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Created November 6, 2016 17:31
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from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import io
import os
from toolz import merge
from warnings import warn
from .compression import seekable_files, files as compress_files
from .utils import SeekableFile, read_block
from ..compatibility import PY2, unicode
from ..base import tokenize
from ..delayed import delayed, Delayed, apply
from ..utils import (infer_storage_options, system_encoding,
build_name_function, infer_compression,
# delayed = delayed(pure=True)
# Global registration dictionaries for backend storage functions
# See docstrings to functions below for more information
_read_bytes = dict()
_open_files_write = dict()
_open_files = dict()
_open_text_files = dict()
def write_block_to_file(data, f):
data : data to write
Either str/bytes, or iterable producing those, or something file-like
which can be read.
f : file-like
backend-dependent file-like object
binary = 'b' in str(getattr(f, 'mode', 'b'))
if isinstance(data, (str, bytes)):
elif isinstance(data, io.IOBase):
# file-like
out = '1'
while out:
out = * 2 ** 10)
# iterable, e.g., bag contents
start = False
for d in data:
if start:
if binary:
except TypeError:
binary = False
start = True
def write_bytes(data, urlpath, name_function=None, compression=None,
encoding=None, **kwargs):
mode = 'wb' if encoding is None else 'wt'
fs, names, myopen = get_fs_paths_myopen(urlpath, compression, mode,
name_function=name_function, num=len(data),
encoding=encoding, **kwargs)
keys = ['write-block-%s' % tokenize(d.key, i, urlpath,
compression, encoding, kwargs) for (i, d) in enumerate(data)]
func = lambda d, f: write_block_to_file(d, myopen(f, mode=mode))
return [delayed(func, pure=False)(d, f, dask_key_name=k)
for d, f, k in zip(data, names, keys)]
def read_bytes(urlpath, delimiter=None, not_zero=False, blocksize=2**27,
sample=True, compression=None, **kwargs):
""" Convert path to a list of delayed values
The path may be a filename like ``'2015-01-01.csv'`` or a globstring
like ``'2015-*-*.csv'``.
The path may be preceded by a protocol, like ``s3://`` or ``hdfs://`` if
those libraries are installed.
This cleanly breaks data by a delimiter if given, so that block boundaries
start directly after a delimiter and end on the delimiter.
urlpath: string
Absolute or relative filepath, URL (may include protocols like
``s3://``), or globstring pointing to data.
delimiter: bytes
An optional delimiter, like ``b'\n'`` on which to split blocks of bytes
not_zero: force seek of start-of-file delimiter, discarding header
blocksize: int (=128MB)
Chunk size
compression: string or None
String like 'gzip' or 'xz'. Must support efficient random access.
sample: bool, int
Whether or not to return a sample from the first 10k bytes
**kwargs: dict
Extra options that make sense to a particular storage connection, e.g.
host, port, username, password, etc.
>>> sample, blocks = read_bytes('2015-*-*.csv', delimiter=b'\\n') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> sample, blocks = read_bytes('s3://bucket/2015-*-*.csv', delimiter=b'\\n') # doctest: +SKIP
10kB sample header and list of ``dask.Delayed`` objects or list of lists of
delayed objects if ``fn`` is a globstring.
fs, names, myopen = get_fs_paths_myopen(urlpath, compression, 'rb',
None, **kwargs)
sizes = [fs.size(f) for f in names]
out = []
for size, name in zip(sizes, names):
offsets = range(0, size, blocksize)
if not_zero:
offsets[0] = 1
keys = ['read-block-%s-%s-%s' % (name, offset, tokenize(
compression, offset, kwargs)) for offset in offsets]
# TODO: check fs for preferred locations of blocks here;
# and preferred blocksize?
func = lambda f, off: read_block(myopen(f, 'rb'), off, blocksize, delimiter)
out.append([delayed(func)(name, off, dask_key_name=key)
for (off, key) in zip(offsets, keys)])
if sample is not True:
nbytes = sample
nbytes = 10000
if sample:
fs, myopen = make_myopen(urlpath, compression)
sample = myopen(names[0], 'rb').read(nbytes)
return sample, out
def make_myopen(urlpath, compression=None, text=False, encoding='utf8',
errors=None, **kwargs):
""" Makes a lambda which opens a file in one of the registered backends.
urlpath: string
Absolute or relative template filepath, URL (may include protocols like
``s3://``), or globstring pointing to data.
compression: string
Compression to use. See ``dask.bytes.compression.files`` for options.
text: bool [False]
If not binary, file object will be wrapped with a textwrapper
encoding: string
If in text mode, the encoding to use
errors: string or None
To pass to TextIOWrapper, if using
**kwargs: dict
Extra options that make sense to a particular storage connection, e.g.
host, port, username, password, etc.
>>> files = open_files('2015-*-*.csv') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> files = open_files('s3://bucket/2015-*-*.csv.gz', compression='gzip') # doctest: +SKIP
List of ``dask.delayed`` objects that compute to file-like objects
if compression == 'infer':
compression = infer_compression(urlpath)
if compression is not None and compression not in compress_files:
raise ValueError("Compression type %s not supported" % compression)
storage_options = infer_storage_options(urlpath,
protocol = storage_options.pop('protocol')
fs = _filesystems[protocol](**storage_options)
myopen = lambda path, mode: opener(, path, compression, mode,
text, encoding)
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown protocol %s (%s)" %
(protocol, urlpath))
return fs, myopen
def open_files(urlpath, compression=None, mode='rb', encoding='utf8',
errors=None, name_function=None, num=1, **kwargs):
""" Given path return dask.delayed file-like objects
urlpath: string
Absolute or relative filepath, URL (may include protocols like
``s3://``), or globstring pointing to data.
compression: string
Compression to use. See ``dask.bytes.compression.files`` for options.
mode: 'rb', 'wt', etc.
encoding: str
For text mode only
errors: None or str
Passed to TextIOWrapper in text mode
name_function: function or None
if opening a set of files for writing, those files do not yet exist,
so we need to generate their names by formatting the urlpath for
each sequence number
num: int [1]
if writing mode, number of files we expect to create (passed to
**kwargs: dict
Extra options that make sense to a particular storage connection, e.g.
host, port, username, password, etc.
