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Created December 20, 2018 17:44
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// Compare HMMs with one another and look for sub-optimal alignments that share no pair with previous ones
// The function is called with q and t
// If q and t are equal (self==1), only the upper right part of the matrix is calculated: j>=i+3
void Hit::Viterbi(HMM* q, HMM* t, float** Sstruc)
// Linear topology of query (and template) HMM:
// 1. The HMM HMM has L+2 columns. Columns 1 to L contain
// a match state, a delete state and an insert state each.
// 2. The Start state is M0, the virtual match state in column i=0 (j=0). (Therefore X[k][0]=ANY)
// This column has only a match state and it has only a transitions to the next match state.
// 3. The End state is M(L+1), the virtual match state in column i=L+1.(j=L+1) (Therefore X[k][L+1]=ANY)
// Column L has no transitions to the delete state: tr[L][M2D]=tr[L][D2D]=0.
// 4. Transitions I->D and D->I are ignored, since they do not appear in PsiBlast alignments
// (as long as the gap opening penalty d is higher than the best match score S(a,b)).
// Pairwise alignment of two HMMs:
// 1. Pair-states for the alignment of two HMMs are
// MM (Q:Match T:Match) , GD (Q:Gap T:Delete), IM (Q:Insert T:Match), DG (Q:Delelte, T:Match) , MI (Q:Match T:Insert)
// 2. Transitions are allowed only between the MM-state and each of the four other states.
// Saving space:
// The best score ending in pair state XY sXY[i][j] is calculated from left to right (j=1->t->L)
// and top to bottom (i=1->q->L). To save space, only the last row of scores calculated is kept in memory.
// (The backtracing matrices are kept entirely in memory [O(t->L*q->L)]).
// When the calculation has proceeded up to the point where the scores for cell (i,j) are caculated,
// sXY[i-1][j'] = sXY[j'] for j'>=j (A below)
// sXY[i][j'] = sXY[j'] for j'<j (B below)
// sXY[i-1][j-1]= sXY_i_1_j_1 (C below)
// sXY[i][j] = sXY_i_j (D below)
// j-1
// j
// Variable declarations
float __attribute__((aligned(16))) Si[par.maxres]; // sMM[i][j] = score of best alignment up to indices (i,j) ending in (Match,Match)
float sMM[par.maxres]; // sMM[i][j] = score of best alignment up to indices (i,j) ending in (Match,Match)
float sGD[par.maxres]; // sGD[i][j] = score of best alignment up to indices (i,j) ending in (Gap,Delete)
float sDG[par.maxres]; // sDG[i][j] = score of best alignment up to indices (i,j) ending in (Delete,Gap)
float sIM[par.maxres]; // sIM[i][j] = score of best alignment up to indices (i,j) ending in (Ins,Match)
float sMI[par.maxres]; // sMI[i][j] = score of best alignment up to indices (i,j) ending in (Match,Ins)
float smin=(par.loc? 0:-FLT_MAX); //used to distinguish between SW and NW algorithms in maximization
int i,j; //query and template match state indices
float sMM_i_j=0,sMI_i_j,sIM_i_j,sGD_i_j,sDG_i_j;
float sMM_i_1_j_1,sMI_i_1_j_1,sIM_i_1_j_1,sGD_i_1_j_1,sDG_i_1_j_1;
int jmin,jmax;
// Reset crossed out cells?
