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Parse plain FILE(s) and load them into TLS206_ASCII PATSTAT table
# =============================================================================
# tls206_ascii configuration file
# =============================================================================
# run 'tls206_ascii --man' for details
# =============================================================================
# Database options
name = dbname
host =
port = 3306
user = dbuser
pass = dbpass
table = tls206_ascii
# Connection over ssh tunnel
# Uncomment for setup
#server =
#port = 22
#user =
#pass =
# Fixed fields ranges = offset;length
prof_person_id = 0;9
prof_doc_sn_id = 9;9
prof_appln_id = 18;9
prof_wk_country = 27;7
prof_wk_number = 34;10
prof_wk_kind = 44;2
prof_source = 46;4
prof_a_i_flag = 50;1
prof_seq_nr = 51;4
prof_country = 55;2
prof_nationality = 57;2
persons_in_residence = 59;2
persons_in_uspto_role = 61;2
# Length fields ranges = offset;length
prof_last_name = 63;3
prof_first_name = 66;3
prof_middle_names = 69;3
prof_street = 72;3
prof_city = 75;3
prof_state = 78;3
prof_zip_code = 81;3
# Variable field = offset;0
prof_name_addr = 84;0
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `TLS206_ASCII`
`prof_person_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`prof_doc_sn_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`prof_appln_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`prof_wk_country` char(2) NOT NULL,
`prof_wk_number` text NOT NULL,
`prof_wk_kind` text NOT NULL,
`prof_source` text NOT NULL,
`prof_a_i_flag` text NOT NULL,
`prof_seq_nr` text NOT NULL,
`prof_country` text NOT NULL,
`prof_nationality` text NOT NULL,
`persons_in_residence` text NOT NULL,
`persons_in_uspto_role` text NOT NULL,
`prof_last_name` text NOT NULL,
`prof_first_name` text NOT NULL,
`prof_middle_names` text NOT NULL,
`prof_street` text NOT NULL,
`prof_city` text NOT NULL,
`prof_state` text NOT NULL,
`prof_zip_code` text NOT NULL,
`prof_name_addr` text NOT NULL
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# =============================================================================
# tls206_ascii - Parse plain FILE(s) and load them into TLS206_ASCII PATSTAT table.
# Author : Cristian Martinez <>
# License: GNU General Public License Version 3 or later
# =============================================================================
use strict; # Pragma to restrict unsafe constructs
use warnings; # Pragma to control optional warnings
# =============================================================================
#use lib 'lib'; # Use to manipulate @INC at compile time
# =============================================================================
use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load];# Looking up module information
use Pod::Usage; # Print usage msg from embedded pod doc
use File::Basename; # Parse file paths into dir, name and suffix.
# =============================================================================
use utf8; # Enables to type utf8 in program code
use open IN => ':encoding(iso-8859-1)'; # Input stream legacy ascii 8859 Latin 1
use open OUT => ':encoding(utf8)'; # Output stream legacy utf8
use open ':std'; # STDIN(iso-8859-1), STDOUT(utf8), STDERR(utf8)
# =============================================================================
use AppConfig qw(:argcount); # Reading conf files and parsing arguments
use AppConfig::Args; # Reading command line arguments
use Data::Dumper; # Stringified perl data structures
use DBI; # Database independent interface for Perl
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); # Returns true if EXPR is a number
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Environment
# =============================================================================
my $config; # setup configuration environment
my $template; # for use within unpack function
my $field_boundary; # field line boundray
my @fields; # fields names to distinguish parsing
my $sql_statement; # sql insert statement
my $dbh; # database handle object
my $sth; # statement handle object
my $ssh2;
my $channel;
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Constants
# =============================================================================
use constant PROG_VER => '1.1'; # Program version
use constant CONF_FILE => 'config.ini'; # Configuration file
use constant UNTIL_EOL => '*'; # Until end of line symbol
use constant STD_INPUT => '-'; # Read from standard input
use constant OUT_TYPE => ['db','csv','sql']; # Types of outputs
use constant DEF_OUT => OUT_TYPE->[0]; # Default output
use constant DEF_HOST => '' ; # Default host
use constant DEF_PORT => '3306'; # Default port
use constant DEF_USER => 'root'; # Default user
use constant DEF_PASS => ''; # Default password
use constant DEF_TABLE => 'tls206_ascii'; # Default table
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# init
# =============================================================================
sub init() {
# place init code here
# =============================================================================
# check_file
# =============================================================================
sub check_file{
