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Created August 2, 2023 12:01
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#!/usr/bin/env kotlin
import com.apollographql.apollo3.annotations.*
import com.apollographql.apollo3.ast.*
import com.apollographql.apollo3.ast.introspection.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
import okio.*
import kotlin.system.exitProcess
check(args.size == 1) {
"./deprecated.main.kts DIRECTORY"
val dir = File(args[0])
val schemaFile = dir.walk().filter { it.extension == "graphqls" || it.extension == "json" }
check(schemaFile != null) {
"No schema found in ${dir.path}"
val schema = schemaFile!!.toSchema()
val operations = mutableListOf<GQLOperationDefinition>()
val fragments = mutableListOf<GQLFragmentDefinition>()
dir.walk().filter { it.extension == "graphql" }
.map { it.source().buffer().parseAsGQLDocument(it.path).getOrThrow() }
.forEach {
it.definitions.forEach {
when (it) {
is GQLOperationDefinition -> operations.add(it)
is GQLFragmentDefinition -> fragments.add(it)
else -> error("Non-executable definition: $it")
val usages = operations.flatMap {
it.validate(schema, fragments.associateBy { })
.filter { it is Issue.DeprecatedUsage }
fun Issue.pretty(): String {
return "${sourceLocation.pretty()}: $message"
if (usages.isNotEmpty()) {
println("deprecated usage(s) found:")
println(usages.joinToString("\n") { it.pretty() })
} else {
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