>>> files = open_files('2015-*-*.csv') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> files = open_files('s3://bucket/2015-*-*.csv.gz', compression='gzip') # doctest: +SKIP
List of ``dask.delayed`` objects that compute to file-like objects
fs, paths, myopen = get_fs_paths_myopen(urlpath, compression, mode,
encoding=encoding, num=num,
if 'w' in mode:
return [delayed(myopen, pure=False)(path, mode) for path in
keys = ["open-file-%s-%s" % (p, tokenize(urlpath, compression, mode,
encoding, errors, fs.ukey(p))) for p in paths]
return [delayed(myopen)(path, mode, dask_key_name=key) for (path, key) in
zip(paths, keys)]
def get_fs_paths_myopen(urlpath, compression, mode, encoding='utf8',
num=1, name_function=None, **kwargs):
if isinstance(urlpath, str):
fs, myopen = make_myopen(urlpath, compression, text='b' not in mode,
encoding=encoding, **kwargs)
if 'w' in mode:
if num > 1 or "*" in urlpath:
paths = _expand_paths(urlpath, name_function, num)
paths = [urlpath]
elif "*" in urlpath:
paths = fs.glob(urlpath, **kwargs)
paths = [urlpath]
fs, myopen = make_myopen(urlpath[0], compression, text='b' not in mode,
encoding='utf8', **kwargs)
paths = urlpath
return fs, paths, myopen
def open_text_files(urlpath, compression=None, mode='rb', encoding='utf8',
errors='strict', **kwargs):
""" Given path return dask.delayed file-like objects in text mode
urlpath: string
Absolute or relative filepath, URL (may include protocols like
``s3://``), or globstring pointing to data.
encoding: string
errors: string
compression: string
Compression to use. See ``dask.bytes.compression.files`` for options.
**kwargs: dict
Extra options that make sense to a particular storage connection, e.g.
host, port, username, password, etc.
>>> files = open_text_files('2015-*-*.csv', encoding='utf-8') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> files = open_text_files('s3://bucket/2015-*-*.csv') # doctest: +SKIP
List of ``dask.delayed`` objects that compute to text file-like objects
return open_files(urlpath, compression, mode.replace('b', 't'), encoding,
def opener(myopen, path, compression, mode, text, encoding):
mode = mode.replace('t', '').replace('b', '') + 'b'
f = f2 = f3 = f4 = myopen(path, mode=mode)
CompressFile = merge(seekable_files, compress_files)[compression]
if PY2:
f2 = SeekableFile(f)
f3 = CompressFile(f2)
if text:
f4 = io.TextIOWrapper(f3, encoding=encoding)
f4 = f3
def closer(closers=[f4.close, f3.close, f2.close, f.close]):
[_() for _ in closers]
f4.close = closer
return f4
def _expand_paths(path, name_function, num):
if isinstance(path, (str, unicode)):
if path.count('*') > 1:
raise ValueError("Output path spec must contain at most one '*'.")
if name_function is None:
name_function = build_name_function(num - 1)
if '*' not in path:
path = os.path.join(path, '*.part')
formatted_names = [name_function(i) for i in range(num)]
if formatted_names != sorted(formatted_names):
warn("In order to preserve order between partitions "
"name_function must preserve the order of its input")
paths = [path.replace('*', name_function(i))
for i in range(num)]
elif isinstance(path, (tuple, list, set)):
assert len(path) == num
paths = path
raise ValueError("""Path should be either"
1. A list of paths -- ['foo.json', 'bar.json', ...]
2. A directory -- 'foo/
3. A path with a * in it -- 'foo.*.json'""")
return paths
def ensure_protocol(protocol):
if (protocol not in ('s3', 'hdfs') and ((protocol in _read_bytes) or
(protocol in _open_files))):
if protocol == 's3':
"Need to install `s3fs` library for s3 support\n"
" conda install s3fs -c conda-forge\n"
" or\n"
" pip install s3fs")
elif protocol == 'hdfs':
msg = ("Need to install `distributed` and `hdfs3` "
"for HDFS support\n"
" conda install distributed hdfs3 -c conda-forge")
import_required('distributed.hdfs', msg)
import_required('hdfs3', msg)
raise ValueError("Unknown protocol %s" % protocol)
class TemplateFileSytem(object):
"""API spec for the methods a filesystem
A filesystem must provide these methods, if it is to be registered as
a backend for dask.
sep = '/' # path separator
def __init__(self, **storage_options):
storage_options: key-value
May be credentials, or other configuration specific to the backend.
def glob(self, path):
"""For a template path, return matching files"""
def mkdirs(self, path):
"""Make any intermediate directories to make path writable"""
def open(self, path, mode='rb', **kwargs):
"""Make a file-like object
mode: string
normally "rb" or "wb", but may accept "ab" or other.
kwargs: key-value
Any other parameters, such as buffer size. May be better to set
these on the filesystem instance, to apply to all files created by
def ukey(self, path):
"""Unique identifier, so we can tell if a file changed"""
def size(self, path):
"""Size in bytes of the file at path"""
_filesystems = dict()
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