my $varname = shift;
my $file = shift;
# get filename without path
my $basename = basename($file);
# test is stdin
return 1 if($file eq STD_INPUT);
# test directory
error("'%s' is a directory.",$file) if (-d $file);
# test exist
error("File '%s' does not exist.",$basename) unless(-e $file);
# test readable
error("Cannot read '%s' file.",$basename) unless(-r $file);
# nonzero size
error("File '%s' is empty.",$basename) unless(-s $file);
# test plain-format
error("File '%s' format is not valid.",$basename) unless(-T $file);
# return true
return 1;
# =============================================================================
# show_config
# =============================================================================
sub show_config{
my $value; # current value of a variable
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; # don't output string '$VAR'
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; # spews output without any newlines
my %varlist = $config->varlist('.*'); # get all confuration options
foreach my $varname (sort keys %varlist){ # sort and print names and values
$value = Dumper $config->get($varname); # capture readable var structure
$varname =~ s/^field_(fix|len|var)_//; # remove some variables prefix
printf "%-27s%s\n", $varname, $value; # print padded info to stdout
exit 2; # exit with error 2
# =============================================================================
# show_version
# =============================================================================
sub show_version(){
my $program = basename($0); # set program name to script name
printf "$program version %s\n",PROG_VER;
exit 0;
# =============================================================================
# error
# =============================================================================
sub error {
my $format = shift; # format of message
my @args = @_; # arguments
my $program = basename($0); # set program name to script name
if(scalar(@args) > 0){
printf STDERR "$program : " . $format . "\n" , @_;
printf STDERR "$program : " . "%s" . "\n" , $format;
db_connection_close(); # l
ssh_tunnel_close(); # l
# exit with error
# =============================================================================
# get_range(str_range)
# return (offset,length)
# =============================================================================
sub get_range($) {
return split(/;/, shift, 2); # split line by ';' max 2 values
# =============================================================================
# create_parsing_template()
# =============================================================================
sub create_parsing_template() {
my $offset; #
my $length; #
my $lastpos = 0; #
# get all "^field_*" variables
my %field_ranges = ($config->varlist("^field_",1));
if(scalar keys %field_ranges == 0){
error("Your configuration file has no [field_] sections, ".
"For instructions, type: 'tls206_ascii --man'.");
# read parse ranges through fields generating a unpack template and
# pushing names to the fields array
foreach my $value (sort { (get_range($field_ranges{$a}))[0] <=>
(get_range($field_ranges{$b}))[0] }
keys %field_ranges)
# split offset and length for parse range
($offset,$length) = get_range($field_ranges{$value});
# Test if offset is valid
if(!(defined($offset)) || length($offset) == 0 || !(looks_like_number($offset))){
error("The offset of the field '$value' is invalid or was not provided.");
# Test if length is valid
if(!(defined($length)) || length($length) == 0 || !(looks_like_number($length))){
error("The length of the field '$value' is invalid or was not provided.");
# Test if parse range is valid
if($offset != $lastpos){
error("There was no information to parse the range : [$lastpos;".
($offset-$lastpos) ."]\n" . "Please add it to your configuration file.");
# update last position in range
$lastpos = $offset + $length;
# push field name to fields array
# create template to use within 'unpack' function, this improves the
# speed in relation to use 'substr' function
$template .= "A" . (($length != 0) ? $length : UNTIL_EOL) . " ";
# store field boundary
$field_boundary = $lastpos;
# =============================================================================
# parse_line_values(str_line, str_template, href_fields)
# =============================================================================
sub parse_line_values($){
my $line = shift; # line to parsing
my $offset = 0; # string offset to pasing variable field
my $length; # string length to pasing variable field
chomp($line); # remove any newline character
my @values = unpack($template, $line); # parse line based in template
my $vfield = $values[$#values]; # variable field is the last in array
my $lenvfd = length($vfield); # length of variable field
# traverse values to remove leading/trailing spaces and parse variable field
for my $i (0..$#values){
$values[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading spaces
$values[$i] =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces
# parse variable field based in her field length
if($fields[$i] =~ /^len_/ ){
$length = scalar($values[$i]);
$length = ($length + $offset) <= $lenvfd ?
$length : $lenvfd - $offset; # warning this !