if(irep==1) InitializeForAlignment(q,t);
// Initialization of top row, i.e. cells (0,j)
for (j=0; j<=t->L; ++j)
sMM[j] = (self? 0 : -j*par.egt);
sIM[j] = sMI[j] = sDG[j] = sGD[j] = -FLT_MAX;
score=-INT_MAX; i2=j2=0; bMM[0][0]=STOP;
// Viterbi algorithm
for (i=1; i<=q->L; ++i) // Loop through query positions i
// if (v>=5) printf("\n");
if (self)
// If q is compared to itself, ignore cells below diagonal+SELFEXCL
jmin = i+SELFEXCL;
jmax = t->L;
if (jmin>jmax) continue;
// If q is compared to t, exclude regions where overlap of q with t < min_overlap residues
jmin=imax( 1, i+min_overlap-q->L); // Lq-i+j>=Ovlap => j>=i+Ovlap-Lq => jmin=max{1, i+Ovlap-Lq}
jmax=imin(t->L,i-min_overlap+t->L); // Lt-j+i>=Ovlap => j<=i-Ovlap+Lt => jmax=min{Lt,i-Ovlap+Lt}
// Initialize cells
if (jmin==1)
sMM_i_1_j_1 = -(i-1)*par.egq; // initialize at (i-1,0)
sMM[0] = -i*par.egq; // initialize at (i,0)
sIM_i_1_j_1 = sMI_i_1_j_1 = sDG_i_1_j_1 = sGD_i_1_j_1 = -FLT_MAX; // initialize at (i-1,jmin-1)
// Initialize at (i-1,jmin-1) if lower left triagonal is excluded due to min overlap
sMM_i_1_j_1 = sMM[jmin-1]; // initialize at (i-1,jmin-1)
sIM_i_1_j_1 = sIM[jmin-1]; // initialize at (i-1,jmin-1)
sMI_i_1_j_1 = sMI[jmin-1]; // initialize at (i-1,jmin-1)
sDG_i_1_j_1 = sDG[jmin-1]; // initialize at (i-1,jmin-1)
sGD_i_1_j_1 = sGD[jmin-1]; // initialize at (i-1,jmin-1)
sMM[jmin-1] = -FLT_MAX; // initialize at (i,jmin-1)
if (jmax<t->L) // initialize at (i-1,jmmax) if upper right triagonal is excluded due to min overlap
sMM[jmax] = sIM[jmax] = sMI[jmax] = sDG[jmax] = sGD[jmax] = -FLT_MAX;
sIM[jmin-1] = sMI[jmin-1] = sDG[jmin-1] = sGD[jmin-1] = -FLT_MAX; // initialize at (i,jmin-1)
// Precalculate amino acid profile-profile scores
#ifdef HH_SSE2
for (j=jmin; j<=jmax; ++j)
Si[j] = ProbFwd(q->p[i],t->p[j]);
__m128* sij = (__m128*)(Si+(jmin/4)*4);
for (j=jmin/4; j<=jmax/4; ++j, ++sij)
for (j=jmin; j<=jmax; ++j)
Si[j] = Score(q->p[i],t->p[j]);
for (j=jmin; j<=jmax; ++j) // Loop through template positions j
if (cell_off[i][j])
sMM_i_1_j_1 = sMM[j]; // sMM_i_1_j_1 (for j->j+1) = sMM(i-1,(j+1)-1) = sMM[j]
sGD_i_1_j_1 = sGD[j];
sIM_i_1_j_1 = sIM[j];
sDG_i_1_j_1 = sDG[j];
sMI_i_1_j_1 = sMI[j];
sMM[j]=sMI[j]=sIM[j]=sDG[j]=sGD[j]=-FLT_MAX; // sMM[j] = sMM(i,j) is cell_off
// Recursion relations
// printf("S[%i][%i]=%4.1f ",i,j,Score(q->p[i],t->p[j])); // DEBUG!!
