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Last active July 25, 2020 08:08
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[Run a summary of functions and the associated description from a loaded package] #R
#' Run a summary of functions and the associated description
#' for a loaded package
#' @param package_name String providing the name of the loaded package, e.g. surveytoolbox
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pkg_summary("surveytoolbox")
#' pkg_summary("wpa")
#' pkg_summary("rwa")
#' pkg_summary("sjlabelled")
#' }
#' @export
generate_summary <- function(package_name){
pkg_string <- paste0("package:", package_name)
fnc_names <- lsf.str(pkg_string) %>% as.character()
generate_fam <- function(fnc_names, package_name = "wpa"){
fnc_names %>%
utils::help(eval(package_name)) %>%
utils:::.getHelpFile() %>%
purrr::keep(~attr(.x, "Rd_tag") == "\\seealso") %>%
purrr::map(as.character) %>%
purrr::flatten_chr() -> p
if(length(p) == 0){
} else {
p[[2]] %>% # Extract second element
str_remove(., "Other ") %>%
str_remove(., ":") %>%
str_remove(., "[\n]") %>%
generate_desc <- function(fnc_names, package_name = "wpa"){
fnc_names %>%
utils::help(eval(package_name)) %>%
utils:::.getHelpFile() %>%
purrr::keep(~attr(.x, "Rd_tag") == "\\description") %>%
purrr::map(as.character) %>%
purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
paste0(., collapse="") %>%
str_remove(., "[\n]") %>%
generate_title <- function(fnc_names, package_name = "wpa"){
fnc_names %>%
utils::help(eval(package_name)) %>%
utils:::.getHelpFile() %>%
purrr::keep(~attr(.x, "Rd_tag") == "\\title") %>%
purrr::map(as.character) %>%
purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
paste0(., collapse="") %>%
str_remove(., "[\n]") %>%
generate_argument <- function(fnc_names, package_name = "wpa"){
fnc_names %>%
utils::help(eval(package_name)) %>%
utils:::.getHelpFile() %>%
purrr::keep(~attr(.x, "Rd_tag") == "\\arguments") %>%
purrr::map(as.character) %>%
purrr::flatten_chr() -> p
if(length(p) == 0){
} else {
p %>%
str_remove_all(., "[\n]") %>%
.[. != ""] %>% # remove blanks
str_trim() %>%
str_remove_all(., "list\\(") %>% # clean up
str_remove_all(., ",.+") %>% # remove argument description
str_remove_all(., "[:punct:]") %>% # remove all non-words
paste(collapse = "; ")
fnc_fam <-
fnc_names %>%
fnc_title <-
fnc_names %>%
fnc_desc <-
fnc_names %>%
fnc_arg <-
fnc_names %>%
tibble(Functions = fnc_names,
Family = fnc_fam,
Title = fnc_title,
Description = fnc_desc,
Arguments = fnc_arg) %>%
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