$values[$i] = $length > 0 ? substr($vfield, $offset, $length) : "";
$values[$i] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading spaces
$values[$i] =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces
$offset = $offset + $length; # update offset
# maybe is best to remove here the spaces using a map
return @values;
# =============================================================================
# process_argfiles()
# =============================================================================
sub process_argfiles {
# if there are more arguments to be processed
if(scalar(@ARGV) > 0){
# treat last arguments as filenames
# each step remove a filename from @ARGV
while (my $arg = shift @ARGV) {
# try to expand the filename, e.g."*.txt"
my @filelist = glob($arg);
# if glob expansion does not match any file
if(scalar(@filelist) == 0){
# intentionally raising an error to exit
# add each file to filelist using config environment
# filelist() automatically call check_file() function
foreach my $file (@filelist) {
# finally put all expanded filenames back in argv
@ARGV = map {$_} @{$config->filelist()};
if(-t STDIN and not @ARGV){
error("No files were selected, try --help to show options");
# =============================================================================
# setup_configuration()
# =============================================================================
sub setup_configuration() {
$config = AppConfig->new( { #
CASE => 1, #
PEDANTIC => 1, #
ERROR => \&error, #
CREATE => '^(field_|ssh)', # auto-create 'field_' and 'ssh' section options
GLOBAL => { #
DEFAULT => "<undef>", #
# define
$config->define("filelist|f|file=s@" ,{ VALIDATE => \&check_file } );
$config->define("help|?!" ,{ DEFAULT => 0 } );
$config->define("host|h|database_host=s" ,{ DEFAULT => DEF_HOST } );
$config->define("man|m!" ,{ DEFAULT => 0 } );
$config->define("output|o=s" ,{ DEFAULT => DEF_OUT } );
$config->define("password|p|database_pass=s" ,{ DEFAULT => DEF_PASS } );
$config->define("port|P|database_port=s" ,{ DEFAULT => DEF_PORT } );
$config->define("show-config|S|show!" ,{ DEFAULT => 0 } );
$config->define("table|t|database_table=s" ,{ DEFAULT => DEF_TABLE} );
$config->define("user|u|database_user=s" ,{ DEFAULT => DEF_USER } );
$config->define("version|V!" ,{ DEFAULT => 0 } );
# =============================================================================
# process_options()
# =============================================================================
sub process_options {
$config->file(CONF_FILE); # load conf from file
my $arg_count = scalar(@ARGV); # count args
$config->getopt(qw(no_ignore_case)) ; # load conf from @ARGV
show_version() if( $config->version); # show program version
show_config() if( $config->show); # show configuration
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if( $config->man); # show manual
pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if(($config->help) || # show help
(-t STDIN and not $arg_count)); # reading from stdin?
process_argfiles(); # save the remaining arguments as filenames
# =============================================================================
# output_db()
# =============================================================================
sub output_db($) {
my $values = shift;
eval {$sth->execute(@{$values});};
# raise warn if problem
if ($@) {
printf STDERR "Warning : $@";
# =============================================================================
# output_csv()
# =============================================================================
sub output_csv($) {
my $values = shift;
print "'" . join("','", @{$values}) . "'" . "\n";
return 1;
# =============================================================================
# output_sql()
# =============================================================================
sub output_sql($) {
my $values = shift;
print $sql_statement . " VALUES ('" . join("','", @{$values}) . "');" . "\n";
return 1;
# =============================================================================
# output()
# =============================================================================
sub output($) {
my $values = shift;
# db
if($config->output eq OUT_TYPE->[0]){
return output_db($values);
# csv
if($config->output eq OUT_TYPE->[1]){
return output_csv($values);
# sql
if($config->output eq OUT_TYPE->[2]){
return output_sql($values);
# =============================================================================
# process_files()
# =============================================================================
sub process_files {
my @values;
while (<>) {
my $line = $_;
my $fields_count = scalar(@fields);
if(defined($line) && length($line) >= $field_boundary){
@values = parse_line_values($line);
if(scalar(@values) == $fields_count){
# =============================================================================
# ssh_tunnel_close()
# Tunnel a TCP connection through an SSH session
# =============================================================================
sub ssh_tunnel_close(){
$channel->close() if(defined($channel));
$ssh2->disconnect() if(defined($ssh2));
# =============================================================================
# ssh_tunnel_create()
# Tunnel a TCP connection through an SSH session
# =============================================================================
sub ssh_tunnel_create{
