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Forked from jamshid/
Created May 30, 2018 21:47
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Docker environment hack, to put the names of running containers in /etc/hosts
# An alternative to "links", run this script after starting or stopping any
# container. It's a hack to update the host machine (vagrant) /etc/hosts with
# the current active docker containers and tell dnsmasq to refresh.
# Then start each machine with "-dns ${DOCKER_HOST_IP}", e.g.
# $ docker run -d -name mycontainer1 -dns MYPRODUCT
# You can't seem to set the DNS during "docker build".
# Diagnostic command to run in host or while logged into containers:
# # dig @ mycontainer1
cd ${0%/*}
function dip() { docker inspect $1 | grep IPAddress | cut -d '"' -f 4 ; }
cat /etc/hosts | grep -v '#DOCKER-DELETE-ME' > /etc/hosts.docker.tmp
if [ ${RESULT} = 0 ]; then
echo "Checking for running docker containers..."
echo "Error modifying /etc/hosts, try running with sudo."
exit 1
echo "# Below are the docker hosts running at $(date). #DOCKER-DELETE-ME" >> /etc/hosts.docker.tmp
docker ps -q | while read CONTAINERID
IP=$(docker inspect ${CONTAINERID} | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks as $in | $in | keys[] | $in[.].IPAddress')
if [ -n "${IP}" ] ; then
NAME=$(docker inspect ${CONTAINERID} | jq -r '.[0].Name' | cut -c 2-)
for i in ${IP}; do
echo "${i} ${NAME} #DOCKER-DELETE-ME" >> /etc/hosts.docker.tmp
mv -f /etc/hosts.docker.tmp /etc/hosts
echo 'Updated /etc/hosts with current ("docker ps") entries...'
tail -10 /etc/hosts
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Updated to docker 18.05, should work with older versions as well.
Uses jq to ease up processing and speed.

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