Recordings (added progressively)
social engineering
,media manipulation
- Note: Basically How to Become TripAdvisor’s #1 Fake Restaurant
mobile web
- Marketing utilizing #goobalclimatestrike
- 100m travelers Since 2016
- 27M visitors a month
- +10% mobile a month
- +60% visits mobile
- Users switch platforms during session mobile/desktop
- Browser provided Geolocation API is much faster than geoip APIs
- Note: getCurrentPosition() returns as fast as possible with a low accuracy result, takes last known position
- doesn't wait for a new fix
- Large app download banner has better performance than less intrusive smaller one.
- mgmt goes with larger banner
- Note: After small banner is dismissed, big banner still can be seen for split second after reload
- suspicious A/B testing mechanics
- Note: app download shows ahead of search - obstacle between me and
- offer app after buy, free login via magic link, offer additional features in app
- Even if better new design has better performance, mgmt decides not to use it
- Personas tend to cause cargo cults
- Don't repeat
- Note: Random stories, approaches, always shit on "personas"
- English Copy: How One Word Can Cut Your Sales by 44%od Christopher Nosko
- US workforce: only 12 vacation days, use only 10
- 64% don't leave the USA, ~11% don't leave the state
- Bank transaction fees in foreign country
- Sensitive to locale; currency, date formats, week start
- Sensitive to Made in USA USA branded listings , don't show proudly made somewhere else
- Positively-framed copywriting; arrive on time vs don't be late
- People are taught to spot scam by poor spelling and grammar
- OkCupid. First response study; missing apostrophe drops CR from 32% to 8% eg. "cant, wont, dont"
Fiverr is task marketplace
First time buyer has big churn, but CPA is very high
Risk averse buyers. Incoming value threshold too high. Values for money
Can't trick people into buying, esp. when you want them to return
Inverse pyramid: Acquisition, sign-ups, on-boarding, evaluation -50%, converted user -85%
Start designing experience where users start experiencing. Funnel starts earlier than you think
On-boarding: get users hooked, continue with small achievable milestones
Market results, not process, Eg:
- "Create beautiful forms" - Google forms
- "Get better data" - Typeform - doesn't not build forms but gets results
Dig into what do successful users do vs unsuccessful
- Analyze your churn branches
Incentivize usage of features. Paid service gives back $5 for login on mobile, etc.
Paywall after user understands the value of the product
- eg. free for first 10 contacts
Similar recording:
Note: Worth watching
Ecommerce academy Marketing attribution tool
- info
- free to use for any GA id bellow 10M? visits
GA session 30m but reset always on midnight
Non-conversion path might become conversion in future; balancing probability
Lookback window precedes conversion window
Free Client ID in GA since Aug 2019 ?
Channel grouping Level 0 "CEO level": paid / unpaid Level 1: Level 2: per medium Level 3: per campaign
Campaign timeout is complicated
Big portion of paid traffic is direct as much as 30%
Direct traffic has bigger CR artificially inflating CR of paid channels
- Not intentional, but Google tries to minimize unknown portion
Why attribution "products" rarely work, why build your own solution?
- Because they are built by people who do maths, not campaigns.
Attribution maturity model
- Find out which phase you are in, set your priorities straight
Parameters involved with data-driven attribution modeling
- Do you have what it takes to create your own session definition?
Marketing planning and attribution modeling is all about channel grouping
Attribution experiments: reconstructing B2B SaaS conversion paths
- Secretary finds 10 products, someone else narrows picks, someone else registers trail, someone else makes purchase
Attribution vs Causality
- measure incremental changes, switch off problematic channels and measure incremental losses
Note: funny, inspiring
There are people who have the 4th password
- One for FB, one for email, one for phone and the easy one for everything else
1-click checkout. If you fill in you address once, you probably don't need to change it in the next 20 years
- Note: more like project management tips by industry senior, motivational. For people who want to hear what they think
- 90% is stubborn opposition comes from fear
- address the fear
- Free e-book: "THE WAY IT IS"
- Apply for private FB group:
Note: Architecture, living space, nice, see video
market insight
Note: Insight how people in Asia are less creeped-out by new tech
- Chinese users more tolerant to faults in product because there is no time to perfect due to competition
- AI has government support
- WeChat is super-app. Everything you need to do. Absolute data collection on human behavior
☆☆☆ Future of Computing: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Real World Scenarios, Anthony Bartolo, Microsoft
- Note: clickbaity
- Enablement when done right; IoT as backdoors
- HomeExcept; Privacy respecting Guardian for elderly, no camera, microphone
- Booth demo: What kind of dog you look like
- Note: is supposedly funny
★★☆ Impact of voice search on SEO and what can we do to get position zero? Daniel Duriš, Basta digital
- Zero position is the quick info snippet. 99% sourced from web in top 5 results
- Google People Also Ask for (PAA) has increasing portion of traffic
- eg. Vacuum cleaner - what vacuum cleaner is good for hardwood floors
- PPA question explorer
- example "flights" -
- Zero and PPA have increasing portion of traffic, delegating users less and keeping them within google
Note: martin-sad, self-promo
- Product manager. 200 chatbot installations
- Most are for talent sourcing
- Lufthansa InTouch
- Strong focus on form replacement aka quiz-style "button chatbots". Microsoft Wizard, MS Office Clippy?
- Note:Inspirational, worth watching
- Resource budgeting
- Lite pages
- Adaptive serving
product story
- Note: Meh
- Health advising chat-bot
- "Clinically safe" as target is not good. Escalates all cases.
- "Good experience" as target is not good. Pain killers