unless(can_load( modules => {'Net::SSH2' => undef} )) {
error("You need Module Net::SSH2 to connect through a SSH session");
$ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new(trace => -1);
error("Could not connect to $!");
$ssh2->auth_password("password", "password");
error("failed to authenticate with server");
$channel = $ssh2->tcpip('', 3306, '', 3306);
error("Could not connect to");
# must use non-blocking IO hereafter due to the current libssh2 API
# =============================================================================
# db_connection_create()
# =============================================================================
sub db_connection_create(){
# db or sql
if($config->output eq OUT_TYPE->[0] ||
$config->output eq OUT_TYPE->[2]){
# ssh_tunnel_create();
# create sql insert statement
$sql_statement = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s.%s (",
$config->database, $config->table);
$sql_statement .= join(",", @fields) . ")" ;
$sql_statement =~ s/(fix|len|var)_//g;
# db connection and sql statement preparation
if($config->output eq OUT_TYPE->[0]){
my $drive = sprintf("dbi:%s:database=%s;host=%s;port=%s", "mysql",
$config->database, $config->host, $config->port);
my $dbargs = { mysql_enable_utf8 => 1, # UTF-8 flag for all text strings
RaiseError => 1, # not die if something goes wrong
PrintError => 0 # turn off warns on an error
# DBI->trace( 1 ); # uncomment for debug
# try to connect
eval {
$dbh = DBI->connect( # connect to database
$drive, # drive
$config->user, # no user
$config->password, # no password
$dbargs # arguments
# raise if error exists
if ($@) {
# check if table exists
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, $config->table);
my $info = $sth->fetchall_hashref("TABLE_NAME");
unless(exists $info->{$config->table}){
error("Table '%s.%s' doesn't exist", $config->database, $config->table);
# ToDo : check if fields exists
$sql_statement .= sprintf(" VALUES (%s?)", "?," x $#fields);
$sth= $dbh->prepare(qq{$sql_statement}); # prepare
# =============================================================================
# db_connection_close()
# =============================================================================
sub db_connection_close{
$dbh->disconnect() if(defined($dbh));
# =============================================================================
# Main program
# =============================================================================
init(); # initialize variables
setup_configuration(); # setup configuration environment
process_options(); # process options and command line arguments
create_parsing_template(); # create a string template for parsing
db_connection_create(); # init db connection
process_files(); # process each file line by line
db_connection_close(); # close db connection
exit(0); # exit with success
# =============================================================================
=head1 NAME
tls206_ascii - Parse plain FILE(s) and load them into I<'TLS206_ASCII'> PATSTAT table.
=head1 USAGE
B<tls206_ascii> [OPTION]... [FILE]...
-D, --database=name database to use
-f, --filelist=list list of files to parse and load
-?, --help display a help message and exit
-h, --host=name connect to host
-m, --man display the manual page and exits
-o, --output=type type of output : db, csv or sql
-p, --password=name password to use when connecting to server
-P, --port=# port number to use for connection
-S --show-config display active configuration variables and exit
-t, --table=name overrides default 'TLS206_ASCII' table name
-u, --user=name user for login
-V, --version show program version string and exit
Default options are read from config.ini file. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
For more information about this tool run with --man option.
PATSTAT, is the EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database, with worldwide
coverage. It contains more than 20 tables with bibliographic data, citations
and family links of about 70 million applications of more than 80 countries.
B<This program> will read the given input iso-8859-1 file(s), usually named as
F<tls206_ascii_part_01.txt>, F<tls206_ascii_part_02.txt>, ... and parses each
line to load into 'TLS206_ASCII' PATSTAT table.
For PATSTAT version 14.24 you can free download F<> from
L<EPO website|>.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item . B<--database=db_name, -D db_name>
The database to use. This is useful primarily in the option file.
=item . B<--filelist=file_list, -f file_list>
Files to parse and load into I<'TLS206_ASCII'> PATSTAT table.
=item . B<--help, -?>
Display a help message and exit.
=item . B<--host=host_name, -h host_name>
Connect to the server on the given host.
=item . B<--man, -m>
Disaply the manual page and exits.
=item . B<--output={db|csv|sql}, -o>
Lorem ipsum
=over 8
=item B<db>
Connecto to
=item B<csv>
Produce CSV statements to stdout.
=item B<sql>
Produce auto-generate SQL INSERT statements to stdout.
=item . B<--password=password, -p password>
The password to use when connecting to the server. Specifying a password on the
command line should be considered insecure. You can use F<config.ini> to avoid
giving the password on the command line.
=item . B<--port=port_num, -P port_num>
The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection.