sMM_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M],
sGD_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][D2M],
sIM_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][I2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M],
sDG_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][D2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M],
sMI_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][I2M],
sMM_i_j += Si[j] + ScoreSS(q,t,i,j) + par.shift + (Sstruc==NULL? 0: Sstruc[i][j]);
sGD_i_j = max2
sMM[j-1] + t->tr[j-1][M2D], // MM->GD gap opening in query
sGD[j-1] + t->tr[j-1][D2D], // GD->GD gap extension in query
sIM_i_j = max2
sMM[j-1] + q->tr[i][M2I] + t->tr[j-1][M2M] ,
sIM[j-1] + q->tr[i][I2I] + t->tr[j-1][M2M], // IM->IM gap extension in query
sDG_i_j = max2
sMM[j] + q->tr[i-1][M2D],
sDG[j] + q->tr[i-1][D2D], //gap extension (DD) in query
sMI_i_j = max2
sMM[j] + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j][M2I], // MM->MI gap opening M2I in template
sMI[j] + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j][I2I], // MI->MI gap extension I2I in template
sMM_i_1_j_1 = sMM[j];
sGD_i_1_j_1 = sGD[j];
sIM_i_1_j_1 = sIM[j];
sDG_i_1_j_1 = sDG[j];
sMI_i_1_j_1 = sMI[j];
sMM[j] = sMM_i_j;
sGD[j] = sGD_i_j;
sIM[j] = sIM_i_j;
sDG[j] = sDG_i_j;
sMI[j] = sMI_i_j;
// Find maximum score; global alignment: maxize only over last row and last column
if(sMM_i_j>score && (par.loc || i==q->L)) { i2=i; j2=j; score=sMM_i_j; }
} // end if
} //end for j
// if global alignment: look for best cell in last column
if (!par.loc && sMM_i_j>score) { i2=i; j2=jmax; score=sMM_i_j; }
} // end for i
state=MM; // state with maximum score is MM state
//printf("Template=%-12.12s i=%-4i j=%-4i score=%6.3f\n",t->name,i2,j2,score); ///??? DEBUG
// Compare HMMs with one another and look for sub-optimal alignments that share no pair with previous ones
// The function is called with q and t
void Viterbi::AlignWithCellOff(HMMSimd* q, HMMSimd* t,ViterbiMatrix * viterbiMatrix, int maxres, ViterbiResult* result)
void Viterbi::AlignWithOutCellOff(HMMSimd* q, HMMSimd* t,ViterbiMatrix * viterbiMatrix,
int maxres, ViterbiResult* result)
// Linear topology of query (and template) HMM:
// 1. The HMM HMM has L+2 columns. Columns 1 to L contain
// a match state, a delete state and an insert state each.
// 2. The Start state is M0, the virtual match state in column i=0 (j=0). (Therefore X[k][0]=ANY)
// This column has only a match state and it has only a transitions to the next match state.
// 3. The End state is M(L+1), the virtual match state in column i=L+1.(j=L+1) (Therefore X[k][L+1]=ANY)
// Column L has no transitions to the delete state: tr[L][M2D]=tr[L][D2D]=0.
// 4. Transitions I->D and D->I are ignored, since they do not appear in PsiBlast alignments
// (as long as the gap opening penalty d is higher than the best match score S(a,b)).
// Pairwise alignment of two HMMs:
// 1. Pair-states for the alignment of two HMMs are
// MM (Q:Match T:Match) , GD (Q:Gap T:Delete), IM (Q:Insert T:Match), DG (Q:Delelte, T:Match) , MI (Q:Match T:Insert)
// 2. Transitions are allowed only between the MM-state and each of the four other states.
// Saving space:
// The best score ending in pair state XY sXY[i][j] is calculated from left to right (j=1->t->L)
// and top to bottom (i=1->q->L). To save space, only the last row of scores calculated is kept in memory.
// (The backtracing matrices are kept entirely in memory [O(t->L*q->L)]).
