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Created January 16, 2019 15:34
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#pragma once
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN64)
# define PLATFORM_WIN 1
#elif defined(__MACH__) || defined(__APPLE__)
# define PLATFORM_OSX 1
#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
#elif defined(__linux__)
#if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(__LP64__)
# define PLATFORM_ARCH_64 1
# define PLATFORM_ARCH_32 0
# define PLATFORM_ARCH_64 0
# define PLATFORM_ARCH_32 1
#ifndef SInt16_defined
# define SInt16_defined
typedef signed short SInt16;
#ifndef UInt16_defined
# define UInt16_defined
typedef unsigned short UInt16;
#ifndef UInt8_defined
# define UInt8_defined
typedef unsigned char UInt8;
#ifndef SInt8_defined
# define SInt8_defined
typedef signed char SInt8;
# ifndef SInt32_defined
# define SInt32_defined
typedef signed int SInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt32_defined
# define UInt32_defined
typedef unsigned int UInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt64_defined
# define UInt64_defined
typedef unsigned long UInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt64_defined
# define SInt64_defined
typedef signed long SInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt32_defined
# define SInt32_defined
typedef signed int SInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt32_defined
# define UInt32_defined
typedef unsigned int UInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt64_defined
# define UInt64_defined
typedef unsigned long long UInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt64_defined
# define SInt64_defined
typedef signed long long SInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt32_defined
# define SInt32_defined
typedef signed long SInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt32_defined
# define UInt32_defined
typedef unsigned long UInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt64_defined
# define UInt64_defined
typedef unsigned long long UInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt64_defined
# define SInt64_defined
typedef signed long long SInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt32_defined
# define SInt32_defined
typedef signed int SInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt32_defined
# define UInt32_defined
typedef unsigned int UInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt64_defined
# define UInt64_defined
typedef unsigned long long UInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt64_defined
# define SInt64_defined
typedef signed long long SInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt32_defined
# define SInt32_defined
typedef signed int SInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt32_defined
# define UInt32_defined
typedef unsigned int UInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt64_defined
# define UInt64_defined
typedef unsigned long long UInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt64_defined
# define SInt64_defined
typedef signed long long SInt64;
# endif
# else
# error("Unknown 64 bit platform")
# endif
# ifndef SInt32_defined
# define SInt32_defined
typedef signed int SInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt32_defined
# define UInt32_defined
typedef unsigned int UInt32;
# endif
# ifndef UInt64_defined
# define UInt64_defined
typedef unsigned long long UInt64;
# endif
# ifndef SInt64_defined
# define SInt64_defined
typedef signed long long SInt64;
# endif
static_assert(sizeof(SInt32) == 4, "wrong SInt32 size");
static_assert(sizeof(UInt32) == 4, "wrong UInt32 size");
static_assert(sizeof(UInt64) == 8, "wrong UInt64 size");
static_assert(sizeof(SInt64) == 8, "wrong SInt64 size");
// Attribute to make function be exported from a plugin
#define UNITY_AUDIODSP_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)
#if defined(__CYGWIN32__)
#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN64)
#elif defined(__MACH__) || defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__linux__)
#include <assert.h>
struct UnityAudioEffectState;
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_CreateCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state);
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_ReleaseCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state);
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_ResetCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state);
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_ProcessCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state, float* inbuffer, float* outbuffer, unsigned int length, int inchannels, int outchannels);
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_SetPositionCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state, unsigned int pos);
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_SetFloatParameterCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state, int index, float value);
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_GetFloatParameterCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state, int index, float* value, char *valuestr);
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_GetFloatBufferCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state, const char* name, float* buffer, int numsamples);
enum UnityAudioEffectDefinitionFlags
UnityAudioEffectDefinitionFlags_IsSideChainTarget = 1 << 0, // Does this effect need a side chain buffer and can it be targeted by a Send?
UnityAudioEffectDefinitionFlags_IsSpatializer = 1 << 1, // Should this plugin be inserted at sources and take over panning?
