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Created August 18, 2018 19:46
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R Shiny number formatting issues in rhandsontable
I created a simple table using rhandsotable library and no matter how I format it,
number always gets rounded down or up to closest integer.
For example, if I type in 1.02, the result shown is 1. For 3.05, result shown is 3.
Please kindly advise how to solve this issue. Thank you.
GM <- data.frame(matrix(0.0, ncol = 5, nrow = 3))
col_names <- c("2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019")
row_names <- c("Worst", "Base", "Best")
colnames(GM) <- col_names
rownames(GM) <- row_names
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output) {
v = reactiveValues()
if (!is.null(input$GM)) {
v$GM <- hot_to_r(input$GM)
print(v$GM) # to see if values get rounded down
} else {
v$GM <- GM
output$GM <- renderRHandsontable({
rhandsontable(v$GM, rowHeaderWidth = 150) %>%
hot_col("2015", format = "0,0.00%") %>%
hot_col("2016", format = "0,0.00%") %>%
hot_col("2017", format = "0,0.00%") %>%
hot_col("2018", format = "0,0.00%") %>%
hot_col("2019", format = "0,0.00%") %>%
hot_cols(colWidths = 100) %>%
hot_rows(rowHeights = 30)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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I believe I'm reproducing the error once rendered in ShinyApp.. but want to confirm.

When I render this code / shinyApp in RStudio.. it renders this rhandonstable as html/javascfript.. and when I start to interact with the table..

  • If you type in 1.02 in the 2015 column/worst row 'cell', then you see 100%.
  • If you then type in 1.02 in the same 2015 column/worst row 'cell' a second time, then you see 102%.
    Is this the issue? Or is it something else?

I'm going thru and trying it in rhandsontable by itself now.

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For the above problem i referenced.. I tried in RStudio without shiny, with only rhandsontable.. and it works as expected.
If I type in 1.02 in the 'A1' cell and it displays 102%.
If I type in 1.1111111, then it shows the expected 111.11%


I'll look into it a bit more later but it seems like it's the way shinyApp is rendering this rhandsontable that is the issue.
At least in terms of the issue i described above.

Do you see your problem in rhandsontable byitself?

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Hello Toby,

Thank you for advises.

Yes, this is the problem:

If you type in 1.02 in the 2015 column/worst row 'cell', then you see 100%.
If you then type in 1.02 in the same 2015 column/worst row 'cell' a second time, then you see 102%.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Have you entered an issue in the github repo for rhandsontable

The issue is similar, if not exactly the same, to these entries jrowen/rhandsontable#256
and ..

I don't entirely agree with the final conclusion in the rstudio thread.

I think the issue is the interaction between shinyApp and rhandsontable and how data is passed between them.

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