// When the calculation has proceeded up to the point where the scores for cell (i,j) are caculated,
// sXY[i-1][j'] = sXY[j'] for j'>=j (A below)
// sXY[i][j'] = sXY[j'] for j'<j (B below)
// sXY[i-1][j-1]= sXY_i_1_j_1 (C below)
// sXY[i][j] = sXY_i_j (D below)
// j-1
// j
// Variable declarations
const float smin = (this->local ? 0 : -FLT_MAX); //used to distinguish between SW and NW algorithms in maximization
const simd_float smin_vec = simdf32_set(smin);
const simd_float shift_vec = simdf32_set(shift);
// const simd_float one_vec = simdf32_set(1); // 00000001
const simd_int mm_vec = simdi32_set(2); //MM 00000010
const simd_int gd_vec = simdi32_set(3); //GD 00000011
const simd_int im_vec = simdi32_set(4); //IM 00000100
const simd_int dg_vec = simdi32_set(5); //DG 00000101
const simd_int mi_vec = simdi32_set(6); //MI 00000110
const simd_int gd_mm_vec = simdi32_set(8); // 00001000
const simd_int im_mm_vec = simdi32_set(16);// 00010000
const simd_int dg_mm_vec = simdi32_set(32);// 00100000
const simd_int mi_mm_vec = simdi32_set(64);// 01000000
HMM * q_s = q->GetHMM(0);
const unsigned char * t_index;
if(ss_hmm_mode == HMM::PRED_PRED || ss_hmm_mode == HMM::DSSP_PRED ){
t_index = t->pred_index;
}else if(ss_hmm_mode == HMM::PRED_DSSP){
t_index = t->dssp_index;
simd_float * ss_score_vec = (simd_float *) ss_score;
#ifdef AVX2
const simd_int shuffle_mask_extract = _mm256_setr_epi8(0, 4, 8, 12, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 4, 8, 12, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
#ifdef AVX2
const __m128i tmp_vec = _mm_set_epi32(0x40000000,0x00400000,0x00004000,0x00000040);//01000000010000000100000001000000
const simd_int co_vec = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(tmp_vec), tmp_vec, 1);
const simd_int float_min_vec = (simd_int) _mm256_set1_ps(-FLT_MAX);
const simd_int shuffle_mask_celloff = _mm256_set_epi8(
15, 14, 13, 12,
15, 14, 13, 12,
15, 14, 13, 12,
15, 14, 13, 12,
3, 2, 1, 0,
3, 2, 1, 0,
3, 2, 1, 0,
3, 2, 1, 0);
#else // SSE case
const simd_int tmp_vec = simdi32_set4(0x40000000,0x00400000,0x00004000,0x00000040);
const simd_int co_vec = tmp_vec;
const simd_int float_min_vec = (simd_int) simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
#endif // AVX2 end
int i,j; //query and template match state indices
simd_int i2_vec = simdi32_set(0);
simd_int j2_vec = simdi32_set(0);
simd_float sMM_i_j = simdf32_set(0);
simd_float sMI_i_j,sIM_i_j,sGD_i_j,sDG_i_j;
simd_float Si_vec;
simd_float sMM_i_1_j_1;
simd_float sMI_i_1_j_1;
simd_float sIM_i_1_j_1;
simd_float sGD_i_1_j_1;
simd_float sDG_i_1_j_1;
simd_float score_vec = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
simd_int byte_result_vec = simdi32_set(0);
// Initialization of top row, i.e. cells (0,j)
for (j=0; j <= t->L; ++j)
const unsigned int index_pos_j = j * 5;
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_j + 0] = simdf32_set(-j*penalty_gap_template);
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_j + 1] = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_j + 2] = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_j + 3] = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_j + 4] = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
// Viterbi algorithm
const int queryLength = q->L;
for (i=1; i <= queryLength; ++i) // Loop through query positions i
// If q is compared to t, exclude regions where overlap of q with t < min_overlap residues
// Initialize cells
sMM_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_set(-(i - 1) * penalty_gap_query); // initialize at (i-1,0)
