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Created June 16, 2013 05:50
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simple crossword grid in eml
import Dict
side = 30
n = 15
x0 = side * n
-- coordinates
toScreen (x, y) = (side * x - x0, side * (n - y))
fromScreen (x, y) = (div (x + x0) side, n - div y side)
-- square
data Square = Black | White Char
sqColor s = case s of
Black -> black
White _ -> white
sqLetter s = case s of
Black -> '#'
White c -> c
renderCell square = layers
[ sqr <| sqColor square
, container side side middle <| plainText [ sqLetter square ]
-- grid
getSq grid x y =
case (Dict.lookup (x, y) grid) of
Just s -> s
Nothing -> White ' '
sqr c = collage side side [
square side |> filled c
, square side |> outlined (solid black)
crsr = opacity 0.5 <| collage side side [ square side |> filled green ]
sq grid x y =
let (px, py) = toScreen (x, y)
cell = getSq grid x y
in renderCell cell |> toForm |> move (px, py)
renderCursor state =
let (px, py) = toScreen state.cursor
in crsr |> toForm |> move (px, py)
renderGrid state =
concatMap (\x -> map (sq state.grid x) [1 .. n]) [1 .. n]
renderAll state = concat [renderGrid state, [renderCursor state]]
start = [((1, 1), Black), ((1, 3), White 'A')]
main =
let grid = Dict.fromList start
state = { grid = grid, cursor = (1, 1) }
collage 1200 1200 <| renderAll state
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