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Last active May 17, 2017 08:08
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17790 : AC: Prototype automation of one off jobs for trident deploys
DECLARE @InvocationData VARCHAR(500)
SET @InvocationData = '{"Type":"Lightstone.Trident.Api.Jobs.ElasticSearchRebuildIndexes, Lightstone.Trident.Api, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null","Method":"RebuildIndexes","ParameterTypes":"[]","Arguments":"[]"}'
INSERT into [HangFire].[Job] (StateId, StateName, InvocationData, Arguments, CreatedAt, ExpireAt) values (NULL, 'Enqueued', @InvocationData,'[]', GETUTCDATE(), NULL)
DECLARE @JobId int
select @JobId=id from [HangFire].[Job] where statename = 'Enqueued' and invocationdata = @InvocationData and StateId is null
INSERT into [HangFire].[State] ( JobId, Name, Reason, CreatedAt, Data) values
( @JobId, 'Enqueued', NULL, GETUTCDATE(), '{"EnqueuedAt":"' + (CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETUTCDATE(), 120))+'","Queue":"default"}')
DECLARE @StateId int
SELECT @StateId = id from [HangFire].[State] Where JobId = @JobId
UPDATE [HangFire].[Job] SET StateId = @StateId where Id = @JobId
INSERT INTO [HangFire].[JobQueue] (JobId, Queue) VALUES (@JobId, 'default')
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