sIM_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX); // initialize at (i-1,jmin-1)
sMI_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
sDG_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
sGD_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
// initialize at (i,jmin-1)
const unsigned int index_pos_i = 0 * 5;
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_i + 0] = simdf32_set(-i * penalty_gap_query); // initialize at (i,0)
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_i + 1] = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_i + 2] = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_i + 3] = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec[index_pos_i + 4] = simdf32_set(-FLT_MAX);
#ifdef AVX2
unsigned long long * sCO_MI_DG_IM_GD_MM_vec = (unsigned long long *) viterbiMatrix->getRow(i);
unsigned int *sCO_MI_DG_IM_GD_MM_vec = (unsigned int *) viterbiMatrix->getRow(i);
const unsigned int start_pos_tr_i_1 = (i - 1) * 7;
const unsigned int start_pos_tr_i = (i) * 7;
const simd_float q_m2m = simdf32_load((float *) (q->tr + start_pos_tr_i_1 + 2)); // M2M
const simd_float q_m2d = simdf32_load((float *) (q->tr + start_pos_tr_i_1 + 3)); // M2D
const simd_float q_d2m = simdf32_load((float *) (q->tr + start_pos_tr_i_1 + 4)); // D2M
const simd_float q_d2d = simdf32_load((float *) (q->tr + start_pos_tr_i_1 + 5)); // D2D
const simd_float q_i2m = simdf32_load((float *) (q->tr + start_pos_tr_i_1 + 6)); // I2m
const simd_float q_i2i = simdf32_load((float *) (q->tr + start_pos_tr_i)); // I2I
const simd_float q_m2i = simdf32_load((float *) (q->tr + start_pos_tr_i + 1)); // M2I
// Find maximum score; global alignment: maxize only over last row and last column
const bool findMaxInnerLoop = (local || i == queryLength);
const int targetLength = t->L;
if(ss_hmm_mode == HMM::NO_SS_INFORMATION){
// set all to log(1.0) = 0.0
memset(ss_score, 0, (targetLength+1)*VECSIZE_FLOAT*sizeof(float));
}else {
const float * score;
if(ss_hmm_mode == HMM::PRED_PRED){
score = &S33[ (int)q_s->ss_pred[i]][ (int)q_s->ss_conf[i]][0][0];
}else if (ss_hmm_mode == HMM::DSSP_PRED){
score = &S73[ (int)q_s->ss_dssp[i]][0][0];
score = &S37[ (int)q_s->ss_pred[i]][ (int)q_s->ss_conf[i]][0];
// access SS scores and write them to the ss_score array
for (j = 0; j <= (targetLength*VECSIZE_FLOAT); j++) // Loop through template positions j
ss_score[j] = ssw * score[t_index[j]];
for (j=1; j <= targetLength; ++j) // Loop through template positions j
simd_int index_vec;
simd_int res_gt_vec;
// cache line optimized reading
const unsigned int start_pos_tr_j_1 = (j-1) * 7;
const unsigned int start_pos_tr_j = (j) * 7;
const simd_float t_m2m = simdf32_load((float *) (t->tr+start_pos_tr_j_1+2)); // M2M
const simd_float t_m2d = simdf32_load((float *) (t->tr+start_pos_tr_j_1+3)); // M2D
const simd_float t_d2m = simdf32_load((float *) (t->tr+start_pos_tr_j_1+4)); // D2M
const simd_float t_d2d = simdf32_load((float *) (t->tr+start_pos_tr_j_1+5)); // D2D
const simd_float t_i2m = simdf32_load((float *) (t->tr+start_pos_tr_j_1+6)); // I2m
const simd_float t_i2i = simdf32_load((float *) (t->tr+start_pos_tr_j)); // I2i
const simd_float t_m2i = simdf32_load((float *) (t->tr+start_pos_tr_j+1)); // M2I
// Find max value
// smin,
// sMM_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M],
// sGD_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][D2M],
// sIM_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][I2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M],
