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Created April 27, 2020 15:48
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[Minimal Function to generate HTML report using RMarkdown] #R
## This is a minimal example to show how you can create a
## function that generates HTML reports using RMarkdown.
## This uses a list-pmap workflow so you can input lists
## as arguments and dynamically produce a RMarkdown that
## is only limited by the length of your lists.
## The example below outputs a table and two plots from
## `iris`.
#### Load packages ####
#### Generate list of outputs ####
## 1. A summary table
summary_table <-
iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
## 2. Plot of Sepal variables
sepal_plot <-
iris %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Sepal.Length,
y = Sepal.Width,
colour = Species)) +
## 3. Plot of Petal variables
petal_plot <-
iris %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Petal.Length,
y = Petal.Width,
colour = Species)) +
## Combine all outputs into a list of 3 objects
output_list <-
#### Function to generate chunk strings ####
## This is only used as a supporting function
## Not used directly
#' @param level Numeric value to specify the header level of the chunk.
#' @param title Character string to specify the title of the chunk.
#' @param echo Logical value to specify whether to display code.
#' @param object Character string to specify name of the object to show.
generate_chunks <- function(level = 3, title, echo = FALSE, object){
level_hash <- paste(rep('#', level), collapse = "")
obj <- c(paste(level_hash, title),
paste0('```{r, echo=', echo, '}'),
' ')
#### `minimal_html2()`` - with list-pmap workflow ####
## This the main function for creating a HTML document.
## NOTE THAT `outputs`, `titles`, `echos`, and `levels` must have the same length
#' @param title Character string to specify the title of the chunk.
#' @param filename File name to be used in the exported HTML.
#' @param outputs A list of outputs to be added to the HTML report.
#' @param titles A list/vector of character strings to specify the title of the chunks.
#' @param echos A list/vector of logical values to specify whether to display code.
#' @param levels A list/vector of numeric value to specify the header level of the chunk.
minimal_html2 <- function(title = "My minimal HTML generator",
filename = "minimal_html",
outputs = output_list,
## Title of document
title_chr <- paste0('title: \"', title, '\"')
## chunk loopage
## merged to create `chunk_merged`
chunk_merged <-
list(output = outputs,
title = titles,
echo = echos,
level = levels,
id = seq(1, length(outputs))) %>%
purrr::pmap(function(output, title, echo, level, id){
generate_chunks(level = level,
title = title,
echo = echo,
object = paste0("outputs[[", id, "]]"))
}) %>%
## markdown object
markobj <- c('---',
title_chr <- paste0('title: \"', title, '\"'),
'output: ',
' html_document:',
' theme: united',
' toc: true',
' toc_float:',
' collapsed: false',
' smooth_scroll: true',
writeLines(markobj, paste0(filename, ".Rmd"))
rmarkdown::render(paste0(filename, ".Rmd"))
## Load in browser
utils::browseURL(paste0(filename, ".html"))
## Deletes specified files
unlink(c(paste0(filename, ".Rmd"),
paste0(filename, ".md")))
#### Run example ####
minimal_html2(title = "My minimal HTML generator",
filename = "minimal_html",
outputs = output_list,
titles = c("Summary Table", "Sepal Plot", "Petal Plot"),
echos = rep(FALSE, 3),
levels = rep(3, 3))
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