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Last active February 1, 2018 18:13
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[Scatter Plotter] Formats your data for plotting scatter diagrams in #Excel
Option Explicit
Sub ScatterPlotter()
'This VBA Excel code formats a three-column table (with header, data labels on lefter-most column) into a format suitable for creating a scatter diagram in Microsoft Excel / PowerPoint.
If MsgBox("When you begin, ensure that: (1) Col A is populated with desired horizontal labels, begin from A2 (downwards); (2) Col B is populated with desired x-axis values, begin from B2 (downwards); (3) Col C is populated with desired y-axis values, begin from C2 (downwards). Do you wish to continue?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Dim activewb As Workbook
Dim origin_sheet As String
Dim oldsheet, newsheet As Worksheet
Dim i, n, m, CountBlank As Integer
Dim Cell As String
Dim Continue As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Continue = True
Set activewb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
origin_sheet = activewb.ActiveSheet.Name
'activewb.Worksheets(origin_sheet).Copy After:=Worksheets(origin_sheet)
'ActiveSheet.Name = "Formatted"
activewb.Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Formatted"
Set newsheet = activewb.Sheets("Formatted")
Set oldsheet = activewb.Sheets(origin_sheet)
n = 1
CountBlank = 0
Do While Continue = True
Cell = Cells(n, 1).Value
If Cell = Empty Then
CountBlank = CountBlank + 1
Else: CountBlank = 0
End If
If CountBlank > 30 Then Continue = False
n = n + 1
m = n - CountBlank - 1
Debug.Print CountBlank
Debug.Print n
Debug.Print m
'Update all the worksheet names below as appropriate (in double quotations)
'Check cell locations are correct before running macro
For i = 2 To m
'Deal with horizontal headers
newsheet.Cells(1, i).Value = oldsheet.Cells(i, 1)
'Deal with diagonal data in scatter diagram
newsheet.Cells(i, i).Value = oldsheet.Cells(i, 3)
'Deal with first column in scatter diagram
newsheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = oldsheet.Cells(i, 2)
Next i
Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(m, m)).Style = "Percent"
MsgBox "Yup, that's done"
End Sub
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