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import as tiled
from import fits
import numcodecs
import fsspec
import zarr
import json
import numpy as np
class MY_RICE(tiled.codecs.Rice1):
def decode(self, buf, out=None):
arr = super().decode(np.frombuffer(buf, dtype="uint8"))
if out is not None:
out[:] = arr
return out
return arr
fn = "/Users/mdurant/Downloads/aia.lev1.171A_2017-09-06T13_59_33.35Z.image_lev1.fits"
f = open(fn, "rb")
hdul =
# includes compression/table info, as opposed to .header which is rewritten to the final image specs
full_head = hdul[1]._header
n_rows = full_head["NAXIS2"]
for i in range(1, 10):
if full_head[f"ZNAME{i}"] == "BLOCKSIZE":
blocksize = full_head[f"ZVAL{i}"]
for i in range(1, 10):
if full_head[f"ZNAME{i}"] == "BYTEPIX":
bytepix = full_head[f"ZVAL{i}"]
tilesize = full_head["ZTILE1"] * full_head["ZTILE2"]
inf = hdul[1].fileinfo()["datLoc"])
table = np.frombuffer(*4*2), dtype=[("size", ">i4"), ("offset", ">i4")], count=n_rows)
data_start = f.tell()
def test_codec():
codec = tiled.codecs.Rice1(blocksize=blocksize, bytepix=bytepix, tilesize=tilesize)
for j in range(n_rows):
block0 =["size"][j])
out = codec.decode(np.frombuffer(block0, "uint8"))
assert (hdul[1].data[j] == out).all()
refs = {f"data/{i}.0": [fn, data_start + table["offset"][i], table["size"][i]]
for i in range(len(table))}
refs["data/.zarray"] = b"""
"chunks": [1, 4096],
"compressor": {"blocksize": 32, "bytepix": 2, "tilesize": 4096, "id": "FITS_RICE1"},
"filters": [],
"dtype": "<i2",
"fill_value": 0,
"order": "C",
"shape": [4096, 4096],
"zarr_format": 2
head = {}
for k in hdul[1].header:
head[k] = hdul[1].header[k]
refs["data/.zattr"] = json.dumps(head, separators=(',', ':'), indent=None).encode()
refs[".zgroup"] = b'{"zarr_format": 2}'
fs = fsspec.filesystem("reference", fo=refs)
g =
([:] == hdul[1].data).all()
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It zero pads the output array and then zarr crops it down afterwards?

Yes, we would have to do this. A normal chunk is stored whole, with the unused part normally zeros (or other default fill value), but the actually values doesn't matter. This allows for expanding the array by just rewriting the metadata.

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Cadair commented Mar 21, 2023

Ok that's interesting, and very different to the underlying way FITS stores it.

We need to make a list of desired changes to our codec implementations. I am going to loose them scattered around the place.

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