UnityAudioEffectDefinitionFlags_IsAmbisonicDecoder = 1 << 2, // Should this plugin be used for ambisonic decoding? Added in Unity 2017.1, with UNITY_AUDIO_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x010400.
UnityAudioEffectDefinitionFlags_AppliesDistanceAttenuation = 1 << 3, // Spatializers Only: Does this spatializer apply distance-based attenuation? Added in Unity 2017.1, with UNITY_AUDIO_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x010400.
UnityAudioEffectDefinitionFlags_NeedsSpatializerData = 1 << 4 // For effects that are not spatializers or ambisonic decoders, but want access to UnityAudioSpatializerData. AudioSource-related data will be set to default values for mixer effects. Added in Unity 2018.1, with UNITY_AUDIO_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x010402.
enum UnityAudioEffectStateFlags
UnityAudioEffectStateFlags_IsPlaying = 1 << 0, // Set when engine is in play mode. Also true while paused.
UnityAudioEffectStateFlags_IsPaused = 1 << 1, // Set when engine is paused mode.
UnityAudioEffectStateFlags_IsMuted = 1 << 2, // Set when effect is being muted (only available in the editor)
UnityAudioEffectStateFlags_IsSideChainTarget = 1 << 3, // Does this effect need a side chain buffer and can it be targeted by a Send?
// This callback can be used to override the way distance attenuation is performed on AudioSources.
// distanceIn is the distance between the source and the listener and attenuationOut is the output volume.
// attenuationIn is the volume-curve based attenuation that would have been applied by Unity if this callback were not set.
// A typical attenuation curve may look like this: *attenuationOut = 1.0f / max(1.0f, distanceIn);
// The callback may also be used to apply a secondary gain on top of the one through attenuationIn by Unity's AudioSource curve.
typedef UNITY_AUDIODSP_RESULT (UNITY_AUDIODSP_CALLBACK * UnityAudioEffect_DistanceAttenuationCallback)(UnityAudioEffectState* state, float distanceIn, float attenuationIn, float* attenuationOut);
struct UnityAudioSpatializerData
float listenermatrix[16]; // Matrix that transforms sourcepos into the local space of the listener
float sourcematrix[16]; // Transform matrix of audio source
float spatialblend; // Distance-controlled spatial blend
float reverbzonemix; // Reverb zone mix level parameter (and curve) on audio source
float spread; // Spread parameter of the audio source (0..360 degrees)
float stereopan; // Stereo panning parameter of the audio source (-1 = fully left, 1 = fully right)
UnityAudioEffect_DistanceAttenuationCallback distanceattenuationcallback; // The spatializer plugin may override the distance attenuation in order to influence the voice prioritization (leave this callback as NULL to use the built-in audio source attenuation curve)
float minDistance; // Min distance of the audio source. This value may be helpful to determine when to apply near-field effects. Added in Unity 2018.1, with UNITY_AUDIO_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x010401.
float maxDistance; // Max distance of the audio source. Added in Unity 2018.1, with UNITY_AUDIO_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x010401.
struct UnityAudioAmbisonicData
float listenermatrix[16]; // Matrix that transforms sourcepos into the local space of the listener
float sourcematrix[16]; // Transform matrix of audio source
float spatialblend; // Distance-controlled spatial blend
float reverbzonemix; // Reverb zone mix level parameter (and curve) on audio source
float spread; // Spread parameter of the audio source (0..360 degrees)
float stereopan; // Stereo panning parameter of the audio source (-1 = fully left, 1 = fully right)
UnityAudioEffect_DistanceAttenuationCallback distanceattenuationcallback; // The ambisonic decoder plugin may override the distance attenuation in order to influence the voice prioritization (leave this callback as NULL to use the built-in audio source attenuation curve)
int ambisonicOutChannels; // This tells ambisonic decoders how many output channels will actually be used.
float volume; // Volume/mute of the audio source. If the the source is muted, volume is set to 0.0; otherwise, it is set to the audio source's volume. Volume is applied after the ambisonic decoder, so this is just informational. Added in Unity 2018.1, with UNITY_AUDIO_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x010401.
struct UnityAudioEffectState
UInt32 structsize; // Size of this struct
UInt32 samplerate; // System sample rate
UInt64 currdsptick; // Pointer to a sample counter marking the start of the current block being processed
UInt64 prevdsptick; // Used for determining when DSPs are bypassed and so sidechain info becomes invalid
float* sidechainbuffer; // Side-chain buffers to read from
void* effectdata; // Internal data for the effect
UInt32 flags; // Various flags through which information can be queried from the host
void* internal; // Internal data, do not touch!
