput = inferRouterInputs<AppRouter>;
export type RouterOutput = inferRouterOutputs<AppRouter>;
import { RouterInput, RouterOutput } from "../appRouter";
import { jsonRpcSuccessResponse } from "../trpc";
import { rest } from "msw";
import path from "path";
* Mocks a TRPC endpoint and returns a msw handler for Storybook.
* Only supports routes with two levels.
* The path and response is fully typed and infers the type from your routes file.
* @todo make it accept multiple endpoints
* @param endpoint.path - path to the endpoint ex. ["post", "create"]
* @param endpoint.response - response to return ex. {id: 1}
* @param endpoint.type - specific type of the endpoint ex. "query" or "mutation" (defaults to "query")
* @returns - msw endpoint
* @example
* Page.parameters = {
msw: {
handlers: [
path: ["post", "getMany"],
type: "query",
response: [
{ id: 0, title: "test" },
{ id: 1, title: "test" },
export const getTRPCMock = <
K1 extends keyof RouterInput,
K2 extends keyof RouterInput[K1], // object itself
O extends RouterOutput[K1][K2] // all its keys
>(endpoint: {
path: [K1, K2];
response: O;
type?: "query" | "mutation";
}) => {
const fn = endpoint.type === "mutation" ? : rest.get;
const route = path.join(
endpoint.path[0] + "." + (endpoint.path[1] as string)
return fn(route, (req, res, ctx) => {
return res(ctx.json(jsonRpcSuccessResponse(endpoint.response)));
import { Meta } from "@storybook/react/types-6-0";
import { PostList } from "../PostList";
import { getTRPCMock } from "../getTrpcMock";
export default {
title: "Components/PostList",
component: PostList,
} as Meta;
export const PostListPage = () => {
return <PostList />;
PostList.parameters = {
msw: {
handlers: [
path: ["post", "listPosts"],
response: [
id: "1",
title: "Hello",
description: "World",
//Install ths package first
import { initialize, mswDecorator } from 'msw-storybook-addon';
// Initialize MSW
// Provide the MSW addon decorator globally
export const decorators = [mswDecorator];
import { RouterInput, RouterOutput } from "../../src/trpc/appRouter";
import { TRPCSuccessResponse } from "@trpc/server/rpc";
import server from "../../src/server";
import supertest from "supertest";
export type SuperRequestResponse<T = any> = {
body: T;
* Endpoint testing with TRPC using supertest
* Only supports routes with two levels
* @todo make it accept multiple endpoints
* @param enpoint.token - auth token
* @param enpoint.input - Input to the endpoint
* @param enpoint.method - HTTP method, defaults to GET
* @param enpoint.expectStatus - expected status code, defaults to 200
* @returns - The typed HTTP response
* @example
* await superTrpc("follow", "setFollow", {
token: token,
input: {
person_uuid: creator.uuid,
follow: false,
method: "POST",
expectStatus: 200,
export const superTrpc = async <
K1 extends keyof RouterInput,
K2 extends keyof RouterInput[K1], // object itself
I extends RouterInput[K1][K2], // all its keys
O extends RouterOutput[K1][K2] // all its keys
parentRoute: K1,
childRoute: K2,
expectStatus = 200,
}: {
input?: I;
expectStatus?: number;
token?: string;
method?: "GET" | "POST";
): Promise<SuperRequestResponse<TRPCSuccessResponse<O>>> => {
let headers: any = {};
if (token) headers["X-Auth-Token"] = token;
const request = await supertest(server);
const route = `${TRPC_ENDPOINT_PREFIX}${parentRoute}.${childRoute.toString()}`;
const res =
method === "POST"
? await
: await request.get(route).send(input).set(headers);
if (res.statusCode !== expectStatus) console.error("Error Body", res.body);
return res;
export type RpcResponse<Data> = RpcSuccessResponse<Data> | RpcErrorResponse;
export type RpcSuccessResponse<Data> = {
id: null;
result: { type: "data"; data: Data };
export type RpcErrorResponse = {
id: null;
error: {
message: string;
code: number;
data: {
code: string;
httpStatus: number;
stack: string;
path: string; //TQuery
// According to JSON-RPC 2.0 and tRPC documentation.
export const jsonRpcSuccessResponse = (data: unknown) => ({
id: null,
result: { type: "data", data },
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thathurtabit commented Mar 7, 2023

This is super helpful @airtonix !

My setup is also using TRPC and Storybook with Next - though I'm still confused with something here: what exactly is <TrpcProvider> as you've mentioned it will probably use withTRPC hoc? I.e. my _app.tsx has trpc.withTRPC(MyApp) - but not a <ContextWrapper>?

I'm getting: Cannot destructure property 'abortOnUnmount' of 'useContext(...)' as it is null. in my Stories, so I'm obviously missing some of the trpc context it needs.

Edit: just spotted this ...

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