=item . B<--show-config, -S>
Display active configuration variables and exit.
=item . B<--table=table_name, -t table_name>
Overrides default 'TLS206_ASCII' table name.
=item . B<--user=user_name, -u user_name>
The user name to use when connecting to the server.
=item . B<--version, -V>
Show version information and exit.
=over 8
=item B<tls206_ascii> tls206_ascii_*.txt
Load tls206_ascii_*.txt files into database_table.
=item zcat tls206_ascii_part0*.gz | B<tls206_ascii>
uncompressed tls206_ascii_part0*.gz data on standard output and pass to B<tls206_ascii>
The F<config.ini> file
=head2 B<[database]> Database connection section
=over 8
=item . B<name>
The database to use.
=item . B<host>
Connect to the server on the given host.
=item . B<port>
The TCP/IP port number to use.
=item . B<user>
The user name to use.
=item . B<pass>
The password to use.
=item . B<table>
Overrides default 'TLS206_ASCII' table name.
=head2 B<[field_*]> Column name and parse range sections
These sections indicates both the name and parse rank of each of field.
| A | B | C | D | E |F| G || I |J|K|L|M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| ...U... |
0 9 18 27 34 44 46 50 55 59 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 EOL
=head3 B<[field_fix]> Fixed fields section
=over 8
=item . (A) B<prof_person_id [0;9]>
=item . (B) B<prof_doc_sn_id [9;9]>
=item . (C) B<prof_appln_id [18;9]>
=item . (D) B<prof_wk_country [27;7]>
=item . (E) B<prof_wk_number [34;10]>
=item . (F) B<prof_wk_kind [44;2]>
=item . (G) B<prof_source [46;4]>
=item . (H) B<prof_a_i_flag [50;1]>
=item . (I) B<prof_seq_nr [51;4]>
=item . (J) B<prof_country [55;2]>
=item . (K) B<prof_nationality [57;2]>
=item . (L) B<persons_in_residence [59;2]>
=item . (M) B<persons_in_uspto_role [61;2]>
=head3 B<[field_len]> Length fields section
=over 8
=item . (N) B<prof_last_name [63;3]>
=item . (O) B<prof_first_name [66;3]>
=item . (P) B<prof_middle_names [69;3]>
=item . (Q) B<prof_street [72;3]>
=item . (R) B<prof_city [75;3]>
=item . (S) B<prof_state [78;3]>
=item . (T) B<prof_zip_code [81;3]>
=head3 B<[field_var]> Variable field section
=over 8
=item . (U) B<prof_name_addr [84;0]>
=head1 TLS206_ASCII
Before running this program, please make sure that I<'TLS206_ASCII'> table
exists. If necessary, an example of SQL instruction for create it is:
`prof_person_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`prof_doc_sn_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`prof_appln_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`prof_wk_country` char(2) NOT NULL,
`prof_wk_number` text NOT NULL,
`prof_wk_kind` text NOT NULL,
`prof_source` text NOT NULL,
`prof_a_i_flag` text NOT NULL,
`prof_seq_nr` text NOT NULL,
`prof_country` text NOT NULL,
`prof_nationality` text NOT NULL,
`persons_in_residence` text NOT NULL,
`persons_in_uspto_role` text NOT NULL,
`prof_last_name` text NOT NULL,
`prof_first_name` text NOT NULL,
`prof_middle_names` text NOT NULL,
`prof_street` text NOT NULL,
`prof_city` text NOT NULL,
`prof_state` text NOT NULL,
`prof_zip_code` text NOT NULL,
`prof_name_addr` text NOT NULL
You can map the names of columns by modifying F<config.ini> file.
See L<CONFIGURATION> for more information on configuration variable values.
The libssh2 library is required by ssh conections. If you don't have it, you can
download it from L<>; you may also need OpenSSL, which can be
obtained from L<>.
Debian/Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install libssh-dev libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev
To do so you need to forward a port on your local machine (3307) to port 3306 on
the server which hosts your database. The UNIX ssh syntax for that would be:
ssh -TNL 3307:host.with.database:3306 sshuser@server.with.ssh -p port
If you're using Windows, download I<plink> and use the same syntax as above,
substituting "ssh" by "plink". L<>
Having done this you must specify "-h -p 3007"
=head1 AUTHOR
Cristian Martinez, E<lt>martinec-at-esiee.frE<gt>
This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later
L<>. This is free software: you are free to change
and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
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