// sDG_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][D2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M],
// sMI_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][I2M],
// bMM[i][j]
// );
// same as sMM_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M]
simd_float mm_m2m_m2m_vec = simdf32_add( simdf32_add(sMM_i_1_j_1, q_m2m), t_m2m);
// if mm > min { 2 }
res_gt_vec = (simd_int)simdf32_gt(mm_m2m_m2m_vec, smin_vec);
byte_result_vec = simdi_and(res_gt_vec, mm_vec);
sMM_i_j = simdf32_max(smin_vec, mm_m2m_m2m_vec);
// same as sGD_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][D2M]
simd_float gd_m2m_d2m_vec = simdf32_add( simdf32_add(sGD_i_1_j_1, q_m2m), t_d2m);
// if gd > max { 3 }
res_gt_vec = (simd_int)simdf32_gt(gd_m2m_d2m_vec, sMM_i_j);
index_vec = simdi_and( res_gt_vec, gd_vec);
byte_result_vec = simdi_or( index_vec, byte_result_vec);
sMM_i_j = simdf32_max(sMM_i_j, gd_m2m_d2m_vec);
// same as sIM_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][I2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M]
simd_float im_m2m_d2m_vec = simdf32_add( simdf32_add(sIM_i_1_j_1, q_i2m), t_m2m);
// if im > max { 4 }
MAX2(im_m2m_d2m_vec, sMM_i_j, im_vec,byte_result_vec);
sMM_i_j = simdf32_max(sMM_i_j, im_m2m_d2m_vec);
// same as sDG_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][D2M] + t->tr[j-1][M2M]
simd_float dg_m2m_d2m_vec = simdf32_add( simdf32_add(sDG_i_1_j_1, q_d2m), t_m2m);
// if dg > max { 5 }
MAX2(dg_m2m_d2m_vec, sMM_i_j, dg_vec,byte_result_vec);
sMM_i_j = simdf32_max(sMM_i_j, dg_m2m_d2m_vec);
// same as sMI_i_1_j_1 + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j-1][I2M],
simd_float mi_m2m_d2m_vec = simdf32_add( simdf32_add(sMI_i_1_j_1, q_m2m), t_i2m);
// if mi > max { 6 }
MAX2(mi_m2m_d2m_vec, sMM_i_j, mi_vec, byte_result_vec);
sMM_i_j = simdf32_max(sMM_i_j, mi_m2m_d2m_vec);
// TODO add secondary structure score
// calculate amino acid profile-profile scores
Si_vec = log2f4(ScalarProd20Vec((simd_float *) q->p[i],(simd_float *) t->p[j]));
Si_vec = simdf32_add(ss_score_vec[j], Si_vec);
Si_vec = simdf32_add(Si_vec, shift_vec);
sMM_i_j = simdf32_add(sMM_i_j, Si_vec);
//+ ScoreSS(q,t,i,j) + shift + (Sstruc==NULL? 0: Sstruc[i][j]);
const unsigned int index_pos_j = (j * 5);
const unsigned int index_pos_j_1 = (j - 1) * 5;
const simd_float sMM_j_1 = simdf32_load((float *) (sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j_1 + 0));
const simd_float sGD_j_1 = simdf32_load((float *) (sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j_1 + 3));
const simd_float sIM_j_1 = simdf32_load((float *) (sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j_1 + 4));
const simd_float sMM_j = simdf32_load((float *) (sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j + 0));
const simd_float sDG_j = simdf32_load((float *) (sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j + 1));
const simd_float sMI_j = simdf32_load((float *) (sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j + 2));
sMM_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_load((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j + 0));
sDG_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_load((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j + 1));
sMI_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_load((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j + 2));
sGD_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_load((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j + 3));