// Version 1.0 of the plugin API only contains data up to here, so perform a state->structsize >= sizeof(UnityAudioEffectState) in your code before you
// access any of this data in order to detect whether the host API is older than the plugin.
UnityAudioSpatializerData* spatializerdata; // Data for spatializers
UInt32 dspbuffersize; // Number of frames being processed per process callback. Use this to allocate temporary buffers before processing starts.
UInt32 hostapiversion; // Version of plugin API used by host
UnityAudioAmbisonicData* ambisonicdata; // Data for ambisonic plugins. Added in Unity 2017.1, with UNITY_AUDIO_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 0x010400.
unsigned char pad[80]; // This padding was historically due to PS3 SPU DMA requirements. We aren't removing it now because plugins may rely on this struct being at least this size.
#ifdef __cplusplus
template<typename T> inline T* GetEffectData() const
return (T*)effectdata;
struct UnityAudioParameterDefinition
char name[16]; // Display name on the GUI
char unit[16]; // Scientific unit of parameter to be appended after the value in textboxes
const char* description; // Description of parameter (displayed in tool tips, automatically generated documentation, etc.)
float min; // Minimum value of the parameter
float max; // Maximum value of the parameter
float defaultval; // Default and initial value of the parameter
float displayscale; // Scale factor used only for the display of parameters (i.e. 100 for a percentage value ranging from 0 to 1)
float displayexponent; // Exponent for mapping parameters to sliders
struct UnityAudioEffectDefinition
UInt32 structsize; // Size of this struct
UInt32 paramstructsize; // Size of paramdesc fields
UInt32 apiversion; // Plugin API version
UInt32 pluginversion; // Version of this plugin
UInt32 channels; // Number of channels. Effects should set this to 0 and process any number of input/output channels they get in the process callback. Generator elements should specify a >0 value here.
UInt32 numparameters; // The number of parameters exposed by this plugin.
UInt64 flags; // Various capabilities and requirements of the plugin.
char name[32]; // Name used for registration of the effect. This name will also be displayed in the GUI.
UnityAudioEffect_CreateCallback create; // The create callback is called when DSP unit is created and can be null.
UnityAudioEffect_ReleaseCallback release; // The release callback is called just before the plugin is freed and should free any data associated with this specific instance of the plugin. No further callbacks related to the instance will happen after this function has been called.
UnityAudioEffect_ResetCallback reset; // The reset callback is called by the user to bring back the plugin instance into its initial state. Use to avoid clicks or artifacts.
UnityAudioEffect_ProcessCallback process; // The processing callback is repeatedly called with a block of input audio to read from and an output block to write to.
UnityAudioEffect_SetPositionCallback setposition; // The position callback can be used for implementing seek operations.
UnityAudioParameterDefinition* paramdefs; // A pointer to the definitions of the parameters exposed by this plugin. This data pointed to must remain valid for the whole lifetime of the dynamic library (ideally it's static).
UnityAudioEffect_SetFloatParameterCallback setfloatparameter; // This is called whenever one of the exposed parameters is changed.
UnityAudioEffect_GetFloatParameterCallback getfloatparameter; // This is called to query parameter values.
UnityAudioEffect_GetFloatBufferCallback getfloatbuffer; // Get N samples of named buffer. Used for displaying analysis data from the runtime.
// This function fills in N pointers for the N effects contained in the library and returns N.
extern "C" UNITY_AUDIODSP_EXPORT_API int AUDIO_CALLING_CONVENTION UnityGetAudioEffectDefinitions(UnityAudioEffectDefinition*** descptr);
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