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Last active April 18, 2019 04:26
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HTML/CSS/JavaScript Developer Console Animation with Menu Hover Responses
// Get user name and/or IP
function get_user_data_processing_function(){
$name = [];
// Sanitize $_GET parameters to avoid XSS and other attacks
$urlName = preg_replace('/[^-a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $_GET['n']);
// Get user name from URL variable
$name['name'] = $urlName;
// Get URL IP address if available
$ipaddress = '';
if (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
else if(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
else if(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED');
else if(getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR');
else if(getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED');
else if(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'))
$ipaddress = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
$ipaddress = 'Hmmm... Mystery User';
$ipaddress = explode (',', $ipaddress);
$name['ip'] = $ipaddress[0];
return $name;
// Create page inputs with user info
add_action('wp_footer', 'getUserIP');
function getUserIP() {
$userData = get_user_data_processing_function();
echo '<input type="hidden" class="userIP" value="'.$userData["ip"].'" name="userIP" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" class="userName" value="'.$userData["name"].'" name="userName" />';
// Typed function is using the library Typedjs:
let homeConsoleIntro = document.getElementById('consoleText');
let typed = "";
if (homeConsoleIntro) {
typed = new Typed('#consoleText', {
strings: [
'^2000', 'Hello...^1000 ' + createName() + '^1000\n' +
'My name is Martin Kaiser^1000\n' +
"I'm a full stack developer^1000\n" +
'Based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC^2000\n',
'I write everything from HTML and CSS^1000, to PHP and JavaScript for frontend and backend (Node)^2000\n',
'Okay, let me load up my site locally on your device^500\n',
'npm install mk-amaze-web-stuff --save ^1000\n' +
'`installing components...` ^1000\n' +
'`Fetching from source...` ^2000\n' +
'`ERR!!!! ENOSPC No space left on device`^1000\n' +
'`ERR!!!! mk-amaze-web-stuff is simply to large for disk`^2000',
'hmmmmmmmmmmm^1000 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻^500',
'Well, go ahead and check out my online portfolio^1000\n',
"Apps^500, Snippets^500, Websites^500, Info^500, it's all great!\n^2000",
typeSpeed: 40,
backSpeed: 2,
loop: false
// Wait for animation to get 6s in before allowing hover changes in console
let waitForAnimation = true;
setTimeout(function() {
waitForAnimation = false;
}, 6000);
// Arrays for menu item mouse hover responces
let choiceResponseCat = [" are a pretty great",
" with some tricky problem's solved",
" with cutting edge libraries",
" with more code than a N64 game",
" that show my skills",
" that expanded my code repertoire",
", most started with Hello World!",
"... npm run amazing-app"
let choiceResponseCatItem = [" has some nicely written code",
" is a bit complicated",
" had some tricky problem's",
" is pretty amazing",
" alert(complicatedCode)",
" took some brainstorming",
" gave me a new appreciation Stack Overflow",
" definitely started with Hello World!",
"... npm run amazing-app"
let lastArrayNumCheck = 0;
let otherResponse = "";
let hoverText = "";
let currentResponse = "";
let menuSelector = "";
let currentChoice = [", always a good choice"];
$(".sf-menu .menu-item").mouseenter(function() {
if (!waitForAnimation) {
if ($(this).hasClass("cat")) {
menuSelector = "cat";
currentChoice = choiceResponseCat;
if ($(this).hasClass("cat-item")) {
menuSelector = "cat-item";
currentChoice = choiceResponseCatItem;
if ($(this).hasClass("design")) {
menuSelector = "design";
currentChoice = [", all the other bits"];
if ($(this).hasClass("about")) {
menuSelector = "about";
currentChoice = [", more about me!"];
if ($(this).hasClass("other")) {
menuSelector = "other";
currentChoice = [", always a good choice"];
var newPhrase = Math.random() * currentChoice.length;
if (newPhrase == lastArrayNumCheck && newPhrase !== 0) {
newPhrase = 0;
lastArrayNumCheck = newPhrase;
} else if (newPhrase == 0) {
newPhrase = 1;
lastArrayNumCheck = newPhrase;
hoverText = $(this, menuSelector).find("a").first().text();
currentResponse = hoverText + currentChoice[Math.floor(newPhrase)];
typed = new Typed('#consoleText', {
strings: [
typeSpeed: 7,
backSpeed: 2,
loop: false
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