sIM_i_1_j_1 = simdf32_load((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec + index_pos_j + 4));
// sGD_i_j = max2
// (
// sMM[j-1] + t->tr[j-1][M2D], // MM->GD gap opening in query
// sGD[j-1] + t->tr[j-1][D2D], // GD->GD gap extension in query
// bGD[i][j]
// );
simd_float mm_gd_vec = simdf32_add(sMM_j_1, t_m2d); // MM->GD gap opening in query
simd_float gd_gd_vec = simdf32_add(sGD_j_1, t_d2d); // GD->GD gap extension in query
// if mm_gd > gd_dg { 8 }
MAX2_SET_MASK(mm_gd_vec, gd_gd_vec,gd_mm_vec, byte_result_vec);
sGD_i_j = simdf32_max(
// sIM_i_j = max2
// (
// sMM[j-1] + q->tr[i][M2I] + t->tr[j-1][M2M] ,
// sIM[j-1] + q->tr[i][I2I] + t->tr[j-1][M2M], // IM->IM gap extension in query
// bIM[i][j]
// );
simd_float mm_mm_vec = simdf32_add(simdf32_add(sMM_j_1, q_m2i), t_m2m);
simd_float im_im_vec = simdf32_add(simdf32_add(sIM_j_1, q_i2i), t_m2m); // IM->IM gap extension in query
// if mm_mm > im_im { 16 }
MAX2_SET_MASK(mm_mm_vec,im_im_vec, im_mm_vec, byte_result_vec);
sIM_i_j = simdf32_max(
// sDG_i_j = max2
// (
// sMM[j] + q->tr[i-1][M2D],
// sDG[j] + q->tr[i-1][D2D], //gap extension (DD) in query
// bDG[i][j]
// );
simd_float mm_dg_vec = simdf32_add(sMM_j, q_m2d);
simd_float dg_dg_vec = simdf32_add(sDG_j, q_d2d); //gap extension (DD) in query
// if mm_dg > dg_dg { 32 }
MAX2_SET_MASK(mm_dg_vec,dg_dg_vec, dg_mm_vec, byte_result_vec);
sDG_i_j = simdf32_max( mm_dg_vec
// sMI_i_j = max2
// (
// sMM[j] + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j][M2I], // MM->MI gap opening M2I in template
// sMI[j] + q->tr[i-1][M2M] + t->tr[j][I2I], // MI->MI gap extension I2I in template
// bMI[i][j]
// );
simd_float mm_mi_vec = simdf32_add( simdf32_add(sMM_j, q_m2m), t_m2i); // MM->MI gap opening M2I in template
simd_float mi_mi_vec = simdf32_add( simdf32_add(sMI_j, q_m2m), t_i2i); // MI->MI gap extension I2I in template
// if mm_mi > mi_mi { 64 }
MAX2_SET_MASK(mm_mi_vec, mi_mi_vec,mi_mm_vec, byte_result_vec);
sMI_i_j = simdf32_max(
// Cell of logic
// if (cell_off[i][j])
//shift 10000000100000001000000010000000 -> 01000000010000000100000001000000
//because 10000000000000000000000000000000 = -2147483648 kills cmplt
#ifdef AVX2
simd_int matrix_vec = _mm256_set1_epi64x(sCO_MI_DG_IM_GD_MM_vec[j]>>1);
matrix_vec = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(matrix_vec,shuffle_mask_celloff);
// if(((sCO_MI_DG_IM_GD_MM_vec[j] >>1) & 0x40404040) > 0){
// std::cout << ((sCO_MI_DG_IM_GD_MM_vec[j] >>1) & 0x40404040 ) << std::endl;
// }
simd_int matrix_vec = simdi32_set(sCO_MI_DG_IM_GD_MM_vec[j]>>1);
simd_int cell_off_vec = simdi_and(matrix_vec, co_vec);
simd_int res_eq_co_vec = simdi32_gt(co_vec, cell_off_vec ); // shift is because signed can't be checked here
simd_float cell_off_float_min_vec = (simd_float) simdi_andnot(res_eq_co_vec, float_min_vec); // inverse
sMM_i_j = simdf32_add(sMM_i_j,cell_off_float_min_vec); // add the cell off vec to sMM_i_j. Set -FLT_MAX to cell off
sGD_i_j = simdf32_add(sGD_i_j,cell_off_float_min_vec);
sIM_i_j = simdf32_add(sIM_i_j,cell_off_float_min_vec);
sDG_i_j = simdf32_add(sDG_i_j,cell_off_float_min_vec);
sMI_i_j = simdf32_add(sMI_i_j,cell_off_float_min_vec);
simdf32_store((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec+index_pos_j + 0), sMM_i_j);
simdf32_store((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec+index_pos_j + 1), sDG_i_j);
simdf32_store((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec+index_pos_j + 2), sMI_i_j);
simdf32_store((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec+index_pos_j + 3), sGD_i_j);
