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Tiny binary writer and reader in Lua.
-- struct.lua
-- Tiny binary writer and reader in Lua.
-- version: 1.3
-- author: Martin 'Halt' Cohen
-- url:
-- license: MIT
-- changes: at the end of this file
-- dependencies:
-- example:
local struct = require "struct"
local f ="image.png", "rb")
print("png size", unpack("*all"), ".DD", 0x10)))
local bit = require("bit")
local band =
local bor = bit.bor
local rshift = bit.rshift
local lshift = bit.lshift
local tohex = bit.tohex
local bswap4 = bit.bswap
local push = table.insert
local schar = string.char
local sbyte = string.byte
local struct = {}
local function bswap2(x, n)
return rshift(bswap4(x), 16)
local function wnum(bytes, n, c)
for i = 1, c do
push(bytes, schar(band(n, 0xFF)))
n = rshift(n, 8)
-- b uint8
-- w uint16
-- d uint32
-- W uint16 be
-- D uint16 be
-- s string
-- S write uint32 length and then write string
-- z* zero-padded or truncated string, length is defined by arg before string argument
-- z<n> zero-padded or truncated string, length is defined by `<n>`; for example `z8`
function struct.write(format, ...)
local bytes = {}
local a = 1 -- '...' iterator
local i = 1 -- 'format' iterator
while i <= #format do
local v = select(a, ...)
local f = format:sub(i, i)
if f == "b" then push(bytes, schar(v))
elseif f == "B" then push(bytes, schar(v))
elseif f == "w" then wnum(bytes, v, 2)
elseif f == "W" then wnum(bytes, bswap2(v, 2), 2)
elseif f == "d" then wnum(bytes, v, 4)
elseif f == "D" then wnum(bytes, bswap4(v), 4)
elseif f == "s" then push(bytes, tostring(v))
elseif f == "S" then
wnum(bytes, #v, 4)
push(bytes, tostring(v))
elseif f == "z" then
local n
if format:sub(i + 1, i + 1) == "*" then
i = i + 1
a = a + 1
n = v
v = select(a, ...)
n = format:match("[0-9]+", i + 1)
if not n then error(string.format("number or * expected after 'z' at %d", i)) end
i = i + #n
n = tonumber(n)
push(bytes, v:sub(1, n))
if n > #v then push(bytes, string.rep("\0", n - #v)) end
error(string.format("unknown format '%s'", f))
i = i + 1
a = a + 1
return table.concat(bytes)
local function rnum(bytes, k, n)
local args = { sbyte(bytes, k, k + n - 1) }
local v = 0
for i = 1, #args do
v = bor(v, lshift(args[i], (i - 1) * 8))
return v
-- b uint8
-- w uint16
-- d uint32
-- W uint16 be
-- D uint16 be
-- . skip <n> bytes, (n is denoted by extra arg in order)
-- s read <n> bytes as string
-- S read uint32 for length and then read string of that length
-- z* zero-padded string, length is defined by arg
-- z<n> zero-padded string, length is defined by `<n>`; for example `z8`
function, format, ...)
assert(type(bytes) == "string")
assert(type(format) == "string")
local i = 1 -- 'format' iterator
local a = 1 -- '...' iterator
local k = 1 -- 'bytes' iterator
local values = {}
while i <= #format do
local f = format:sub(i, i)
if f == "b" then push(values, sbyte(bytes, k)); k = k + 1
elseif f == "w" then push(values, rnum(bytes, k, 2)); k = k + 2
elseif f == "d" then push(values, rnum(bytes, k, 4)); k = k + 4
elseif f == "B" then push(values, sbyte(bytes, k)); k = k + 1
elseif f == "W" then push(values, bswap2(rnum(bytes, k, 2))); k = k + 2
elseif f == "D" then push(values, bswap4(rnum(bytes, k, 4))); k = k + 4
elseif f == "." then k = k + select(a, ...); a = a + 1
elseif f == "s" then
local n = select(a, ...)
push(values, bytes:sub(k, k + n - 1))
k = k + n
a = a + 1
elseif f == "S" then
local n = rnum(bytes, k, 4)
k = k + 4
push(values, bytes:sub(k, k + n - 1))
k = k + n
elseif f == "z" then
local n
if format:sub(i + 1, i + 1) == "*" then
-- z*
n = select(a, ...)
i = i + 1
a = a + 1
-- z<n>
n = format:match("[0-9]+", i + 1)
if not n then error(string.format("number or * expected after 'z' at %d", i)) end
i = i + #n
n = tonumber(n)
-- trim zeroes
local s = bytes:sub(k, k + n - 1)
for i = #s, 0, -1 do
if i == 0 then s = "" break
elseif sbyte(s, i) ~= 0 then s = s:sub(1, i) break end
push(values, s)
k = k + n
error(string.format("unknown format '%s'", f))
i = i + 1
return values
-- reads binary string and returns string with hexadecimal numbers
-- `hexdump("hello") -> "68 65 6c 6c 6f"`
function struct.hexdump(x)
assert(type(x) == "string")
local t = {}
for _, i in ipairs{ sbyte(x, 1, #x) } do
push(t, tohex(i, 2))
return table.concat(t, " ")
-- reads string with hexadecimal numbers, and returns it as binary
-- `hexload("68 65 6c 6c 6f") -> "hello"
function struct.hexload(x)
assert(type(x) == "string")
local bytes = {}
local i = 1
while true do
local m = x:match("([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]%s?)", i)
if not m then break end
i = i + #m
push(bytes, schar(tonumber(m, 16)))
return table.concat(bytes)
return struct
-- v1.3
-- added 'hexload'
-- added 'z*' format for read and write
-- added 'z<n>' format for read and write
-- v1.2
-- error on bad format in 'write'
-- v1.1
-- added 'S' to write/read length and a string
-- v1.0
-- initial release
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rxi commented Jul 15, 2020

Feature suggestion:

Adding support for s* and s[n] specifiers to write fixed-sized zero-padded strings:

struct.write("s8", "hello")     -- => "hello\0\0\0"
struct.write("s*", "hello", 10) -- => "hello\0\0\0\0\0"

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martincohen commented Jul 15, 2020

Feature suggestion:

Adding support for s* and s[n] specifiers to write fixed-sized zero-padded strings:

struct.write("s8", "hello")     -- => "hello\0\0\0"
struct.write("s*", "hello", 10) -- => "hello\0\0\0\0\0"

Added as z* and z<n>. <3

s in read is redundant now, will need to address that in future

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