simdf32_store((float *)(sMM_DG_MI_GD_IM_vec+index_pos_j + 4), sIM_i_j);
// write values back to ViterbiMatrix
#ifdef AVX2
/* byte_result_vec 000H 000G 000F 000E 000D 000C 000B 000A */
/* abcdefgh 0000 0000 HGFE 0000 0000 0000 0000 DCBA */
const __m256i abcdefgh = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(byte_result_vec, shuffle_mask_extract);
/* abcd 0000 0000 0000 DCBA */
const __m128i abcd = _mm256_castsi256_si128(abcdefgh);
/* efgh 0000 0000 HGFE 0000 */
const __m128i efgh = _mm256_extracti128_si256(abcdefgh, 1);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&sCO_MI_DG_IM_GD_MM_vec[j], _mm_or_si128(abcd, efgh));
#elif defined(SSE)
byte_result_vec = _mm_packs_epi32(byte_result_vec, byte_result_vec);
byte_result_vec = _mm_packus_epi16(byte_result_vec, byte_result_vec);
int int_result = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(byte_result_vec);
sCO_MI_DG_IM_GD_MM_vec[j] = int_result;
// Find maximum score; global alignment: maxize only over last row and last column
// if(sMM_i_j>score && (par.loc || i==q->L)) { i2=i; j2=j; score=sMM_i_j; }
if (findMaxInnerLoop){
// new score is higer
// output
// 0 0 0 MAX
simd_int lookup_mask_hi = (simd_int) simdf32_gt(sMM_i_j,score_vec);
simd_int lookup_mask_lo = simdi_andnot(lookup_mask_hi,simdi32_set(-1));
//simd_int lookup_mask_lo = (simd_int) simdf32_gt(score_vec,sMM_i_j);
// old score is higher
// output
//simd_int lookup_mask_lo = (simd_int) simdf32_lt(sMM_i_j,score_vec);
simd_int curr_pos_j = simdi32_set(j);
simd_int new_j_pos_hi = simdi_and(lookup_mask_hi,curr_pos_j);
simd_int old_j_pos_lo = simdi_and(lookup_mask_lo,j2_vec);
j2_vec = simdi32_add(new_j_pos_hi,old_j_pos_lo);
simd_int curr_pos_i = simdi32_set(i);
simd_int new_i_pos_hi = simdi_and(lookup_mask_hi,curr_pos_i);
simd_int old_i_pos_lo = simdi_and(lookup_mask_lo,i2_vec);
i2_vec = simdi32_add(new_i_pos_hi,old_i_pos_lo);
// printf("%d %d ",i, j);
// for(int seq_index=0; seq_index < maxres; seq_index++){
// printf("(%d %d %d %.3f %.3f %d %d)\t", seq_index, ((int*)&lookup_mask_hi)[seq_index], ((int*)&lookup_mask_lo)[seq_index], ((float*)&sMM_i_j)[seq_index], ((float*)&score_vec)[seq_index],
// ((int*)&i2_vec)[seq_index], ((int*)&j2_vec)[seq_index]);
// }
// printf("\n");
} //end for j
// if global alignment: look for best cell in last column
if (!local){
// new score is higer
// output
// 0 0 0 MAX
simd_int lookup_mask_hi = (simd_int) simdf32_gt(sMM_i_j,score_vec);
// simd_int lookup_mask_lo;
simd_int lookup_mask_lo = simdi_andnot(lookup_mask_hi,simdi32_set(-1));
// old score is higher
// output
simd_int curr_pos_j = simdi32_set(j);
simd_int new_j_pos_hi = simdi_and(lookup_mask_hi,curr_pos_j);
simd_int old_j_pos_lo = simdi_and(lookup_mask_lo,j2_vec);
j2_vec = simdi32_add(new_j_pos_hi,old_j_pos_lo);
simd_int curr_pos_i = simdi32_set(i);
simd_int new_i_pos_hi = simdi_and(lookup_mask_hi,curr_pos_i);
simd_int old_i_pos_lo = simdi_and(lookup_mask_lo,i2_vec);
i2_vec = simdi32_add(new_i_pos_hi,old_i_pos_lo);
score_vec = simdf32_max(sMM_i_j,score_vec);
} // end for j
} // end for i
for(int seq_index=0; seq_index < maxres; seq_index++){
result->i[seq_index] = ((int*)&i2_vec)[seq_index];
result->j[seq_index] = ((int*)&j2_vec)[seq_index];
// std::cout << seq_index << "\t" << result->score[seq_index] << "\t" << result->i[seq_index] <<"\t" << result->j[seq_index] << std::endl;
// printf("Template=%-12.12s i=%-4i j=%-4i score=%6.3f\n",t->name,i2,j2,score);
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